PRISON REFORM AND BEST PRACTICES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN •UNODC was established to address issues related to drug control, crime prevention and international terrrorism in the context of sustainable development and human security. •Established in 1997, UNODC is mainly financed through voluntary contributions especially from goverment s •The principal function is to promote the ratification and implementation of international instruments, institutional and legislative reforms and carry out technical cooperation projects to monitor, prevent and avoid the production, ilicit traffic and abuse of drugs organized crime. •It works in 150 countries, through regional offices, project offices and country offices. For more information, please consult the web: UNODC Field Network • Moscow Brussels Vilnius VIENNA • New York • Mexico City Cape Verde • •Tegucigalpa • San Jose • Bogotá Dakar •Bissau •Astana Kiev Chisinau • Sofia Bishkek • • Almaty Belgrade Bucharest Tashkent •• Dushanbe Ashgabat • Tirana Ankara Baku • Beirut •Tehran•Kabul Tripoli Gaza• • Amman •Islamabad Cairo •Doha • Kathmandu • Manama • • Abu Dhabi New Delhi • Dhaka • Juba • • Abuja • Addis Ababa • Beijing Yangon •• Hanoi • Vientiane Bangkok • Phnom Penh • Nairobi • Quito • Lima • Jakarta • Brasilia •La Paz • Lilongwe • Lusaka • Maputo • Windhoek • Mbabane • Pretoria • Buenos Aires - REGIONAL CENTRE - REGIONAL OFFICE - COUNTRY OFFICE - SUBREGIONAL PROJECT OFFICE - PROJECT OFFICE - LIAISON OFFICE 3 Fiji • UNODC´s work is guided by a wide range of international instruments and UN standars and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice. • • • MANDATE United Nations Convention against Corruption. United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its protocolos Legal framework against Terrorism UN Standars and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice. MAIN PILLARS Research Function (Policy and Analysis) Normative function (Conventions and Protocols) Technical Assistance (Operations) Terrorism Crime prevention and criminal justice reform Drug prevention, treatment and care and HIV Human trafficking and migrant sumggling Money laundering Programatic and integrated approach to achieve the greatest impact on the results Laboratory and forensic science services Corruption Organized crime 1 • Specialized Technical competence, operational capacity and long term expertise in crime prevention, crimianl justice and the rule of law. 2 • Unique position through ability to promote international cooperation, specific focus on the developing world, role as an honest-broker. 3 • Mandate to implement UN Conventions and resolution in the context of the mandate. UNODC Crime prevention and criminal justice area • UNODC has the mission of making the world safer from crime, drugs and terrorism. To be effective and sustainable, responses to these threats must include crime prevention and criminal justice strategies. • Strategies must take a human rights approach and be based on the rule of law, together with the UN standars and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice. • In the context of the criminal justice reform, is the prison reform and alternatives to imprisonment. Prison reform and alternatives to imprisonment • Detention and imprisonment are the main measures imposed on individuals who are suspected of having breached the criminal law or have been convicted of a criminal offence. • The overuse of prisons leads to a series of mutually reinforcing challenges in responding appropiately to the social reintegration needs of offenders, whilst also violating the rights of those who are innocent. • Key areas of concern regarding prisons: prison overcrowding, poor health services, lack of social reintegration programmes, information systems and strategic planning, inter-institutional communication, inspection mechanisms, economic and human resources, and increasing numbers of prisoners with special needs. • The detrimental impact of imprisonment, not only on individuals, but also on families and communities, together with economic factors, must be taken into account when considering the need for prison reform. Services given by UNODC UNODC has the mandate to assist countries in building and reforming their prison systems, and implementing non-custodial sanctions and measures in compliance with human rights principles and UN standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice. UNODC offers assistance in: • Improving legal safeguards for prisoners; • Introducing and widening the scope of alternatives to pre-trial detention within domestic criminal codes; • Increasing the scope of alternatives to imprisonment, decriminalizing certain acts, and reducing sentences for selected offences; and • Supporting offenders and ex-offenders to address their social reintegration needs (including in the area of criminal justice as well as labor, education, and social welfare). UN standards and norms in the areas of prison reform and alternatives to imprisonment Directly related to the prison system: • Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention and Imprisonment • UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners • Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners • UN Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures (Tokyo Rules) • Principles and best practices approved by the Interamerican Comission on Human Rights. Other UN instruments relevant to the prison system: • Universal Declaration of Human Rights • International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights • The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women • Safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Tools and publications The Compendium UN standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice: For more information, please consult the web: Tools and publications The Compendium UN standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice For more information, please consult the web: Regional Centre of Excellence on Prison Reform and Drug Demand Reduction Centres of Excellence • The Centres of Excellence (CoE) are part of UNODC´s programming strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean. • Currently three CoE are working in the region (Mexico, Panama and Dominican Republic) to develop activities in the context of the regional programme for Central America. • A future expansion throughout the Americas is expected. • The engagement of donors is necessary for the successful implementation of this strategy. OBJECTIVES OF THE CoE 1. Research and support to improve regional expertise. 2. Capacity building through training and provision of technical equipment. 3. Information exchange and cooperation with other partners. Centre of Excellence on Prison Reform and Drug Demand Reduction in Santo Domingo In February 2010 a Memorandum was signed between UNODC and the Government of the Dominican Republic for the establishment of a Centre of Excellence in Santo Domingo. In June of 2011 the project document was signed between UNODC, the Attorney General's Office and the National Council on Drugs. The Centre of Excellence operates as a project of UNODC in cooperation with the Dominican Republic. The expertise of the Centre of Excellence in Santo Domingo is available to all countries of the region. Main objective: To strengthen national and regional capacities through the promotion of effective policies and training programs in two areas: Prison reform and alternatives to custodial sentences, the modernization of institutions and the formulation of legislation consistent with international standards. Reducing drug demand in the community and in prisons, facilitating the diversification of strategies and interventions for prevention and treatment. Partners AT NATIONAL LEVEL AT REGIONAL LEVEL • Attorney General's Office • National Council on Drugs • Coordination for the New Model for Prison Management • National Penitentiary School • Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance •Central America Integration System (SICA) •Caribbean Community (CARICOM) •Organization of American States (OAS) •United Nations Latin American Institute for Crime Prevention and the Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD) Beneficiaries • Ministries and other State agencies responsible for criminal justice and prison reform. • Ministries responsible for drug policies. • Senior managers and prison staff. • Probation services and other entities responsible for the supervision of offenders with community sanctions and measures that include treatment. • Detainees and drug dependents. Commitee of Management and Monitoring Attorney General 's Office UNODC Other Centres of Excellence in the Region National Council on Drugs Experts/ Coordinators (UNODC) CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE (Dominican Republic) National Actors Regional Actors • ILANUD • CARICOM • SICA • OAS •Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance •National Council for Drug Control •Universities, state counterparts •Others High-level Expert Group Meeting to review the Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment of prisoners. Santo Domingo, 3 - 5 August 2011 • Objetive of the meeting: identify good practices on the implementation of the Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment of prisoners in the region and explore areas where the SMR may need to be updated or complemented. • Participated 56 experts from 15 countries (Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Perú, Republica Dominicana, Santa Lucia, San Martín y Uruguay) and observers from the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation, Association of Caribbean Heads of Correctional and Prision Services (ACHCPS), OAS, ILANUD, UNHCR. • Emphasis has been placed on the need to find ways in which to ensure that the current SMR are fully implemented in the prisions, and complemented them with the conventions, declarations and principles contaning references to the treatment of prisoners, including the Principles and Best Practices on the protection of persons deprived for liberty in the Americas, approved by the Interamerican Comission in 2008. Good practices were shared in the following issues: • Pre-trial detention (define “reasable period”, ensure the right of access toa lawyer.) • Prison overcrowding ( the imprisonment should be the alternative) • Health care ( prison health is a public health issue) • Special categories of prisoner, foreing nationals, minority groups, older prisoners, women, juvenile, those in need of medical assitance (consider the individuality and needs of each person) • Prion staff (recruitment processes and training, New Model of Prison Managment in the Dominican Republic ) • Treatment of prisoners and training and rehabilitation programmes ( many good practices were exchanged, incluiding the involvement that public agencies, NGO and commercial enterprises must have ) • External oversight of prisons ( the need to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and to establish National Preventive Mechanisms to oversee places of detention. REGIONAL PROGRAMME OFFICE IN PANAMA RPOPAN - Ongoing Projects TITLE THEMATIC AREA PANX12 - Supporting Prison Reform in the Republic of Panama (Phases I and II). Criminal Justice Reform. PANT41 - Strengthening Criminal Justice Reform in Panama. Criminal Justice Reform. PANT37 - Increasing capacity for prison reform in Panama through alternatives of imprisonment: Telematic tracking system using the electronic monitoring bracelet. Criminal Justice Reform. PANT73 - Improving citizens' security in Panama-contributing to the social construction of peace. Criminal Justice Reform. GLOG80 - Container Control Programme. Counter Narcotics Enforcement. GLOT32 - Global Programme for Strengthening the Capacities of Member States to Prevent and Combat Organized and Serious Crimes. Anti Organized Crime. XCAU81 - Santo Domingo Pact - SICA-UNODC Mechanism (SDP/SUM). Anti Organized Crime. CAMH90 - Establishment of a treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration network in Central America. Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation. GLO01-VIH/SIDA - Prevention of drug use, HIV/AIDS and crime among young people through family skills training programmes. Prevention Treatment and Rehabilitation. GLOT63 - Support to crime prevention and criminal justice reform. Criminal Justice Reform. PANX33 - Establishment of Regional Anti-Corruption Academy for Central America and the Caribbean (ARAC) Anti Corruption. PANX12 - Project Brief Project Name Supporting Prison Reform in the Republic of Panama (Phases I and II) Project Duration 19 months Project Starting Date October 15, 2010 Location Panama Responsible Office RPOPAN Government Implementing Agency Ministry of Government Total Approved Budget USD $815.747 CONTACTS María Noel Rodríguez Susanne Wilson Project Coordinator Project Assistant Address: Building 742. Edgar Jadwin Street. Balboa, Ancón, Panama. Tel.: (507) 314.4966/4955 PANX12 - Justification High rate of prisonization. Prison overcrowding. High number of remand prisoners. Poor prison conditions. Poor access to health services, education, work, among other human rights. Lack of training programs for prison staff, resulting in high staff turnover. Corruption. Unclear General Management between the National Police and the Prison System. Lack of manuals and procedures. PANX12 - Objective The general objective of the project is to develop a comprehensive reform strategy to address prison overcrowding, the large population of people in custody, lack of training for prison staff and the resulting violations of human rights. General Objective Developing a comprehensive prison reform strategy. Specific Objectives Activities • • • • Study visits. Expert support. Consultancies. Identification of potential solutions to overcrowding. Strengthening leadership and management capacity. • Training workshops. • Mentorships in the main prison centers. • Support in the reopening of the Penitentiary Training Academy and the design of its curriculum. PANX12 - Activities Regional workshop targeted to the prison system staff. Study visit to the New Prison Model of Dominican Republic. Support in the reopening of the Penitentiary Training Academy. Study visit to the Prison System in Costa Rica. Donation of the Handbook on Prison Management in the context of Human Rights, and the translation into spanish of the Handbook for Prison Leaders. Workshop on Planning and leadership for prison management. PANX12 - Activities Grant Agreement UNODC - ILANUD Interships in the ENAP of Dominican Republic made by the Manager of the Penitentiary Academy of Panama Mentorships for the development of productive processes Workshop on teaching qualification in the penitentiary fiels (Training of Trainers) Participation on the Board of Prison Policy (Consejo de Política Penitenciaria) Workshop for Prison Leaders PANX12 - Activities III Graduation: New group of AVIR Interships in Dominican Republic made by the Managers of the Prison Centers of Panama Interships in Dominican Republic made by staff of the Panama Prison System. Final report for the Consultancy that recommends non custodial measures, instead prison. PANX12 - Activities Interinstitutional Management between Prison Technical Groups and the Judge of compliance. Workshop on Professional Care Programs for the prison population. Final report presentation of the Grant Agreement between ILANUD and UNODC to the Ministry of Government. Publications • Bangkok Rules, spanish version. • Compiled of Norms relating to prisons and juvenile criminal responsability of the Republic of Panama. Visita a Centros Penitenciarios PANX12 - Activities Several visits to prison centers Analysis of the situation for women prisoners Several visits to prison centers Several visits to prison centers Mentorships on security matters. Visita a Centros Penitenciarios Several visits to prison centers Thank you for your attention!