Business Processes - Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών

Διοίκηση Απόδοσης
Επιχειρηματικών Διαδικασιών
Ενότητα #3: Process Management & Performance
Διδάσκων: Αγγελική Πουλυμενάκου
Τμήμα: Διοικητικής Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας
• Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό έχει αναπτυχθεί στα πλαίσια
του εκπαιδευτικού έργου του διδάσκοντα.
• Το έργο «Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο Οικονομικό
Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών» έχει χρηματοδοτήσει μόνο τη
αναδιαμόρφωση του εκπαιδευτικού υλικού.
• Το έργο υλοποιείται στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού
Προγράμματος «Εκπαίδευση και Δια Βίου Μάθηση» και
συγχρηματοδοτείται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (Ευρωπαϊκό
Κοινωνικό Ταμείο) και από εθνικούς πόρους.
Άδειες Χρήσης
• Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό υπόκειται σε άδειες χρήσης Creative
Example of a process
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Business Processes: Definitions
• A business process is a set of functions that accomplishes or produces
something of value to the organization and/or for the customer.
• A business process consists of a collection of tasks that are executed
according to certain rules to achieve certain goals.
• A business process involves people (roles) and other resources (capital,
systems) in the execution of tasks.
• Tasks can be automated, semi-automated, or be performed manually.
• A process has inputs and outputs that are measurable, and therefore can
be managed.
• Business processes integrate ISs and people.
Types of Processes
Types of Processes
Types of Processes
Source: Introduction to BPM by Alan McSweeney
Major and subsidiary business
process topics
Source: Business Process Change. A Manager’s Guide to Improving,
Redesigning, and Automating Processes,
by Paul Harmon (Foreword by Geary Rummler), Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 2003 Elsevier
How a supervisor manages
an activity
Source: Business Process Change. A Manager’s Guide to
Improving, Redesigning, and Automating Processes,
by Paul Harmon (Foreword by Geary Rummler), Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 2003 Elsevier
What is process management?
Source: Business Process Change. AGuide for Business
Managers andBPM and Six Sigma Professionals,p.115. Second
by Paul Harmon (Foreword by TomDavenport), DBA Business
ProcessTrends, 2007 Elsevier
Business Process Life Cycle
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
What is Business Process
Management 1(2)
Business Process Management (BPM) is the discipline of managing
processes (rather than tasks) as the means for improving business
performance outcomes and operational agility. Processes span
organizational boundaries, linking together people, information
flows, systems and other assets to create and deliver value to
customers and constituents.
Copyright 2013, Gartner, Inc. and/or its Affiliates
What is Business Process
Management 2(2)
• Methods and tools to support stages of the business
process lifecycle.
• In the short term, BPM helps companies improve
profitability by reducing waste and costs.
• In the long run, BPM helps keep companies responsive to
business changes.
• To properly address process improvement, organizations
must develop a carefully BPM strategy.
The Process Management Hexagon
Business process management is itself a process that ensures continued
improvement in an organization’s performance. Processes are assets of an
organization, much like people, facilities, and information. Well managed, they will
pay off in terms of performance to the corporation. Business processes are the
organizing framework for all the other components. The process management
hexagon depicts this concept.
Business Process Management. Profiting from Process, by Roger T. Burlton,
The Process Management
Framework’s modes & phases
Business Process Management. Profiting from Process,
by Roger T. Burlton, 2001
The framework as a process of
discovery and learning
Business Process Management. Profiting from Process,
by Roger T. Burlton, 2001
Hierarchy of Business, Processes
and BPM
Source: Introduction to BPM by Alan McSweeney
Ongoing Management of Processes
Source: Introduction to BPM by Alan McSweeney
Common Problems
Source: Introduction to BPM by Alan McSweeney
Processes, Functions
and Value Added
Source: Business Process Change. A Manager’s Guide to Improving, Redesigning, and
Automating Processes,
by Paul Harmon (Foreword by Geary Rummler), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003 Elsevier
Processes : Level of Analysis
Source: Business Process Change. A Manager’s Guide to Improving, Redesigning, and
Automating Processes,
by Paul Harmon (Foreword by Geary Rummler), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003 Elsevier
Performance Management :
a framework
Three different levels of concern
Source: Business Process Change. A Guide for Business Managers and BPM and Six Sigma
Professionals, Second edition,
by Paul Harmon (Foreword by Tom Davenport), DBA Business Process Trends, 2007 Elsevier
Changes in focus
at leading companies
Source: Business Process Change. A Guide for Business Managers and BPM and Six Sigma
Professionals. Second edition, by
Paul Harmon (Foreword by Tom Davenport), DBA Business Process Trends, 2007 Elsevier
Process improvement
and process reengineering
Source : Process Re-engineering, Organizational Change and Performance Improvement, by Dutta
S. and Manzoni J-F, McGraw-Hill International (UK), 1999
BPM Critical Success Factors
BPM Critical Success Factors
• Define Organisation -Wide Business Process Value Chains
- Map the organisation’s core activities
- Assign executive responsibilityfor/sponsorship of process chains
• Executive Sponsorship/Governance and Institutionalise Practices
- Provide continuous improvement
- Manage process governance
- Enable change management
- Leverage BPM tools
• Standardise Business Processes
- Adopt common design – re-engineering methodology
- Document processes
- Manage process diversity
• Measure Process Chain Performance
- Manage to process measures and chains of accountability
Τέλος Ενότητας #3
Μάθημα: Διοίκηση Απόδοσης Επιχειρηματικών Διαδικασιών
Ενότητα #3: Process Management & Performance Improvement
Διδάσκων: Αγγελική Πουλυμενάκου
Τμήμα: Διοικητικής Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας