Project Proposal and Feasibility Study Team 14: GRE-cycle Hannah Albers, Ben Guilfoyle, Melanie Thelen, and Cole Walker ENGR 339--Senior Design Project November 10, 2014 1 Executive Summary The Senior Design team is designing a biodiesel production plant that uses triglyceride-containing waste vegetable oil as its feed source. The proposed plant will use waste vegetable oil collected from local restaurants in Miami, FL and convert it to biodiesel. The main chemical reaction in this process is called transesterification. This reaction converts triglycerides in the feed to methyl esters (biodiesel) in the presence of an alcohol and a basic catalyst. The biodiesel produced will be compatible with current diesel engines. The demand for alternative energy sources is increasing as the demand for energy increases and global supply of fossil fuels decreases. Furthermore, restaurant grease is a waste product with no further applications, which makes it an ideal feedstock for biodiesel production. This design process prioritizes stewardship by recycling a waste product, caring by focusing on safety, and transparency by adhering to all government regulations on product quality. Many variables will be considered when designing this plant including: acid catalyst type, alcohol type, alkaline catalyst type and reactor type. For the purpose of this preliminary feasibility study, the sulfuric acid, methanol, sodium hydroxide, and a batch reactor will be used. There are three main process sections: pre-treatment, post treatment and settling, with waste product distillation in between each. With these variables chosen, the project was found to be economically feasible. The upfront construction costs were estimated to be $14.8 million. It was determined that a 10% rate of return is obtained when the selling price for biodiesel is $3.41. This falls in line with current biodiesel plant pricing. A yearly profit of $1.8 million will occur at this selling price, with a plant lifespan of 20 years. The customer will be fuel distributors with existing infrastructure to provide the public with blended biodiesel. Infinite demand will be assumed with potential competition coming from the diesel market. 2 Table of Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Table of Tables ............................................................................................................................................. 6 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Background Information ..................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 8 1.3 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 8 1.4 Past Project Teams .............................................................................................................................. 9 1.5 Feasibility............................................................................................................................................ 9 2. Design Norms ......................................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 Stewardship ....................................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Caring................................................................................................................................................ 11 2.3 Transparency ..................................................................................................................................... 11 3. Team Organization.................................................................................................................................. 11 Team Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................... 12 Hannah Albers .................................................................................................................................... 12 Ben Guilfoyle ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Melanie Thelen ................................................................................................................................... 13 Cole Walker ........................................................................................................................................ 13 4. Process Overview.................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1 Process Research ............................................................................................................................... 14 4.1.1 Block Flow Diagram .................................................................................................................. 14 4.1.2 Key Variables............................................................................................................................. 14 4.1.3 Design Alternatives .................................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Material Research ............................................................................................................................. 18 4.2.1 Feed Sources .............................................................................................................................. 18 4.2.2 Product ....................................................................................................................................... 19 5. Preliminary Design ................................................................................................................................. 19 5.1 Transesterification Reactor ............................................................................................................... 19 5.1.1 Design Alternatives .................................................................................................................... 20 5.1.2 Catalyst ...................................................................................................................................... 22 3 5.2 Pre-Treatment Section ...................................................................................................................... 24 5.2.1 Filter ........................................................................................................................................... 24 5.2.2 Acid Treatment .......................................................................................................................... 26 5.3 Post-Treatment Section ..................................................................................................................... 28 5.3.1 Glycerin Separation.................................................................................................................... 29 5.3.2 Methanol Recovery .................................................................................................................... 29 6. Safety Considerations ............................................................................................................................. 31 6.1 Chemicals.......................................................................................................................................... 31 6.2 Operating........................................................................................................................................... 31 7. Business Plan .......................................................................................................................................... 33 7.1 Market Study..................................................................................................................................... 33 7.1.1 Customer .................................................................................................................................... 34 7.1.2 Competition................................................................................................................................ 34 7.2 Tax Information ................................................................................................................................ 35 7.3 Costs.................................................................................................................................................. 36 7.3.1 Capital Costs .............................................................................................................................. 36 7.3.2 Operating Costs .......................................................................................................................... 36 7.4 Profitability ....................................................................................................................................... 37 8. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 40 References ................................................................................................................................................... 41 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 44 1. Overall Process Mass Balance ............................................................................................................ 44 2. Filter Calculations ............................................................................................................................... 45 3. Competing Biodiesel Plants in Florida ............................................................................................... 45 4. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) ................................................................................................. 45 4 Table of Figures Figure 1: Work breakdown schedule organized as critically linked tasks .................................................. 12 Figure 2:Overall Process Block Flow Diagram .......................................................................................... 14 Figure 3: Reaction mechanism for transesterification of triglycerides following an acid pre-treatment: ... 14 Figure 4: Saponification of Free Fatty Acids to form soap ......................................................................... 16 Figure 5: Water formation in an acid catalyst reaction to convert Fatty acids to biodiesel ........................ 16 Figure 6: Transesterification of triglycerides to form biodiesel (methyl esters) ......................................... 20 Figure 7: Levenspiel plot of the pre-treatment reaction. ............................................................................. 28 Figure 8: Million barrels of biodiesel produced in the United States from January 2012 to May 2014 ..... 33 Figure 9: Cash flow diagram for the plant lifespan..................................................................................... 39 5 Table of Tables Table 1: EPA Biodiesel Specifications ....................................................................................................... 19 Table 2: Relative densities of effluent stream components ........................................................................ 29 Table 3: Current market value for process materials .................................................................................. 37 Table 4: Cost of input materials per year .................................................................................................... 38 6 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Information Fossil fuels account for approximately 82% of the United States’ energy consumption. Though geologists estimate that less than half the total volume of crude in below-ground reserves will be depleted by 2030 (, it remains a fact that the supply of crude oil continues to decrease as the energy demand necessary to support the rapidly advancing lifestyles around the world increases. Oil has done well to advance human technology to the point where it is today, but the drawbacks of crude oil cast a shadow across the benefits. The demand for crude oil has caused wars, damaged the atmosphere, and eventually must be replaced by more sustainable energy sources. Used restaurant grease was recently found to contain high levels of triglycerides, which store large amounts of energy. According to USA Today, approximately 3 billion pounds of grease are produced in the United States each year. The average fast food restaurant produces about 150 - 200 pounds of grease every week, says the New York Times. The disposal of waste grease has been a large burden on restaurants, since grease cannot be processed in a waste water treatment plant. It must be collected in a grease trap and disposed of in alternative ways. Restaurants have been selling their used grease in recent days to recycling companies that convert the used grease into fresh cooking oil. Rather than recycling the grease for consumption, the burden of grease waste disposal can be alleviated by instead converting this grease to fuel. Also, in contrast to fossil fuels, biofuels are produced from renewable plant and animal material such as vegetable oils, grease, or animal fats (Institute for Energy Research). Over the past decade, interest in producing biodiesel from oils and grease has grown into a marginally successful industry as the future availability of fossil fuels became uncertain. Additionally, burning biodiesel produces 56-87% less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional diesel, 7 according to the EPA, which makes it a viable and promising option as an alternative to crude oil. 1.2 Objective The main objective of this project is to design a biodiesel production plant that will provide a clean alternative to diesel. Obtaining feedstock for the plant will require the participation of restaurants who have to pay an outside source to dispose of the grease they generate on a daily basis. By establishing the plant in a populous area with a lot of restaurants, a significant amount of biodiesel will be able to be produced. As stated previously, current fuel production is unsustainable whereas the supply of restaurant grease is readily available. Secondly, the team purposes to make the plant profitable. Biodiesel production will not increase unless there is money to be made in the industry. Despite its environmental implications, production will be limited if it continues to be more profitable to use fossil fuels to run our vehicles. By designing a profitable biodiesel plant, the team hopes to prove that biodiesel production is part of the answer for a more sustainable future. 1.3 Scope The team is attempting to design a production plant in the Miami area that will buy used grease from surrounding restaurants and convert it into a usable biodiesel. The size of the Miami area will allow significant grease collection for the production of a substantial amount of biodiesel. Currently, based on the number of restaurants in the area and understanding that grease will not be obtained from every one of these sources, the production of biodiesel is anticipated to be in the hundreds of barrels per day range. Biodiesel is commonly blended with conventional diesel in 50:1, 20:1, and 5:1 diesel to biodiesel ratios. The team assessed the possibility of blending the produced biodiesel at the plant 8 but determined that this was outside the scope of the project. The plant will be used exclusively to produce purified biodiesel that can be blended elsewhere. 1.4 Past Project Teams Several senior design teams have completed projects pertaining to biodiesel production. In 2008, Team Rinnova designed a small scale biodiesel reactor for home users and using feedstock from Calvin College Dining Services. Rinnova met their project goals but included recommendations for a second prototype. Suggested changes included adding a completely electronic control system, using better materials for piping, and installing a coarser filter. The Diesel Crew took these recommendations in 2013-2014 and designed a second prototype for home users. Their design utilized a microwave reactor, unlike the batch reactor designed by Rinnova. Microreactors are used for continuous processes. Though the scope of this report is full scale plant design, references to these project groups are found scattered throughout this report, particularly in the design alternatives for each plant section. The team will not be building off of other team projects by scaling up the past designs. but will take into consideration their design decisions when making decisions this year. 1.5 Feasibility The use of biodiesel compared to currently available diesel has both advantages and disadvantages. For one, restaurant grease can be obtained inexpensively, which makes the plant more economically feasible by lowering operating costs. Additionally, biodiesel has positive environmental implications as it produces less hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide than regular diesel when burned. The proposed process is more sustainable, helping the environment while eliminating waste. The traditional diesel process requires a depletion of Earth’s natural resources to produce the fuel, while biodiesel uses otherwise useless waste. 9 Despite these advantages, the use of biodiesel instead of traditional diesel does pose some challenges, most notably gelling. In colder weather, some biodiesels gel making them unusable. This is one reason the plant will be placed in Florida. Considering the warm climate in the state, gelling should not be a concern. Though biodiesel significantly decreases carbon emissions, it is less efficient than normal diesel. It has been found that fuel efficiency is reduced by 10% compared to regular diesel. Despite these cons, the team feels that the economic and environmental considerations make the proposed process a valuable and feasible project to pursue. 2. Design Norms Crucial to the sustainability of the proposed plant is the promotion and prioritization of certain design norms, three of which are detailed in this report. These norms should be integrated into early planning stages of the plant as well as during the more detailed design work, construction, and daily operation to ensure the health, well-being, and integrity of employees and customers alike. 2.1 Stewardship From its conception the biodiesel plant proposal is centered on the importance of environmental stewardship. It becomes increasingly vital in a world of unlimited demand and limited resources to think forward to a time when the nonrenewable resources currently used for energy generation are no longer a feasible option. Additionally, exercising stewardship requires examining the consequences of energy consumption and making every effort to mitigate the problems (greenhouse gas emissions or high volumes of dangerous waste material) faced by the energy industry. The proposed biodiesel plant would lower total emissions, generate less hazardous waste, and draw from a readily available and constant feed source of grease and turn something originally considered waste into a desirable product. 10 2.2 Caring Once built, the proposed plant would require employees to operate the plant equipment. Caring, one of the design norms, becomes an important attribute of the design engineers for the safety of all employees. From the reactor catalyst selection to the layout of the plant units, caring must be exercised to ensure employees aren’t required to put themselves in harm’s way as part of their job description and to ensure safety procedures are established for routine and nonroutine tasks. This design norm will be reflected when designing the controls used in the plant and by not introducing dangerous chemicals into the design without proper safety measures. 2.3 Transparency The potential for dangerous situations that could extend beyond the plant property are necessary to communicate to local government and local citizens who could be negatively affected by the plant. Transparent business practices require full disclosure to employees and citizens about potential hazards, Furthermore, since the final product must meet certain governmental standards to be used in diesel engines, it is important to the team to ensure that the plant meet or even go beyond these standards. No shortcuts or half-measures will be taken in the design process in an attempt to promote the profitability of the design over the quality. 3. Team Organization In order to meet the team goal of designing a profitable plant, it was necessary to plan ahead. Task deadlines were assigned based on both class and team-specific deadlines. Professor Jeremy VanAntwerp was assigned to the team as a project advisor, and he met with the team every other week to discuss progress and design challenges. Professor VanAntwerp connected the team with Randy Elenbaas, who served as an industrial consultant. Randy Elenbaas is a chemical engineer employed at Vertellus Specialties, Inc. in Zeeland, Michigan with valuable knowledge of process design. 11 As seen in Figure 1, the project could be divided into three sections with research interlaced throughout the process: the main reaction with pretreatment, the main reaction without pretreatment, and post-treatment. Figure 1: Work breakdown schedule organized as critically linked tasks Team Responsibilities In addition to the tasks specified below, each team member was responsible for ongoing research about their section of the design and biodiesel production in general. This approach enabled all members to be familiar with all aspects of the project in order to validate and constructively critique each other’s work. Deliverables for class deadlines such as the team poster and executive summary were compiled collectively to ensure all team members were aligned on the objectives and scope of the project as these elements became more specific. Additionally, each team member was responsible for communicating their section of the design verbally and in writing relevant documents. Hannah Albers Hannah was tasked with the preliminary transesterification reactor design which includes catalyst aspects such as catalyst selection, reactor type, and preliminary sizing. She was also 12 responsible for post-treatment research and recording the team’s weekly progress to be reported to Professor VanAntwerp during regular meetings. Ben Guilfoyle Ben was tasked with preliminary pretreatment design including esterification reaction kinetics, sizing, and design alternatives, and he was also responsible for feedstock research in the Miami area. Ben also worked in cost estimation and proving the plant’s profitability. He is the team’s webmaster and will keep the team’s website up to date throughout the year. Melanie Thelen Melanie was also tasked with preliminary transesterification reactor design including reaction kinetics, sizing, and design alternatives. She headed research pertaining to governmental biodiesel standards and regulations, safety, and kept the team organized by ensuring all class deadlines were met and deliverables were submitted on time. Cole Walker Cole was also tasked with the preliminary pretreatment design including filter selection and design alternatives. He was also responsible for financial research pertaining to market trends and plant profitability. Melanie and Cole are also working in the lab with grease samples to help the team better understand typical compositions of restaurant grease for the design. 13 4. Process Overview 4.1 Process Research 4.1.1 Block Flow Diagram Figure 2:Overall Process Block Flow Diagram 4.1.2 Key Variables The overall chemistry for the reaction of grease to biodiesel can be seen below in Figure 3. Figure 3: Reaction mechanism for transesterification of triglycerides following an acid pre-treatment: Where the triglycerides are grease and methyl esters are biodiesel. The feedstock to be used in the process will be trap grease—that is food waste grease that is unable to be processed as wastewater. The oil portion of the grease may or may not be solid at room temperature but it will contain solid food particles that need to be filtered out. Within trap grease, there are two main types of grease: brown grease and yellow grease. Brown grease is essentially rotten food oil while yellow grease is rendered animal fat and used vegetable frying 14 oil. The most significant difference in regard to biodiesel production is the free fatty acid (FFA) content of the grease. Brown grease contains more than 15% FFA while yellow grease has less than 15%. An increased amount of FFA is undesirable since it decreases the amount of triglycerides that can be turned into biodiesel. However, there are methods of turning FFAs into esters, which will be discussed later. Yellow and brown grease can either be processed simultaneously or separated beforehand. The rest of the grease is composed of triglycerides which can be directly converted to biodiesel, as seen in Figure BLANK. The most promising process involves a pre-treatment of feedstock with high FFA with an acid catalyst. An acid catalyst like sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid will convert the FFAs to esters, increasing the overall conversion and product quality. It has been found that feedstocks need to have approximately 1% FFAs or less to provide acceptable product quality. One problem with this pre-treatment is that water forms as a byproduct of the FFA to ester reaction. This water needs to be removed using a separation technique since it would contaminates the final product. Another issue with the acid pre-treatment is potential damage to vessels—so an appropriate material needs to be selected for the vessels. This acid pretreatment can be repeated to lower the FFA level to less than 1%. However, the acid pre-treatment is necessary to lower the FFA content. A lower FFA content indicates a higher overall process conversion to biodiesel. Also, FFAs can cause undesirable side reactions in the reactor, the main being saponification which causes soap formation, as seen in Figure 4. 15 1 Figure 4: Saponification of Free Fatty Acids to form soap The FFA needs to be removed or converted before contacting with NaOH base to prevent the soap formation. The saponification reaction needs to occur in the presence of water, so the water formed in the acid catalyst reaction, seen in Figure BLANK, needs to be removed. Figure 5: Water formation in an acid catalyst reaction to convert Fatty acids to biodiesel 2 Some soap formation is inevitable though and separation will be discussed later. Once the feedstock has been pre-treated, it is transferred to the main reactor where it is heated to between 50C and 60C. The temperature must remain below the boiling point of the chosen alcohol so it remains in the liquid phase without pressurizing the reactor. A solution of alcohol and alkaline catalyst is prepared separately and added to the reactor. The alkaline catalyst is present to speed the reaction of triglycerides to methyl esters and convert any remaining FFA to soap. An agitator is used for up to one hour to ensure proper mixing, and the new solution settles. After proper separation, there will be a layer of biodiesel at the top of the reactor and any 1 2 16 soap formed will settle at the bottom. These layers are separated and the biodiesel is ready for use. The variables to be manipulated in this process are: · · · · · · · · · Number of pre-treatment cycles (0, 1, or 2) Acid catalyst used in pre-treatment (sulfuric , hydrochloric , or other) Alcohol used in pre-treatment (methanol or ethanol) Ratio of acid catalyst to alcohol Temperature Alkaline catalyst (NaOH, KOH, NaOCH3, metallic Na, or other) Ratio of alkaline catalyst to alcohol Agitator time Settling Time This assumes a given feedstock where the initial composition cannot be predicted or manipulated with accuracy. 4.1.3 Design Alternatives There are many alternative processes under development, which turn used grease to biodiesel. One option is using a supercritical reactor for processing grease with a high FFA composition. This process operates at high temperature (275C to 325C), high pressure, and and therefore must take place in heavy-duty reaction vessels. This reactor does not require a catalyst because of the high temperature and pressure used, so separation steps can be taken out to purify the product downstream. Also, side-reactions are less of a concern with no catalyst present. The process is also less affected by initial FFA content, water formation and glycerol formation, due to the high operating conditions. However, the capital and operating costs are astronomical. This is not a feasible option for a start-up plant of this scope, and would be better implemented as part of a revamp for a current facility. Another process is glycerolysis, which is able to handle feedstocks with greater than 10% FFA. Glycerin is heated to 400F and reacted with the FFAs in the feed to form monoglycerides. These monoglycerides can be processed as normal with the triglycerides by using an alkaline 17 catalyst to form biodiesel. Problems with this process include high operating costs due to the high heat, a high-pressure boiler to keep the process in liquid phase, and a vacuum to remove any formed water. Glycerolysis is similar to the process mentioned earlier because the glycerin must be separated at the end, but there is much more glycerin produced in glycerolysis. Finally, the use of solid acid catalyst is an emerging option for processing grease. Solid acid catalyst is packed into a packed bed reactor and the mixture of grease and alcohol flows through the reactor. Water is still formed during the reaction though, so the alcohol/water solution separated the end must be distilled to recycle the alcohol. Also, contaminants in the oil like phosphorus and water can foul the catalyst. 4.2 Material Research 4.2.1 Feed Sources The feed grease will be collected from restaurants in the Miami area. In the Miami greater area, it was found that there are approximately 10,750 restaurants. It was also found that an average restaurant produces about 35 lbs of grease per day. This means that about 375,000 lbs of waste restaurant grease is used per day in the Miami area. The greater Miami area is 6,137 square miles, which is well within reason to expect the plant’s trucks to be able to collect from the entire area. At the same time, It is not feasible to expect every restaurant to contribute to the plant’s feed stock, so it was estimated that the plant could collect approximately 75% of this waste grease. This leads to the estimation the plant will operate with a feed of 130,000 kg of waste restaurant grease per day. 18 4.2.2 Product Table 1 features the federal EPA specifications for 100% biodiesel stock fuel which will be met Table 1: EPA Biodiesel Specifications All of these specifications will be met via separation techniques. 5. Preliminary Design 5.1 Transesterification Reactor For the main reactor, three parts methanol and one part triglycerides are sent to a reactor for the transesterification of triglycerides to methyl esters according to the reaction presented below: 19 Figure 6: Transesterification of triglycerides to form biodiesel (methyl esters) The catalyst in the reaction is a salt (typically sodium hydroxide or potassium hydoxide), which assumes that the waste vegetable oil has been pretreated to decrease the amount of FFAs by a processed described below. 5.1.1 Design Alternatives Selecting a reactor for optimal biodiesel production requires tradeoffs between high capital costs, reaction times, energy requirements, and conversion. Batch, semi continuous, and continuous reactors are most commonly used to produce methyl esters.[1] Batch Reactors: Batch reactors are most commonly used by individuals who independently make biodiesel for personal use. They are easy to build on a small, garage operation scale and have a low capital cost for plant use. Batch reactors can convert a wide variety of feedstocks into methyl esters, which is favorable when restaurant grease that by nature has a variable composition is used. The downsides to batch reactors are low conversion, high energy requirements, and long total reaction time.[2] Batch reactions typically take place with either sodium or potassium hydroxide as a catalyst for transesterification, which is inefficient and leads to low yields. However, research shows that adding an agitator or series of agitators increases conversion up to 20 99% while decreasing reaction time.[3] Agitator speeds typically range from 200-900 rpm, with higher speeds promoting greater conversion. Despite lowering reaction time, the combined time of heating, reacting, cooling, and preparing for subsequent runs makes the batch reactor time inefficient. Waste cooking oil must pass through a pretreatment step to lower FFA content in order to decrease the amount of glycerol formed as a side reaction during transesterification. This side reaction lowers methyl ester selectivity, and glycerol must be later separated from the methyl esters in order to meet production standards. Continuous Reactors: Continuous reactors may be favored over batch reactors for several reasons. The alcohol catalysts utilized for batch operations form glycerol soaps as a side product that have to be separated from the methyl esters in a pretreatment process. This pretreatment requires an acid such as sulfuric acid that can be corrosive or difficult to dispose of in an environmentally friendly way. Continuous reactors do not require this pretreatment step since they use solid catalysts such as ion-exchange resin catalysts, clays, or solid bases such as sodium and potassium hydroxide on activated carbon. These catalysts do not react with FFAs to form soaps. Clays are particularly suitable because they are low cost, have low environmental impact, promote high selectivity, and are reusable.[4] The primary drawback to solid catalysts is deactivation. The catalysts used can absorb some of the reactants and increasingly render catalytic sites useless. When this happens, the catalyst must either be regenerated or replaced with fresh catalyst, and both of these alternatives require time and added expenses. 21 Microreactors: Microreactors that consist of many small, parallel micro-channels have also been used in biodiesel production. A liquid catalyst such as sodium hydroxide is used to drive the transesterification that takes place simultaneously in all the channels. The reaction take place as low as room temperature, which decreases energy requirements. Corrosion issues are avoided by constructing microreactors out of plastic resins such as polysulfone and polytetrafluoroethylene. Use of microreactors drastically decreases reaction time in comparison to batch reactions and other continuous reactors, but the pretreatment step cannot be avoided. High FFA content can cause plugging in the micro-channels.[microreactor article] Preliminary Design Decision Currently, a batch reactor is the most attractive because the reaction rates are high, catalysts are inexpensive, and any conversion deficiencies can be mitigated with agitation. Several batch reactors would be required in parallel to simulate a continuous process and accommodate the feedstock volumes. The team will continue to research other reactor types to ensure that the best type is selected for our objectives. 5.1.2 Catalyst Design Criteria The catalyst selected to promote transesterification must meet certain criteria, and one of the most important factors is cost. If, from the beginning, biodiesel is less profitable than diesel, lowering the cost of materials used will help increase profit margins and make the plant a worthwhile venture. Furthermore, the faster the transesterification proceeds, the more grease can be processed and sold. The catalyst should minimize undesirable side reactions, and a significant portion must be recycled in an energy efficient manner to further cut costs. 22 Design Alternatives Catalysts used for transesterification include acids, bases, clays, and enzymes. Bases are most commonly used largely because they are less expensive than clays and enzymes, and they promote faster reaction rates than acids. Homogeneous Bases (key paper info) Homogeneous bases such as NaOH, KOH, and methoxides (reacting alkali bases with an alcohol such as methanol) are the most commonly used catalysts because they are inexpensive, promote high reaction rates, and are not accompanied by high energy requirements. However, these bases also react with FFAs to produce soaps, which decreases overall methyl ester yields and create emulsions that make product purification difficult. Alkali catalysts are also known to form soaps with water. Heterogeneous Bases Heterogeneous catalysts such as MgO, CaO, and NaOH on AlCl3 are easily separated from products. While homogeneous catalysts must either be disposed of or recycled after separation, a solid catalyst like CaO can be regenerated and reused easily. FFAs still react with heterogeneous catalysts to form soaps, and catalyst leaching becomes a further issue. Most heterogeneous bases are rendered ineffective when used at room temperature, so higher energy costs are necessary to protect the catalysts from degenerating. Recent studies indicate that strontium oxide (SrO), or SrO doped SiO2, as a catalyst promotes yields over 90% in approximately 10 minutes and has a FFA tolerance above the typical 3 wt%. SrO catalysts can tolerate between 3 and 3.5 wt% FFAs. However, SrO is more expensive than typical alcohol catalysts. 23 Past Design Teams Team Rinnova’s design utilized KOH over NaOH for transesterification because it mixes well with methanol. Once mixed with methanol, NaOH required a full day to dissolve, whereas KOH dissolves much faster. Liquid catalysts are ideal for batch reactions because the amount of catalyst needed is essentially the amount necessary for one batch. The Diesel Crew used CaO, a solid commonly sold by cement supply companies. One of their objectives was to design a continuous process, and solid catalysts lend themselves to this type of system. Design Decision The team is leaning towards using NaOH because it is inexpensive, readily available, and most compatible with a batch reaction system. The cost difference between KOH and NaOH is marginal since the catalyst is already one of the least costly aspects of the design. The catalyst choice may be revisited in the future. 5.2 Pre-Treatment Section 5.2.1 Filter The waste vegetable oil (WVO) contains food debris and particulates that must be removed to prevent waste build up in the pumps and pipes and to control the quality of the feed entering the acid treatment. The pre-treatment filter must be able to remove the roughly 3% solids from the feed. Leaf Filter: Vertical Pressure Leaf Filters are applied for liquids with low solid content (roughly 1% to 7%). The vessel of the leaf filter can be suited with a steam jacket to control the temperature in the filter for liquids that require higher operating temperatures. Vertical pressure leaf filters can be used, rather than horizontal filters, in cases where light/fine particles are removed to minimize 24 floor space. Vertical Pressure Leaf Filters have applications in the fuel and biofuel industry to filter crude oil and fatty acids. The fact that these filters have been used in the industry previously ensures they would be a good choice for the plant. Also, the maximum filter area in a vertical leaf filter is approximately 100 m2. This should be noted as multiple vertical leaf filters would be needed in this process to achieve the necessary filtration. The steam jacket capability of the vertical pressure leaf filter is essential to maintain a low viscosity of grease, meaning if this filter is chosen the steam jacket will most likely be necessary. Centrifuge: Centrifuges are commonly used to separate solids from liquids. It uses centripetal acceleration to separate a mixture based on density; the denser substance moving farther from the axis of rotation, while the lesser dense substance is being pushed toward the axis. Large industrial centrifuges are used to separate waste grease into white, yellow, and brown grease based on fatty acid concentration. It is also used in the biofuel industry for fuel purification. Using a centrifuge for the pretreatment would not only separate the solids from the grease, but also separate the grease into a heterogeneous mixture; yellow and brown grease. The centrifuge would most likely result in four separate phases: solids, brown grease, yellow grease, and water. The separation of the liquid phase would complicate the system. The different phases would have to be treated separately and the system would have to include two processes; a process to treat the yellow grease and a separate process to treat the brown grease. This would involve multiple pretreatments stages and reactors. To simplify the system and reduce capital costs, the team wishes to have a single homogeneous liquid phase for the grease feed. Therefore, the centrifuge would not be a desirable filtering method for the system. 25 Preliminary Design: It has been decided that preliminarily vertical leaf filters will be used to separate out the solids from the waste grease feed. This comes from the fact that the leaf filters are able to handle the expected solid content of the feed (3 wt %) as well as its wide use in filtering fatty acid mixtures. The vertical leaf filter can also be fitted with a steam jacket which is necessary to maintain high temperature in the filter vessel and minimize grease viscosity. In order to size the filters needed the following equation was employed. LA(1-𝜀 )𝜌p = cs(V+𝜀 LA) In the above equation, L is the cake thickness, epsilon is the porosity of the cake, rho is the density of the solid particles in the cake, cs is the weight of solids per volume of filtrate, and V is the volume of filtrate. These are used to solve for A, or the filter area needed in the process. A complete calculation and the values used for the above properties can be found in Appendix 2. From this, it was determined that 225 m2 of filter area would be needed for the process. As the maximum filter area of a vertical leaf filter is 100 m2, it was decided that with equal sized filters 3-75 m2 vertical leaf filters will be used in the process. 5.2.2 Acid Treatment If a batch or microreactor is chosen to produce biodiesel, an acid treatment must proceed the transesterification reaction to lower the FFA content in the feed to less than 1%. However, this is not true if the catalyst used for transesterification is not an alcohol and thus will not form glycerol soaps in an undesirable side reaction. The design for this pre-treatment reactor will be covered, but, as stated above, will not be needed in some scenarios. In the treatment reactor, sulfuric acid is used as an acid catalyst. Methanol, in the presence of this acid, esterifies the FFAs . This not only increases the overall conversion in the 26 main reactor, but also improves the quality of the biodiesel product by removing impurities. If the FFA content is above the 1% mark mentioned previously, the quality of the product will not be sufficient to meet regulations. It was determined that this acid treatment will take place in an isothermal PFR. This was selected by analyzing results from an experiment found in the Iraqi Journal of Chemical Engineering. The isothermal PFR provides higher ester formation than an isothermal CSTR of the same volume. It is also is more efficient than any reactors run adiabatically. An isothermal batch system could provide the needed conversion will similar efficiency, however the drawbacks of a long set up and cleaning time leads to the selection of the PFR. Knowing the intended flow rates of each component in the plant through the process flow diagram, a preliminary volume of the pretreatment reactor was able to be calculated. First a rate law was developed to model the reaction. For the preliminary design, it was assumed that the reaction follows an elementary rate law. This was modeled as follows; -rFFA = kCFFACMeOH. Further modifications were made to this rate law in order to express it in terms of conversion. The derivation led to the rate law being expressed as, -rFFA = kC2FFA,0(1-X)(𝜃-X). Here, theta refers to the ratio of methanol concentration to free fatty acid concentration entering the reactor. These initial concentrations were found by using molar masses and densities with initial molar flow rates. From this, it was found that the initial concentration of FFAs is 1.046 mol/L and the initial concentration of methanol is 24.71 mol/L. Through research it was found that typical k values in these types of reactions averaged about 0.0833 L/(mol*hr). 27 Using the values and equations outlined above, a Levenspiel plot was made which plotted conversion on the x-axis and the value of FFA molar flow rate divided by the reaction rate on the y-axis. This plot can be seen below: Figure 7: Levenspiel plot of the pre-treatment reaction. Using the process flow diagram it was determined that a conversion of 97% in the pretreatment is needed to keep the FFA content entering the main reactor under 1%. The volume of the PFR needed is then equal to the area under the curve in Figure 7 from a conversion of 0 to 0.97. This area was calculated by first fitting a polynomial equation to the Levenspiel plot. This polynomial was then integrated and solved using the above limits to find the necessary volume of 460 L. The preliminary recommendation is then to use a 460 liter PFR to produce the needed FFA concentration entering the main reaction. 5.3 Post-Treatment Section The products leaving the main reactor are primarily methyl esters, excess methanol, and glycerin. The objective of the post-treatment section is two-fold: the methyl esters must be purified to meet government specifications, and the excess methanol must be recovered and fed back to the main reactors. 28 5.3.1 Glycerin Separation The EPA specifies that up to 0.24 wt% glycerin can be present in biodiesel product. Even with a rigorous pretreatment process to mitigate soap generation, glycerin in the reactor effluent must be separated from the biodiesel, and one way to accomplish this is adding a large settling tank downstream of the reactor. The glycerin will enter the tank with the liquid products, and settle to the bottom. A settling tank would be simple and effective because other components in the effluent stream are much less dense, as shown in Table 2, and the product flowing out of the tank would have only trace amounts of glycerin. Table 2: Relative densities of effluent stream components Effluent Stream Density (g/L) Glycerin 1.26 Methanol 0.792 Methyl Esters <1 Triglycerides (unreacted) <1 The team was advised to avoid a solid-liquid separation. Solids are usually avoided in industry as they are harder to work with than liquids. The glycerin is a liquid when leaving the reactors, but has a melting point near room temperature (64 F). As this is still a lower temperature, the team finds it wise to add some form of heat exchange to ensure glycerin remains a liquid. The most obvious alternative is to heat the stream entering the settling tank. This could take the form of a heat exchanger immediately after the reactors, or reactors operating at elevated temperatures. Keeping this heating precaution in mind, a large tank is the most likely settling device used to remove glycerin. 5.3.2 Methanol Recovery Design Criteria The EPA specification for methanol is less than 0.2 vol% in the finished biodiesel product. The team is currently researching different methods of separating methanol and methyl esters, which include 29 distillation, centrifugation, and pervaporation. Discussion of centrifuge use is described in the pretreatment section of this report and therefore will not be described in detail here. Design Alternatives Distillation Methanol and water are commonly separated by distillation. The Diesel Crew utilized Team Rinnova’s vacuum distillation design, which requires an operating pressure below 1 atm, and found it effective for their purposes. There is over a 60 F difference between the boiling points of water and methanol, which makes distillation an attractive and effective choice. However, distillation is the generally the most energy intensive separation technique, and the added energy costs of operating a vacuum tower in a plant may make a different separation technique more feasible. Pervaporation Pervaporation is a technology that is commonly used to separate water from organic solvents. The process takes advantage of differences in polarity and molecular size to pass a smaller and more polar molecule through a selective membrane that is aided by a vacuum. The membrane used is inert, and the only energy requirements are heating the incoming stream (the process is more effective at high temperature) and running the vacuum. Since methanol and water are similar in their polarity, the membrane selection would be particularly important. One downside to pervaporation is that it is usually precedes a distillation column and may not be effective as the only method of separation. If distillation or a centrifuge will be required following pervaporation, it may be more worthwhile to use the budget for one very effective column or centrifuge. Design Status The team has not determined which alternatives to incorporate in the design, but will continue exploring alternatives and quantifying the pertinent differences between each option. 30 6. Safety Considerations 6.1 Chemicals The main chemicals used in this process that present safety concerns are the acid catalyst, the base catalyst and the alcohol. For this preliminary design and safety evaluation sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide and methanol will be used. The Material Safety Data Sheets for these chemicals can be found in Appendix 4. Sulfuric Acid is a colorless, odorless, highly-corrosive material. The main acute exposure hazard is severe burns to skin and eyes. It is more harmful than other strong acids due to the dehydrating nature of the chemical, which releases extra heat, causing secondary burns. It will cause temporary or permanent blindness if contacted with eyes in either liquid or vapor form. Long term exposure also causes lung damage, vitamin deficiency and potentially cancer. Sodium Hydroxide is a caustic base that is white solid, typically available in flakes or pellets. It is a highly corrosive alkali that will decompose living tissue on contact. It also causes secondary burns, as the decomposition reaction is highly exothermic. Aqueous sodium hydroxide is more dangerous than solid, although solid NaOH will also exhibit some corrosive behavior if there is any water present (including sweat or humid air). There are no known long-term exposure effects of NaOH; all of the health effects are acute effects due to corrosivity. Methanol is a colorless, flammable liquid with a distinct odor. If ingested, methanol will be metabolized to formic acid which damages the central nervous system and causes blindness, coma or death. The adverse health effects associated with methanol all occur internally. While contact with skin will not cause external damage, it may provide a route for the chemical to enter one’s central nervous system. Methanol is highly flammable and easily ignites. 6.2 Operating Sulfuric acid must be stored in a vessel made of a non-reactive reactive material, such as glass. Great care should be taken that the acid does not contact the operator’s skin. Proper personal protective 31 equipment (PPE) for handling sulfuric acid includes: safety goggles, face shield, boots, gloves and aprons made from a suitable material (see MSDS for more information). Sulfuric acid will be pumped directly from the storage vessel to the pre-treatment vessel, limiting the amount of operator contact needed. If sulfuric acid does contact the skin though, any contaminated clothing must be removed and the affected person must wash the acid off under a safety shower for at least 15 minutes. Then seek medical attention immediately. Also, when diluting the sulfuric acid the acid must be added to the water instead of water added to the acid. This way, the high heat capacity of water will absorb the heat released as the two chemicals mix. Sodium hydroxide must also be stored in a non-reactive vessel, preferably the container in which it was delivered. Keep sealed tightly in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. When handling sodium hydroxide, the same PPE should be worn as for sulfuric acid. If an operator needs to create the sodium hydroxide solution, a respirator should also be worn. The same procedure as for the sulfuric acid should also be followed if sodium hydroxide contacts skin. Methanol must be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from any potential sparks. If the methanol does ignite, water will not extinguish the fire. A fire extinguisher will be necessary. Methanol will be pumped directly from a storage container to the various vessels, so operator contact with methanol is limited. If an operator must come into contact with the methanol, the same PPE as for sulfuric acid must be worn. If the area is not well ventilated, a respirator must also be worn. If methanol is ingested, drink two glasses of water and seek medical attention immediately. If methanol contacts any part of the body, follow the same procedure as for sulfuric acid. All three chemicals are considered hazardous waste and need to be properly disposed of according to OSHA standards. 32 7. Business Plan 7.1 Market Study Despite being a relatively new energy source with oldest plants dating back to the mid2000s, biodiesel is a growing market in the United States. According to the US Energy Information Administration, approximately 100 million gallons of biodiesel per month are produced in 96 US plants that have a combined capacity of 2 billion barrels every year. Biofuels provide nearly 6% of the energy supplied annually, and as of 2009 the United States produces the second largest volume of biofuels. Figure 8 depicts the amount of biofuel produced monthly. It can be see that the volume steadily increases overall as more biodiesel plants are built every year. Figure 8: Million barrels of biodiesel produced in the United States from January 2012 to May 2014 Producing biodiesel is profitable due to a $1 per barrel tax credit for blenders. Without this incentive, expensive feed and raw materials prevent biodiesel from competing with 33 conventional diesel prices. Some states provide further benefits to biodiesel producers, as detailed in a following report section. 7.1.1 Customer The final product will be marketed and sold to blenders who have the capacity to blend large volumes of purified product and who will ultimately supply the blended fuel to consumers with diesel engines. These customers would potentially be community leaders, retail gas station owners, who value sustainability and desire to promote alternative energy sources. In keeping with the project objective of introducing a competitive product into the market, the target customer is one who would benefit from cheaper diesel. The plant will be designed to operate for 20 years. At the end of the period the team will decide, depending on the market, to either sell the plant or specific pieces of equipment at salvage value for further profits or refurbish the equipment to continue biodiesel production for an extended period. In the scenario of retiring the plant, future customers would include those who have interest in producing biodiesel themselves or interest in a similar process. 7.1.2 Competition The competition in the biodiesel market comes from inside the biodiesel industry and the alternate fuel industries. The competition from the biodiesel industry comes from similar biodiesel production plants in the area. For the team, this competition pertains to the biodiesel production plants in Florida, who will compete for the business of the diesel blenders. According to the plants listing section of, there are currently five companies in Florida that produce biodiesel. These business will need to sell their product to blenders who will then blend the biodiesel with diesel made from crude oil. The blended product is what will be sold to the public as biodiesel at the pump. 34 There is also competition from the industries creating fuel other than biodiesel. The most comparative competition comes from the diesel industry because, biodiesel is compatible with diesel engines. If there is a large discrepancy between the price of biodiesel and diesel, the environmental benefits of biodiesel will not be enough to overcome the financial burden. This would result in the public being unwilling to buy biodiesel versus regular diesel at the pump and consequently blenders will lose interest in purchasing biodiesel from the production businesses. This is unlikely because crude oil is a limited resource and trends show the price of diesel only increasing in the future. Therefore, the cost difference of biodiesel and diesel will continue to decrease until biodiesel becomes more cost effective than diesel. A more likely source of competition comes from the alternative fuel industry. There is a large effort to find alternative fuels such as electricity, wind, water, etc. Today vehicles either run on combustion engines, electric engines, or a combination of both. The biodiesel industry depends on the continual use of combustion engines. However, as electric motors become more efficient, combustion engines might eventually become obsolete. With so much research invested into alternative fuels, it is difficult to tell how the market will change in the future which is a main reason why the expected plant life is only 20 years. 7.2 Tax Information Under federal law, a $1 per-gallon tax credit will be applied for the production of biodiesel that complies with fuel standards and Clean Air Act requirements. This credit will be increased to $1.10 for the first 15 million gallons produced (approximately BLANK years of production). It is estimated that the production facility will receive tax credit for 100% of taxes with the 75% state rebate and $1.10/gallon rebate from the federal government. This credit is valid through 2017 and is expected to be renewed further. 35 A major factor in determining the location of the plant was the tax credits available in certain states beyond the standard $1-per-barrel credit. Overall, Florida is the most helpful for renewable fuel plant start-ups and provides the proposed plant with the greatest chance of being competitive with diesel providers. “An income tax credit is available for 75% of all capital, operation, maintenance, and research and development costs incurred in connection with an investment in the production, storage, and distribution of biodiesel (B10-B100), ethanol (E10-E100), or other renewable fuel in the state, up to $1 million annually per taxpayer and $10 million annually for all taxpayers combined.” This tax credit makes biodiesel production possible, since the process is not efficient enough to make a profit on its own. This credit is good through December 31, 2018. The credit may only be applied toward taxes; no rebates will be issued. 7.3 Costs 7.3.1 Capital Costs An efficient way to estimate the capital cost of the plant this early into the design process was put forward by Don Hofstrand of Iowa State University. The cost, plus working capital, is estimated by $1.57 of the nameplate capacity, or the gallons per year output of the plant. From the process flow diagram, it was found that an estimated 9.5 million gallons per year of biodiesel will be produced. After multiplying by the above cost factor, it can be preliminarily estimated that the total upfront cost of building the plant will be $14.8 million. 7.3.2 Operating Costs In a similar fashion to estimating capital costs, a rough estimate for operating costs can be made. Fixed costs can be estimated as $0.25 of the nameplate capacity and variable costs can be estimated as $0.26 of the nameplate capacity. Using the yearly production of 9.5 gallons per year 36 as detailed previously it was calculated that the overall operating costs are preliminarily estimated at $4.8 million per year. 7.4 Profitability In order to determine the profitability of the proposed plant, a selling price for the biodiesel product to produce a rate of return of 10% was calculated. At a 10% return rate, the project becomes economically feasible. The first step in doing this was to calculate the costs of the needed chemical inputs. The costs for each of the process materials used can be found in the table below. It was determined, preliminarily, that sodium hydroxide will be used instead of potassium hydroxide due to ease of availability. A very small percentage of hydroxide is used compared to the feed stock, so the price difference becomes insignificant. Table 3: Current market value for process materials Material $/lb Methanol 0.28 Sodium Hydroxide 0.23 Potassium Hydroxide 0.185 Sulfuric Acid (95%) 0.18 In addition to the above prices, it was found that currently the restaurant grease needed can be purchased for approximately $0.25 per gallon. Using these prices along with the flow rates in the PFD, the following input costs were calculated. 37 Table 4: Cost of input materials per year Input Costs ($/yr) waste grease $ 23,595,000.00 MeOH $ 2,490,850.25 H2SO4 $ 94,285.71 NaOH $ 90,447.50 The totals costs per year then, including operating costs calculated previously, are $31.1 million. The total revenue of the plant comes from the sale of biodiesel and the side product glycerin. The glycerin can be sold for $0.10 per pound, or a total of $0.74 million. The revenue of the biodiesel is not known at this point until the cash flow diagram is created. This process will described next and allows for a biodiesel selling price to be calculated. The cash flow diagram was created assuming a construction time of one year. For this reason the entire capital cost was placed in year -1 of the diagram. As stated above a 20 year life span was assumed as this is a typical plant life. So, the salvage price of the plant, 10% of the capital costs, and the working capital was added to year 20 of the cash flow diagram. Using this knowledge equations were used to bring all costs back to present value. For the plant construction cost using the necessary 10% return, the equivalent cost was found with, $14.8E6(1+0.10)1. Similarly the salvage and working capital were brought to present value using the 10% rate of return and the equation, $2.8E6(1+0.10)-20. 38 The yearly profit was then solved for using the equation, Yearly Profit*((1+0.10)20-1)/(0.10(1+0.10)20) = $2.8E6(1+0.10)-20 - $14.8E6(1+0.10)1. Using the above equation it was found that the plant would need a yearly profit of $1.9 million in order to achieve the needed rate of return. This value was used with the prices of the other materials in the system detailed above to find a needed yearly biodiesel revenue of $32.2 million. Knowing the yearly output of biodiesel (9.5 million gallons), this can be converted to a selling price per gallon. In order for the plant to be economically feasible, then, the biodiesel will need to be sold for $3.41 per gallon. According to research this falls well within the reasonable selling price for biodiesel plants, meaning that the proposed process will be profitable. The complete cash flow diagram that had been described previously can be seen below. Figure 9: Cash flow diagram for the plant lifespan 39 8. Conclusion In conclusion, it is feasible to open a 9.5 million gallon per year biodiesel production plant. While this plant alone will not solve the energy crisis, it can be used to demonstrate profitability for others looking to open biodiesel production plants. With preliminary estimates, the plant will produce a 10% rate of return over a 20 year lifespan. Many specific decisions still need to be made, such as the reactor type and catalyst, but this report clearly outlines the main design criteria and options. Decision matrices will need to be formed to determine the best variable choices for this plant. These decisions should be made to further increase the overall rate of return while not infringing on any of the selected design norms. As these specific decisions are made, the project will become more technical and design focused. 40 References Abbas, Ammar S., and Sura M. Abbas. "Kinetic Study and Simulation of Oleic Acid Esterification in Different Type of Reactors." IASJ. Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, June 2013. Web. 15 Oct. 2014. <>. 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Filter Calculations LA(1 - ε)ρp = cs (V + εLA) Cake thickness (L): estimated to 1cm Porosity (ε): estimated at 0.5 Volume of filtrate (V): used PFD and molar flows/density to find a volumetric flow of 145 m^3/day Weight of solids per volume of filtrate (cs): weight of solids = (3 wt %)(130,000 kg/day) cs=26.85 kg/m^3 Density of Solid Particles in Cake: used an average cake density of 3500 kg/m^3 Used in above equation to find Area of Filtration Needed per Day: 225 m^2 3. Competing Biodiesel Plants in Florida 4. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) See attached 45