20131115033434Capitalife Website Development 9



Front Page Home:

The Life Sciences industry ranges from the distribution and manufacturing of products from established biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, and specialty chemical companies, to the development of new technology, new manufacturing processes, and new services designed to match primary human needs.

Investors need independent evaluations of risk and opportunities relating to their investments in life sciences and wellness industries. With over 30 years of international experience, Capitalife and its partners offer a link between North American, European, and South American financial institutions and the life sciences industry.

Knowledge is important, creativity is critical

(Center company motto under picture on home page)


Financial Advisory

(please insert the pictures below with the best layout that you can develop)

Our Mission

 Focuses on markets such as Italy, Switzerland, North America, and South America

 Offers to institutional investors independent analysis, due diligence assessments, and specialized money management services

Capitalife and its partners were born thinking out of the box. Our experience was established from decades of activity in the financial and industrial fields,

and typically covers:

 Hard assets management and consulting. Read more…. (click here and go to

Naturtsur page)

 Business and company assessment and evaluation

 Identification of, and negotiation with, potential investors

Networking within the industrial, financial and academic communities, Capitalife's synergism and expertise extends through a global network of professionals and industry leaders.

The investment horizon in the life sciences sector, including wellness, is viewed as very appealing due to several key features of current health care market conditions and advances in technology. Complex human needs and the demand for health care products and services by an aging population fuels the growth of this sector. Life sciences companies have enjoyed a robust rate of growth over recent years through advances in technology and consolidation. Investors require sophisticated financial instruments and sound advice in this global market to defend capital investment while achieving their goals.


Marketing and Business Development

Our Mission:

 Offers to small companies specifically tailored services for ideal marketing, strategic planning business modeling, business development, and partnering outcomes

 Provides global wellness management consulting for executives and organizations

Capitalife offers marketing and partnering services to life sciences and wellness

companies, hospitality businesses, and government institutions:

 Due diligence assessment: basic science, management, corporate development strategy, international marketing plans

Analysis and implementation of wellness marketing and business development

Creating wellness leaders and wellness culture

Identification of, and negotiation with, counter parties for corporate partnering

Assist clients in establishing terms for optimal business deals, and arrange discussion of initial terms with potential partners

The life sciences industry has entered a fast growing period whereby the number of new technological opportunities available for commercialization increased exponentially as a result of scientific progress in the past 30 years. The advances of genomics and proteomics in connection with medicine, chemistry, informatics and engineering will

dramatically increase the know-how and efficiency of new products and new services.

This revolution is changing the way people live.


About US

Here the text to insert:

We are a group of professionals with expertise from a variety of economic, financial, and scientific disciplines.

Our multi-faceted approaches enable us to distill and offer top-level intelligence services to the life science industry and financial institutions.

Dario A. Bianchi, President

Marco Bottaro, Vice President Europe

Dr. Steve Bizal, Wellness Specialist/Author

Tim Schmidt, Global Energy Entrepreneur

Luca G. Guidotti, M.D. Ph.D., Chief Scientific Advisor

Lucas M. Bianchi, CFA, International Financial Analyst

Gill Eapen, MBA, Financial Advisor, United States

Robert Seguin, MBA Advisor, Canada

Board of Scientific Advisors

Sheldon Breiner, Ph.D.

David Feldman, M.D.

Michele Garufi, Pd.D.

Gary Lynch, Ph.D.

(additional names will be inserted later)



See the new file with the text in English and Spanish



The address is:

Capitalife, Inc.

123 W. Nye Lane, Suite 129,

Carson City, NV 89706 – U.S.A.

Tel: 1-775-247-2452

Tel: Europe ++39(348) 045-6709

Tel: South America ++598 (0) 96-370-935 - or ++598 (0) 96-279-067 info@capitalife.com
