FARM AND FOOD TOURISM: EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE WEST Kynda Curtis, Professor and Extension Specialist, Utah State University Susan Slocum, Assistant Professor, George Mason University Objectives Disseminate best practices in farm and food tourism enterprise development to professionals working with agricultural producers, food producers, and agritourism operators through the development of a curriculum and workshops (5) to be offered in Nevada, Utah, and Idaho Audience includes Extension educators, tribal staff, Department of Agriculture personnel, NRCS employees, county employees, conservation district staff, FSA personnel and other agribusiness and tourism professionals in Nevada, Utah, and Idaho End goal is for target audience to work with producers and agritourism operators to implement food tourism enterprises to improve economic sustainability of these enterprises and their communities What is Food Tourism? The desire to experience a particular type of food or the products of a specific region… A form of regional development that helps strengthen local food and beverage production through backward linkages in tourism supply-chain partnerships Provides new opportunities to promote and distribute local products while providing an enhanced visitor experience through the expression of community identity and cultural distinctiveness What is Food Tourism? An expression of culture A form of regional heritage Supports the enhancement of the tourist experience Creates backward linkages in the food supply chain Supports socio-economic growth in rural regions What is Agritourism/Farm Tourism? Agritourism is a subsector of food tourism that specializes in the incorporation of visits to farms for the purposes of on-site retail purchases, enjoyment, and education Pick your own Farm-stays Corn mazes Farm tours Farm shops What is Culinary Tourism? The practice of exploratory eating, especially those instances in which eating unfamiliar food or participating in new food customs as a way of encountering, learning, or understanding other places and cultures Food/wine trails Cooking schools Farm shop visits Restaurant experiences Why Farm and Food Tourism? Agricultural producers face numerous challenges and look to diversify product offerings, access new markets, and expand market periods and pricing Tourism providers struggle to find the regional distinctiveness necessary to differentiate themselves from other tourism destinations As a result of the growing local foods movement, farm and food tourism may provide a solution Farm/food tourism has been shown to…….. Enhance a destination’s tourism offering Generate additional economic opportunities for local growers and processors, especially in close proximity to prime tourism destinations Provide a venue to promote and distribute local agricultural goods and value-added products Provide tourists with the cultural experiences they seek Buy Local Movement 185% increase in farmers’ markets from 2000 to 2014 275% increase in CSA programs from 2004 to 2014 (6,000) 288% increase in food hubs from 2007-2014 (302) The National Grocery Association 2012 Consumer Panel The availability of local foods was a major influence on grocery shopping decisions as 87.8% of respondents rated local food availability as “very or somewhat important,” with 45.9% indicating “very important” The need for “more locally grown foods” was the second most desired improvement among surveyed grocery shoppers at 36.6%, just under “price/cost savings” In 2012, 164K farmers (7.8% of US farms) sold $6.1 billion in local foods Farmers’ Markets US Local Food Demand While Traveling The National Restaurant Association's 2013 Restaurant Industry Forecast reported that 7 of 10 consumers were more likely to visit a restaurant offering locally sourced items The National Restaurant Association’s 2014 “Top Ten Trends across the Nation,” included locally sourced meats/seafood and locally grown produce as the top 2 trends The US travel Association reports that 27 million travelers, or 17% of American leisure travelers, engaged in culinary or wine-related activities while traveling within the past three years Why Farm and Food Tourism? Food is one of the major tourism activities One-third of tourism expenditures are on food/drink Tourists tend to be less sensitive to food prices Food is considered a “vital” component in the quality of a tourism experience The product is the basis of food tourism Tourism Market Western US a popular tourism destination, prime area for tourism development Idaho 2013 tourism indicators 30.2 million total visitors Total travel spending: $1.4 billion Nevada 2012 tourism indicators 20+ national and state parks 52.2 million total visitors 24.6 million state/national park visits Total travel spending: $58.1 billion Utah’s 2013 tourism indicators 23.5 million total visitors 4.2 million skier visits Total travel spending: $7.5 billion Why Farm and Food Tourism? Additional market for current products Diversification into new enterprises/products Reduced transportation/marketing costs Year-round sales (additional sales) Outlet for value-added products Income/employment for family members Cottage food production now option across the West Why Farm and Food Tourism? On-farm activities, the visitor comes to you Eliminates the need for transportation Ability to work in a familiar environment More flexibility in scheduling activities Display “show off” products Educate others about local foods Interact with people from around the globe Extension Program Overview Five workshops (2014-2015) Curriculum Utah (2), Nevada (2), and Idaho (1) Full color book, worksheets, and PowerPoint slides Team Lead Utah State University Extension – Kynda Curtis, Karin Allen, Paul Hill Susan Slocum (GMU) Partners University of Nevada, Reno – Carol Bishop University of Idaho – Wilson Gray Funding provided by WSARE Needs Assessment Online survey of small-scale producers in Mountain states, April 2014 Recruited through email lists of Extension, 115 responses Results overview 62% operation near a tourism destination or direct travel route between destinations 63% produce vegetables and 44% value added products 26% conduct agritourism activities (farm/ranch tours & farm stands/shops) 80% have revenues from agritourism activities of 20% or less 37% have five year or less industry experience, 26% 6 to 10 years experience 84% would attend a workshop on implementing agritourism/food tourism activities Results W ha t a g rito uris m/ fo o d to uris m a c tiv itie s wo uld y o u imp le me nt in the future R e s p o ns e Pe rc e nt On-farm/ranch tours Pick-your-own Bed and breakfast/home stays Sourcing local restaurants Sourcing local hotels or conference centers On-site farm stand/shop Off-site farm shop Seasonal recreational activities (corn mazes, hunting) Tourism processing activities (wine making, cooking Other (please specify) 32.2% 28.7% 10.3% 35.6% 16.1% 35.6% 18.4% 26.4% 33.3% 14.9% W ha t wo uld y o u c o ns id e r to b e the p rima ry hurd le s to e xp a nd ing y o ur a g rito uris m/ fo o d to uris m o p e ra tio ns ? Site or location availability Infrastructure/capital investment requirements Start-up capital financing/funding Marketing/promotion strategies Labor availability Legal and/or liability issues Product processing and labeling requirements Distance/transportation to markets Market quantity requirements Product quality standards/requirements Other R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt 26.3% 48.4% 52.6% 31.6% 32.6% 40.0% 20.0% 18.9% 14.7% 5.3% 9.5% Results W o uld y o u c o ns id e r p a rtic ip a ting in a ny o f the fo llo wing ? State-wide agritourism network Regional agritourism network Seasonal agritourism newsletter/brochure Agritourism website State-wide farm shop network Regional food coop/food hub Food/drink heritage trail Other (please specify) R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt 67.4% 59.8% 59.8% 67.4% 57.6% 62.0% 35.9% 8.7% W ha t ty p e s o f info rma tio n o r ma te ria ls wo uld b e mo s t he lp ful to y o u in p la nning y o ur a g rito uris m/ fo o d to uris m o p e ra tio n? Assessing business/economic feasibility Financing or start-up capital options Hiring and managing employees Marketing/promotional methods and outlets Tourist preferences and travel patterns Ordering and inventory management Product placement and arrangement Processing and labeling value-added products Service and product pricing Contracting with distributors/stores Legal, liability or insurance Transportation/distribution options Other (please specify) R e s p o ns e P e rc e nt 53.4% 55.7% 23.9% 64.8% 43.2% 13.6% 25.0% 31.8% 37.5% 29.5% 62.5% 30.7% 4.5% Curriculum Overview Module 1: Why Farm and Food Tourism? Module 2: Farm and Food Tourism Considerations Module 3: Understanding and Serving the Tourism Market Module 4: Producing and Marketing Value-Added Foods Module 5: Assessing the Economic Feasibility of New Enterprises/Products Program Impacts Target Time Frame Targets - Knowledge/Skills/Actions Short-Term Medium-Term Understand of economic, political, and environmental benefits of implementing food tourism enterprise Verification Methods 100 Pre and post-test and post seminar evaluation Understand the basic economics of diversification strategies, especially food tourism markets available to producers in the Intermountain West 100 Pre and post-test and post seminar evaluation Understand the components of evaluating the economic feasibility of food tourism 100 Pre and post-test and post seminar evaluation Understand tourist and tourism business purchase behaviors, needs, and motivations in relation to purchasing local foods 100 Pre and post-test and post seminar evaluation Create plan to introduce seminar curriculum and other SARE resources into producer programming 80 Follow-up evaluation 60 Follow-up evaluation 40 Follow-up evaluation 25 After project - follow up evaluation 25 After project - follow up evaluation 10 After project - follow up evaluation Work one-on-one with producers/agritoursm operators to evaluate the economic feasibility of food tourism for their operation Assist producers/agritourism operators in developing a marketing plan that supports tourism promotional messages and strategies Long-Term Estimated # of Participants Assist producers/agritoursm operators in implementing food tourism strategies for their operation Assist producers/agritoursm operators in accessing food tourism networks and distribution channels Assist producers/agritoursm operators with the measurement of changes in profitability and economic sustainability of their food tourism diversification strategies Evaluation Plan Retrospective (post-workshop) evaluation See handout Questions based on learning objectives for each chapter and medium to long-term program impacts 12 month follow-up evaluation (web-based) To be conducted starting June 2015 2 year follow-up evaluation (web-based) To be conducted starting June 2016 Outcomes 97 participants over 5 programs Retrospective evaluation results Ag producers/food producer – 69%, Extension/Agency – 41% workshop helpful/very helpful – 91% Workshop materials to be used in job/operation – 87% Recommend workshop to others – 99% Value of attending more than $500 – 51% Knowledge/Skills To what extent do you understand the following subjects ? (5=A great deal, 4=Considerably, 3=Moderately, 2=Slightly, 1=Not at all) The potential economic, social and environmental benefits of implementing ag/food tourism enterprises The activities, products, and events associated with ag/food tourism enterprises Benefits and challenges in sourcing restaurants Benefits and challenges in sourcing hotels/conference centers Assessing the economic feasibility of an ag/food tourism enterprise Tourist types and preferences related to ag/food tourism Creating cost and return projections (budgets) for a new ag/food tourism enterprise Management and resource requirements for establishing an ag/food tourism enterprise Tourism promotional methods and outlets Estimating demand for a new ag/food tourism enterprise Labeling and safety aspects of value-added food production Local value-added product processing regulations Safety and liability considerations in an ag/food tourism enterprise Average Improvement Before After Average Improvement 3.03 4.07 34% 2.97 3.73 25% 2.69 3.48 29% 1.95 3.34 71% 2.74 3.67 34% 2.36 3.63 54% 2.72 3.61 33% 2.56 3.59 40% 2.58 3.49 36% 2.46 3.23 31% 2.96 3.71 25% 2.80 3.67 31% 2.93 3.72 27% 36% Future Actions If you are a farmer/rancher, small food producer, or tourism operator please complete the following. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. (5=Strongly Agree, 4= Moderately Agree, 3=Unsure, 2=Moderately Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree) Average I will create a business plan for a new ag/food tourism 3.92 I will create a marketing plan for a new ag/food tourism enterprise that supports tourism promotional strategies 3.65 I will develop a production plan for value-added products for my operation 3.57 I will develop a safety plan for my operation and/or tourism related products 3.81 I will implement an ag/food tourism enterprise in my operation 3.77 I will measure the changes in my operations profitability and economic sustainability due to my ag/food tourism diversification 3.19 strategies 4 If you work with agricultural producers and/or small food processors please complete the following. Average I will create a plan to introduce the workshop curriculum and other SARE resources into producer programming 3.3 I will assist producers in evaluating the economic feasibility of ag/food tourism for their operation 3.4 I will assist producers in developing a marketing plan that supports tourism promotional strategies 3.4 I will assist producers in implementing ag/food tourism strategies for their operation 3.4 I will assist producers in accessing food tourism networks and distribution channels 3.4 I will assist producers with the measurement of changes in profitability and economic sustainability of their ag/food tourism3.5 diversification strategies 3.4 Conclusions Met participant objectives (97 vs. 100) Short-term impacts met, level of understanding/skills increased (from 25 to 75% on average) Mid-term actions look promising (great than 3.4 or better out of 5) Mid- and long-term impacts to be measured Curriculum developed Book to finalize - professional printing All materials will be posted to USU Extension website Continue analysis and publication surrounding food tourist data THANK YOU!