Data Center Standards

University Information
Technology Services
System Assurance Group
This document outlines Indiana University Data Center guidelines and standards, including
equipment installations, data center access, and operational procedures.
Table of Contents
1. Requesting installation
1.1 Space request
2. Acquisition guidelines
2.1 Rack mounted devices
2.2 Equipment specifications
2.3 Power
2.4 Receiving and placement
2.5 Equipment arrival notification
3. Equipment installation
3.1 Data Center staging area
3.2 Cabinet design
3.3 Cabinet/Rack
3.4 Network connectivity and firewall configuration
3.5 Internal cabinet wiring
3.6 Cabling
3.7 UPS
3.8 KVM solutions
3.9 Hardware identification
3.10 Disposal of refuse
3.11 Combustible and flammable material
3.12 Installation review
3.13 Negotiations
3.14 Replacement parts
4. Equipment removal
5. Operations procedures
5.1 Data Center access
5.2 Equipment registration
5.3 Essential information
5.4 Change Management
5.5 Monitoring tools
5.6 Security
5.7 System backups
5.8 Data Center tours
Last updated April 25, 2011
All UITS staff and external departmental staff who have equipment responsibilities in
the Data Centers should accept the terms and responsibilities outlined in this document.
1. Requesting installation
1.1 Space request: Prior to your submitting a proposal for new equipment, you’ll need
to begin initial discussions regarding machine room space. Once you submit a machine
room space request form, the System Assurance Group (SAG) will schedule a meeting.
The SAG includes the following participants: the UITS Operations Manager, a
representative from UITS Facilities, a representative from Networks, and the system
administrator and/or system owner. The purpose of the SAG meeting is to address
environmental issues (i.e., equipment BTU and power specifications), space, and floor
location. The floor location may be determined based on environmental data.
2. Acquisition Guidelines
2.1 Rack mounted devices: Ensure that you’re purchasing rack mounted equipment -everything needs to be either mounted in the rack or in its own proprietary cabinet (as
opposed to free standing). The Operations Manager must approve any exceptions.
2.2 Equipment specifications: Upon making your equipment selections, send the vendor
specification sheet to
2.3 Power: Request power for each device from the electrical engineer. Power requests
will be handled as follows:
IUPUI: Two rack-mounted cabinet distribution units (CDU) will be installed in each
standard rack. These CDUs utilize 208V IEC C13 and C19 outlets. Your hardware will
need to operate at 208V and have the proper power cords. Installation of CDUs can
take up to a month, so please request power as early as possible. For non-standard or
proprietary racks, twist-lock receptacles shall be provided under the floor for connection
of user-supplied CDUs.
IUB Data Center: In order to maintain Uptime Institute Tier III requirements, two rackmounted CDUs fed from different power sources will be supplied in each rack. In order
to assist with load balancing, you should purchase hardware with 208V IEC C13 or C19
plugs whenever possible. Please do not plug hardware into any receptacle without
authorization of the electrical engineer.
2.4 Receiving and placement: When large, heavy equipment is involved, you’ll need to
make arrangements for receiving the order. It is also your responsibility to arrange for
the equipment to be moved to the proper place in the machine room. In emergency
situations, the Operations staff will act as the contact and receive equipment/parts after
normal dock hours.
2.5 Equipment arrival notification: Receiving dock personnel will notify you of
equipment arrival (unless otherwise arranged).
3. Equipment installation
3.1 Data Center staging area:
IUPUI: There is very little to no staging area outside of the machine room, so you’ll need
to use the machine room space to uncrate/unpack and prepare equipment for
installation – and you’ll need to move/install all items to their intended location within
two weeks. If for some reason you cannot do so within this time period, please make
other arrangements through UITS Facilities or Operations. (This will not guarantee other
storage locations.)
IUB Data Center: A staging area for equipment is located just off the dock. This space is
for uncrating/unpacking and preparing equipment for installation. This area is only for
temporary storage – you have two weeks to move/install all items to their intended
location. If for some reason you cannot do so within this time period, please make other
arrangements through UITS Facilities or Operations. (This will not guarantee other
storage locations.)
3.2 Cabinet design: Unless the server manufacturer specifically dictates the equipment
must be housed in their proprietary cabinet, all servers will be installed in the standard
cabinets provided by Operations. You’ll need to submit proof of vendor proprietary
cabinet requirements to SAG. Such cabinets should have front, back, and side panels.
Unless someone is working in the unit, cabinet doors must remain closed.
3.3 Cabinet/Rack: Operations will label the cabinet (both front and rear) with the
unique floor grid location and with the power circuit serving that unit.
Equipment spacing within the cabinet/rack should allow appropriate airflow for proper
cooling. Blanking panels will need to be installed to fill in all vacant rack space.
All cabinets will have network switches installed at the top of the cabinet to provide
10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet connections into the data center switching infrastructure.
(10000 Mbps available and priced on an individual request) All public and private
Ethernet connections are provided by UITS unless very special circumstances are
reviewed and approved by Network Engineering and Campus Network Infrastructure.
3.4 Network connectivity and firewall configuration: System administrators installing
new servers in the Machine Rooms must request network connectivity via the following
machine room network request form.
In addition, all servers must be behind the Machine Room firewalls. Provide firewall
configuration requests via the firewall request form.
(Note: ALL switches in the Data Center will be managed by Campus Network
Infrastructure. System administrators are not allowed to manage their own switches).
3.5 Internal cabinet wiring: Internal cabinet wiring should follow rack cabinet
management standards. Cables should be neatly tied back out of the way. All cables
should be properly labeled so they can be easily identified. Refer to TIA/EIA-942
Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers, section 5.11; a copy is available in the
Operations Center.
3.6 Cabling: All data cabling under the floor, including SAN and Ethernet, must by
installed by CNI (Campus Network Infrastructure) in a cable tray. Collocated cabinets
will follow normal standards with installation by CNI as outlined above. Both ends of the
cable should be labeled and tagged for proper identification. Refer to TIA/EIA-942
Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers, section 7.5; a copy is available in the
Operations Center.
3.7 UPS: NO rack mounted uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) will be allowed. The
Enterprise Data Centers will provide backup power.
3.8 KVM solutions: Rack mounted monitors and keyboard trays are required.
3.9 Hardware identification: Supply Operations with the appropriate fully qualified
server names, and they will label all equipment within the cabinets so that hardware is
easily identifiable. You will need prior approval from the Operations Manager and
Communications Office to display any signage.
3.10 Disposal of refuse: The person/team installing the device is responsible for the
disposal of all refuse (cardboard, styrofoam, plastic, pallets, etc.). Please see that you
remove any refuse – and, if possible, recycle any cardboard – from the IUPUI machine
room and IUB Data Center staging area on a daily basis.
3.11 Combustible and flammable material: Please do not leave combustible materials
in the machine rooms – such materials include cardboard, wood, and plastic, as well as
manuals and books. This also prohibits the use of wooden tables/shelves.
3.12 Review installation: The person requesting installation should arrange with the
Operations Manager for a final review of equipment installation, to ensure that
appropriate policies and procedures are implemented before the equipment becomes
production ready.
3.13 Negotiations: Any negotiations and exceptions must be arranged between the
system owners and the Operations Manager, and approved by the Director of Enterprise
Infrastructure and the relevant director or officer of the area involved.
3.14 Replacement parts: All onsite replacement parts should be stored in a storage
cabinet or on storage shelves in the storeroom (e.g., for use by service vendors such as
IBM or Service Express). Make any necessary storage arrangements with Facilities or the
Operations Manager.
4. Equipment removal
4.1 When a new system is replacing a pre-existing machine, the old system must be
properly decommissioned via the Change Management process. Submit a request to CNI
for the removal of firewall rules for machines that are decommissioned.4.2 Removal of
old hardware must be coordinated with the UITS Facilities Manager and follow all
appropriate policy, standards, and guidelines relating to data destruction, wiring
removal, and component disposition.
4.3 Please be sure to include all of the appropriate capital asset transfers.
4.4 The cost of removal is borne by the owner, and all equipment must be removed no
later than 30 days after it has been decommissioned. Exceptions to the 30 day removal
period require approval by Facilities or the Operations Managers.
5. Operations procedures
5.1 Data Center access: Due to the sensitive nature of the data and computing systems
maintained within its facilities, security and access are important aspects of the
OVPIT/UITS environment. In most cases, the university is contractually and legally
obligated to limit access to only those who have IT responsibilities requiring frequent
Security cameras are located throughout OVPIT/UITS buildings. These cameras record
footage for follow-up in the case of a security incident. They also provide an effective
deterrence function in the safe operation of the building.
UITS staff with responsibilities in the data center may gain access through an
arrangement between the department manager and Operations. Requests should be
made via the Special Access Request Form.
Persons other than full-time UITS staff are permitted in the data center only under one
of the following conditions:
A. They are full-time staff of vendors providing services to UITS: Contract
consultants or service representatives may be authorized by prior arrangement
with Operations.
B. They are full-time staff of Indiana University working on a system owned by an
IU department and housed in the data center, under terms specified in a Colocation Agreement -- access will be granted in situations requiring hands-on
system administration, not simply because a system is present on a machine in
the data center.
C. They are full-time or contracted staff of a non-IU entity that owns a system
housed in the data center, under terms specified in a co-location agreement –
again, access will granted when hands-on system administration is necessary,
not simply because a system is present on a machine in the data center.
D. They are escorted by a full-time UITS staff member as part of a tour of the
ID badges and access cards will be provided for those individuals who meet criterion A,
B, or C. The ID badges must be worn and visible during visits to the data center. All staff
who meet criteria A, B, or C are expected to sign in to the data center through
Operations prior to entering the room, and to sign out upon exiting.
Biometric hand geometry scanners are installed at both Data Centers. A registration
process will be scheduled and performed by the UITS Facilities or Operations staff.
For additional information and to learn about biometric hand geometry scanners,
review the internal KB document at
(note: the internal document requires authentication).
The Vice President for Information Technology has developed a policy related to the
handling, management and disposition of "biometric" data used in the hand geometry
scanner. It is stored in an internal KB document at
(note: the internal document requires authentication).
5.2 Equipment registration: Equipment must be registered in the machine room
inventory. Send an email to if you experience problems accessing
the Machine Room Inventory System.
5.3 Essential information: The system owner will enter the essential information into
the Machine Room Inventory System and update that information if it changes.
Essential information includes:
System hardware: A complete description of the machine's hardware
configuration, including vendor, model, on-board memory, secondary storage
media vendor/type, etc.
System software: A complete description of the machine's software
configuration, including operating system vendor, version, patch level, and other
major software components on the system
System function: A complete description of the machine's function (the service
that it provides)
System recovery: Accurate startup and shutdown procedures and special
information relating to crash or other emergency recovery situations
On-call notification: Primary and secondary system contacts and schedules, plus
contact information for the manager supporting the system (Please provide prior
to production date.)
Vendor and maintenance contract: Vendor contact information, including
information related to the maintenance/service contract and warranty (The
Operations Manager will assist in negotiating maintenance contracts on behalf of
UITS, but budgets for ongoing maintenance should be managed in the individual
5.4 Change Management: The system manager or system administrator needs to
participate in the Change Management process, by representing the deployment of a
new production system before implementation. At the start of fall and spring semesters,
a change freeze of approximately 2 weeks takes place -- dates are posted on the Change
Management web site. Only emergency changes with the appropriate approvals should
be implemented during change freezes.
5.5 Monitoring tools: Network monitoring tools will scan incoming machines as
appropriate. Please supply the network address and any special considerations for the
monitoring mode.
5.6 Security: All servers are expected to be administered in a secure manner using
industry best practices IT Policy 12, including employment of host based firewalls and
operation behind the machine room firewall. You are expected to properly review and
formally acknowledge all relevant security polices and standards. For more information,
please see the University Information Security Office Resources page.
5.7 System backups: Best Practices should include the implementation of a proper
system backup schedule. This includes the deployment of incremental, full, and archive
program processes as needed. You must use proven, supported backup software and
apply appropriate standards for off-site backup data for production systems.
Enterprise Infrastructure offers a data backup service as part of the Intelligent
Infrastructure suite of services.
5.8 Data Center tours: All tours of the machine room must be scheduled with the
Operations Manager.