Integrated Management Team

Technology Solutions Group
PADS Provisioning Effort Kick OFF
File Location:
Presenter: Paul Paolillo
January 12, 2012
QinetiQ North America Operations LLC Proprietary
© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
• Welcome to the Kick off
• Introductions
• Program Description
 Overview
 Schedule
• PADS Provisioning IPT Structure Defined
• PADS Provisioning Explained
• Roles and Responsibilities
• Charters
Integrated Management Team
 Systems Engineering
 Hardware Engineering
 Logistics Engineering
 Product Assurance
- CM
- DM
- Quality
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© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
What is PADS? (Precision Airdrop System)
• Overall, PADS uses Global Positioning System (GPS)
technology that permits Air Force aircrews to literally steer
and fly a cargo pallet to the desired location, increasing the
margin of safety for the aircrews. They can also land the
cargo in a way that keeps the troops from having to scatter
over a wide area and potentially making them vulnerable to
hostile fire, when retrieving needed supplies. PSI has been
working on the PADS system with the US Air Force and US
Army since 1999.
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Technology Solutions Group
Precision Airdrop System | PADS™
High-Res Atmospheric
Forecast Model
Airborne sensor, comms, and processing system for
precision aerial delivery from high altitude
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PADS Simulates all Airdrop Components
2,000 Meters
2,500 Meters
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PADs Provisioning Product Team (IPT) Structure
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Contract: Statement of Work
Production Technical Data Package
Contractor shall provide a Level 3 Production Technical Data Package (TDP) to the Government, which includes
applicable parts list, detail and assembly drawings, schematics, interface control data, diagrams, performance
characteristics, critical manufacturing limits and details of new materials and processes and any other information
necessary to enable a competent manufacturer to produce and maintain quality control for the JPADS BLK 4
UHF-DRS and GPS-RTS. The contractor shall provide all data, to include data that is currently claimed as contractor
intellectual property, as Government Purpose Rights consistent with that prescribed in DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or
DFARS 252.227-7014. Additionally, any data rights provided to the Government shall be documented consistent with
that prescribed in DFARS 252.227-7017. In the event that the Government does not agree with any data rights
position proposed by the Contractor, the Government may require substantiation of said data rights position by
following the procedure prescribed in DFARS 252.227-7019 and/or DFARS 252.227-7037.
Delivery Schedule/Cost/Deliverable
31 Dec 2011 $143,367.58 Guidance Conference
31 Mar 2012 $436,102.73 Long Lead Item List
31 Jul 2012 $290,735.15 Provisioning Conference
31 Aug 2012 $145,367.58 Submission of SDFP/LMI
31 Oct 2012 $145,367.58 Submission of PTD
30 Nov 2012 $218,051.37 Spares Conference
20 Dec 2012 $72,683.79 PTD/SDFP/LMI Deliveries
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© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
SOW: Attachments
AFMC Form 718 – Provisioning Performance Schedule
CDRL A017 – Logistics Management Information (LMI) Data Products(S)
CDRL A018 – Supplemental Data for Provisioning (SDFP)
CDRL A019 – Logistics Management Information (LMI) Summaries
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Technology Solutions Group
Key Points of Contact
Contracting Officer
Name: Anne Hellman
Organization/Office Symbol: DITCO/PL8322
Phone No.: 628-229-9596
E-Mail Address:
Contract Specialist
Name: Danette Wesselmann
Organization/Office Symbol: DITCO/PL8322
Phone No.: 618-229-9273
E-Mail Address:
Customer/COR Point of Contact
Name: Kristin Dole-Mitchell
Organization/Office Symbol: 951ELSG/OC(JPADS)
Phone No.: 781-225-9317
E-Mail Address:
Contractor Point of Contact
Contractor Legal Business Name: Planning Systems Inc
DUNS: 072651391
Contractor POC: Quinn Smith
E-Mail Address:
Phone Number: 703-480-0749
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Technology Solutions Group
1. Start date slippage beyond 1 October 2011 will result in a high level of risk
in achieving the goal of an accelerated nine (09) month delivery schedule for
this effort.
2. QNA TSG is concerned with rejection rates of stock listing data
submissions. To mitigate this risk, we will develop a random sample selection
of data early in the effort for review and comment by the Government.
3. An unforeseen elongated contract definition period.
4. QNA TSG believes that not having an updated Provisioning Guidance
Conference may affect the critical path for completion of this effort in a
manner that could impact the ability of the Air Force to utilize the PTD data
for input into the logistics system.
5. QNA TSG understands the requirements as set forth in the CDRLs and
SOWs. We reserve the right to equitable adjustment to our price and
schedule based on additional requirements that may arise from the
Provisioning Guidance Conference, Provisioning Conference, or other
formally communicated requirements that may arise during the period of
performance of this effort.
6. That the Legacy Drawings are in a non-combatable format, and may need to be re-created in
a new tool.
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Technology Solutions Group
PADS Provisioning IPT Structure
Company Name:
sdsdsd(Air force)
Quinn Smith (QNA TSG)
Paul Paolillo (PM)
Bob Holmes (CAM)
SE Role (TBD)
Fran Rush (CAM)
Drafting/Eng (TBD)
Michelle Sullivan (CAM)
Sr. Provisioner (TBD)
Deanna Dysert
Steve Spongberg
Tom Karol
Ed Humbarger
Product Assurance
Fran Rush (CAM)
CM Role (TBD)
DM Role (TBD)
Mike Waxman
Bob Holme (CAM)
Pratt (EE)
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Technology Solutions Group
Integrated Management Team Integrated Product Team (IPT)
Membership, Roles, Responsibilities, and
Work Products
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Integrated Management Team IPT Charter
The charter of the Integrated Management Team IPT is to transform
customer’s needs, expectations, and constraints into provisioned
product solutions and support those product solutions throughout the
product’s development lifecycle. The IMT IPT is an overarching IPT
primarily concerned with management and oversight of PADS
Provisioning program execution.
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© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
Integrated Management Team IPT Work Products
Integrated Baseline Reviews
Program Issue Resolution
IPT Management and Conflict Resolution
Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Cost and Schedule Control
Workload Management
Life Cycle/Total Ownership Cost Analysis
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Technology Solutions Group
Integrated Management Team IPT Roles & Responsibilities
IPT Lead
Responsible for technical quality, cost and schedule performance for all
activity within the Integrated Management Team IPT.
Overarching responsibility for Hardware, Systems Engineering, Product
Assurance, and Logistics
Serves as the primary customer interface.
Applies risk and opportunity management throughout the product contract
Identifies and establishes any corrective actions necessary to ensure IPT
objectives are achieved.
Coordinates IPT staffing requirements with the Skillset Directors.
Supports the metrics coordinator(s) in the collection and reporting of metrics
as they pertain to working group activity for the program.
IPT Member
Fully understand the scope and impact of technical, cost, and schedule
issues confronting the team, so that they can communicate, to the other team
members, the impact those issues have with respect to their particular area
of expertise.
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© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
Integrated Management Team IPT Roles & Responsibilities
Responsibilities of IPT:
Cost account management
Planning (IMS)
Subcontracts Management
Support CAIV activities as required
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Integrated Management Team IPT Membership List
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Integrated Management Team IPT
Integrated Management Team IPT Authority/Accountability
 Authority/Accountability
 Cost, Schedule and Technical Performance authority and
accountability is held by the Integrated Management Team
Control Account Manager (CAM).
Integrated Management Team IPT Metrics
 IPT Metrics
EV lite Cost & Schedule, IMS Critical Path, Stop light charts
(Hardware/deliveries) Workload burn down for key functional areas as
needed (Requirements, part research, drawing and Provisioning Card
creation etc.). Also, overall technical performance authority and
accountability is held by the Integrated Management Team Control
Account Manager (CAM).
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Technology Solutions Group
Engineering Integrated Product Team (IPT) Charter
Membership, Roles, Responsibilities, and
Work Products
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Systems Engineering IPT Charter
The charter of the Engineering IPT is to transform customer’s needs,
expectations, and constraints into product solutions and support those
product solutions throughout the product’s development lifecycle.
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© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
Systems Engineering IPT Work Products
Requirements Database
Systems Documentation
 Example:
 Technical Data Package
 Supporting research for Provisioning CARDs
 Supporting research for Drawing creation
 Requirements Traceability Matrix
 Drawing modifications, update and creation
As needed or requested
 Trade Studies
 White Papers
Review Delivery Packages
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© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
Engineering IPT Roles & Responsibilities
IPT Lead
Responsible for technical quality, cost and schedule performance for all
engineering activity within a IPT.
Serves as the primary customer technical interface for the respective IPT
Serves as IPT Control Account Manager (CAM).
Applies risk and opportunity management throughout the product life cycle.
Identifies and establishes any corrective actions necessary to ensure IPT
objectives are achieved.
Technical process discipline within the IPT.
Coordinates IPT staffing requirements with the Program Office, Skillset
Manager, and Chief Technology Officer.
Supports the metrics coordinator(s) in the collection and reporting of technical
metrics as they pertain to IPT activity.
IPT Member
Fully understands the scope and impact of technical, cost, and schedule
issues confronting the team, so that they can communicate, to the other team
members, the impact those issues have with respect to their particular area
of expertise.
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© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
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Engineering IPT Roles & Responsibilities
Responsibilities of IPT:
Accept top-level requirements and allocate to subsystems
Systems Integration, assessments of derivation of lower-level
requirements, systems design decisions, and compliance with top-level
Manage and approve allocation of system-level functions to subsystems
and components
Lead and approve design trade studies
Oversee engineering analysis in support of subsystem, component,
hardware and software design
Review Verification Requirements, Risk Assessment and Mitigation and
Traceability of Requirements
As needed update and review applicable sections of technical
operations and functionality within the IDE customer database
Support CAIV activities as required
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Technology Solutions Group
Engineering IPT
Engineering IPT Authority/Accountability
 Authority/Accountability
 Cost, Schedule and Technical Performance authority and
accountability is held by the Systems Engineering Control
Account Manager (CAM).
Systems Engineering IPT Metrics
 IPT Metrics are such things as:
EV Cost & Schedule, IMS Critical Path, Stop light charts
(Hardware/deliveries) Workload burn down for key functional areas as
needed (Requirements, PADS research of development, etc.). Also,
overall technical performance authority and accountability is held by the
Integrated Management Team Control Account Manager (CAM).
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Technology Solutions Group
Hardware Engineering Integrated Product Team (IPT)
Membership, Roles, Responsibilities, and
Work Products
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Hardware Engineering IPT Charter
The charter of the Hardware Engineering IPT is to provide engineering
support to provision the PADS design (electrical and mechanical) that
directly implements all system and hardware requirements, helps
understand the hardware architecture so that flexibly supports future
expansion while ensuring reliability, maintainability, and long term
support throughout the contract life-cycle.
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Technology Solutions Group
Hardware Engineering IPT Work Products
The PADS hardware design
Technical Data Package
Detail Drawings
Assembly Drawings
Specification Control Drawings
Vendor Item Drawings
Peer Review Packages of Drawings and Provisioning Cards
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© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
Hardware Engineering IPT Roles & Responsibilities
IPT Lead
Responsible for technical quality, cost and schedule performance for all
engineering activity within a IPT.
Serves as the primary customer technical interface for the respective IPT
Applies risk and opportunity management throughout the product life cycle.
Serves as IPT Control Account Manager (CAM).
Identifies and establishes any corrective actions necessary to ensure IPT
objectives are achieved.
Technical process discipline within the IPT.
Coordinates IPT staffing requirements with the Chief Technology Officer.
Supports the metrics coordinator(s) in the collection and reporting of metrics as
they pertain to IPT activity. Also responsible understanding the metrics data
and for making prudent technical management decisions based on the data.
IPT Member
Fully understand the scope and impact of technical, cost, and schedule issues
confronting the team, so that they can communicate, to the other team
members, the impact those issues have with respect to their particular area of
QinetiQ North America Operations LLC Proprietary
© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
Hardware Engineering IPT Roles & Responsibilities
Responsibilities of IPT:
Direct implementation of allocated hardware requirements
Integration of mechanical and electrical design elements
Participate in program and technical reviews
Manage hardware design including schedule and approvals
Review and resolve program problem reports
Support CAIV Activities as required
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Hardware Engineering IPT
Hardware Engineering IPT Authority/Accountability
 Authority/Accountability
 Cost, Schedule and Technical Performance authority and
accountability is held by the Hardware Engineering Control
Account Manager (CAM).
Hardware Engineering IPT Metrics
IPT Metrics are such things as:
EV Cost & Schedule, IMS Critical Path, Stop light charts
(Hardware/deliveries) Workload burn down for key functional areas as
needed (Requirements, Software Development, etc.). Also, overall
technical performance authority and accountability is held by the
Integrated Management Team Control Account Manager (CAM).
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Technology Solutions Group
Provisioning Overview
Michelle L. Sullivan
QinetiQ NA
ILS Manager
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What is Provisioning?
Where Provisioning Fits in ILS
The Provisioning Process
Provisioning Schedule
Provisioning Technical Data (PTD)
JPADS Path Forward
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What is Provisioning?
• Provisioning is the process of identifying and obtaining the initial stock of spare
parts required to support fielded equipment.
• Part of the provisioning process is to obtain National Stock Numbers (NSN’s) for
spare parts. Having an NSN allows the field to purchase the items through the
DoD Requisitioning System. Additionally, it allows the DoD item manager to
properly forecast requirements for the items and ensure items are stocked.
• NSN assignment is accomplished by generating provisioning lists containing
Provisioning Technical Data (PTD). This data identifies the parts of an item of
equipment and their application within the overall system.
• QNA’s role is to provide provisioning technical data regarding the items so they
may obtain a National Stock Number (NSN).
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Technology Solutions Group
The ILS Equation
Integrated Logistics
Support (ILS) is the
process that facilitates
the development and
integration of all of the
logistics support
elements to acquire, test,
field, and support a
weapons system
10 ILS Elements
Design Influence
Technical Data
Maintenance Planning
Manpower and Personnel
Supply Support
Training and Training Support
Computer Resources Support
Packaging, Handling, Storage and
Readiness at
system fielding
and throughout
the systems
Provisioning is part
of Supply Support
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Integrated Logistics Support – Supply Support
Identify, plan, resource and implement management actions to acquire and support
the product required to sustain the operation and maintenance of the system to
ensure the product is available when needed.
Consists of all management actions, procedures, and techniques necessary to
determine requirements to acquire, catalog, receive, store, transfer, issue, and
dispose of spares, repair parts, and supplies.
Process includes provisioning for initial support as well as acquiring,
distributing, and replenishing inventories.
Having the right items, in the right place, at the right time
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Provisioning Process
Task Analysis
(MTA) Data
Helpful Definitions
Prepare Initial
Provisioning List
Obtain Application
Research Parts
Provisioning Parts List (PPL): The PPL is a
complete listing of all the parts that make up
an item of equipment. This list is prepared
by the contractor (us!) and submitted to the
Government at or before the provisioning
conference (not to be confused with the
Provisioning Guidance Conference).
Prepare Detailed
Provisioning List
Review/Verify List
(may require
Submit List for
NSN Screening
Prepare Final
Provisioning List
Provisioning Screening: Screening of
provisioning lists to identify parts that have
already been assigned NSN’s.
Provisioning Submittal: Provisioning Lists
are submitted to the Government for review
prior to each conference
Technical Data to
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Common Provisioning Schedule
Contract Award
Provisioning Guidance Conference
Long Lead Time Items Provisioning Conference
DLIS screening*
*The Defense Logistics Information
Service (DLIS) is responsible for
screening provisioning lists for
existing NSN’s
Submission of PTD
Provisioning Conference
Submission of Post Conference List
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© QinetiQ North America Operations LLC 2009
Technology Solutions Group
Provisioning Technical Data (PTD)
• PTD is any data submitted to the Government as part of the provisioning Process
• There are several different types of PTD. The data reflected in them is generally
the same. The difference in the lists is the type of items for which they are
prepared and the intended use of the lists.
• Per the contract, QNA will be submitting a Provisioning Parts List (PPL) for items
associated with JPAD’s.
Provisioning Parts List (PPL): The PPL is a complete listing of all the parts that make up
an item of equipment. This list is prepared by the contractor (us!) and submitted to the
Government at or before the provisioning conference (not to be confused with the
Provisioning Guidance Conference).
Additionally, some of our items will be considered Common Bulk Items (CBI’s) and will fall
under a CBI list.
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Data elements on the PPL
• PPL be divided into two categories
Cataloging Data: describes the part without regard to its usage (Ex. Item Name, NSN,
Unit of Issue, etc.)
Application Data: data that relates to the specific application of the part being reported on
the provisioning list (Ex. Quantity per assembly, maintenance task distribution, etc).
Application data can be different for each use of a part in a system and tell how a part is
• PPL is generating using engineering drawings as a basis for data.
• Some elements will be provided by the Government at the Provisioning Guidance
• Data elements commonly required:
•Provisioning List Item Sequence Number (PLISN)
•Manufacturer’s Part Number
•Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE)
•Source, Maintenance, and Recovery Code (SMR)
•National Stock Number (NSN)
•Quantity per End Item (QPEI)
•Recommended Quantity
•Production Lead Time (PLT)
•Unit of Issue (UI)
•Item Name
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PTD 80 Card Column Format
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Sample 80CC Provisioning Parts List
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Path Forward
Near Term:
•Provisioning Guidance Conference (to be scheduled in January 2012)
•Development and Review of Engineering Drawings
•Development of Data Entry Forms
•Provisioning Parts Lists Data Research
•Training of personnel on Data Entry
•Data Entry
Long Term:
•Data QA for content and formatting
•Data Submittal (Initial)
•Review and Revision of Data (from initial submittal)
•Data Submittal (Final)
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Program Schedule
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