March 2013 - The Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals

March 2013
Volume 2, Issue 1
New CEO for ANFP
March 20-21
Inside this Issue:
Message from The
ANFP Names Joyce Gilbert, PhD, RD, LDN New President and CEO
ST. CHARLES, ILLINOIS – The Association of Nutrition & Foodservice
Professionals (ANFP) is pleased to announce that Joyce Gilbert, PhD, RD,
LDN has been named its new President and Chief Executive Officer. Dr.
Gilbert will join the ANFP staff in May 2013, when William St. John, CAE -who has served as Chief Executive for the Association since 1986 -- retires
on May 31.
Gilbert was selected to serve as President and CEO following an extensive
national search initiated by a special committee, appointed by the ANFP
Board of Directors. She has vast experience as a chief executive,
fundraiser, clinician, and instructor for a variety of organizations.
NE Business minutes.3
Education Report…...3
Regional Meeting…..4
Evaluation Forms,
Seminars, MeetingCosts
and Membership……..4
Service Project……….5
Education & CEU”s…..5
Treasurers Report…..6
Membership Report..6
Web Master Report...6
APRIL 9-13
Gilbert earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of
South Carolina, her Master’s in Human Nutrition from Clemson University,
and her Doctorate in Food Science and Human Nutrition from the
University of Florida.
Gilbert is eager to take on her new role. “The CDM is the cornerstone of
the dietetics profession,” she said. “Together we will continue to build the
value of the CDM credential through empowering our members. I am both
honored and excited about our future and my service to this incredible
ANFP Chair Ginger Cater, MEd, CDM, CFPP, who also served as Chair of
the CEO Search Committee, said “I am excited that Joyce Gilbert will be
the next CEO of ANFP. She was the unanimous choice of the Search
Committee and the ANFP Board. She won over both groups with her
irrepressible confidence, competitiveness, and dedication to excellence.”
Cater continued, “She has worked with CDMs in the past and believes they
are the cornerstone of non-commercial foodservice and nutrition
management. Bill St. John has served our association well, and we will
miss him indeed. Now we welcome Joyce to lead our association into
ANFP’s exciting future.”
Contact: Allison Pate, (630) 587-6336, ext.
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Message from the President
Upcoming ANFP
Nebraska Spring
Meeting & Cash Wa
Food Show (14 CE)
March 26-27
Kearney, NE
West Regional Meeting
(7 CE)
March 19, 2013
Portland, OR
South Central Regional
Meeting (7 CE)
March 27, 2013
Houston, TX
Northeast Regional
Meeting (14 CE)
April 4 – April 5, 2013
Pittsburgh, PA
North Central Regional
Meeting (14 CE)
April 18 – April 19, 2013
Milwaukee, WI
2013 Leadership
Institute (14 CE)
July 26 - July 28, 2013
Savannah, GA
2013 Annual Meeting &
Expo (23 CE)
July 28 - July 31, 2013
Savannah, GA
I hope this message finds you all well. I have exciting news to share! The
Nebraska ANFP chapter will be hosting an ANFP Regional Meeting. It will be
March 20-21, 2014, in Omaha, NE., at the DoubleTree by Hilton Omaha. This
presents us with the unique opportunity to showcase our state while offering
members quality education in our backyard! Mark your calendars and spread
the word!
As we progress into the New Year I reflect on the great strides and progress
that our ANFP chapter is making. Now that my first year as your president is
under my belt, I feel more comfortable and confident we will meet our goals.
I am excited and looking forward to the challenges and changes that are in
store for Nebraska ANFP.
At our fall meeting I presented to you the goals we have set for 2013. They
are as follows:
Give financial assistance to Camp Hot Shots a diabetes camp for children.
The Newsletter completed and on the website month prior to state meetings.
Increase member participation in state meeting presentations. (Members speaking and
training at state meetings.)
Win the Diamond award!
To meet the goal of giving financial assistance to Camp Hot Shots we will be
selling raffle tickets for prizes at our meetings and accepting donations from
members at meetings. So, members please purchase raffle tickets or give a
donation at our next meeting in Kearney, March 26-27.
Our goal is to keep members informed and current with what is going on in our
state chapter and the national level. We will be doing that by keeping our
website updated. The newsletter will be posted on the website one month
prior to state meetings.
We are looking for members to participate in our state meeting by giving a
presentation. Everyone gives in-service and/or training of some type to your
staff. Share with us your successes and specialties. This is one way to keep
meeting costs down and learning from one another.
In 2012 our chapter was awarded the Platinum State Achievement Award.
Our goal is to be awarded the Diamond award in 2013. It takes the whole
chapter working together to meet our goals and challenges. Not just officers
and board member but all Nebraska ANFP members! So, please if anyone
has an idea to share, talents, an article for the newsletter or website, please
pass it on.
I truly have appreciated everyone’s one help and encouragement. Now let go
forward and have a wonderful and exciting 2013 and make Nebraska ANFP
the best it can be together! Hope to see you in Kearney
Ann mick, CDM, CFPP
President, Nebraska ANFP
Page 3 of 6
Nebraska Dietary Meeting- 10-5-2012
Meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Ann Mick.
Secretaries’ report was read. No corrections. Sherri B moved to accept and Shari
Mohr seconded.
Treasurers’ report handed out in printed form. Linda T. moved to accept and Deb
S. seconded.
Both reports passed.
Membership-Sherri B. reported our current membership is 217 and she is sending
out more invitations.
Education- Joan Mc. Cashway Food Show March 26 and 27th will coincide with
our meeting. Fall meeting tentatively August 22 and 23rd
Hospitality: Rose Reicks reported we have a new traveling prize for our Hot Shots
community project.
Alan-Legislature / is working on it.
Linda T. Chapter Council-watch E news and Webinars. They are priced at 10 to
50 dollars and an excellent way to obtain CEU’S.
National Leadership Conference is July 28 thru July 31st. Regionals are July 26
thru July 28th. You may attend any of the various dates and places.
Keep all emails updated thru ANFP. Bill St. John is stepping down and no one
has been appointed to fill the position yet.
Website-Shari working toward more pictures and updating many things. To view
our web-site go to Board voted to combine our website and
Newsletter Committee which Shari will chair. Email any articles to her to include
fun things
Thank-you letters were read from some of the children which attended the camp
we support with our donations.
New Business.
1. Remember to keep recruiting new members.
2. Sandra Jacobsen resigned as President elect. Board appointed Alan Kennedy
3. Colleen was appointed treasurer last year by the board and has stepped down.
Roy Farrens will be the new treasurer.
4. Kathy Turnbull will retain secretary position as her second term.
Due to problems with volunteers and setting up sessions for our meetings in
which the agenda has to be to Natls. 8 weeks prior to meeting it was suggested to
only have 2 two day meeting. Sherri made a motion for accept this proposal and
Alan seconded. All in favor. Unsure of Aug. meeting as of yet. Notice will be
published one month in advance in our newsletter as to date.
Please complete the salary survey online if you have not done so.
Goals set for 2012-2013
1. Publish newsletter twice a year
2. Increase volunteers
3. Continue to support Camp Hot Shot as our community project.
4. Chapter is pursuing the Diamond award thru Natls. Please send any
article or interest to use
5. Colleen’s article on volunteering well be published in the Edge
6. Tentative dates set for meetings.
7. Purchasing new banner.
8. Kathy T. will work on tablecloth
Patricia made motion to adjourn and Jan seconded.
Meeting adjourned
2013 State Officers
President & Spokesperson
Ann Mick, CDM, CFPP
Chappell, NE
Home 308-874-2974
Work 970-474-3323
President Elect & Travel
Alan Kennedy, CDM, CFPP
Crete, NE 68333
Home 402-914-0244
Kathy Turnbull, CDM, CFPP
Lincoln, NE
Home 402-484-6853
Work 402-441-7101
Roy Farrens, CDM, CFPP
Chadron, NE
Home 308-728-5758
Past President &
Commination chair:
Shari Mohr, CDM, CFPP
Hooper, NE
Home 402-719-7814
Work 402-654-3362
Page 4 of 6
2012 Committee
Sherri Badura, CDM,
Loup City, Ne
Home 308-383-3751
Work 308-745-0303
Communication Chair:
Shari Mohr, CDM, CFPP
Hooper, NE
Home 402-719-7814
Work 402-654-3362
Rose Rieck, CDM, CFPP
Loomis, NE
Home 308-876-2318
Work 308-995-4493
Kathy Warriner, CDM,
Center, NE
Home 402-288-4288
Work 402-358-5781
Denise Hinzmann, CDM,
Creighton, NE
Home 402-358-3288
Work 402-358-3232
Chapter Council:
Linda Truscott, CDM,
Sterling, NE
Home 402-866-6171
Work 402-791-0036
JoAnn McClanahan, CDM,
Atkinson, NE
Home 402-925-2022
The ANFP Regional Meeting has been booked for Omaha, NE! It will be
March 20-21, 2014 at Doubletree by Hilton Omaha. This partnership
presents the chapter leadership the unique opportunity to showcase our
state while offering regional member with quality education in their backyard.
As a host chapter, our chapter will forego our chapter meeting for the
season. All the meeting planning and execution is the responsibility of
ANFP HQ staff. The chapter will be offered free meeting rooms for our
business and board meetings and free expo space to showcase our chapter.
There will be an opportunity to establish a revenue-share agreement with
ANFP if our chapter is willing to participate in meeting promotion and onsite
We will give you further information once details are complete.
Evaluation Forms, Seminars,
Cost of Meetings and Membership
One of the goals of the executive board is to provide seminars that meet the
needs our membership. A vital portion of each seminar is the evaluation form.
Information on this form plays an important role in our planning process. We
need and appreciate all of your input. We try to use this information to
provide the topics you request. If at any time you have a topic you want
presented or know of a good speaker please provide us with the topic and
any contact information you may have. If you come up with a topic between
meetings email me at please put ANFP in the
subject line so I know it is a safe email to open.
Frequent comments made pertain to the cost of seminars and membership
costs. We know many do not have their facilities support to pay the cost of
attending. Your Executive Board and Program committee diligently work to
keep the cost of our meetings to a minimum. Each person volunteers their
time along with many of the resources it takes to put meetings together. We
search for speakers and venues that allow us to keep our costs at a
minimum. We have been very fortunate to have sponsors that assist us with
some costs. Many venues can cost $1,500.00 just to rent the room. Food can
be another $700.00 to $1500.00. This doesn’t include the cost of mailings,
speakers, and the equipment speakers ask us to provide. Key note speakers
usually run a minimum of $1,700.00 to $5,000.00 for an hour. It would be
wonderful if we could meet in these types of venues and provide a keynote
speaker at every seminar. If this was the case our meeting costs would have
to rise substantially.
The dues each of us pay go directly to the national office. State chapters
have no control over the cost of membership. We do receive rebates from the
national office if we meet specific goals throughout the year. We are fortunate
to have a board that sees that these goals are met so we collect the
maximum rebate each time it is sent. The amount of these rebates does not
begin to cover the expense of a meeting. By working together we hope we
are able to meet your needs.
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ANFP Service Project: Camp Hot Shots
Nebraska Chapter of Dietary Mangers has completed an annual Service project for
many years. Eight or nine years ago the Executive Board was discussing finding a
project that was relevant to what we do and something that we could have a
positive impact on. The chapter president suggested we support Camp Hot Shots
The program is a camp for Nebraska children with diabetes. It gives them the
chance to spend time with others who go through the same daily routines they do.
Many of these children are the only one in their school who has diabetes. It is
difficult to grow up with all your friends having fun, and you want to join in yet you
have so many other responsibilities to keep track of. During this three day camp
they are with others who go through the same thing they do on a daily basis. It
helps them to feel as if they are not the only one and are not being left out of
anything just because they have the disease. These children are growing up well
versed in their disease and do a great job taking care of themselves. They come to
camp, are able to relax and have a good time. This program helps them learn to
be independent and live a normal life
The camps mission “is to make a difference in the lives of children and young
adults who have diabetes TODAY so they have the opportunity to live a healthy
life. Provide a safe environment to gather, bond and enjoy learning to be selfdisciplined and responsible.”
The camps goals are: “To provide a positive, safe and healthy experience for
children and young adults with diabetes - To educate children and young adults
regarding diabetes and foster independence, self-discipline and responsibility - To
promote that goals and aspirations are limitless if they properly manage their
diabetes - To foster relationships between the children, young adults, staff,
volunteers and parents/guardians that will last a lifetime”
The camps objectives are: “Ensure a safe and healthy environment by partnering
with the physicians, nurses, dieticians, child life specialists and volunteers Provide an educational curriculum that broadens the knowledge and
understanding of diabetes management by providing engaging activities and
The support DMA/ANFP has given to the camp each year has allowed children
with limited finances attend the camp. Children are given scholarships to attend
camp. Parents have been given an allocation from our support to purchase gas for
their vehicle to get their child to camp. Our support also helps to purchase food
and supplies for camp.
One of the many thank you notes we receive from the children stated all of the
activities she participated in at camp. She ended her thank you with “Thank you for
your generous donation, it officially made it a good summer.” Our service project
makes a direct impact on the future of these children who are a part of our
Education and
CE Opportunities
m 2 free CE also inservice material
m has in- service for
 policies
and procedures
CE Articles in
Nutrition & Food
service Edge
ANFP Webinars
Educational Books
and references from
In order to
your desire
for success
should be
than your
fear of
Page 6 of 6
Treasurer’s Report for March 2013
Income from Oct 2012 to Current
Remember to cast your
ballet on line by
Interest Great Western
Advertising (Oct)
Oct 2012 Meeting Income
Raffle for National Attendees Camp Hot Shots Raffle Total Income
Expenses Oct 2012 to Current
Oct 2012 Meeting Expenses
Total Expenses
Membership Report
May 1-31, 2013
Candidate’s bios are in
the March issue of
Nutrition & Food Service
As of March 1st we have 225 members compared to 213 last year so I think that is going
pretty good. I have been busy send letter and package to New Members and students that
I have lists for. If you know of a student that may not have received a package please let
me know
Renewal of membership is coming in August and I hope you will renew again.
Vote at ANFP website
There is
can do.
Sherri Badura, CDM, CFPP
Membership Chair
Communication Report
A thanks goes to Ann Mick for your assistants with the Web.
So if you get a minute. Check it out.
If anyone is interest in help with the web-site or newsletter, please let me or Ann Mick
Shari Mohr CDM, CFPP
Communication Chair
Thanks to Alan Kennedy Nebraska ANFP has its very own FaceBook page.
If you have a Facebook account, it is open to be linked to your page. We
can also set multiple people to do updates and "manage" the site.
We’re on the Web!
See us at: