Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 380th AFROTC CADET WING Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 C/Col Jason Mulder Cadet Wing Commander C/Col Matthew Kohl Cadet Vice Wing Commander C/Col Daniel Schasser Cadet Wing Inspector General C/Col Jeff Son Operations Group Commander C/Col Caitlin Sullivan Force Support Group Commander C/Col Mike Magner Training Group Commander Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Mission Directive Organization Chart Unit Manning Document Assignment Summary Special Personnel Order Cadet Wing Goals Course Syllabus Leadership Laboratory Agenda Physical Training Agenda Leadership Laboratory Lesson Objectives Flight Meeting Agenda Job Descriptions Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3 Annex 4 Annex 5 Annex 6 Annex 7 Annex 8 Annex 9 Annex 10 Annex 11 Annex 12 Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Mission Directive (Annex 1) 10 Jan 2011 MEMORANDUM FOR DET 380/COC FROM: CW/CC SUBJECT: Mission Directive 1. General a. This plan will establish the means by which the 380th AFROTC Cadet Wing, Michigan State University, will execute the Mission Directive as assigned by the PAS. b. This plan will be executed during the second rotation of the 2010/2011 academic school year. A preceding plan during the first rotation of the 2010/2011 academic year was used as a foundation. c. This plan will be executed under the direct supervision of the COC. d. The references used in the planning and execution of this plan are in Mission Directive, paragraph 4.1. 2. Mission a. The mission of the 380th AFROTC Cadet Wing is to “Develop the leadership abilities of cadets, enabling them to perform effectively as Air Force officers.” b. The mission will be accomplished through the execution of the tasks laid out in the Job Descriptions (Annex 12) section of this document. In addition, other areas of instruction will be detailed under the Cadet Wing Goals section in the OPLAN (Annex 6). All training and instruction will strictly adhere to the policies and guidelines found in the materials listed in Mission Directive, paragraph 4.1. 3. Command a. In the 380th Cadet Wing, the Cadet Wing Commander will hold weekly meetings with the Cadet Wing Staff after Leadership Laboratory on Thursday evenings. Supplemental Cadet Wing Staff meetings will take place when needed at a day, time, and venue to be decided upon by the CW/CC and Cadet Wing Staff. At these meetings, cadet business for the upcoming weeks will be discussed. Events will be planned and coordinated between groups, and weekly issues, such as attendance and LLAB, will be discussed. A supplemental meeting between the CW/CC and the COC will take place at a date and time TBD. This meeting will be used to cover LLAB information and other information presented by the COC. Also, weekly attendance sheets will be placed on the cadet server along with the objective tracker for LLAB. Individual Cadet Group and Squadron Commanders will hold their own meetings to further plan and coordinate events pertaining to their group. 4. Organization a. The cadet corps is organized as a wing according to the provisions of the Air Force’s “Combat Wing Organization” IAW ARMS-CC-02-053, 22 Aug 02. This will model the functional organization of the USAF Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Objective Wing. There will be three groups – the F Group, Force Support Group, and the Training Group – as well as an Inspector General. Refer to Annex 2 for the organization chart. b. Wing Inspector General: The Inspector General’s duty is to enforce standards and ensure they are met. They are responsible for tracking attendance for PT, LLAB and other mandatory PMT functions. The IG will also handle issues of safety and oversee/grade inspections for the cadet corps. c. Operations: The Operations Group is organized into two squadrons, the LLAB Squadron and the Physical Fitness Squadron. The LLAB Squadron is responsible for envisioning, organizing and executing LLABs. The LLAB Squadron must also ensure all required objectives are met. The PT Squadron is responsible for planning and executing PT activities in a safe and efficient manner. d. Force Support: The Force Support Group is organized into two squadrons, the Communications Squadron and the Moral Welfare and Recreation Squadron. The Communications Squadron is responsible for advancing the public affairs mission of Detachment 380 through the Detachment Website, the Spartan Warrior, pictures, video, posters, and other media. Other responsibilities include the recruiting of cadets for both Michigan State and Western Michigan. The Moral Welfare and Recreation Squadron is responsible for events such as Dining Out, Shadow day, and Community Interaction. e. Training Group: The Training Group will be in charge of planning, coordinating, and executing all aspects of training during Spring Semester 2011. IMT/FTP cadets will attend mandatory weekly flight meetings held at a date and time TBD to enhance the training they receive at LLAB. Some of the types of training the Training Group will be responsible for include drill and ceremonies, customs and courtesies, inspections, awards ceremony, flight training preparation procedures and a formal reveille. 5. Responsibilities a. All of the LLAB objectives found in T-508 will be presented over the course of the 2010-2011 academic year. Reference Annex 7 and Annex 8 for a Leadership Laboratory syllabus and agenda, which provides the objectives to be presented in the Spring 2011 semester. These objectives will be presented at LLAB each week. b. A cadet wing organization chart document and a unit manning document have been developed and can be found in Annex 2 and Annex 3 respectively. c. A complete write-up of all the cadet corps job descriptions can be found in Annex 12. d. All cadets will be appointed to their specific jobs this Spring 2011 Semester as reflected in the unit manning documents found in Annex 3. All positions will rotate at the start of the Spring 2011 Semester. A promotion plan is listed in Annex 4 and Annex 5. e. Honor and Warrior Flight awards will be given out monthly at LLAB and the winning flights will carry the corresponding streamers on their guidon for that month. The awards are based on the policy set by the CW/VC. f. A formal reveille will be performed during one PT session. g. Operations Orders (OPORDs) will be published the Monday prior to each LLAB and PMT session. OPORDs will also be posted one week prior to each Physical Training session. LLAB/PMT OPORDs will be generated by the LLABS/CC, supervised by the OG/CC and approved by the CW/CC and COC. They will be posted in the cadet area and on the Detachment Website once they have been approved. PT OPORDs will be generated by the PFS/CC, supervised by the OG/CC and approved by the CW/CC and COC. Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 h. After Action Reports will be completed by the LLABS/CC after each LLAB/Alt LLAB session, the POC after each PMT, and the PFS/CC after each week of PT, and the LLABS/ALT coordinator after each Alternate LLAB. These reports will detail objectives and samples of behavior covered, what took place at the event and provide suggestions for the future. They will be due to the COC one week after their respective event. i. A LLAB and PMT schedule has been developed and can be found in Annex 8. A formal military Dining Out will take place this semester on April 9, 2011. The final awards ceremony will take place on 28 April, 2011. Reveille and retreat procedures will be covered at LLAB. j. LLAB and PT attendance will be tracked and maintained by the CW/IG. The LLABS/CC in conjunction with the OG/CC will maintain a LLAB objective tracker for the entire detachment as a whole. Both will be kept on the cadet server and updated weekly. k. LLAB will be on Thursday at 1610. LLAB will be held at Bessey Hall, IM West, Demonstration Hall, or other venues, depending on the activities planned. The LLAB syllabus is located at Annex 7 with the LLAB agenda located at Annex 8. l. An alternate LLAB program will be developed and executed by the LLABS under the guidance of the LLABS/CC to accomplish all the objectives that were presented during the regular LLAB session. The alternate LLAB will cover these objectives in the same week as they were addressed in the regular LLAB session. An alternate LLAB policy will be developed at the beginning of the semester. m. The CW/IG will update and modify the recall roster and brief the cadet corps on the proper situation of use and manner of use for the system. This program will be approved by the CW/CV, CW/CC, and COC in turn. The cadets will be briefed on both of these programs at the time of their implementation. 6. Procedures a. All hourly requirements set forth in AFOATSI 36-2017 will be strictly adhered unless otherwise excepted by the COC. b. As updates occur, a new index will be completed and forwarded to the COC for inclusion in the OPLAN. JASON M. MULDER, C/Col, AFROTC Cadet Wing Commander Organization Chart (Annex 2) CW/XO C/3c Scheltema Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 CW/CC* C/Col Mulder CW/ADJ C/Col Broyles CW/CV* C/Col Kohl CW/IG C/Col Schasser OG/CC* C/Col Son LLABS/CC* C/Maj Pyncheon LLABS/CD C/1Lt Whelan FSG/CC* C/Col Sullivan PFS/CC* C/Maj Masters PFS/CT C/Capt Skillman COMM/CC* C/Maj Fox, Corey TRG/CC* C/Col Magner MWRS/CC* C/Maj Raska COMM/PA C/Capt Odom MWRS/DO C/Lt Col Soeder COMM/MREC C/1Lt Underwood MWRS/CI C/1Lt Fox, Carrie COMM/WREC C/Capt Brown * Denotes a Leadership Position CW/ALUM C/Col Wilson TRG/IG C/Maj Lake IMTS/CC* C/Maj Isenga FTPS/CC* C/Maj Hunter A Flight/CC* C/1Lt Bale C Flight/CC* C/1Lt Hoffman B Flight/CC* C/1Lt Martel D Flight/CC* C/Capt Meinhart Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Unit Manning Document (Annex 3) Group Wing Level Other* Operations (OG) Office Symbol CW/CC Title Cadet Wing Commander CW/CV Cadet Wing Vice Commander CW/IG Cadet Wing Inspector General CW/ADJ Cadet Wing Adjutant CW/ALUM Cadet Wing Alumni Officer OG/CC LLABS/CC LLABS/CD PFS/CC PFS/CT Force Support (FSG) FSG/CC Current Rank C/Col Highest Auth. Rank C/Col No. 1 C/Col C/Col 1 C/ Col C/Col 1 C/Col C/Col 1 C/Col C/Col 1 C/Col 1 C/Lt Col 1 C/Maj 1 C/Lt Col 1 C/Maj 1 C/Col 1 C/Lt Col 1 C/Maj 1 C/Capt 1 C/Maj 1 C/Lt Col 1 C/Lt Col 1 C/Capt 1 Operations Group C/Col Commander LLAB Squadron C/Maj Commander LLAB Deputy C/Capt Squadron Commander Physical Fitness C/Maj Squadron Commander Cross-Town Physical C/Capt Fitness Officer Force Support C/Col Group Commander COMM/CC Communication C/Maj Squadron Commander COMM/PA Public Affairs C/Capt Officer COMM/MREC MSU Recruiting C/1st Lt Officer COMM/WREC WMU Recruiting C/Capt Officer MWRS/CC Morale Welfare & C/Maj Recreation Squadron Commander MWRS/DO Dining Out C/Lt Col Officer MWRS/CI Community C/1st Lt Interaction Officer Training Group (TRG) TRG/CC TRG/IG IMTS/CC A FLT/CC B FLT/CC FTPS/CC C FLT/CC D FLT/CC Training Group Commander Training Group Inspector General IMT Squadron Commander Alpha Flight Commander Bravo Flight Commander FTP Squadron Commander Charlie Flight Commander Delta Flight Commander * Under direct supervision of the CW/ADJ C/ Col Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 C/Col 1 C/Maj C/Lt Col 1 C/Maj C/Lt Col 1 C/1st Lt C/Capt 1 C/1st Lt C/Capt 1 C/Maj C/Lt Col 1 C/1st Lt C/Capt 1 C/Capt C/Maj 1 Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Assignment Summary (Annex 4) Current Authorized1 8 8 C/Lt Col 1 8 C/Maj 7 12 C/Capt 5 10 C/1st Lt 5 A/R2 C/2nd Lt 0 A/R2 GMC: C/3C A/R2 A/R2 C/4C A/R2 A/R2 POC: C/Col 1 Authorized numbers calculated by adding current and total possible promotable for that specific rank. 2 As required Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Special Personnel Order (Annex 5) 10 Jan 2011 MEMORANDUM FOR DET 380/COC FROM: CW/CC SUBJECT: Special Personnel Order 1. Effective this date, the following cadets will assume the titles and rank listed below: TITLE OFFICE SYMBOL RANK CADET Cadet Wing Commander Cadet Wing Vice Commander Cadet Wing Inspector General Cadet Wing Adjutant CW/CC CW/CV CW/IG CW/ADJ C/Col C/Col C/Col C/Col Jason Mulder Matthew Kohl Daniel Schasser Katie Broyles Cadet Wing Alumni Officer CW/ALUM C/Col Gabrielle Wilson Operations Group Commander OG/CC LLAB Squadron Commander LLABS/CC LLAB Squadron Deputy CC LLABS/CD Physical Fitness Sq Commander PFS/CC Cross-Town Physical Fitness Officer PFS/CT C/Col C/Maj C/Capt C/Maj C/Capt Jeff Son Hannah Pyncheon Joseph Whelan Zachary Masters Jordan Skillman Force Support Group Commander Communication Squadron Commander Public Affairs Officer Recruiting Officer - MSU Recruiting Officer - WMU Morale Welfare & Recreation Squadron Commander Dining Out Officer Community Interaction Officer FSG/CC C/Col Caitlin Sullivan COMM/CC C/Maj Corey Fox COMM/PA COMM/MREC COMM/WREC MWRS/CC C/Capt C/1st Lt C/Capt C/Maj Richard Odom Calan Underwood Kyle Brown Derek Raska MWRS/DO MWRS/CI C/Lt Col C/1st Lt Justin Soeder Carrie Fox Training Group Commander Training Group Inspector General IMT Squadron Commander Alpha Flight Commander Bravo Flight Commander FTP Squadron Commander Charlie Flight Commander Delta Flight Commander TRG/CC TRG/IG IMTS/CC A FLT/CC B FLT/CC FTPS/CC C FLT/CC D FLT/CC C/Col C/Maj C/Maj C/1st Lt C/1st Lt C/Maj C/1st Lt C/Capt Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Mike Magner Andrew Lake Joshua Isenga Stewart Bale Chad Martel James Hunter Isaac Hoffman Nick Meinhart Note: Bold indicates leadership positions JASON M. MULDER, C/Col, AFROTC Cadet Wing Commander 1st Ind, DET 380/COC SPECIAL PERSONNEL ORDER Approve/Disapprove DOYLE E. VOLLERS, Maj, USAF Commandant of Cadets Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Cadet Wing Goals (Annex 6) 10 Jan 2011 MEMORANDUM FOR DET 380/COC FROM: CW/CC SUBJECT: Cadet Wing Goals 1. The following semester goals are intended to advance my overall vision for the 380th Cadet Wing. These goals, if pursued with vigilance, will create an environment of excellence and will continue to develop each and every cadet of Detachment 380. 2. Training a. Unit Cohesion/Development- The camaraderie within the cadet corps has been lacking in the past couple years. One obvious challenge that may inhibit the camaraderie and unit cohesion is the MSU and WMU contrast. This challenge is not new but I think it is something that can be overcome. In order to combat this, we will have more detachment wide activities and require MSU/WMU mixing at LLAB and other PMT activities. Overall, I would like Detachment 380 to be more than a place that we go each week for LLAB and AS class. I want Detachment 380 to be one team. As students and cadets, we are all headed in the same direction. We aspire to attain a degree and a commission. I believe that if we come together closer as a detachment everyone will benefit. When new cadets enter the program, many of them join either AAS or SEDT. Typically, it’s the cadets that get involved early stick with the program and are able to place themselves within the corps. This is great, and Detachment 380 benefits from this, however there are the cadets who don’t get involved and can easily be overlooked. If we can create an environment where everyone feels like they belong to something bigger than themselves, our training will be more effective, will retain more cadets, and in turn we will be able to develop cadets to the best of our ability. b. Continued Development for 100s- In the fall semester, the 100s were given many of the tools they need to be successful in the program. They were taught the basics of drill and ceremonies, customs and courtesies, uniform wear, and military bearing. In the spring, I intend to continue to develop them, but more importantly to hold them accountable for what they have already been taught. c. Project Officer Program (POP)- This program will be focused on the development of the 100 level cadets. It will give them the opportunity to get a preview to what life as a POC will be like, while at the same time easing the workload for some of the more involved POC jobs. POP jobs will teach the 100s the importance of meeting suspense’s, communicating effectively, and ultimately leadership skills. All of which are invaluable as they progress through the cadet ranks. d. Field Training Preparation- From an organizational standpoint, one of the main foci for the spring semester will be preparing the 200 cadets for field training. With FTP semester comes an increase in intensity and purpose in regards to training. The training is built around the FTM (Field Training Manual) which if followed, will adequately prepare cadets for their experience at field training. My goal is to prepare our cadets to be extraordinarily prepared for field training. To do this, we will focus on the FTM side of the house, but also place a large emphasis on leadership development. This preparation not only sets the cadets up for success at field training, but also further down the road as a POC and as they enter active duty. Drawing from our experience and knowledge, as POC, we will do our best to get Det 380 cadets to where they need to be. Ideally, Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 the response from the 200 cadets will be motivation, focus and dedication. As I mentioned earlier, this semester we will face a unique challenge due to the dwindling number of enrollment allocations for field training. Realistically, not all of our 200s will get a slot to go to field training. For those that do not get slots, this could be a rather big blow to their cadet career. It will be important for us to be prepared to answer questions for those who do not get slots and have a training plan unique to their situation. Those who do not get slots will be actively involved and utilized in training of the 100s. I think this will give them a sense of purpose within the detachment and keep them motivated to succeed with hopes they can attend field training the following summer. Overall, for those that are going to field training, we will do our best to prepare them. For those that don’t get slots, we will accommodate them and motivate them as best as possible. e. POC Development- Although the completion of field training is a large hurdle in the race that is pursuing a commission through ROTC, it is not the end of the race. What I mean by this is that we need to continue to develop our POC when they return from field training and throughout the remainder of their time at detachment 380. Much of this development should happen naturally as the POC are placed in their positions each rotation. However, we can do a better job of holding the POC accountable for their work. By doing so, our third core value, Excellence In All We Do, is embraced. 2. Force Support Group a. Service Project/ Large Scale Fundraiser- When I was a freshman, AAS coordinated a service project called “Reams for Dreams”- where essentially- cadets raised money and bought school supplies for a local elementary school. The project culminated during a LLAB where all the cadets worked together to package all the items that we had accumulated to be brought to the school. Community service is a fine example of our second core value, service before self. This spring, I would like to see Detachment 380 either put on a service project, or a Large Scale Fundraiser. I believe we have the capability to raise at least $5,000 through a fundraiser. Either option would be great for the community, and will teach cadets the importance of community service throughout their careers. Our project this spring will be coordinated through the LLAB Squadron and the Community Interaction Officer. 3. Inspector General a. Develop a Digital Attendance System- This semester we will begin testing and perfecting a digital attendance system. Once developed, cadets will show up to PMT activities and will swipe their school ID card. The data will be automatically recorded in an excel spreadsheet. This attendance system will be much more efficient and will make it easier for the IG to track attendance. With the growth of the detachment, an improved attendance system would save a lot of time. b. Physical Training Accountability- There is, without a doubt, a problem currently within the corps with regards to correct form of the push-up and sit-up exercise. In order to get the entire corps on track for correct form, the IG will work the PFS to create an accountability plan for pt exercises and the PFA. The plan will focus primarily on holding the spotters accountable as they count out the number of repetitions for the individual performing the exercise. 4. Other a. Alumni Program- The Alumni program has been in the works for the past few years. This is the semester for it to take hold. The program will focus on locating our alumni and creating a database for reference. This communication will benefit the corps in many ways. First the alumni are an invaluable resource when it comes to information on specific career fields and Air Force life. By utilizing this resource, our cadets can be more prepared for active duty life. Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 b. Physical Training- Physical Training is an integral part of our training at Det 380. It is at PT where cadets have the opportunity to learn discipline and professionalism. Just as important is the time spent with the wing to build camaraderie and physical fitness. Physical fitness is an important part of the military lifestyle and won’t go away once we enter active duty. PT will consist of challenging workouts, but also workouts that bring the wing together as a team. For anyone that has been a part of a sports team, they know the special bond created by doing tough and physically demanding workouts together. In order to do this, we will incorporate workouts that push our bodies to the limit physically, but also push us mentally. This mental strength is invaluable and can be utilized in many different environments. For example, we could use exercises and work-outs where mind over matter is more important than physical ability. In these exercises, it is the one extra set, that you think you cannot physically do that pushes your mind and body to do things it normally could not. JASON M. MULDER, C/Col, AFROTC Cadet Wing Commander Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Course Syllabus (Annex 7) AFROTC Leadership Laboratory/Physical Training 1. Description. Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) augments AFROTC academic curriculum by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. Physical Training (PT) enhances fitness levels of cadets and prepares them to meet AFROTC and Air Force standards, while motivating cadets to pursue a physically fit and active lifestyle. Attendance is mandatory except as arranged with the Commandant of Cadets (COC), through the cadet wing chain of command. 2. Meeting Time/Place: Unless otherwise specified, LLAB is scheduled for Thursday, 1610-1810 (4:10-6:10 pm). PT will be conducted three times per week (3) but will only be required to attend twice per week (2). Cadets must attend 80% of all sessions to remain a cadet the following semester. PT is scheduled from 0600-0700 (6:00-7:00 am), Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Western Michigan Cadets will schedule their weekly PT times with the COC no later than the end of the first week of WMU’s academic term. Weekly locations and training start times will vary. Students are responsible for checking Operations Orders (OPORDs) each week for time and location of LLAB and PT, to include the uniform of the day; OPORDs are posted on the cadet bulletin board in Bessey Hall, as well as the detachment web site. The tentative LLAB agenda is listed in Attachment 1. The PT agenda will be published in the 380th AFROTC Cadet Wing Operations Plan, but will commence on 19 January 2011. All returning cadets and new cadets with a valid sports physical or certified military physical are expected to attend. 3. LLAB/PT Activities. LLAB and PT activities include those events/training conducted by cadets as members of the cadet wing. Cadets plan, organize and execute LLAB practicum and PT activities under the supervision of the detachment commander and commandant of cadets. These activities are planned as part of the LLAB/PT program and are included in appropriate plans and orders. By instruction, LLAB activities that count toward numbered LLAB objectives cannot exceed two (2) hours each week for Initial Military Training (IMT) and Field Training Preparation (FTP) cadets, and three (3) hours per week for Intermediate and Senior Cadet Leaders (ICL and SCL); graded PT activities will not exceed an additional three (3) hours per week. The detachment commander can approve justifiable time extensions. A list of required LLAB lesson objectives for each cadet category is provided in Attachment 2; these objectives must be presented over the course of the academic year, not each academic semester. For the purposes of LLAB, the following are lesson objective cadet categories: a. IMT -- Initial Military Training; cadets who are part of the General Military Course (GMC) but are not scheduled to attend Field Training (FT), normally AS100 cadets. b. FTP -- Field Training Preparation; cadets scheduled to attend field training in the upcoming year, normally AS200 cadets. c. ICL -- Intermediate Cadet Leaders; cadets returning from field training, normally AS300 cadets. d. SCL -- Senior Cadet Leaders; cadets scheduled for commissioning in the upcoming year, normally AS400 cadets. e. ECL – Extended Cadet Leaders; cadets that have completed the AFROTC curriculum but have not met the requirements to graduate with their degree. These cadets primary function is to mentor and provide guidance to all cadets in the detachment, with a focus on the GMC. Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 4. Grading/Attendance. LLAB is graded on a Pass/Fail system. a. Students pass if they: 1) attend a minimum of 80% of required LLAB and PT events or make-up activities; 2) take (attempt, NOT pass) the AFROTC Physical Fitness Test (PFT); and 3) do not show indifference to military training as documented on AFOATS Form 16. b. Any cadet who misses more than 20% of LLAB or 20% of required PT activities will fail LLAB for not completing 80% of the required training. A student may make up missed LLAB by attending alternate LLAB if authorized by the COC, or by a means determined by the COC as meeting the objectives of that specific LLAB. The cadet wing will regularly schedule alternate LLAB. Missed LLABs must be made up within two (2) weeks of the originally scheduled lab. LLABs missed for inexcusable reasons (as determined by the COC) will not be made up and an absence will be recorded. All cadets will be present for Physical Fitness Diagnostic (PFD) and/or PFT activities. Cadets new this term have 30 days to complete administrative requirements; they must attend 80% of required PT activities as soon as medically cleared, but starting not later than 24 January 2011. c. Students can also fail LLAB if they display indifference to military training. Indifference to military training includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1) possessing undesirable character traits which interfere with effectiveness and performance as an officer candidate (character traits and personal attributes that detract from the traditional officer values of self-discipline, pride, loyalty, integrity, commitment, and esprit de corps will not be tolerated); 2) displaying inaptitude, to include failure to attain the level of maturity and judgment expected of an officer candidate; and 3) displaying unacceptable adjustment to the military environment (failure to maintain standards of moral character, bearing and behavior, physical fitness, professional conduct, and relationships and appearance). Cadet wing staff and cadre will counsel students demonstrating a problem with attitude or adjustment in an effort to correct indifference. This passing requirement is assumed met by all students, unless otherwise documented. d. Contract cadets who fail LLAB will be investigated for disenrollment. Non-contract cadets who fail LLAB will be ineligible for continued membership and may not make up failing grades for the purpose of qualifying for POC membership. 5. Uniforms. An Air Force uniform will be worn each Thursday and to LLAB/PT activities. The required uniform will be designated on the weekly OPORD. 6. Integrity. One of the most important aspects of your education and training in AFROTC is a full understanding of, and appreciation for, INTEGRITY. No single factor of an officer's character is more important than integrity. We want to ensure that you understand we expect a higher standard from you as an AFROTC cadet than society commonly expects of a college student. In AFROTC, just as in the operational Air Force, we have a simple, clear standard of conduct -- WE WILL NOT LIE, STEAL OR CHEAT NOR TOLERATE AMONG US ANYONE WHO DOES. 7. Harassment. This is a zero tolerance issue. Harassment, of any nature, will not be tolerated. Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 8. LLAB is a time for cadets to learn as much as they can about the Air Force and apply leadership and followership principles; PT must be taken seriously as a cadet's physical fitness level will have a direct impact on their career as an Air Force officer. Look, listen, ask questions and get as much as you can out of this experience. We are here to help and guide you. Use your chain of command for problems within the cadet wing; however, feel free to see me anytime. Major Doyle Vollers 104E Bessey Hall e-mail: (517) 355-2168 //SIGNED// DOYLE E. VOLLERS, Maj, USAF Commandant of Cadets Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 LLAB Agenda (Annex 8) DATE: LLAB: AGENDA: LOCATION: 13 Jan 11 1 Intro to AFROTC, AAS/SEDT candidate/pledge intro, Drill and Ceremonies 108 EBH/IM West 20 Jan 11 2 Commanders Call, Med/Honor Code Briefing, 108 EBH/IM West Heat Stress/Physical Fitness Briefing, Alt LLAB Briefing, IG Briefing, Drill and Ceremonies 27 Jan 11 3 Field Training Briefing, POP Briefing IMT/FTP Training IM West 3 Feb 11 4 ORI/IDE IM West 10 Feb 11 5 Recruiting Briefing, Drill and Ceremonies Stations IM West 17 Feb 11 6 Career Day IM West 24 Feb 11 7 Guest Speaker 108 EBH 4 Mar 11 8 Spring Break Safety Brief IMT/FTP Campus Stations Retreat WMU Spring Break 108 EBH/Campus 11 Mar 11 8 MSU Spring Break IMT/FTP Campus Stations Retreat TBD 17 Mar 11 9 Campus Stations 108 EBH 24 Mar 11 10 Warrior Competition Day IM West 31 Mar 11 11 Wingman Briefing, Baker Woodlot Brief Suicide Prevention Briefing 108 EBH 7 Apr 11 12 Baker Wood Lot Baker Woodlot 14 Apr 11 13 Dining Out TBD 21 Apr 11 14 Rope Course/Paint Ball TBD 28 Apr 11 15 Parade/Awards Ceremony IM West Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Physical Training Agenda (Annex 9) MSU Week 1 (Jan 19, 21): AF Football, Ultimate Frisbee, and Basketball. Paperwork will be filled out as well. Week 2 (Jan 24, 26, 28): Mock PFA Monday and Wednesday. Partner run and sprints on Friday. Week 3 (Jan 31, Feb 2, 4): 3 mile time trial, and pushup challenge on Monday and Friday. Circuits on Wednesday. Week 4 (Feb 7, 9, 11): WMU/Olivet PFA. MSU will have a speed workout at goal 1.5 mile pace on Monday and Friday. Wednesday will be twice the one minute callisthenic periods with rest, followed by a partner run. Week 5 (Feb 14, 16): MSU PFA on M/W. CMU PFA is on Friday at CMU. Week 6 (Feb 21, 23, 25): Calisthenics Pyramid followed by team sprint relays on Monday. Ab ripper X followed by stairs on Wednesday and Friday. Week 7 (Feb 28, Mar 2, 4): Wrestler workouts. Week 8 (Mar 14, 16, 18): Gauntlet on Monday and Friday. Team sprint relay followed by partner run on Wednesday. Week 9 (Mar 21, 23, 25): Jump rope and calisthenics followed by Indian runs all three days. Week 10 (Mar 28, 30, Apr 1): Core workout followed by running on Monday and Friday. Wednesday will be pull-ups, plyometrics, and wind sprints. Week 11 (Apr 4, 6, 8): FTP will organize PT for the entire week as a GLP. Week 12 (Apr 11, 13, 15): Wrestler Workouts on Monday and Friday. Speed workout on Wednesday. Week 13 (Apr 18, 20, 22): Ab Ripper X followed by stairs on Monday. Upper body strength session on Wednesday. Commisioning/QFR on Friday. Week 14 (Apr 25, 27, 29): Games. Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 WMU Week 1(Jan 19,21): First PT. Games such as basketball, soccer and ultimate frisbee will be played. Week 2(Jan 24,26,28): PFA introduction: Show how to correctly perform each exercise as well as do a mock PFA. Week 3(Jan 31, Feb 2,4): Calisthenics/Running workout focusing on cardiovascular endurance. Stairs on Wednesday and Friday. Week 5(Feb 7,9,11): PFA on Wednesday and Friday. PT on Monday is TBD. Week 6(Feb 14,16,18): Mixed calisthenics along with long distance running. Slow to moderate time intervals. Week 7(Feb 21,23): Week before Spring Break. Games such as basketball, soccer and ultimate frisbee will be played. Week 8(Feb 28 Mar 2,4): Spring Break for WMU Week 9(Mar 7,9,11): First week back from Spring Break we will perform the Gauntlet as done at field training. Cadets will be broken up into groups and must perform as many pushups, sit ups, run, ect. as possible in a given time for points. The team with the most points wins. Week 10(Mar 14,16,18): Running, majority sprint workouts on short intervals, ending with a long cool down run. Week 11(Mar 21,23,25): Calisthenics/running. Long distance running with calisthenics mixed in during the run to keep the heart rate up and keep the cadets moving at all times. Week 12(Mar 28,30 Apr 1): Calisthenics focusing on increasing strength. Week 13(April 4,6,8): FTP will organize PT for the entire week as a GLP. Week 14(Apr 11,13,15): Warrior PT competition. Week 15(Apr 18,20,22): This week we will play a game the last three days of PT as this is the week before finals. NOTES: The intensity and duration of these workouts will vary each week depending on cadet attitude and fitness level. Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 LLAB Lesson Objectives (Annex 10) # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 LLAB LESSON OBJECTIVES Know the Air Force and AFROTC grade structure and insignia. Know the Air Force and AFROTC Chain of Command. Know the AFROTC Honor Code. Apply proper courtesies and procedures associated with the United States flag. Apply individual and flight drill positions. Apply basic individual and flight drill movements. Apply effective followership and teamwork skills. Know the environment of an Air Force Officer. Apply correct guidon procedures during cadet drill & ceremonies practice and official functions. Apply the principles of advanced individual and flight drill movements in LLAB. Apply the skills needed to be an effective flight commander. Know road guard procedures. Apply proper individual drill evaluation (IDE) procedures. Know proper dorm maintenance procedures and requirements. Know the mental, physical and administrative requirements of Field Training (FT). Apply proper open ranks inspection procedures. Know key personnel parade procedures. Know Field Training (FT) military decorum. Apply learned information during esprit de corps activities. Comprehend the principles of the AFOATS Training Manual (ATM). Apply leadership and followership skills through a cadet mentor program. Know the principles of Air Force Health and Wellness. Apply proper Air Force customs and courtesies. Apply proper Air Force dress and grooming standards. Know the proper procedures and history behind the Air Force Dining-In/Out. Comprehend how to effectively execute all functions associated with the reveille (flagraising) ceremony, retreat ceremony, and parade. Apply the AFROTC Awards and Decorations program in a formal awards ceremony. Apply leadership and management skills in supervising the cadet corps or through advanced leadership experiences. Apply proper feedback and performance evaluation skills. Comprehend topics of importance to cadets about to enter active duty. Apply leadership, management and problem-solving skills in special projects/positions Comprehend issues and topics given in a Commander’s Call environment Physical Training (PT) IMT FTP ICL SCL ECL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Flight Meeting Agenda (Annex 11) WEEK: DATE: AGENDA: 1 TBD TBD 2 TBD TBD 3 TBD TBD 4 TBD TBD 5 TBD TBD 6 TBD TBD 7 TBD TBD 8 TBD TBD 9 TBD TBD 10 TBD TBD 11 TBD TBD 12 TBD TBD 13 TBD TBD 14 TBD TBD 15 TBD TBD Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 Job Descriptions (Annex 12) CADET WING COMMANDER (CW/CC) The responsibilities of the CW/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Coordinate Wing policy and procedures with the COC 2. Ensure the Cadet Wing accomplishes the LLAB goals and objectives as prescribed by the United States Air Force and Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps 3. Fulfill goals set out in the Mission Directive 4. Supervise and delegate corresponding duties to his/her respective groups as well as the Cadet Wing Staff 5. Supervise and delegate duties to the CW/ADJ 6. Provide vision and direction to the Cadet Wing in pursuit of long-term goals and continuous improvement 7. Serve as MEAC (Military Education Advisory Committee) representative for the Cadet Wing CADET WING VICE COMMANDER (CW/CV) The responsibilities of the CW/CV include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Act as a consultant to the Cadet Wing Commander on matters concerning the cadet corps Assume the responsibilities of the CW/CC in his/her absence Act as an emissary for the Cadet Wing Commander at various functions Supervise and delegate duties to the IMT Advisor and FTP Advisor Develop and oversee the POP program for AS 100s Coordinate the cadet awards portion of the end of semester awards ceremony Create cadet awards for the end of the semester awards ceremony and GMC/POC of the Month 8. Complete additional duties as assigned by the CW/CC INSPECTOR GENERAL (CW/IG) The responsibilities of the CW/IG include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Ensure that all cadets adhere to those regulations dealing with dress and appearance and customs and courtesies 2. Coordinate formal inspections with the TRG/CC, TRG/IG and the cadre 3. Develop an accurate recall roster by 23 January, 2011; conduct a “test” of the recall roster at least twice throughout the semester 4. Conduct weekly inspections of the cadet area (2) 5. Assume the role of arbitrator of cadet concerns if the chain of the command has failed Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 6. Create and maintain a system to document Cadet Wing attendance 7. Educate cadets and publish policy on Policy Board with regards to safety and security issues 8. Ensure all cadre mandated safety issues are properly briefed to the cadet corps 9. Develop a comprehensive continuity system to ensure continuity is a semester long process 10. Complete additional duties assigned by the CW/CC 11. Track POC cadet discrepancies and counseling forms and add to Cadet Files 12. Coordinate with TRG/IG to recognize Outstanding Troop of the Week 13. Create incentive system to reward good behavior and outstanding performance CADET WING ADJUTANT (CW/ADJ) The responsibilities of the CW/ADJ include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Maintain the detachment snack cabinet and ensure it is well stocked at all times Place special uniform item orders for cadets Coordinate distribution of detachment stickers and coins Complete additional duties assigned by the CW/CC CW ALUMNI OFFICER (CW/ALUM) The responsibilities of the CW/ALUM include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Gather all continuity from previous Alumni Officers 2. Verify all new and old information regarding email addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses 3. Gather contact information for the newest alumni who are not in the records 4. Work with the MWRS/CI to distribute detachment merchandise to the alumni 5. Contact alumni and gauge interest on whether they would like to receive the Spartan Warrior each month. This should be done in cooperation with the COMM/PA 6. Put together a contact guide organized by career field for interested cadets to contact officers in their field of interest 7. Think of other creative ways to keep in touch with Alumni and create a lasting relationship with them 8. Contact alumni to be involved in the Spartan Warrior each month 9. Complete additional duties assigned by the CW/ADJ EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CW/XO) The responsibilities of the CW/XO include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Review documents that require routing through the CW/CC 2. Return documents that contain errors to the appropriate personnel for revisions Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 3. Ensure LLAB and PT OPORDs contain relevant ORM specific to the activities that are being conducted 4. Organize all documents that require routing through the CW/CC 5. Maintain a suspense calendar on behalf of the CW/CC to ensure all suspenses are completed in a timely manner 6. Attend all Wing Staff meetings and take notes 7. Complete additional duties assigned by the CW/CC IMT/FTP ADVISOR (CW/IMTA & CW/FTPA) The responsibilities of the CW/IMTA and the CW/FTPA include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Monitor the IMT/FTP cadets for attitude, appearance, and compliance with wing policies and regulations 2. Give advice and/or guidance to IMT/FTP cadets on any aspect of cadet life 3. Provide recommendations to the Cadet Wing Staff based on IMT/FTP input; also advise of problems within IMT/FTP and offer solutions 4. Act as the “go-to” person for the corps regarding IMT/FTP 5. Conduct a survey during the semester to get quantitative feedback from IMT/FTP cadets on their likes and dislikes of AFROTC 6. Collect and distribute announcements prior to LLAB 7. Attend all Wing Staff meetings and take minutes on what is discussed 8. Ensure minutes are taken and an agenda of suspenses and important dates are kept at each meeting and sent to the CW/XO, CW/CV and CW/CC 9. Complete additional duties assigned by the CW/CV OPERATIONS GROUP COMMANDER (OG/CC) The responsibilities of the OG/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Be a visionary and direct all activities assigned to the Operations Group Supervise and delegate corresponding duties to the LLABS/CC and PFS/CC Keep the CW/CC informed of all activities occurring within the Operations Group Submit the LLAB OPORD to the CW/XO NLT Sunday @ 1200 before the LLAB listed on the OPORD Submit the LLAB AAR to the CW/XO NLT Sunday @ 1200 one week after the LLAB listed on the OPORD Submit the PT OPORD to the CW/XO NLT Sunday @ 1200 one week before the PT listed on the OPORD Submit the PT AAR to the CW/XO NLT Sunday @ 1200 one week after the PT listed on the OPORD Complete additional duties assigned by CW/CC Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 LLAB SQUADRON COMMNADER (LLABS/CC) The responsibilities of the LLABS/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Supervise all LLAB-based training and be directly responsible for all such operations to the OG/CC 2. Create an overall LLAB plan by 4 January, 2011 3. Produce and submit the LLAB OPORD to the OG/CC NLT Sunday before the LLAB listed on the OPORD 4. Produce and submit the LLAB AAR to the OG/CC NLT Sunday one week after the LLAB listed on the OPORD 5. Coordinate LLAB training with TRG 6. Manage the LLAB objective tracker excel sheet to ensure all cadets meet training requirements as established by AFROTC 7. Ensure LLAB facilities are properly reserved for use 8. Ensure objectives completed at regular LLAB are completed at ALT LLAB 9. Conduct a weekly Alternate LLAB for cadets not able to attend regular LLAB 10. When possible, coordinate to have LLAB Cadet Presenters attend Alternate LLAB 11. Ensure ALT LLAB Facilities are properly reserved for use 12. Take attendance during Alternate LLAB and forward attendance record to CW/IG 13. Plan, organize, and develop leadership activities to further the professional development of all cadets 14. Facilitate at least three alumni talk by leveraging alumni resources through the CW/ALUM 15. Present Current Events Briefings each week at LLAB 16. Complete additional duties assigned by the OG/CC LLAB SQUADRON DEPUTY COMMANDER (LLABS/CD) The responsibilities of the LLABS/CD include: 1. Complete duties assigned by the LLABS/CC PHYSICAL FITNESS SQUADRON COMMANDER (PFS/CC) The responsibilities of the PFS/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Be directly responsible for all physical fitness operations to the OG/CC Bring Health Questionnaire Forms to the first PT session of the semester Create an overall physical fitness training plan by 4 January, 2011 Produce and submit the PT OPORD (comprehensive of both WMU and MSU PT sessions) to the OG/CC NLT Sunday one week before the PT listed on the OPORD 5. Produce and submit the PT AAR (comprehensive of both WMU and MSU PT sessions) to the OG/CC NLT Sunday one week after the PT listed on the OPORD Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 6. Coordinate with the PFS/CT to ensure PT AARs include relevant information regarding regular PT sessions held at WMU 7. Envision, organize and execute all PT sessions in such a way that cadets safely and continually improve their physical fitness capabilities 8. Bring the first aid kit to all PT sessions 9. Delegate physical fitness responsibilities in the event of his/her absence from physical fitness training sessions (duties include executing PT sessions, bringing the first aid kit to PT sessions, summarizing the PT session as part of the AAR, etc.) 10. Ensure MSU PT facilities are properly reserved for use 11. Assist the cadre when conducting the PFA (i.e. paperwork, pens, etc.) 12. Ensure only authorized cadets are participating in physical fitness activities 13. Complete additional duties assigned by the OG/CC CROSS-TOWN PHYSICAL FITNESS OFFICER (PFS/CT) The responsibilities of the PFS/CT include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Be directly responsible for all physical fitness operations at WMU to the PFS/CC 2. Assist the PFS/CC to create a training plan that standardizes physical fitness training at WMU and MSU 3. Coordinate with the PFS/CC to develop PT OPORDs that include physical fitness activities at WMU 4. Coordinate with the PFS/CC to ensure PT AARs include relevant information regarding regular PT sessions held at WMU 5. Bring the first aid kit to all PT sessions 6. Delegate physical fitness responsibilities in the event of his/her absence from physical fitness training sessions (duties include executing PT sessions, bringing the first aid kit to PT sessions, summarizing the PT session as part of the AAR, etc.) 7. Be a strong leader that can manage WMU cadets when no Detachment 380 cadre are present at PT sessions 8. Ensure WMU PT facilities are properly reserved for use 9. Assist the cadre when conducting the PFA (i.e. paperwork, pens, etc.) 10. Ensure only authorized cadets are participating in physical fitness activities 11. Complete additional duties assigned by the PFS/CC FORCE SUPPORT GROUP COMMANDER (FSG/CC) The responsibilities of the FSG/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Be a visionary and direct all activities assigned to the Force Support Group Supervise and delegate corresponding duties to the COMM/CC and MWRS/CC Keep the CW/CC informed of all activities occurring within the Force Support Group Complete additional duties assigned by CW/CC Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 COMMUNICATION SQUADRON COMMANDER (COMM/CC) The responsibilities of the COMM/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Work closely with, oversee, inspire creative ideas, and ensure accountability for the COMM/PA, COMM/MREC, COMM/WREC 2. Complete additional duties assigned by FSG/CC PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER (COMM/PA) The responsibilities of the COMM/PA include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Publish the Spartan Warrior on a monthly basis to cadets and non-cadets alike Create a fully illustrated organization chart of the cadet wing NLT 23 January, 2011 Take pictures at cadet functions (i.e. LLAB, PT and other activities) Replace/maintain hallway pictures Maintain hallway decorations Develop informational posters that can be distributed around campus and throughout the local community 7. Create a timeless information video that can be posted to the website and used at recruiting functions 8. Maintain the Detachment 380 website; upload relevant documents (i.e. LLAB OPORDs, PT OPORDs, Attendance etc.) to the secure cadet area 9. Come up with new, creative ideas to get spotlight on Det 380 10. Complete additional duties assigned by the COMM/CC MSU RECRUITING OFFICER (COMM/MREC) The responsibilities of the COMM/MREC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Develop new and unique strategies to foster recruitment, particularly with respect to Michigan State University, Central Michigan University and the surrounding area 2. Hold recruiting activities in conjunction with on campus events (i.e. Engineering Fair, Marathon of Majors, etc.) 3. Continue to develop activities to promote recruitment of foreign language speaking students and Engineers 4. Build relationships with Civil Air Patrol and JROTC 5. Make contacts with high schools, JROTC units, and CAP units in the greater Lansing area 6. Complete additional duties assigned by the COMM/CC Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 WMU RECRUITING OFFICER (COMM/WREC) The responsibilities of the COMM/WREC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Develop new and unique strategies to foster recruitment, particularly with respect to Western Michigan University, Olivet College and the surrounding area 2. Hold recruiting activities in conjunction with on campus events (i.e. Engineering Fair, Marathon of Majors, etc.) 3. Continue to develop activities to promote recruitment of foreign language speaking students and Engineers 4. Make contacts with high schools, JROTC units, and CAP units in the greater Kalamazoo area 5. Complete additional duties assigned by the COMM/CC MORALE WELFARE & RECREATION SQUADRON COMMANDER (MWRS/CC) The responsibilities of the MWRS/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Will work closely with, oversee, ensure accountability and inspire creative ideas for the MWRS/DO and MWRS/CI 2. Complete additional duties assigned by the FSG/CC DINING OUT OFFICER (MWRS/DO) The responsibilities of MWRS/DO include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Execute Dining Out 2011 Establish a date and venue early on in the semester Contact and establish a special guest speaker early on in the semester Work with the COMM/PA to ensure special guests from the invite roster are invited to Dining Out 5. Complete additional duties assigned by the MWRS/CC COMMUNITY INTERACTION OFFICER (MWRS/CI) The responsibilities of the MWRS/CI include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Advertise Detachment 380 in a professional and unique manner to the community Plan and execute projects involving the community, such as a charity event Plan and execute at least one detachment wide service project Set up a detachment merchandise table at Dining Out Distribute Detachment 380 gear to cadets Think of creative ways to get involved with the community Build rapport with Army ROTC at MSU through joint events Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 8. Coordinate at least one joint event with Army ROTC 9. Organize carpools during Lead Lab events (i.e. FLX, Dining In, Paintball) 10. Complete additional duties assigned by the MWRS/CC TRAINING GROUP COMMANDER (TRG/CC) The responsibilities of the TRG/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Be a visionary and direct all activities assigned to the Training Group Supervise and delegate corresponding duties to the TRG/IG, IMTS/CC and FTPS/CC Coordinate with other Groups to ensure effective and seamless training Keep the CW/CC informed of all activities occurring within the Training Group Produce a training plan NLT 16 January, 2011 Complete additional duties assigned by CW/CC TRAINING GROUP INSPECTOR GENERAL (TRG/IG) The responsibilities of the TRG/IG include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Ensure that Squadron CC’s and Flight CC’s are implementing policies set by the TRG/CC correctly 2. Ensure standardization among training 3. Ensure regulations and customs and courtesies are being followed 4. Ensure that physical training exercises are of correct form 5. Assist the CW/IG as needed 6. Track GMC cadet discrepancies and add to Cadet Files 7. Assume the role of arbitrator of GMC cadet concerns if the chain of the command has failed 8. Complete additional duties assigned by the TRG/CC IMT SQUADRON COMMANDER (IMTS/CC) The responsibilities of the IMTS/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Train IMT cadets to meet all requirements as established by AFROTC 2. Supervise and delegate responsibilities to the respective FLT/CCs 3. Coordinate with sister squadron and TRG/IG to update Honor and Warrior Flight information weekly into an Excel spreadsheet 4. Make every effort to maintain high morale within squadron 5. Keep TRG/CC informed of all activities the squadron is participating in 6. Create pertinent and challenging Flight Quizzes weekly 7. Ensure proper IMT training IAW D&C and Flag Details 8. Meet with flight commanders once a week to organize flight meetings 9. Meet with TRG/CC and TRG/IG weekly to discuss training and progress Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 10. Complete additional duties assigned by the TRG/CC IMT FLIGHT COMMANDER (X FLT/CC) The responsibilities of the IMT FLT/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Supervise and train all IMT cadets to meet requirements established by AFROTC 2. Work with and develop Cadet Assistant Trainers, assign rotating FLT/AT (Flight Assistant Trainers) to act as leaders for their flights, and GMC flight commanders for LLAB and PT 3. Maintain accountability and responsibility for members of the flight 4. Make every effort to maintain high morale within their flights 5. Maintain a professional, yet friendly training environment in which the flight members feel they can approach you with questions or concerns, but at the same time, respect you as their supervisor 6. Make every effort to participate in and encourage flight participation in optional esprit de corps activities (i.e. social events, retention events, mentoring events, etc.) 7. Keep IMTS/CC informed of all activities the flight is participating in 8. Meet with squadron commander weekly to organize flight meetings 9. Complete counseling sessions with cadets IAW CW/IG and TRG/IG instruction 10. Turn in an AAR for flight meetings NLT midnight of following Sunday 11. Create and/or maintain a Cadet File for each cadet to include quiz scores, flight meeting attendance, awards, discrepancies, counselings, Flight Commander ranking, peer ranking, etc. 12. Complete additional duties assigned by the IMTS/CC FTP SQUADRON COMMANDER (FTPS/CC) The responsibilities of the FTPS/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Train FTP cadets to meet all requirements as established by AFROTC 2. Supervise and delegate responsibilities to the respective FLT/CCs 3. Coordinate with sister squadron and TRG/IG to update Honor and Warrior Flight information weekly into an Excel spreadsheet 4. Assign rotating GMC cadet flight positions 5. Set tone of a challenging and intense training environment both physically and mentally 6. Keep TRG/CC informed of all activities the squadron is participating in 7. Create pertinent and challenging Flight Quizzes weekly 8. Ensure proper FTP training IAW FTM, AM, D&C, and Flag Details 9. Meet with flight commanders weekly to organize flight meetings 10. Complete additional duties assigned by the TRG/CC FTP FLIGHT COMMANDER (X FLT/CC) Cadet Operations Plan 2R10/11 The responsibilities of the FTP FLT/CC include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Supervise and train all FTP cadets to meet requirements established by AFROTC Maintain accountability and responsibility for members of the flight Make every effort to maintain high morale within their flights Hold weekly flight meetings Maintain a professional training environment in which the flight members feel they can approach you with questions or concerns, but at the same time, respect the chain of command as expected of an FTP cadet 6. Make every effort to participate in and encourage flight participation in optional esprit de corps activities (i.e. social events, retention events, mentoring events, etc.) 7. Encourage outside practice of marching fundamentals and warrior knowledge and be available to train them whenever they should ask for it 8. Keep FTPS/CC informed of all activities the flight is participating in 9. Turn in an AAR for flight meetings NLT midnight of following Sunday 10. Meet with squadron commander once a week to organize flight meetings 11. Complete counseling sessions with cadets IAW CW/IG and TRG/IG instruction 12. Create and maintain a Cadet File for each cadet to include quiz scores, flight meeting attendance, awards, discrepancies, counselings, Flight Commander ranking, peer ranking, etc. 13. Complete additional duties assigned by the FTPS/CC