Meghe Group of Schools Resource Center Formative Assessment Session 14-15 Class- IX & X SUB FA-1IX(JUNE JULY) FA-2IX(AUG SEPT) FA-3-IX(OCT - JAN) FA-4IX(FEB ) FA-1-X(APR FA-2-JULY) X(AUGSEPT) FA-3X(OCTJAN) FA-4X(FEB ) MATH 1) Problem solving Assignment (RC) August (20M) 2) Mind map / Cluster map ( 10) 3) Quiz (10M) 4) Activity (10M) 1) Cyclic test (20M) 2) Practical (20M) 3) Project (20M) 1) Cyclic test (20M) 2) Project (20M) 3)Practical (20M) 4)Problem Solving assignment (20M )(To sent by RC ) PSA (Total 60) 1) Quiz (10M) 1) Cyclic test (20M) 2) Practical (20M) 3) Model Activity (20M) 4)Activity :Data Analysis ( 20) 1) Cyclic test PSA (Total 60) 1) Cyclic test (20M) 2) GDRecycling can save energy. (Given in the syllabus plan) (10M) 3) Worksheet HOTS(RC) 1) Cyclist test(20M) 2) Practical – (20M) 3) Field trip (Medical College, Wardha/Model Making (20M) SCIENC E 1) GD- (20M) 2) Worksheet (MCQ)-Aug(20M)(RC) 3) Quiz(20) 4) Field visit(project)(20) 4) Puzzle (10M)(To be sent by RC ) 1) Cyclic test (Phy + chem. +bio)(20M) 2) Practical (20M) 3)Science Research Paper/Article Review (Combined with 1) Cyclic test (20M) 2)Presentation for Model /PPT (20M) 3) Practical (20M) 4) Street play(combined) (Sci, SSt) 2) Problem solving Assignment Worksheet (20M-To be sent by RC ) 3) Activity :Analysis of Graphs ( 10) PSA 4) Project(20M) 1) Quiz (Phy, Chem, bio) (10M) 2) Practical (20M) 3) Skill based MCQ- (RC) (10M) 4) Investigatory project (20M) (20M) 2) Practical (20M) 3) Project (20M) 4) Problem Solving assignment (20m)-To be sent by RC PSA English)(10M) 4) Science from waste (Project)(20M) 1) Cyclic Test (20M) 2) Literature Quiz (10M) 3) Science Research Review (Combined with Sci.) (10M) 4) Extempore (10M) ENG 1) Debate (combined with S.St) (10M) 2) Reading Comprehension (WS) (20M) RC- July 3) Budding poet (prose to poetry) (10M) 4) Book Review (Biography/auto biography) (20M) Hindi 1½ dfolEesyu ¼20 vad½ 1½ izFke bdkbZ ijh{kk ¼20 vad½ 2½ ?kks’kokD; ¼10 vad½ 2½ ifj;kstuk yksddFkk @nar dFkk ¼20 vad½ 3½ O;kdj.k dk;Zizi= ¼20 vad½ 3½ oknfookn ¼10 vad½ 4½ i”kq i{kh ij vk/kkfjr Hkwfedk fuoZgu ¼10 vad½ 4½ nksgkas dk vFkZ ys[ku dk;Zif=dk ¼10 vad½ (20M) (20M) 4) Field LPmodel (20M) 1) Cyclic Test (20M) 2) Skit performance (20M) (Based on Value Cards) 3) Flow Chart (Combined with SST) (10M) 4) Creating classroom News paper (10M) PSA 1) Speaking Prompts (10M) 2) Integrated Grammar WS (20M) 3) News Abstraction (10M) 4) Book Review (10M) 1) Cyclic Test (20M) 2) Character Analysis (from Lit. Read.) (10M) 3) Elocution on Democracy (Combined with SST) (10M) 4) Readers’ Theatre (Any play) (10M) 1½ fgUnh eghuksa ds uke o ioZ dh lwph ¼10vad½ 1½n~forh; pØh; ijh{kk 1½ Mk;jh ys[ku Ifj;kstuk ¼10vad½ 1½ izFke bdkbZ ijh{kk ¼20vad½ 2½,dkadheapu ¼10vad½ 2½ifjppZk ¼20vad½ ¼20vad½ 3½ foKku iz”ukoyh ¼10 vad½ 4½ izkFkfed O;olk;h ds thou ij “kks/k izLrqrhdj.k ¼10 vad½ 3½uqDdM+ ukVd 2½ O;kdj.k dk;Zizi= ¼20 vad½ 3½ izfln~/k O;fDr dk thouo`Rr ys[ku ¼20 vad½ ¼20vad½ 4½if+=dkfuek Z.k ¼20vad½ 4½ foKkiu fuekZ.k ¼10 vad½ 2½ fQYe leh{kk ¼10 vad½ 3½ ,sfrgkfld LFkyks ij ys[ku ¼10 vad½ 4½dfo@ys[k d dh ys[ku fo”ks’krk ij ys[ku ¼20 4)Bulletin board (10M) (10M) 1) Cyclic Test (20M) 2) Situation Analysis and Case Study (Combined with Economics SST) (20M) 3) Comprehension Worksheet (20M) 4) Framing Interview Questionnaire for any celebrity (10M) 1½ fp= ds vk/kkj ij vuqPNsn ys[ku ¼10 vad½ 2½ dfork ¼fo’k;&ijksidkj ½ ys[ku ,oa okpu ¼10 vad½ 3½ eqgkojksa ij dk;Zizi= ¼10 vad½ 4½ foyqIr PSA 1½ n~forh; bdkbZ ijh{kk ¼20 vad½ 2½ “kkafr fudsru dss ckjs esa tkudkjh ,df=r dj izLrqr djuk ¼10 vad½ 3½ ^esjk fe=----¼blfy, lcls vPNk gS D;ksafd- vad½ SST 1) Survey on disparities in Income and standard of living Ref. page no. 108 Teacher manual (15M) 2) Debate activity` (This activity is clubbed with English) (topics are given in the note given below) (15M) 3) Making bulletin board--What makes a government democratic And non democratic Ref. PG.No. 84 FA manual (10M) 4) Worksheet (10M) 1) Mock Youth South Asian Meet (Ref. Pg. 51 Teacher manual) and Report writing of the meet (10M) 2) Cyclic test (20M) 3) Group Discussion--Impact of Nazism on world History (10M) 4) Show physical divisions of India in the map with index(10M) 1) Prepare a case study on the life of peasant( Ref. Pg. 31 & 32 Teacher manual) (20M) OR Street play on forest conservation ---“Forest - should they be preserved?” Ref. Pg. No. 70 of FA manual. 2) Flow chart activity—(This activity is clubbed with English) (10M) 3) Cyclic test (20M) 4) A skit on school related disasters displaying the function of Disaster Management rescue team.(10M) PSA 1) Flow Chart -“ Showing how Britain’s decision to import food led to increased migration to America and Australia” Page.No. 83 in History book Chapter 4 OR Debate on “Industrial Development Vs. Environmental Protection” based on Chapter. 5 in History Pg. No. 104 (10M) 2) Bulletin board (10M) 3) Common Quiz or MCQ Test(20M) 4) Picture Reading---on Gender Religion ,Caste 1) Project on Different types of farming (Geo) Pg No. 69 of FA manual (20M) 2) Map Skill Based on Chapter 3 & 4 in Geography (10M) 3) Cyclic test (20M) 4) Elocution on the topic— Democracy (This activity is clubbed with English subject) (10M) gksrh Ik”kq if{k;ksa dh iztkfr;ksa ij ifjppkZ ¼10 vad½ -- ¼10 vad½ 1) Cyclic test (20M) 2) Visit to Power station Ref. No. 74 FA manual. OR Exhibition on models related to power resources Ref. Pg. No. 69 FA manual. OR Survey “Consumption of Electricity” Ref. Pg.No. 76 FA manual(10M) 3) Disaster ManagementPractical demonstration on survival skill for School related disasters (10M) 4) Case Study-Consumer Right- Chapter 5 (Economics). (This activity is PSA 4½ O;kdj.k dk;Zif=dk ¼20 vad½ (Civics) (10M) Sanskr it Marat hi 1) Worksheet on Picture Composition (20M) 2) Paragraph reading) (20M) 3) Jo.k dkS”kY; (10M) 4) Loifjp; (10M) 1½ O;kdj.k vH;kl (20M) Worksheet 2½ rkRdkfyd Hkk’k.k ¼10 M½ 3½ dFkkiwfrZ (20M) 4½vkn”kZ okpu ¼10 M½ 1) Cyclic test (20M) 2) Quiz ( Based on Grammar) (10M) 3) Recitation of Shlokas (10M) 4) vHkhu; (10M) 1) Worksheet on Grammar (20M) 2) ProjectDictionary (10M) 3) laokn ys[ku (10M) (Group activity) 1½ Cyclic Test (20M) 2½ oknofookn (10M) 3½vifBr dkO; okpu (10M) 1½ vkReo`Rr (20M) 2½ Book review (10M) 3½ ukVdh; :Ik (10M) 4) Worksheet on unseen passage (10M) 1) Cyclic test (20M) 2) Extempore (10M) 3) Patriotic song (10M) 4) lqDrh laxzg (10M) (display board activity) Note: - FA Activities for classes IX & X 1½ Cyclic Test (20M) 2) Interview of any celebrity (10M) 3)Advertisemen t (10M) 4) fp=ys[ku (10M) clubbed with English.)(10M) 1) Reading (10M) 2) Listening (10M) (Paragraph) 3) Grammar Worksheet (20M) 4) nSuafnu ys[ku (10M) ¼le; ys[ku½ 1) Subhashita with meaning (10M) 2) Cyclic (20M) 3) dfork i<u (10M) 4) graphic organizer Pg.No.7 from text book (10M) 1) Group Project 1½ dfolEesyu (10M) 2½ rkRdkfyd Hkk’k.k (10M) 1½ Cyclic Test (20M) 2) Character Sketch (10M) 3) Slogan writing(10M) 4)Story telling (Value based (10M) 1) worksheet on idioms and phrases (10M) 2) O;kdj.k vH;kl (20M) 3½ fdlh Hkh fo’k; ppkZ 10 vad 4)Patriotic songs (10M) 3½ vifBr xn~;ka”k (20M) 4) fuca/k ys[ku (10M) (20M) 2) if=dk laiknu 3) dFkkdFku (10M) 4) Worksheet on Grammer (20M) 1) Role play (10M) 2) Cyclic test (20M) 3) Yatra vritanta forest of Arunachal Pradesh (10M) 4) fp=o.kZue~ (10M) 1½ Cyclic Test (20M) 2½ ik=kfHku; (10M) 3)Crossword (20M) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Four activities to be conducted for each formative Assessment. Three best out of the four to be considered for assessment. Project in each term is a compulsory activity. Life skills & values to be mentioned for each activity. For procedure parameters & rubrics refer to the older version of FAs Each activity to be given a weight age of 10 marks. Open ended value based, HOT and value based of questions to be incorporated in worksheets. Social Studies—Class 9—FA1—Topics for Debate—i) French Revolution laid the foundation of democracy ii)During the French Revolution the common people—both rural and urban played a significant role .iii)Was the execution of King Louis VI necessary to get rid of old regime?(iv)The French Revolution more a reaction to economic problems than to social or political problems. Please note apart from these topics the teacher can choose any other topic for debate.