This is an example of one specific way to establish and set learning goals for students of varying abilities and characteristics. It is an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) for a young boy who indicates he has autism spectrum disorder. His challenges are based on behaviour and academic achievement. Therefore the learning goals that have been set out for him over a short, mid and long term focus on making improvements in these areas. The benefit of establishing a ILP means it is specific to the child, so regardless of the level of ability, the child is able to experience success. Student: Jack Year Level: prep or grade 1 Age: 6 years old Entry skills: Jack’s DSM-IV-TR Challenges: Behaviour challenges; making eye Learning priorities: Improve social skills, indicates he has autism spectrum disorder. contact, emotional control. Fascination with overhead emotional control and academic disorder. He sits between 2 and 3 on the autistic fans. Behind academically. symptom rating scale. Limited social, verbal and academic skills. Level of ability Jack has difficulty communicating with his peers, does not initiate conversations and will not respond when he has been spoken to. Jack also has difficulty making Outcome For Jack to be able to successfully and effectively interact and communicate with his peers, using social skills like eye contact, responsive behaviour and language. Goal Short term: For Jack to begin to make eye contact as someone speaks to him, by the end of a 2-week period. Mid term: For Jack to respond when Strategies Bringing in a speech therapist work in collaboration with the classroom teacher, the aid and Jack, will help to achieve these goals. The professional can use techniques to help Jack improve his ability to make eye contact, responding to others and ways to communicate. The professional will inform the classroom teacher and the aid so they are able to provide some consistency for him in practicing the Mode of assessment The classroom teacher and the special aid will need work consistently and regularly with Jack, to ensure that he is practicing these strategies, asking him questions and practicing his communication skills. eye contact with others. others are talking to him, using gestures and body language, by the end of the term. Long term: For Jack to initiate and join in conversations with his peers, by half way through the year. Jack regularly becomes angry during the school day. During these outbursts he screams loudly and runs around the room with his hands over his ears. For Jack to have control over his emotions and behaviour. Short term: By the end of the month, Jack will be able to recognise and understand when he starts to get angry and why. Mid term: For Jack to acknowledge his anger and attempt to control it using a method implemented by the classroom teacher and the provided techniques. The speech therapist might teach Jack some sign language to help him communicate, as his language skills are limited. To support this, the classroom teacher, aid and the other children should also be aware of this sign language. This will ensure that Jack’s participation and involvement in classroom activities, inside and out, can increase. Assisting Jack in “verbalising” his pre-existing gestures and behaviours, another strategy might be to make flash cards with words that match, to allow him to respond and communicate with his peers. E.g. ball, food, no. As Jack can understand some of what others say, these cards will further support his understanding as well as his communication and responses. Strategies put in place to achieve these goals should be implemented and undertaken carefully and calmly. Any forceful gestures or tone of voice might agitate Jack further. Teachers should set up the classroom in a manner that is safe for Jack, in light that an outburst might occur. Ensure that there are sensory experiences or resources close by that might help calm and distract Jack before an outburst occurs. Again, flash cards could be created to help Jack express his feelings to avoid unnecessary frustration; e.g. angry, happy, confused etc. In this case, it might help Jack understand what is happening and why. To begin Jack’s progression for achieving these goals, Observation will assess his progression in working towards making eye contact with others. The teacher will also be able to assess through one-on-one interactions. Measure via observations and conversations with Jack throughout his journey of controlling his behaviour and emotions. Taking note of the responses he gives to questions, and reactions made when trying to implement ways to help manage. Telling the classroom teacher why he was made, special aid, by the end of the term. Jack finds it difficult to play with other children and does not understand about rules and routines. Jack is fascinated by the overhead fan in the classroom and spends house looking at it when it is on. Jack has a tendency to walk on his toes, and needs to be reminded frequently to put his heels on the floor. For Jack to improve his social skills and understandings, and to provide Jack with the skills to redirect his fascination of fans into his academic learning. Long term: For Jack to manage and control his emotions, and express them in a suitable and effective manner, by half way through the year. Short term: For Jack to learn and understand rules and routines so that he can participate and interact with other children, by the end of the month. Mid term: For Jack to become aware of his body, and how it moves, allowing him to recognise when he is walking incorrectly and having the skills to correct him self, by the end of the term. Long term: teachers and the aid should interfere early in the rage cycle before it escalates. Taking him to a prearranged familiar and quiet area will help contain and calm Jack’s outburst. Teachers and aid might also like to take Jack on a little walk, giving him some time to compose himself. If constantly repeated, eventually, Jack will be able to implement these strategies himself. moving away from the situation, self-regulating, implementing a strategy by himself, and using effective and suitable ways to express himself. To reach the goal of re-directing Jack’s fascination with fans, the classroom teacher might incorporate fans in other areas of learning. For example, numbers, counting fans; letters, providing a picture and spelling the word fan. It is important that sensory experiences are involved and visuals are provided. The aim is to reduce the frequency that a fan appears in Jack’s academic learning. Unless the special aid has knowledge of this, another specialist may be required to help Jack break his habit of walking on his toes. If funds are unavailable, the special aid should have some sort of knowledge. Another strategy might be to put a noise or textured material on the bottom of Jack’s shoes that indicates to Jack when his heels are on or off the ground. For Jack to understand rules and routines, the use of flash cards would be beneficial. Again being aware and understanding his gestures, and then providing Jack with other sign language gestures and eventually Measured by observation of Jacks interactions in a social environment. Asking him questions about the games to make sure he does understand about the rules, and the same applies for routines. Observation will also apply to assessing Jack’s control over his walking and redirecting his fascination. These tendencies will occur less over time if Jack is progressing and working towards achieving the goals. As a result of Jack’s poor verbal skills, he is well behind academically. He has started to hold a pencil and make marks on paper. The only numerals Jack is able to identify are 4 and 6, and he is still unable to read his name. For all aspects of Jack’s academic skills to improve. Increase his recognition, writing skills, and numeracy skills. To provide Jack with the necessary skills that will allow him redirect his fascination, which will improve his concentration and eventually his academic success. Short term: By the end of the month, Jack will have developed his writing skills, making more defined markings on the page. Mid term: For Jack to increase his recognition of numerals, and be able to count to 10, and begin to transform his markings into letters, half way through the year. And begin to understand how letters make up a word. Long term: For these new acquired skills to continue to improve, so Jack can read words, to help him communicate and understand. These strategies might be linked in some way to those of the above outcome. Once a strategy is established to help re-direct Jack’s fascination of fans into his academic learning, other strategies can be incorporated. To achieve these goals, a strategy would be to use sensory resources and materials to learn language and numbers, so that Jack is completely focused and interested. This might include individual numbers and letters made from foam, or other textures that allow him to uses his touch sense. This might also help with improving his writing skills. Providing Jack with a colourful pencil with a grip that is rubbery, might encourage his motivation and concentration. Focusing on visual learning for Jack is important, so using pictures, colours and patterns will be very beneficial. Using the strategy of flash cards might also help to achieve these goals, so Jack can improve on his communication and responses simultaneously. Once again, it would be extremely beneficial for Jack’s peers to be aware of certain techniques so that in group Measured by getting Jack to identify numbers other than 4 and 6. To demonstrate his progression in transforming his markings into letters and words. Continual demonstration from Jack to the teacher will assess his progression and achievement of the goals. his name, write it, along with other words, and numbers. activities they can help increase Jack’s involvement.