
ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 1
Information Technology
The purpose of the ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Form is to be used to identify key technical
requirements for technology purchases. Completing this form will assist in ensuring the product aligns
with established guidelines as set forth by the University Technology Standards Board (UTSB) and
technical areas, and technical resources are available to support the product.
When is this form completed?
This form is to be completed prior to entering into an agreement to purchase technology that is
considered an exception to standard technology purchases as defined in Technology Acquisition Policy
Who should complete this questionnaire?
An IT technical lead, business analyst, or IT project manager should complete this form, working with a
department representative planning to purchase the software and the vendor providing the product.
Upon completion, please send this form to Alex Campoe,
Form Version: Rev. 20150505
ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 2
Information Technology
Contact Information
Information Technology Contact
This section is used to identify the IT representative responsible for completing this form. Examples of IT representatives
include: an IT Lead, a Business Analyst, or an IT Project Manager. Include the request or project name.
IT Contact Name
USF System and/or Campus
USF System
St. Pete
USF Heath
Request/Project Name
Requestor Information
This section is used to identify the requestor. The requestor is the department representative planning on purchasing the
software product.
Requestor Name
College or Department
USF System and/or Campus
USF System
St. Pete
USF Heath
Vendor and Product Information
This section is used to identify the vendor and product information.
Vendor Contact Name
Product Name
Product Description
Describe the product and how it will be used at
Product Installation Site
Product Website
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☐ Hosted and maintained by USF Data Center
☐ Hosted and maintained by Cloud Computing
Service provider.
ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 3
Information Technology
Technical Discovery
This section is used to describe the data assets, risks, infrastructure, databases, integration, and
application requirements of the proposed software.
I. Data Classification
This section is used to identify the asset owner and asset custodian. The Sensitivity and Criticality sections identify data
confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements in the context of the USF System Risk Assessment and Business
Continuity. Details on each classification can be found within Information Technology policy ISSP001 – Sensitivity and
Criticality of Data.
Asset Owner
Organizational unit responsible for the contract
with the vendor and owns the data.
Asset Custodian
Organizational unit responsible for the
operational management and maintenance of
the system. For University enterprise
applications, this is assigned to the IT
Sensitivity is directly related to the question: What would the repercussion be were the system and/or data exposed or
altered by a third party in terms of Financial, Operational, Safety, or Reputation to the USF System?
An asset is considered restricted when access
and/or modification of the data is limited. This
would include systems containing data protected
by FERPA, GLB, other Federal or State
regulations, or University policies.
An asset is considered unrestricted when
controls are not mandated by Federal or State
regulations, University policies, or by the data
☐ Restricted
☐ Unrestricted
Criticality is related to the availability of the data and asks the question: What would happen if the system and/or data
become unavailable?
An asset is considered essential if the loss of
availability would cause immediate, severe
repercussions for the University.
An asset is considered required when it is
important to the campus; however, University
operations could continue for a certain period of
time, even if the data is not available.
An asset is considered deferrable if it is needed
for optimal University operations but loss of
availability would not cause major issues, and the
asset can usually be rebuilt or reconstituted from
other sources such as manual data input.
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☐ Essential
☐ Required
☐ Deferrable
ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 4
Information Technology
II. Networking
This section is used to describe networking requirements.
Expectations of network performance.
☐ Production
☐ Test
☐ Development
Application Usage Profile
Describe the usage profile including time of day,
streaming vs. message based, and location
distribution of users.
Bandwidth Requirements
Describe the anticipated bandwidth
requirements including internet, data center,
local campus, wireless, and research.
Application Load Balancing
Describe the application load balancing
Virtual Private Network
Describe the VPN requirements.
IP Addressing Requirements
Describe the IP addressing requirements for
servers and clients, including private vs. public
and static vs. dynamic.
Network Uplinks for Server/Appliance
1 Gbps
10 Gbps
100 Gbps
Single homed
Dual homed
Virtualization Supported
III. Servers and Storage
This section is used to describe the server environments.
Server Environments
Depending on complexity, a separate server
architecture document may be required.
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ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 5
Information Technology
Number of servers required: ____________
☐ High Performance Computing
Operating System Information
Please specify the operating system and version
☐ Windows Server 2012 R2
☐ Red Hat Enterprise Linux
☐ Other (please specify)
Capacity and Scalability
Describe capacity requirements.
Disk requirements:
Operating system:
Data partitions:
Number of CPUs (per server): _______________
Memory required (per server): ______________
System Maintenance
☐ Use monthly patching schedules
☐ Custom patch schedule required (list)
Back-up and Back-up Retention
Describe the back-up and back-up retention
☐ No Backup Required
☐ Non-production (2 week retention)
☐ Production (60 day retention)
☐ Custom Backup Requirements (please provide
Business Continuity
If the criticality of data is listed as “Required” or
“Essential” in Data Assets and Risk Management
section, a Business Impact Analysis will be
required and conducted separately.
☐ Business Impact Analysis Required
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ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 6
Information Technology
IV. Database Platform
This section is used to identify the database platform.
Database Platform (and version)
Database Components
Describe any database components required
beyond default installation.
Expected Database Growth on Disk
☐ Oracle
☐ Other
Percentage growth per month ______________
This section is used to identify database information for products hosted and maintained by a Cloud Computing Service
Back-up and Back-up Retention
Describe the database back-up and back-up
retention schedule.
Remote Access to Cloud Database
Accessible from University site using nonproprietary tools for reporting and analysis.
☐ Yes
☐ No
Patching Schedule
On what schedule are database vendor patch sets
applied to the database.
V. Integration
i. Data Integration
This section is used to identify data integration requirements. Check all that apply*.
*The use of Social Security Numbers (SSNs) is
restricted to specific organizational units. These
units are required to complete a rigorous security
evaluation performed by the Office of
Information Security.
☐ Social Security Numbers
Includes data such as grades, names, email
addresses, Directory and Non-Directory
information obtained automatically from OASIS,
Canvas, DegreeWorks, or from the Data
Warehouse. Do not check this box if the student
is being prompted to enter this information.
Includes data such as names, email addresses,
position description, supervisor, or any other
employee data extracted from GEMS or from the
☐ Student Data
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☐ Employee Data
ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 7
Information Technology
Data Warehouse. Do not check this box if the
employee is being prompted to enter this
Includes data such as travel information,
purchasing, budget, financial aid, or any other
financial data automatically extracted from FAST
or from the Data Warehouse. Do not check this
box if the user is being prompted to enter this
*Access to card ID number, classification, or
picture must be authorized by Card Services.
Check if this software application will process
credit card and/or other type of payments.
☐ Financial Data
☐ Card ID Information
☐ Payment Processing
ii. Application Interface Methods
This section is used to identify Application Interface Methods.
API Protocols
☐ Other
File Transfer
☐ Other
Database Connectivity
DB Links
Data Transfer Frequency
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ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 8
Information Technology
VI. Software Application
This section is used to identify application upgrade and feature enhancement schedules.
Application Upgrades
No set schedule
Feature Enhancements
No set schedule
VII. Web Services
This section is used to identify Web Services compatibility features.
Content Management System
Software application considered a web Content
Management System (CMS).
Web Browser Compatibility
If other, provide browser name.
☐ 508 Compliant
Emergency Communications
Hardware and/or software application expected
to display USF System Emergency
Responsive Design
Software application displays properly on a
variety of mobile devices or desktops.
Software application has ability to be branded
per the USF branding standards. Visit to view standards.
If other, please explain.
MyUSF/MyUSF Mobile
Software application accessible via MyUSF
(portal) and/or MyUSF Mobile (official mobile
app of USF.)
If yes, specify primary audience: students, faculty,
staff, institution, etc.
☐ Yes
☐ No
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Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
☐ Yes
☐ No
ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 9
Information Technology
Social Media
Software application integration with Social
Media channels (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
Software application considered a native mobile
VIII. Account Management
This section is used to identify account management procedures, including authentication mechanisms.
Check this box if the software will require user
account credentials (login and password. NetID
authentication is required for all multi-user
☐ Account login and Account Management
Check all authentication mechanisms that are
Secure LDAP
Active Directory / ADFS
None of the above
IX. Reporting
This section is used to identify reporting tools.
Check if reporting of data is required across
Check if custom report development including
dashboards, scorecards and data visualization is
X. Product Support
This section is used to identify product support levels and availability.
Support Levels
Product Support Hours of Operation
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1st Level
2nd Level
3rd Level
ISSP-017 Technical Discovery Questionnaire 10
Information Technology
Service Level Agreements
Describe service level agreements.
XI. References
This section is used to list references that this software application.
Provide a list of Higher Education institutions
that use this software application.
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