Sun, Sea, Sand and Sustainability

Legalize It!
The Endless Economic Possibilities for the Jamaican
Economy Through the Legalization of Marijuana…
Sun, Sea, Sand and Sustainability
A New Relationship Between
Tourism And The Environment
In Jamaica
Island Paradise
Just a few statistics…
“Tourism continues to be a major catalyst for the growth and
development of the Jamaican economy”- former Min. Of
Tourism, Aloun N’dombet Assamba
Accounts for 27% of the GDP
Employment: 1 in every 4
Approximately 1.5 million visitors
Main source of F/X and revenue
Not Marijuana…no
Beaches, beaches,
Cultural Heritage
Sports &
Nature& Ecotourism
Negative Impact on Environment
Coastal Degradation
Construction Erosion
Poorly planned developments
Poor solid & water waste management
Coastal and Marine Pollution
Oil from cruise ships, e.g.
Wastes from mining and industry
Source: USAID: Jamaica
Island Resource Foundation.
Sustainable Tourism…
“Sustainable development is a concept that marries
two conflicting ideas: development and
sustainability.”- Dr. Chandi, Jayawardena, University
of the West Indies
Sustainable Tourism: “enabling the right balance to
be struck between realizing the potential of the
tourism industry to contribute to national economic
development goals, without damaging the very
resources that attracted the visitors in the first
place” - CTO
The EAST Project, e.g.
Identify environmental champions in the hotel and manufacturing
Build the capabilities of both Jamaica Hotel and Tourist Association
and the Jamaica Manufacturers Association to offer environmental
management services
Work with vocational and tertiary institutions to include BP and EMS
in curricula
Transfer the lessons learned from the first phase of the project to
other businesses in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean
Design and implement a pilot to use as a model for a sustainable
tourism destination program
The Master Plan
Growth based on a sustainable market
Enhancing the visitor experience
Community based development
An inclusive industry
Environmental sustainability
Source: Ministry of Industry and Tourism
“We Need to Change our Strategy…”
Environment: Focus on impact of
tourism with regards to climate change
Greater adherence and accountability –
Master Plan
Alternatives to beachfront construction
Sustainable Tourism Rocks!
Thank you!