AMATEURISM AND ORGANIZED COMPETITION OVERVIEW General Amateurism Regulations Amateurism certification Recent interpretations Promotional Activities and Institutional Fundraisers Applicable legislation Case studies Organized Competition Multitiered educational systems Military service GENERAL AMATEURISM REGULATIONS AMATEURISM BASICS A student-athlete (SA) must receive a final amateurism certification from the NCAA Eligibility Center in all sports in which he/she participates, before engaging in competition. Once certification is received, institution is responsible for ensuring SA retains amateur status. NCAA Division II Bylaws 12.1 .1 .1 and 12.1 .1 .1 .2.1 AMATEURISM CERTIFICATION BASICS, CONTINUED When can final amateurism be requested? April 1: Fall enrollees. October 1: Midyear enrollees. Can a SA practice without a final amateurism certification? Yes, for 45 days. After 45 days, SA must cease participation in practice activities until final amateurism certification is received. In an extenuating circumstance, institution may file a NCAA Division II Committee for Legislative Relief waiver. Bylaw POP QUIZ Ross plans to participate in cross country and track and field. Phoebe plans to participate in volleyball and sand volleyball. Does Ross need an amateurism certification in both sports? Does Phoebe need an amateurism certification in both sports? RECENT AMATEURISM INTERPRETATION Actual and Necessary Expenses from an Amateur Pool SA may receive actual and necessary expenses from an outside amateur sports team or organization; and Permissible for individuals to compete as amateurs and receive expenses not in excess of the reasonable amount of expenses given to all individuals participating as amateurs. Bylaw 12.1.3 and official interpretation [Reference: 04/25/14, Item No. 2-a] RECENT AMATEURISM INTERPRETATION, CONT’D The amount must be: A uniform allowance (e.g., $100 per day) determined by the sponsors of the event; Not conditioned on the individual's place finish in the event; and Not in excess of an individual’s actual and necessary expenses. Permissible for the funds to come from an "amateur pool" of unclaimed prize money retained by the outside amateur sports team or organization. Bylaw 12.1.3 and official interpretation [Reference: 04/25/14, Item No. 2-a] PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES AND INSTITUTIONAL FUNDRAISERS CASE STUDY - GELLER UNIVERSIT Y A local coffee house, Central Perk, wants to help Geller’s soccer teams raise funds for its programs and have provided the following flyer for a possible event. CASE STUDY - GELLER UNIVERSIT Y Is this a permissible promotional activity? CASE STUDY - GELLER UNIVERSIT Y If Central Perk removes the reference to the appearances of Drake and Pheobe, is this event permissible? Would SAs be able to attend the event? PROMOTIONS INVOLVING COMMERCIAL SPONSORS Member institution (or charitable , educational or nonprofit organization) may use the appearance, name or picture of an enrolled SA to promote generally its fundraising activities at the location of a commercial establishment. Commercial establishment cannot be a cosponsor of the event; and SA cannot promote a commercial product in conjunction with the fundraising activity. What makes a commercial establishment a cosponsor? Advertises the presence of the SA at the commercial location; or Directly or indirectly promotes the activity. Bylaw 12.5.1 .1 .2 CASE STUDY - TRIBIANI COLLEGE Tribiani’s head football coach would like to hold a car wash fundraiser to support the team’s 2014-15 budget and turns this flyer in to compliance for review. CASE STUDY - TRIBIANI COLLEGE Is this a permissible institutional fundraiser and promotional activity? What information do you need to know? Is Central Perk involved in promoting the event? CASE STUDY - GREEN STATE Green State’s director of marketing is hoping to hold a three point shooting contest at halftime of an upcoming basketball game. Participants must be a full -time student at Green State and show their student ID before entering the contest. Local celebrity Regina Phelange will draw 10 names at random to participate. Prizes will include: 1 st place: $100 voucher to Green State’s bookstore. 2 nd place: $50 gift card to a local sporting goods store. 3 rd place: Basketball signed by head coach, Richard Burke. CASE STUDY - GREEN STATE The marketing director wants to know if she has to restrict SAs from participating in the contest. Is it permissible for SAs to participate if selected? If a SA places in the top three, can he or she receive the applicable prize? MODELING AND OTHER NONATHLETICALLY RELATED PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES A SA may receive payment and/or allow his or her name or picture to be used to promote a commercial product or service, provided: SA became involved for reasons unrelated to his or her athletics ability; No reference is made to SA’s participation in intercollegiate athletics; and SA is paid the going rate for his or her services and the rate is not based on SA’s status as a SA. Bylaw ORGANIZED COMPETITION BEFORE INITIAL COLLEGIATE ENROLLMENT IN A PERFECT WORLD… PSA graduates on time from high school. PSA has one-year grace period. PSA initially enrolls at a collegiate institution. PSA ceases participation in organized competition. BUT WE KNOW THE WORLD ISN’T PERFECT! Common issues with organized competition: 1. PSA does not graduate in the expected timeframe; 2. PSA participates in organized competition after the one-year grace period; and/or 3. PSA’s home country has a mandatory military requirement. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE The graduation date is determined by the NCAA Eligibility Center staf f. Based on the PSA’s enrollment in ninth grade (or the international equivalent). Graduation date for international SAs is based on the NCAA Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility. Accessible on Bylaw HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE, CONT’D What if the PSA graduates early? PSA becomes a member of that class and the date of graduation for the PSA is the expected date of that class. What if the PSA graduates late? Depends. Was the PSA required to repeat an entire year of high school? If so, PSA becomes a member of that class and the date of graduation for the PSA is the expected date of that class. Bylaws and PARTICIPATION AFTER ONE-YEAR GRACE PERIOD SA is charged with the use of one season of competition for each 12-month period after the oneyear grace period in which SA participates in organized competition. If SA is charged with the use of a season of competition, SA must also serve an academic year in residence before competing at a Division II institution. PARTICIPATION AFTER ONE-YEAR GRACE PERIOD, CONT’D Example #1 June 2011 June 2011 August 2012 Example #2 •SA’s expected and actual date of high school graduation. June 2011 •SA’s one-year grace period. June 2011 •SA’s one-year grace period. August 2012 •SA’s expected and actual date of high school graduation. 2012-13 •SA participated in 20 basketball contests. 2012-13 •SA did not participate in organized competition. 2013-14 •SA participated in 14 basketball contests. 2013-14 •SA participated in 14 basketball contests. OUTCOME: OUTCOME: MULTITIERED EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS Countries such as the United Kingdom, the University of Cambridge international exam program, New Zealand, Quebec, Canada, Scotland, the Caribbean exam countries and British patterned Africa have multitiered educational systems. Multitiered educational systems require a student to complete one level before moving on to the next. Ministry of education in each country defines the prescribed amount of time for completion of each level. Of ficial Interpretation [Reference: 6/30/11, Item No. 1] HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE IN A MULTITIERED EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM (1) Prospective SA completes secondary school in the timeframe prescribed by the country's ministry of education. Graduation date advances to the date PSA’s class completes each tier. PSA must complete the tier within prescribed timeframe determined by the country’s ministry of education. Of ficial Interpretation [Reference: 6/30/11, Item No. 1] HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE IN A MULTITIERED EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Chandler is a golf PSA from the United Kingdom. June 2012: Earns General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). 2012-13, 2013-14 academic years: Enrolls in a General Certificate of Education (GCE), A -Level program. June 2014: Passes two GCE A-Level examinations. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE IN A MULTITIERED EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM (2) Prospective SA delays completion of secondary school tier. PSA is expected to enroll in the next tier immediately . Graduation date is based on when the PSA’s class completes the tier, not when the PSA completes the tier. Of ficial Interpretation [Reference: 6/30/11, Item No. 1] HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE IN A MULTITIERED EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Rachel is a track PSA from Jamaica. June 2011: Earns the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC). 2011-12: Works at the family business. 2012-13 and 2013-14 academic years: Enrolls in a CXC Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) program. June 2014: Passes two CAPE examinations. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE IN A MULTITIERED EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM (3) Prospective SA attempts but does not successfully complete secondary school tier. PSA’s graduation date will remain the date the PSA’s class completed the previous tier. Of ficial Interpretation [Reference: 6/30/11, Item No. 1] HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION DATE IN A MULTITIERED EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Joey is a baseball PSA from Quebec, Canada. June 2012: Earns the Diplôme d'Études Secondaires (DES). 2012-13 and 2013-14 academic years: Enrolls in a Diplôme d'Études Collegiales (DEC) program at a College d’Enseignement Général et Professional (CEGEP). Joey did not complete the program. Fall 2014: Enrolls at a Division II institution. MILITARY SERVICE – UNITED STATES AND CANADA Participation while on active duty in United States or Canadian Armed Services is exempt from organized competition legislation. Participation does not need to be organized by the military. Bylaw and NCAA Division II Proposal Nos. NC -2015-7 and NC-2015-12 MANDATORY MILITARY SERVICE PSAs with mandatory military service are most commonly seen from Israel, but a number of countries have a mandatory military requirement. Requires a Committee for Legislative Relief waiver. PSA must enlist at first opportunity after high school; Cannot participate in outside competition after discharge; and Must enroll at a collegiate institution at first opportunity. If PSA was granted exceptional or elite athlete status in the military, relief cannot be provided for the year in residence. March 2014 Committee for Legislative Relief Guidelines for Assertions of Mandatory Military Service LEGISLATIVE RELIEF WAIVERS Division II Committee for Legislative Relief guidelines are available on Delay must be due to circumstances outside of the individual’s control. Examples: Natural disaster, war, medical hardships or extreme financial difficulties. Assertions of lack of knowledge of the legislation, misinformation or lack of information from institutional personnel, or failure to enroll due to an academic deficiency do not, in themselves, warrant relief. QUESTIONS?