Lab 10 Anatomy of the Urinary System Urinalysis Dissection of the Urinary System of the Cat Urinary System Anatomy and Histology Identifying Urinary System Organs Text Figure 26-3 Gross Internal Anatomy of the Pig or Sheep Kidney (use demonstration kidney and the model of the kidney for this section) Text Figure 26-4 Studying Nephron Structure (try to distinguish tubules) Table 26-1 COL collecting tubule DT distal convoluted tubule T thin segment of Loop of Henle Urinalysis Use Chemstrips and follow instructions below. Dissection of the Urinary System of the Cat Identifying Organs of the Urinary System Name____________________________ Lab Section ________________ Turn in at the next regular class. Dissection Questions 1. How did the appearance and location of the kidneys in the cat indicate that they are retroperitoneal? 2. What is a urogenital sinus in an adult organism? Is it present in adult female cats? ________ Is it normally present in adult human females? ________ 3. What gland surrounds the cat's urethra? ____________________ What system does this gland belong to? ____________________ 4. Contrast the location of the adrenal glands in the cat and the humans. 2 points Label on this photomicrograph: outer layer of the glomerular capsule, glomerulus, and tubules. Use a ruler and print the labels. Urinalysis (Artificial Urine is Available in the Lab) Test Expected or Normal Value Glucose negative Protein negative pH 4.5 - 8 Blood (Hemoglobin) negative Ketones negative Bilirubin negative Nitrite negative Urobilinogen 0.1 – 1.0 Specific Gravity 1.015 – 1.025 Normal Urine Unknown Sample Analysis: Compare and contrast the normal and abnormal sample. In what specific ways is the unknown sample different from the normal sample? 5 points For the Lab Exam Human anatomy - Identify on models afferent arteriole arcuate artery and vein collecting duct cortex cortical radiate artery cortical radiate vein distal convoluted tubule efferent arteriole glomerular capsule glomerulus interlobar artery JG cells loop of Henle macula densa major calyx peritubular capillary proximal convoluted tubule renal artery Identify terms using figures in lab manual and text fibrous capsule renal artery kidney renal vein perirenal fat capsule ureter Identify terms using figures in lab manual and text arcuate artery interlobar vein arcuate vein lobar artery capsule major calyx cortex medulla cortical radiate medullary pyramid artery minor calyx cortical radiate vein papilla of pyramid interlobar arteries renal artery Identify terms using figures in lab manual and text Collecting duct Glomerular endothelium Ascending limb Loop of Henle Descending limb Parietal layer of Distal convoluted glomerular capsule tubule renal capsule renal cortex renal medulla renal papillae renal pelvis renal pyramids renal vein ureter vasa recta urethra urinary bladder renal column renal pelvis renal pyramid renal vein segmental artery ureter Proximal convoluted tubule Visceral layer of glomerular capsule Cat dissection (male and female): adrenal glands bladder kidneys renal artery renal vein ureters urethra Kidney dissection: calyx capsule cortex medullary region renal pelvis renal pyramid ureter Slides: kidney section o tubules in general o glomerulus, glomerular capsule Urinalysis Evaluation of dipstick adrenal gland o cortex o medulla