LSI NCA 2013 Thursday, 11/21 2013 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM: Cultural Explorations of Discourse Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B - Lobby Level Chair: Russell M. Parks, University of Colorado, Boulder Bridging the language gap in discourse analysis: Examples in Pashto and Farsi (Mariah Yager, NSI) Religious Language Ideology in American Public Discourse: Traditional Holiday Greetings (Jacqueline Bruscella, University of Oklahoma) Taking a Cultural Approach to People First Language (Jessica Hughes, University of Colorado, Boulder) 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM: Perspectives on Language in Social and Political Contexts Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B - Lobby Level Chair: Robert Green, Purdue University Euphemisms for Terrorism: How Dangerous Are They? (Jonathan Matusitz, University of Central Florida) Excentering our analytical position: The dialogicity of things (Letizia Caronia, University of Bologna & François Cooren, University of Montreal) Resisting Questions on Hydrofracking: Answers and Assessments of Environmental Risk During an Inter-governmental Hearing (Richard Buttny, Syracuse University) “The Country of Peasant Terikati”: Emigration and the Bulgarian National Identity Struggles (Nadezhda Sotirova, University of Massachusetts, Amherst). 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM: Shaping Action in Interaction: Time, Memories, and Alignment Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B - Lobby Level Chair: Charlotte M. Jones, Carroll College A Taxonomy of Time Reference in Interaction (Chase Wesley Raymond, UCLA & Anne Elizabeth Clark White, UCLA) Recycling topics and activities across dinner gatherings as a means for establishing social alignment through epistemic balance (Elizabeth Strong, Alabama Public Schools & Felicia Roberts, Purdue University) Reference to shared past events and memories (Hie-Jung You, University of Illinois) 1 LSI NCA 2013 Stance as a therapeutic object in psychotherapy (Alan Zemel, Univ at Albany, SUNY, Tessa Prattos, International Trauma Center, Tessa Prattos, International Trauma Center , & Frances Yoeli, Life Energy Center) 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Some Considerations of Situated Language Use Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B - Lobby Level Chair: Felicia Roberts, Purdue University Engaging the Discourse of Language Identification: A Critical Discourse Analysis of ISO 639-3 Sign Language Change Requests (Elizabeth S. Parks, University of Washington) If There’s No Connection, There’s No Discussion: Design Elements in Classroom Interaction (Heidi L. Muller, University of Northern Colorado) Interviewing on Talk Shows: A Comparison with Hard News Interview Practices (Laura Loeb, UCLA) Russian Toasting and Drinking as Symbolic Speech Act (Elena Nuciforo, University of Massachusetts) 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Scholar to Scholar: Bodily and Embodied Communication Sponsor: Scholar to Scholar Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Room: Hall B - Exhibit Level o o 09. Cognitive relativity, gender, culture, and face needs (Tae-Seop Lim, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Junghyun Kim, Chung-Ang University; Sang-Yeon Kim, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Hiroshi Ota, Aichi Shukutoku University; Kikuko Omori, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Nathanael England, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) 37. Where Communication Acts Intersect the Soul (Charity Jernigan, Oklahoma Baptist University) 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM: Cross-linguistic perspectives for managing understanding in German, Russian, and Persian Conversation Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B - Lobby Level Chair: Stephen DiDomenico, Rutgers University "nu(n)" in Standard German: Objections and Overcoming Objections (Andrea Golato, University of Illinois) Indexing Talk in Prior Turn as Assumed and Expected Knowledge: The Case of “dige” in Persian Conversation (Carmen Taleghani-Nikazm, Ohio State University) Negotiating understanding in “intercultural moments” in conversation (Galina Bolden, Rutgers University) 2 LSI NCA 2013 The scope of confirmation: Responsive 'stimmt', 'richtig', and 'eben' in German (Emma Betz, University of Waterloo) Friday, 11/22 2013 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM: Affiliation in interaction: Managing stance displays in conversation and institutional talk Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Maryland B - Lobby Level Chair: Joshua Raclaw, Metropolitan State University of Denver Affective affiliation in speed-dating interactions (Neill Korobov, University West Georgia) Affiliation after disaffiliation: Practices for managing incongruent stance displays (Joshua Raclaw, Metropolitan State University of Denver) Exploring the clinical heterogeneity of schizophrenia in talk-in-interaction: Extended turns and minimal responses as practices of disaffiliation (Lisa Mikesell, Rutgers University) “I thought”-initiated turns: Addressing discrepancies in first and second-hand knowledge and remediating disaffiliative events in interpersonal relationships (Mick Smith, UCLA) 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM: Language and Social Interaction Division Business Meeting Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Marriott Salon 1 - Lobby Level 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM: Language and Social Interaction: Top Four Papers Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Marriott Salon 1 - Lobby Level Chair: Heidi Kevoe-Feldman, Northeastern University Doing ‘How I’m Coming Here’: Displaying a State of Being when Opening Face-to-Face Interaction (Danielle Pillet-Shore, University of New Hampshire) “Can I ask you a question?”: Confronting ethnographer identity in “interview flipping” (Lydia Reinig, University of Colorado, Boulder) How to do things with requests: Requesting at the family dinner table (Jenny S. Mandelbaum, Rutgers University) Identity, Authenticity and Political Discussion as Performed in the Israeli Online Commenting Arena (Gonen Dori Hacohen, University of Massachusetts, Amherst & Nimrod Shavit, University of Massachusetts, Amherst) 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Exploring the DNA of social interaction: Celebrating the career of Anita Pomerantz on the occasion of her retirement Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Marriott Salon 1 - Lobby Level Chairs: Jenny S. Mandelbaum, Rutgers University & Gene Lerner, University of California, Santa Barbara Respondent: Anita Pomerantz, Univ at Albany, SUNY 3 LSI NCA 2013 Grappling with Particulars: Turning from Theory to Noticing and Inductive Claim Building (Karen Tracy, University of Colorado, Boulder) Looking Under the Surface of the Term “Message” and Finding There’s Nothing There (Robert Sanders, University at Albany) Second Thoughts about Second Assessments (John Heritage, UCLA) Self-repair and the normative character of (the design of) social actions (Paul Drew, Loughborough University, UK) 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM: The impact and legacy of Gerry Philipsen: Ethnography of communication from 1972 into the future Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A - Lobby Level Chair: Kristine Munoz, University of Iowa Presenters: Donal A. Carbaugh, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Daniel Chornet, Saint Louis University, Madrid Lisa Coutu, University of Washington Tabitha Hart, San Jose State University Evelyn Y Ho, University of San Francisco Tamar Katriel, Haifa University Respondent Gerry F. Philipsen, University of Washington Saturday, 11/23 2013 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM: The Crafting of Action in the Design of Adjacency-Pair Firsts and Seconds Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Delaware A - Lobby Level Chair: Jeffrey Robinson, Portland State University Epistemic Presupposition and Action Formation: The Practice of 'Or'-Terminating Solicitations of Information in Ordinary and Medical Contexts (Jeffrey D. Robinson, Portland State University) Preference Organization in Question Design (John Heritage, UCLA). Constructing Resistant Responses in Russian Conversation: An Investigation into the Turn-Initial Particle nu (Galina Bolden, Rutgers University) Action Interruption as a Practice and Resource: On the Post-Beginning Reformation of Responding Actions in Conversation (Gene Lerner, UCSB) 4 LSI NCA 2013 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM: Medical Interaction: Inquiries, Treatment, and Uncertainty Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B - Lobby Level Chair: Galina Bolden, Rutgers University The Blood Sugar Solicitation Sequence: An Opening Inquiry to the Diabetic Patient about Relative Blood Sugar (Leah Wingard, San Francisco State University; David Olsher, San Francisco State University; Christina Sabee, San Francisco State University; Ilona Vandergriff, San Francisco State University; Christopher J. Koenig, Univ of California, San Francisco) Uncertainty as an Emergent Process: Providers’ Discursive Practices and Patient Uncertainty (Elaine Hsieh, University of Oklahoma & Alaina Zanin, University of Oklahoma) 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM: Moving the conversation forward: Bridging studies of new media and interaction research using LSI principles and approaches Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Thurgood Marshall Ballroom North - Mezzanine Level Chair: Stephen DiDomenico, Rutgers University Communication Technology as a Resource for (Meta)discourse (Jessica S. Robles, University of Washington) Coordinating affordances, bridging modalities: Managing mobile devices and the “text-based” summons during co-present conversation (Stephen DiDomenico, Rutgers University) Digital discourse in context: The evolution of "like" on Facebook (Laura West, Georgetown University) Some considerations regarding natural language processing in designing argumentation support (Mark Aakhus, Rutgers University) “He’s got a right to be upset if your phone is in your face when he’s trying to spend time with you”: Intertextuality and cultural discourses in a weight-loss app’s online discussion forum (Cynthia Gordon, Syracuse University) 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM: Making Connections: Stories and Narratives in Public and Private Discourse Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Washington Room 4 - Exhibit Level Chair: Jessica S. Robles, University of Washington It’s like, ‘I’ve never met a lesbian before!' Personal Narratives and the Construction of Diverse Femininities in a Lesbian Counterpublic (Natasha Shrikant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Re-connecting with the Ummah through personal storytelling: “Piety Stories” by Muslim Tatar Women (Liliya Karimova, University of Massachusetts, Amherst) 5 LSI NCA 2013 Small Stories as Group Resources in Public Deliberation (Leah Sprain, University of Colorado, Boulder & Jessica Hughes, University of Colorado, Boulder) Speaking like a queen in RuPaul's Drag Race: Towards a speech code of American drag queens (Nathaniel Simmons, Ohio University) 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM: Scholar to Scholar: Education, Leadership and Social Support Sponsor: Scholar to Scholar Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Room: Hall B - Exhibit Level o 18. LIWC Validation Study: The OSLO I Accords (William A. Donohue, Michigan State University; Daniel Druckman, George Mason University; Yuhua (Jake) Liang, Chapman University) 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM: How Narratives Facilitate Personal, Cultural, and Societal Change Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia B - Lobby Level Chair: Julien C. Mirivel, University of Arkansas, Little Rock Accounting for Success: The Narrative Dilemma of Achieving Major Weight Loss (Jone Brunelle, University of Colorado, Boulder) Negotiating Intercultural Differences in Narrative: A Comparison of Quaker and Blackfeet Spiritual Stories (Donal A. Carbaugh, University of Massachusetts, Amherst & Elizabeth Molina-Markham, University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Packaging and Positioning Personal Experience in Public Arguments: Uses of Citizen Storytelling in Media Discourse (Kathleen C. Haspel, Fairleigh Dickinson University) Storied-Arguments and Societal Change: The Case of Legislative Hearings about Marriage Laws (Ruth L. Hickerson, University of Colorado, Boulder & Karen Tracy, University of Colorado, Boulder) Sunday, 11/24 2013 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM: Codes and Rituals in Organizational and Family Settings Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A - Lobby Level Chair: Evelyn Y Ho, University of San Francisco Language and social interaction of routines: Embodiment, power and fluidity (Alex Wright, The Open University Business School) Talk, family, and nationhood: The Spanish ritual of la sobremesa (Kristine Munoz, University of Iowa & Daniel Chornet, Saint Louis University, Madrid) 6 LSI NCA 2013 The artful use of shared codes: A case study of the work of one communication organization (Louisa Edgerly, University of Washington) The Grip of Language Ideology in Communication Education of Deaf Children (Madeline M. Maxwell, University of Texas, Austin) 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM: Conversation Analysis Data Session Location: Marriott Wardman Park, Virginia A - Lobby Level Chair: Charlotte M. Jones, Carroll College Presenters: Wayne A. Beach, San Diego State University Galina Bolden, Rutgers University Phillip J. Glenn, Emerson College Charlotte M. Jones, Carroll College Mardi J. Kidwell, University of New Hampshire Jeffrey Robinson, Portland State University 7