spform - Computer Science and Engineering

USF Computer Science and Engineering Senior Project
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida is seeking industry
participation in its Senior Project course (CIS 4910) for Spring 2016. Projects must entail software and/or
hardware development. Teams of (typically) three to four students will complete the projects in one semester.
Final results will be presented to the industry mentor at the end of the semester. The course website is
The faculty member responsible for this course is:
Ken Christensen
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Program
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Email: christen@cse.usf.edu
Web: http://www.cse.usf.edu/~christen
Phone: (813) 974-4761
If you are interested in submitting a project, please fill-in this form and return it to Ken Christensen. Good
projects are technical in nature, slightly open-ended, not on the critical path, and definitely not proprietary.
Name: ____________________________________ Title: ________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________
Company name: __________________________________________________________________________
Willing to give a presentation on a technical topic (please check one): Yes ( )
Project area (please check one): Software ( )
Hardware ( )
No ( )
Software and hardware ( )
Project idea: (please use additional pages if needed) ______________________________________________
KJC (spform.doc – October 31, 2015)