Unclaimed Patronage The following have unclaimed patronage. If

Unclaimed Patronage
The following have unclaimed patronage. If you find your name on the list, or you know the current address of
someone on the list, please contact Raft River Rural Electric Co-op, Inc.
1-800-342-7732 toll-free
1-208-645-2211 local
Abalos Joseph
Ahrens Albert
Ala John F
Albertson Clarence D
Allen R L
Anderson Dennis
Anderson Verle (Estate)
Anderson George
Anderson Janet L
Appodaca Frank N
Aragon Fred
Arbon Evah
Archer Harvey
Arizona Colorado
Armstrong Russell
Arnold Hugh
Arrington Construction
Asher Rodney
Avilez David J
Ayhart Walter E
B and B Excavating
Babbit David
Bailey Bernice
Bailey Wesley
Baird Hal
Baker Earl
Baker Lawrence
Baker Ludean
Bartschi, O Duane
Beat Jim
Beatty James
Beck Turrell
Beckstead Norien
Bedke Kent
Bennett John
Bennett Lee
Bennett C Tom
Berchart Gail
Berryman Glenn
Berti Richard
Bierlein Wendy
Big O Tire
Bingham D M
Blacker Communcation
Blackman James T
Blanthorn Wanda
Bledsoe Cecil V
Bledsoe Lester
Bolinder Lester A
Bonetti Ray
Bonge Floyd C
Bontrager Jess
Bowie Christine
Bowlden Mark
Bowler Ranches Inc.
Braun David
Brewerton Florence
Brico Thomas
Brinker Kent
Broadhead Ray
Bronson Herman
Brooks William
Brown Lee
Brown Lionel
Brown Melvin A
Brown Steven
Browning Ray C
Brugger Corp-Joe
Buckway Jeff
Buckway Nix
Bullock B V
Burley Farms
Burnaman Neva
Butler Paul
Cahoon Harvey J
Callies Donald C
Campbell Stu
Carden Darrell
Cargile Robert
Carter Bros
Carter Dale H
Carter Harvey A (Estate)
Carter Scott
Case Robert
Celdon Tiburcio
Cellan Thomas
Cerillo Mike
Chandler D W
Chournos Nick
Chournos Sam/Janice
Cisneros Salvador
Clegg D W
Cliff Benny
Cloward George Sr
Coe Charles
Coe Leo
Cole Jerald
Colwell Robert
Compton A B
Conner Creek Store
Cook Darrell L
Cooper Kent
Cornforth Carol
Cottrell Land Co
Covington Ronald
Cox John
Cox John
Crank Paul
Crystal Don
Culver Lawrence
Cummings Bros
Cummings Nick
Curley Valley Horse &
Curry C
Curtis Barny R
Dahlberg Victoria
Davids Ralph
Davis Kenneth
Davis Rollin E
Day Alma L
Dean Wayne
Deming Douglas
Demorest Dale
Despain Fred
Dial William
Diamond K Ranch Inc.
Dill William
Dillard Earl (Estate)
Dimond Harold
Dimond Lee
Dimond Lee
Dimond Val
Dinwiddie Jack
Dotson Louie
Douthit Ray
Drake Bros
Droz Roy
Duran Joe V Sr
Durfee Mark
Durfee Steven J
Elliott Melvin
Emahiser Eugene
Endres Marie
England Hudson
Eppers Kenneth
Erke Dave W
Farm Service Inc.
Federal Aviation
Felt Kraig
Unclaimed Patronage
The following have unclaimed patronage. If you find your name on the list, or you know the current address of
someone on the list, please contact Raft River Rural Electric Co-op, Inc.
1-800-342-7732 toll-free
1-208-645-2211 local
Fenton Scott
Ferguson Robert
Firkins Austin
Fleming Joe K
Flinner Sam
Flinner Samuel
Foresgren C W
Fournier Lionel
Francis Earl
Franklin Bros
Frazier Dion
Fuller Don
Fulton James
Galliher Hugh
Gamble of Nevada
Garner Brothers
Garner Robert
Garrison Gerald
Garrison Richard
Garwood Alan M
Gemmell Bill
Gibson Neal
Gledhill Inc.
Glover Lolita M
Gonzalez Ralph
Goodrich Glen
Graff Bill
Grant Construction
Great Southwest Inc.
Griffin Douglas
Griffin James
Griffith Ted
Groth Robert J
GTE Sprint Company
Guinitaran Lope E
Gunderson Raymond
Gunnell Leland
H & R Feeders
Hadar Millard
Hager Searl C (Estate)
Hales Timothy D
Hamilton Blaine
Hamilton David
Hampton Manford
Hansen Darlene
Hansen Howard L
Hansen Vern L
Harmon Ryn
Harper Edward
Harper Kay
Harper Larry F
Harris Ed
Harrison Tom
Hartman Jen
Hawkins Phillip L
Hawks Jay L
Hebdon A W
Heise E D
Heisel August
Hellwinkel David J
Henserson Chester
Hepworth Joseph
Hernandez Joe
Hildestad Lloyd (Estate)
Hill Merlin G Sr.
Hill Ronald
Himes Marshall D
Holbert Lenore
Holly Corp
Holmes Derrahl V
Holt Dwight
Homer Grant
Hooper William G
Horn Luther
Horne J T
Horsely James
Howland Lawrence
Hubbard Lyman
Hurd Gary
Hutton Charles
Hylton Chester
Ida Grow
Idaho Constructioerson
Idaho Mobile Phone
Idaho Sand and Gr
Ingram Vance R
Inouye Farms Inc
Environmental Inc.
Ivie Connie
Ivie Lorin
Jason Associates
Jensen Leo
Jessop Stan G
Johnsen Dan
Johnson A M
Johnson John
Johnson Julie
Johnson Paul
Johnson Ronald
Johnston Bill
Jones Boyce
Jones W D
Jones Wayne
Judd Robert F
Justis David
KAID Attn: Lynn
Kearl Farms
Keddindton Martin
Kelley Robert
Kelso Paul
Kephart Alton
Kimber Bertha M.
Kimber Charles J
Kimber Kenneth
Kimber Michael K
Kirkpatrick Lee
Kittel R A
Knapp Kenneth
Knight Larry
Knoch Kristian
Knotts Edward G.
Koci Gerald
Kohlmeyer Earnest
Korb Merlin
Koski Susan
KPVI – Futura Co
Kuipers David
Kurth Friend
Kynaston E D
Labrum Ross
Lamb L T
Lamm Albert
Lammers Delbert
Lane Charles
Lang Company
Larkin Reed E
Larsen Jack G
Lasson Dean
Laux Don
Leavitt Dewey
Leibherr Dave
Leland Mel
Lewis Richard
Lewis Thomas M.
Lexam Exploration
Leyva Martin
Lilya Barney
Limb Donna K
Lind Gerald
Lind Harvey
Lisk Eugene
Unclaimed Patronage
The following have unclaimed patronage. If you find your name on the list, or you know the current address of
someone on the list, please contact Raft River Rural Electric Co-op, Inc.
1-800-342-7732 toll-free
1-208-645-2211 local
Lofthouse Val
Lopez Joe
Lott William
Loveland Lydia W
Lucas Burlin
Luke Gordon C
Mack Gary E
Maier Ray
Malcom Larsen Con
Maley Harold
Manning Robert
Manuel T Marinela
Markham Robert
Marshall David
Marshall Gerald E
Martin Carl W
Martindale David
Martinez Ben
Martinez Cruz
Masters Walt
Mathewson F F
Matthews Harrison
May Steve
Mayo Peter
Mc Morrow C R
Mc Neill Boyd
McBride Clyde W
McBride Mary
McCleskey Joseph
McCleskey Ruth Estate
McDermett Andrew
McElhinney Carl
McEntire Donald R
McWilliams Reta F
Meadowbrook Farms
Mecham Richard
Mellor Mark
Mendoza Eustacio
Mercer Benjamin
Merrill A S
Meyer Rebecca
Meyer William F
Michaelson Lyle
Mickelson Thayne
Miller Don
Miller James W
Miller Steven
Mills Paul C
Minniear Edward
Mitchell Robert G Sr
Mitchell Robert Jr
Mountain States Co.
Mountain States T
Mumper William
Munns Lance
Musser Roger
Myers Kelley C
Naf Store
Neilson Construction
Nelson Leslie
Nelson Virgil
Nixon Rulon
Norman Gail
Norman Milton
Norman Orilda
Norman Royal
Norman W Funk/Mik
Noyes Mary
Oakley ID Beehive
Ogden Utah Terrace View
Oliveria George
Olsen Milton
Olsen Neil
Olson Joseph H
Olson Kenneth
Orgill Russell
Ortiz Elodia C
Orton Roscoe
Osborn Melvin
Osterhout Jody
Osterhout Lyle
Ostrup & Minnoch
Padeken Michale
Palecek Daniel
Palmer Marcellus E
Parish Theral
Parke Fredrick L
Parr Melvin E
Paskett David
Paskett Edwin
Patterson Brett
Patterson Robert E
Patton Edna
Pearson Richard
Pearson Ruth
Pearson Vernice
Peart Gilbert
Peck J D
Pence Jerald
Pendleton R L
Penrod P D
Perkins Gary
Peterson Kenneth
Peterson Mae
Peterson Marlow
Peterson R J
Peterson R O
Pettie Ron
Pewit P H
Pilot Mountain Coright
Pilot Valley Propr
Pingel Melvin H
Pizarro Antonio
Power County Impl
Price Deloy M
Priest Electric
Pruett Rudie A
Pruitt Charles D
Pruitt Del
Purin Illma
Rappleye Bros Lan
Rasmussen Buddy
Rasmussen Burt
Rasmussen Layne
Rausch Harold
Reed Lee
Rehn Scott
Renee John
Rhode Cary
Ricard D A
Richey Don
Richins Dale
Richins Dwight D
Richins Luana
Richins Newell
Riddle James
Rigby Amos
Rigil Charles
Rimer May
Rippetoe Royal E
River Ridge Ranch
Roark C E (Estate)
Roberts David
Roberts Larry
Roberts O V
Roberts Raymond H Est.
Robertson Carl
Robinson Dean
Robinson Jay L
Robinson Robert
Roper W D
Unclaimed Patronage
The following have unclaimed patronage. If you find your name on the list, or you know the current address of
someone on the list, please contact Raft River Rural Electric Co-op, Inc.
1-800-342-7732 toll-free
1-208-645-2211 local
Rose Archie
Rose Ranch Partnership
Rulon/Robyn Smith
Ryan O T
Salcido Gabriel
Saldana Ruben
Sallie Mel
Samples Fred
Sandarosa Partner
Sanders Henry J
Sanders Richard
Sargeant Perry
Satterwhite D R
Schaner Michael
Schenk Leonard
Schiewe David
Schiewe John
Schiewe Violet
Schmitt Loran
Schober John
Schwendiman David
Scott James
Searcy John
Searle Clarence
Sellers Cecil
Severance Robert
Severe Keith
Shelby Belle
Shell Abijah
Sherfey John
Shurtz Vernon
Sims C A
Singletree Land &
Sinks Land and Li
Skeem Tom
Skinner David
Slage Lila
Slagel Andy
Smith Albert P
Smith Clarence
Smith Clyde
Smith Danny
Smith Ervin E
Smith J C
Smith Lowell
Smith Norman K
Smith Paul
Smith Randy K
Smith Robert B
Smith Robert J
Smith Roy C
Smith Terry
Smith Tomas K
Snyder Pattie
Southern Kirt
Spearks Thad
Standard Oil Bulk
Stark Harold
Stees William C
Stephenson E C
Sterner Roy
Stewart Paul
Stohsner Mfg
Stone Tom
Stott Lyall
Strudevant Frank
Sturm Dale A
Swan George W
Tanner Ella
Tanner Gilbert W
Tasso Rodney K
Tate Timothy R
Taylor Cecil
Taylor Hiram D
Taylor Joseph
Taylor Orville E
Taylor Robert E
Taylor Rodney M
Taylor Thomas
Teeter WM S
Tel Car
Thacker Ray S
Thiel Staci L
Thompson Arland
Thompson Chuck
Thompson Miles A
Thompson Walt
Thurber David
Tippet Land & Mt
Tippetts Lns & Li
Tobin Vincent B
Toler John
Townsend Ernest
Tracy Juan
Tracy Otella
Tracy Silas
Trow Kenneth
Turner Robert
Twitchell Jerry
US Fish & Wildlife
US Fish & Wildlife
Service - Idaho
US Sprint Communication
Ulrey Flora
Unzicker E A
Utah Livestock Proc
Vandine Max
Vanvalkenburg Les
Vega Dawn
Victor Land Company
Vincent James
Walton Paul F
Wands R S
Wann Wilburn
Ward Grover
Warren Clyde
Warren Leonard
Warren Nadine N
Watts Construction
Weatherhead Thomas
Webster Marcellus
Wegner Don
Weimheimer Slim
Wells William
Werner Dennis
Wheyland Mike
Whitaker Dale
White David
Whitlow Rex
Whitney Beverly J
Wickel Arden
Wickel Raymond
Wilkerson Randy
Wilks M H
Willard Doyle
Willett Douglas
Williams A C
Williams Larry/Ke
Williams Rick
Williams Victor
Williams Virgil T
Wilson Garry
Wilson William C
Winmill Vern
Wood Cheryl
Wood Doreen
Woodworth Austin
Woodworth Pat
Wright Jerry
Wright L C
Wright Myron
Unclaimed Patronage
The following have unclaimed patronage. If you find your name on the list, or you know the current address of
someone on the list, please contact Raft River Rural Electric Co-op, Inc.
1-800-342-7732 toll-free
1-208-645-2211 local
Wright T R
Wyper James C
Yancey Doyle
Yarnell Ray Sr
Yeaman Vestal
Yelm Martha
Yonce Roy
Yoney Jim
York Glenda
Young Ted
Zaborowski Adam Sr