JUNE 20-22, 2014
First Meeting, Opening Service, Friday Evening, June 20, 2014
The processional was led by the Crucifer Bearer, the Acolyte, Convention Co-chairmen, Zone Presidents with
banners and YWRs. Following were the appointed officers, elected officers, Past Presidents of the Missouri District
LWML, participating clergy, District LWML Counselors, the Lutheran Church – Missouri District President, the LWML
representative and the Missouri District LWML President.
President Karen Drury opened the 23rd Biennial Convention of the Missouri District Lutheran Women’s Missionary
League at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, June 20, 2014, with the theme “Carry His Light”. Following the call to order the
convention candle was lit and the opening service began.
The Proclaimer for the opening worship service was the Missouri District LCMS President Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly.
Liturgist was the Rev. Gary Griffin and the Lector was the Rev David Moore, LWML Missouri District Counselors. The
Celebrant was the Rev. Pastor David Oddi, from Hope, Maryville, the host congregation. The Choir Director was
Helen Shade, of St. Paul, St. Joseph. Acolyte for the convention was Jonathon Drury. The Crucifer Bearer was
Daniel Drury. Choir accompanist was Wally Campbell, St. Paul, St. Joseph. The song leader was Karen McFarland,
St. Paul, St. Joseph and the convention service musician was Paula Easterwood, Bethlehem, Warrensburg. The
convention banner was carried by Diana Harrison. Chime banners were carried by YWRs.
A hospitality reception was held following the opening service, where candidates and special guests were introduced
by elected officers and counselors. Entertainment was by the Hootin’ Annies.
Second Meeting, Saturday Morning, June 21, 2014
The convention reconvened at 8:15 a.m. following pre-convention singing led by Karen McFarland .Sally Handrick,
Vice President of Gospel Outreach, was seated on the dais. President Drury introduced Carolyn Scott, Vice President
of Christian Life, who led us in an opening devotion. The devotion began with the singing of This Little Gospel Light of
mine. The Little Gospel Light can and does overcome the darkness in our lives.
The colors were presented by Daniel and Jonathan Drury, both Boy Scouts. Karen McFarland, our song leader sang
the National Anthem. The Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Cross were led by the Past Presidents of the
Missouri District LWML. The chair recognized the Past Presidents of the Missouri District LWML, Ruth Rodewald,
Patti Haubein, Joyce Bischoff, Jennifer Huecker and Janice Rose.
Greetings and Introduction of Guests
Convention Co-Chairman Jean Novotny and Marlo Howard welcomed everyone to convention.
KCI Expo Center, Associate Director of Sales, Judy Ventura
LWML representative – LWML President Kay Kreklau
Mission Speaker – Patricia Main
Keynote Speaker – Heidi Breitbarth
Young Women’s Representatives
First time convention attendees
Missouri District LCMS President, Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly and wife Debbie. Dr. Mirly greeted the members with
words of encouragement. He recalled his first LWML convention in St. Charles. He also thanked everyone
for being a part of LWML. He encouraged everyone to continue their mission efforts. Missouri itself Is a
mission field. Rev Mirly announced that he will be retiring in July of next year.
District officers on the dais: Recording Secretary Myra Weber; Vice President of Organizational Resources,
Liz Schroeder; Parliamentarian, Audrey Jagels, and Vice President of Christian Life, Carolyn Scott.
President Karen recognized the retirement of Audrey Jagels for her service to the LWML Missouri District
as Parliamentarian for the past 20 years.
Report of the Convention Registrar – Vonne Oldehoeff – 8:47 a.m.
Past District Presidents
Board of Directors
The report was accepted to establish a quorum for voting.
Right to Vote
Convention Rules
Parliamentarian Audrey Jagels read the Convention Rules found on page 9 of the convention manual.
Carolyn Scott moved that the proposed Convention Rules as printed on page 9 be established rules of
this convention. The motion was seconded and passed by two-thirds of the delegates by standing vote.
Convention Program
Recording Secretary Myra Weber moved that the Convention Program, as printed on pages 10-13 of the
convention manual, be established as the program for the convention. The motion was seconded and passed.
The chair reserved the right to deviate from the program as necessary.
Committee Appointments:
Minutes Review – Deb Schroeder, President, Washington Zone, Ruth Ann Houser, President, Iron Mountain Zone.
Tellers for Election of Officers
Chairman – Joan Schlichter, President of St. Louis West Zone, with Counselor Rev. Moore
Appointed Officer – Audrey Jagels, Parliamentarian
1. Barb Wachter, Altenburg Zone
2. Ashley Kassel, Cape Girardeau Zone
3. Patricia Hansen, Columbia Zone
4. Joyce Fruend, Concordia Zone
5. Ruth Ann Houser, Iron Mountain Zone
6. Peggy Mast, Jackson-Bootheel Zone
7. Grace Engelbrecht, Jefferson City Zone
8. Ann Spence, Kansas City North Zone
9. Cynthia Harries, Kansas City South Zone (not available)
10. Margo Hill, Northeast Zone (not available)
11. Joanne Bott, Rolla Zone
12. Sue Bastian, St. Charles, Zone
13. Pam Myers, St. Joseph Zone
14. Lisa Fox, St. Louis North Zone
15. Carol Petering, St. Louis West Zone
16. Sherry Langford, St. Louis South
17. Martha Breedlove, Sedalia Zone
18. Billlie Jean Kisler, Southwest Missouri Zone
19. Kathy McGovern, Springfield, Zone
20. Krista Tharp, Washington Zone
21. Kathy Manson, Carrolton Zone (not available)
Alternate Tellers:
1. Karen Brickner, Columbia Zone (in place of Cynthia Harries)
2. Sheryl Spiecker, Jackson-Bootheel Zone (in place of Margo Hill)
3. Ruth Wehmeyer, Jefferson City Zone (in place of Kathy Manson)
Tellers for Selection of Mission Grants
Chairman – Crystal Lueckenhoff, President, Jefferson City Zone with Counselor Griffin
Appointed Officer – Janet Ryan, Structure Chairman
1. Linda Lorenz, Altenburg Zone
2. Peggy Barks, Cape Girardeau Zone
3. Rita Newman, Columbia Zone
4. Beth Borgman, Concordia Zone
5. Karen DeClue, Iron Mountain Zone
6. Rita Edwards, Jackson-Bootheel Zone
7. Judy Bangert, Jefferson City Zone
8. Deanna Weymuth, Kansas City North Zone (not available)
9. Saundra Hayes, Kansas City South Zone
10. Debbie Taylor, Northeast Zone
11. Donna Wogan, Rolla Zone
12. Linda Callies, St. Charles Zone
13. Cindy Lewis, St. Joseph Zone
14. Marlo Billingham, St. Louis North Zone
15. Julia Petrovich, St. Louis South Zone
16. Deb Andrus, St. Louis West
17. Mary Mcintosh, Sedalia Zone
18. Linda Allen, Southwest Zone
19. Deloris Dimond, Springfield Zone
20. Leigh Goucher, Washington Zone (not available)
21. Jeanne Fries, Carrolton Zone
Alternate Tellers:
1. Lois McCutchen, Northeast Zone (in place of Deanna Weymuth)
2. Carol Cook, Concordia Zone (in place of Leigh Goucher)
Bible Study Part 1 – Carry His Light
District Counselor Rev. Gary Griffin led the members in a study of how we as Christians carry God’s light (page 19 of
the convention manual). He told us of our identity through Baptism and conversion. We possess present and future
blessings from Christ Jesus. We are the face of LWML, we are to light the world, no one else has this calling. As
LWML members, we are God’s means of blessing the world.
Report of the 2011 Missouri District Young Woman Representatives – Brianne Stahlecker and Ashley Cruz.
The young women shared their experiences at the LWML 2013 Convention in Pittsburgh. Small things make a
difference when Christ is in the center. They told of some of the ways mites were used through LWML.
Report of the Treasurer
Karen Weber’s printed report was in the convention manual on pages 56-57. A supplemental report from March
through April 2014 was handed out separately.
Total Expenses:
Net Income:
The treasurer’s report has been filed for financial review.
Review of Financial Records
The report of the review of financial records of the Missouri District LWML for the period of May 1, 2012 – April 30,
2014 was read by the Recording Secretary. She made a motion to accept the report of financial review. The motion
was seconded and passed. (Financial review is attached to these minutes.)
INTERRUPTERS The convention was interrupted by two ladies (Flor Essence and Lida Match) who got a call saying
the lights were not working at the convention. Flor showed us many different lights. She found out she was
misinformed. She was invited to come back and see what LWML is all about.
Mission Goal
Vice President of Gospel Outreach, Sally Handrick presented a recommendation. The Missouri District LWML Board
of Directors recommends the following mission goal for the 2014-2016 biennium:
25% for the LWML Mission Grants*
MO District Mission Grants
Mission Education Fund
Young Women Representatives
$ 65,000
Lutheran Women’s Quarterly
$ 67,000
Total Mission Goal
Sally Handrick led a prayer before the vote on the mission goal.
The Mission Goal was adopted. (25 % of all mission grant receipts are sent to LWML for national grants.)
Karen McFarland led the assembly in the Doxology and in a song break at 10:00.
The meeting resumed at 10:15 with a skit from Leader Development Committee.
Mission Speaker – Patricia Main
Patricia Main was introduced by Carolyn Scot, Vice President of Christian Life. Patricia grew up on a Cree
reservation in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. She married her husband, Rev. Will who is a Sioux and was involved
in her community and Lutheran Indian Ministries. Her ambition always was to help the First Nation people. Only four
percent of the First Nation people believe in Jesus. In 2006 she and her husband were called to be co-directors of the
Lutheran Student Ministry at Haskell Indian Nations University at Lawrence, Kansas. She had many stories to share
of what God has done and what He is doing with their work at the LIGHT House.
Recognition of New Societies and Individual Members
Vice President of Servant Resources Liz Schroeder’s full report is on pages 44-46 of the convention manual.
Membership Statistics as of June 20, 2014:
223 Units 251 Societies 5187 Members + 35 Individuals = 5222
Liz presented a large mite box and membership certificate to Holy Trinity Ladies Guild, Mound City.
New Individual members were introduced.
Revision of the Bylaws
Structure Chairman Janet Ryan presented the bylaws revisions to be considered by the convention delegates
printed on page 61 of the convention manual. Before she began reading the proposed amendments as printed in the
manual, she introduced the following amendment which was recommended by the Board of Directors in their
meeting held Friday and presented to delegates at the delegate orientation meeting yesterday afternoon. These
would be changes to the proposed amendments:
Section 1
Existing bylaws read:
Nominating Committee of five (5) members shall be elected by the Board of Directors from
the board membership at a meeting at least one (1) year prior to the District convention. Eight
(8) names shall be proposed and, upon election, the five (5) receiving the highest number of
votes shall constitute this committee. A member is not eligible to serve consecutive terms. A
plurality vote shall elect.
If adopted, will read:
Nominating Committee of five (5) members shall be elected by ballot at each convention from a
slate of eight (8) candidates. A member is not eligible to serve consecutive terms. Plurality vote
shall elect.
The bylaws amendments were approved by the convention delegates.
Guidelines for Nominations
Parliamentarian Audrey Jagels read Article VII, Section 3 of the bylaws, “Additional nominations for elective offices,
except for Pastoral Counselor, may be made from the floor of the convention. The written consent of the candidate to
serve, if elected, shall have been secured.”
Report of the Nominating Committee
Pam Duncan, Chairman of the Nominating Committee presented the following slate of candidates for office as printed
on page 30 of the convention manual.
Office of President
Martha Kleindienst, Jefferson City Zone
Christie Steffens, Altenburg Zone
Vice President of Organizational Resources
Pat Petzoldt, Jefferson City Zone
Judy Rose, Springfield Zone
Vice President of Communications
Teresa Backs, Southwest Zone
Kristy Carter, Springfield Zone
Vice President of Gospel Outreach
Amee Boettcher, Jackson- Bootheel Zone
Amber Kuehn, Cape Girardeau Zone
Pastoral Counselor
Rev. Kristopher Morris, Jefferson City Zone
Rev. David Oddi, St. Joseph Zone
Nominating Committee
Linda Verman
Diane Knutson
Joanna McDowell
Elaine Froeschle
Mary Herzog
Liz Mandrick
Janice Williams
Elaine Erhart
When nominations were closed, the President invited the candidates to come to the stage as they were introduced.
Missouri District President of the Lutheran Laymen’s League – Mr. Jim Harms
Mr. Harms spoke about the work of the LLL going forward with pod casts and video based Bible studies.
He spoke of various programs sharing God’s love.
Vice President of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, Missouri District – Mr. Dennis Klussman
The LCEF provided funds for the convention tote bags. The members expressed their thanks with a warm welcome.
The financing arm of the LCMS – provides money for buildings, expansion and renovation. They now have over
$100,000,000 in loans to Missouri District ministries. They have a new product called the Young Investor Account.
You can find more information on LCEF.org.
Announcements – Convention Co-Chairman, Jean Novotny.
Prayer before lunch was offered by President of the St. Louis West Zone, Joan Schlichter.
The meeting was recessed until 1:15 p.m.
Third Meeting, Saturday Afternoon, June 21, 2014
Pre-session singing began at 1:15 p.m.
The convention was called to order by President Drury at 1:30 p.m.
Jackie Albers, Vice President of Special Focus Ministries led a prayer to begin the third meeting session and led the
LWML Pledge and then was seated on the dais.
LWML Report
Kay Kreklau, LWML President, reported that there are 14 LWML conventions going on this weekend.
She has attended two of them. She encouraged everyone to read her letter in the convention manual and the
Presidents report In their folders. Two new things on the website.– a new e-Quarterly and a Quarterly online.
We have supported global missions with over $100,000,000 over the last 70 years. Anticipates having
5000 women in LWML Convention in Des Moines, Iowa June 25-28, 2015. Kay grew up a Catholic/Norwegian
Lutheran. She and her husband were invited to attend a Lutheran Bible Study by a friend. She accepted and she
never looked back. She joined LWML after that. One of the reasons she joined was that she needed the fellowship
and the Bible study. She then became involved in leadership positions. The time is now - Spend time in God’s word,
serve and give. Times are uncertain and changing. We are losing numbers but we are not losing faith and hope.
We should not focus on growing LWML but on mission and service and Bible study and fellowship with other women.
Take the pledge online. ”Two minutes Tuesday” will be on email every other Tuesday. She shared a video from past
Presidents which encouraged young women. She thanked all the ladies who are serving on the national LWML level.
Flor Essent and friend brought power sources with them which included a flashlight with batteries as power source,
mag light with batteries, little lights with small batteries and even a glow stick. Karen reminded her that batteries are
not the power she was talking about. She was talking about power of Jesus. He gives us strength. Flor now will rely
on Jesus.
Keynote Speaker – Heidi Breitbarth
Sally Handrick, Vice President of Gospel Outreach, introduced Heidi Breitbarth, our keynote speaker and Sally’s
daughter. Heidi is currently serving Lutheran Hour ministries as a speaker for mission youth traveling around the
country facilitating witnessing training programs. She taught us the seven styles of personal witnessing.
Selection of Mission Grants
Vice President of Gospel Outreach Sally Handrick introduced a power point presentation highlighting the grants for
consideration at this convention. The grant nominations are as follows:
“Weekend Food Backpack” program – St. Clair, MO
$ 4,500
St. Paul Lutheran High School Tuition Assistance – Farmington, MO
LUMA Van – Kansas City, MO
Mighty Fortress Mercy House in Lima, Peru – LCMS Office of international Miss
Rural and Small Town Mission Worker-Priest Retreat LCMS Ofc of Nat Miss
$ 5,000
Ship Humanitarian Aid Supplies to Latvia through Orphan Grain Train
$ 6,500
Our Savior Lutheran School Tuition Assistance Fund – Fenton, MO
Growing Mission Leadership Capacity-CFNA-Kirkwood, MO
Reaching Rehab-Outreach Ministry to at-Risk Young Women
In Kenya
Classroom Materials for Early Childhood Classroom – Holt Summit, Mo
$ 5,000
“Here Am I, Send Me” Is. 6:8-St. Paul Lutheran High-Concordia
Reaching Internationals Through Christian Encounters-RICE –
MU Sci & Tech
International Grad Student Support-Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO
Renovation of Outdoor Chapel at Camp Trinity- New Haven, MO
Concordia Seminary, Food Bank-St. Louis, MO
$ 8,000
Heart-Song Outreach of the Branson Area-Branson, MO
$ 3,500
Financial Assistance for Concordia Theological Seminary Ft. Wayne, IN
Food & Clothing Coop for food
$ 8,000
Compass Educational Programs Tuition Assistance-St. Louis, MO
Sharing God’s Word At Calvary Lutheran High School & to the world-Jeff City, MO
Reaching the Nations Studying at Universities in St. Louis, MO
$ 9,820
Concordia Center for the Arts-St. Louis, MO
$ 4,000
Life Bridge Lutheran Mission-Columbia, MO
Child of God Lutheran School Early Childhood Religion Curriculum
St. Peters, MO
$ 3,500
Reaching Out in Konobo Lang. to African Immigrants in Kansas City, MO
$ 7,860
Raising Up Children In Kansas City to Know Jesus-Kansas City, MO
$ 5,000
The Loft Outreach Ministry LLC-Springfield, MO
Lutheran Mission Partnership of Southeast Missouri-Doniphan, MO
Report of the Convention Registrar – Vonne Oldehoeff – 3:30 p.m.
Right to Vote
Past District LWML Presidents
Board of Directors
The report was accepted to establish a quorum for voting.
Voting for Mission Grants
Recording Secretary Myra Weber brought a recommendation from the Board of Directors. The
BOD recommends that the voting body vote for eight (8) grants, and that a plurality vote decide the selection of
mission grants within the limits of the established goal. The recommendation was adopted.
Prayer before voting for mission grants was offered by Flori Scheuermann, President of Rolla Zone.
Ballots were distributed to the voting body and collected by the tellers.
The President requested a song break at 3:35 p.m.
The meeting resumed at 3:50 p.m.
Bible Study #2 – Carry His Light – Rev. Gary Griffin presented the second Bible Study.
Darkness of the world clouds the Light. There is a need for Light to be carried into this world. Only Jesus,
Himself, and His disciples by virtue of your relationship to Jesus can do for the world what it needs.
We are the ones who can only give Light to the world at home, at work, at church and in your neighborhood. We
need the Spirit to keep shining in us.
Election of Officers and Counselor
Report of the Convention Registrar – Vonne Oldehoeff – 4:25 p.m.
Right to Vote
Past District LWML Presidents
Board of Directors
Election of Officers
Parliamentarian Audrey Jagels read Article V, Sections 1 and 2, A,B,C and Article IX, Section 1 dealing with election
of officers.
Prayer before voting for officers and counselor was offered by Cynthia Rossow, President, Southwest Zone.
Ballots were distributed to the voting body and collected by the tellers.
Announcements – Convention Co-Chairman Jean Novotny
Prayer to close the session was offered by Twyla Hazen, President of the St. Joseph Zone.
Fourth Meeting, Saturday, June 21, 2014, the Banquet
Musical entertainment was provided by the Bass Line Quartet. They are a top twenty quartet in the five-state
Central States District of the International Barbershop Harmony Society. Their goal is to please audiences with a
little humor, while taking you back in time.
Fifth Meeting, Sunday, June 22, 2014
President Drury called the convention to order at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, June 22, 2014, following singing
led by Karen McFarland.
Vice President of Organizational Resources, Liz Schroeder was seated on the dais for this meeting.
President Drury had all the Zone Presidents stand and acknowledge that their delegates were present. She said
that in counting the ballots we had a problem. Our ballot numbers did not match up with our right to vote.
We must re-vote for both mission grants and officers. Vonne Oldehoeff and Myra Weber joined Karen at
the podium. The Zone Presidents indicated how many delegates were currently present.
Report of the Convention Registrar – Vonne Oldehoeff – 8:45 a.m.
Vonne gave the final credentials report. The number of eligible to vote is 267. The report was accepted as a
quorum for voting.
Right to Vote
Past District LWML Presidents
Board of Directors
The report was accepted to establish a quorum for voting.
Ballots were distributed to the voting body and collected by tellers for mission grant proposals. (Crystal had one
ballot left – the right to vote was changed to 266)
President Drury requested a song break.
Counselor Rev. Moore was requested to pray for men and women who are seeking jobs outside the KCI Building
and for the voting process.
Ballots were distributed to the voting body and collected by tellers for election of officers. (Joan had one ballot left
– the right to vote was changed to 266)
President Drury showed us her mite box. When she became District President she went around to the
various rallies and asked everyone she met to place one coin in the box to represent all the faces of all the people
she met.
President Kreklau presented President Drury with a plaque thanking her for her service during 2010-2014.
Bible Study #3 – Carry His Light
Pastor Griffin prayed for many prayer requests of those in need of healing and a prayer for Jose who left home,
and for an individual who is living in his car. In his Bible study he said that Jesus has commanded us to Carry His
Light. This happens through your good works – leading others to faith and to discipleship and to the edifications of
fellow believers. There are many Biblical examples of this in the Bible. God will provide what we need and will
give us the words.
Leader Development Skit – Sally Aschinger
Topic was on “How not to fill the ballots”. Do’s and don’ts were humorously demonstrated. Do’s – pray first that
God lead you to the right people. Don’t just fill a spot. Don’t act as if it were a chore. Don’t devalue the person or
office of the organization. Do share the expectations of the office. Acknowledge special gifts God has given her.
Do show your confidence in her. Remind her she’s not alone. Members will help. Set up follow up time. People
are as different as a crazy quilt. Finished product – we all work together to help His kingdom grow.
Young Women Representatives Skit – Shared how ladies can come up with excuses to not share their light with
others around them. Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in
heaven. 18 zones and 4 societies were represented. They also had a scavenger hunt through the convention
manual. Grace Stearn was recognized as a YWR and a study grant recipient.
Jean announced that the Mission Walk pledges brought in $2,928.00. The virtual walkers got $1203.00. The
Mission Fair sold $ 4673.70. Extra shirt sales which made grand total of $5493.00.
Jean introduced the ladies who served on the convention committees.
Ingathering Dedication
Mission Servants Chairman, Christie Steffens, shared with us the ingathering dedication. Hillcrest Ministries and
Back Pack Buddies were recipients at this convention. Donations included 372 paper towels, 830 rolls of toilet
paper, 1226 personal care items, $1890 in Wal Mart/Sam’s gift cards, $5227 in personal checks and cash. Well
done, good and faithful servants. Christie led a prayer of dedication for the ingathering. The Doxology was then
Flor Essent and Lida Match shared their scented candles. Flor decided to host a candle party and money would
go toward missions.
President Drury announced a 15 minute break.
President Drury requested that the Vice President of Servant Resources Liz Schroeder temporarily preside.
Report of the President – Karen Drury
Karen read the LWML pledge and gave us her interpretation of each section. We must seek God’s will in all
circumstances. In His strength we can do all things. Our lives were created to carry out His purposes in every
power of our lives. This power is to be used for His purposes. It all begins and ends with Jesus. Diligently seek
God and His word. Don’t grow weary and don’t give up. Your service will never fail. She then invited the PING
team on stage. They shared how they concluded the PING events. She thanked everyone for their genuine love
and service.
Report of the Tellers for Election of Officers and Counselor – Chairman Joan Schlichter
There were 266 eligible to vote with 266 votes cast and no illegal votes. 133 votes needed for election
Martha Kleindienst
Christie Steffens
Vice President of Organizational Resources
There were 266 eligible to vote with 266 votes cast and no illegal votes. 133 votes needed for election
Pat Petzoldt
Judy Rose
Vice President of Communications
There were 266 eligible to vote with 266 votes cast and no illegal votes. 133 votes needed for election
Teresa Backs
Kristy Carter
Vice President of Gospel Outreach
There were 266 eligible to vote with 266 votes cast and no illegal votes. 133 votes needed for election
Amee Boettcher
Amber Kuehn
Pastoral Counselor
There were 266 eligible to vote with 266 votes cast and no illegal votes. 133 votes needed for election
Rev. Kristopher M. Morris 175
Rev. David M. Oddi
The chair declared those whose names are underlined as duly elected officers and counselor.
Number of votes cast 1319, necessary for election 171
Nominating Committee
Linda Verman
Diane Knutson
*Joanna McDowell
Elaine Froeschle
Mary Herzog
Liz Mandrick
Janice Williams
Elaine Erhart
The chair declared those whose names are underlined as duly elected nominating committee. Chairman is indicated
by an asterick.
Report of the Tellers of Mission Grants – Chairman Crystal Lueckenhoff
Number eligible to vote – 266; 266 ballots cast;
“Weekend Food Backpack” program – St. Clair, MO
St. Paul Lutheran High School Tuition Assistance – Farmington, MO
LUMA Van – Kansas City, MO
Mighty Fortress Mercy House in Lima, Peru – LCMS Office of international Miss
5. Rural and Small Town Mission Worker-Priest Retreat LCMS Ofc of Nat Miss
6. Ship Humanitarian Aid Supplies to Latvia through Orphan Grain Train
7. Our Savior Lutheran School Tuition Assistance Fund – Fenton, MO
8. Growing Mission Leadership Capacity-CFNA-Kirkwood, MO
9. Reaching Rehab-Outreach Ministry to at-Risk Young Women
$ 4,500
$ 5,000
$ 6,500
In Kenya
10. Classroom Materials for Early Childhood Classroom – Holt Summit, Mo 59
11. “Here Am I, Send Me” Is. 6:8-St. Paul Lutheran High-Concordia
12. Reaching Internationals Through Christian Encounters-RICE –
MU Sci & Tech
13. International Grad Student Support-Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo 85
14. Renovation of Outdoor Chapel at Camp Trinity- New Haven, MO
15. Concordia Seminary, Food Bank-St. Louis, MO
16. Heart-Song Outreach of the Branson Area-Branson, MO
17. Financial Assistance for Concordia Theological Seminary Ft. Wayne, IN 124
Food & Clothing Coop for food
18. Compass Educational Programs Tuition Assistance-St. Louis, MO
19. Sharing God’s Word At Calvary Lutheran High School & to the world-Jeff City
20. Reaching the Nations Studying at Universities in St. Louis, MO
21. Concordia Center for the Arts-St. Louis, MO
22. Life Bridge Lutheran Mission-Columbia, MO
23. Child of God Lutheran School Early Childhood Religion Curriculum
St. Peters, MO
24. Reaching Out in Konobo Lang. to African Immigrants in Kansas City, M
(Partial of $3900.00)
25. Raising Up Children In Kansas City to Know Jesus-Kansas City, MO
26. The Loft Outreach Ministry LLC-Springfield, MO
27. Lutheran Mission Partnership of Southeast Missouri-Doniphan, MO
$ 5,000
$ 8,000
$ 3,500
$ 8,000
$ 9,820
$ 4,000
$ 3,500
$ 7,860
$ 5,000
The chair declared that the above grants listed in bold pint were the duly chosen Missouri District
LWML Mission Grants for the 2014-2016 biennium for a total of $138,000.
Convention Invitations
Ladies from the Jackson-Bootheel, Cape Girardeau. Altenburg, and Iron Mountain zones presented an
invitation for the 2016 LWML Missouri District Convention in Cape Girardeau on June 3-5, 2016.
Convention Co-Chairman Judy Hibbard gave final announcements and Pastor Oddi was recognized
for being there at all planning meetings for the convention.
The 23rd Biennial Convention of the Missouri District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League was
adjourned following the worship service.
Closing Service
Rev. David Moore preached at the closing service and conducted the installation of officers. Rev. Gary
Griffin was the Liturgist.
Myra Weber
Recording Secretary