2 quarterly study guide mp2

You should review any and all information presented in Chem I during the second quarter and
be sure that you can do all of the following:
Chapter 2:
 Know the difference between accuracy and precision and be able to define both.
 Know the base units for time, temperature, length, mass, and volume.
 Be able to set up and solve a simple unit conversion.
 Define absolute zero and be able to convert temperature from Celsius to Kelvin and
Kelvin to Celsius.
 Use the equation for density to solve for density, mass, or volume.
 Convey the proper number of significant digits in a simple equation.
Chapter 3:
 Review the basic parts of an atom (proton, neutron, and electron) and their charges
and relative sizes.
 Be able to define and find the atomic number and mass number for an atom.
 Use an atom’s charge and/or neutrality to determine the number of electrons in an
 Know which parts of Dalton’s atomic theory are still believed today.
 Define the main contribution for each of the 4 atomic models we studied (What was it
first to show).
 Tie the properties of an element to the arrangement of its electrons.
 Be able to compare and contrast the 4 atomic models we studied.
 Review regular notes, jigsaw notes, and video notes.
 Review Flame Test Lab (prelab, introduction, and postlab).
Chapter 4:
 Be able to complete the electron configuration for an atom in its ground state.
 Describe how energy changes within an atom.
 Compare the energies and wavelengths for different types (colors) of light.
 Explain Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
 Use an electron configuration to determine the number of valence electrons in an atom.
 Use noble gas notation to represent electron arrangement within an atom.
 Use an orbital diagram to represent electron arrangement within an atom.
 Draw and explain what happens to an atom as its electrons become excited and then
fall back to the ground state (review the flame test lab and corresponding diagram).
Practice Problems:
1. Define the following vocabulary words:
a. accuracy = ______________________________________________________________________________
b. precision = _____________________________________________________________________________
2. Fill in the following chart and review the base units:
g / kg
What temperature is absolute zero in Kelvins _______ and in Celsius _______?
3. A runner ran a 5 kilometer race in 24 minutes. What was his speed in meters per second? SHOW YOUR WORK!
Use conversions.
4. How do you convert a temperature from Kelvin to Celsius?
5. Define the following vocabulary words:
a. atomic number = _________________________________________________________________________
b. mass number = __________________________________________________________________________
6. A neutral atom is one with no __________________________. In a neutral atom the number of ________________
and ______________________ are equal.
7. Which parts of Dalton’s atomic theory are still believed today (ALL OF THEM)?
8. What were each of the following atomic models first to show?
a. Plum Pudding model =
b. Rutherford’s model =
c. Bohr’s model =
d. Electron Cloud model =
9. What does Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle say?
10. What is the correct electron configuration for an atom of sulfur in its ground state? AND how many valence
electrons does it have?
11. Energy within an atom increases _________________________________ the nucleus.
12. The lowest energy and longest wavelength color of light is _______________. The highest energy and shortest
wavelength color of light is ________________.
13. Fill in the chart below:
Element Electron Configuration
Noble Gas
Orbital Diagram
# of Valence
Use the drawing below to explain what happens when energy is applied to an atom.
Describe both energy changes (choose absorbed or released) and label both states (ground
and excited).