Tender-pumps – Nov 13 2014

November 2014
The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) currently obtains its water supply from twentythree (23) groundwater wells, two (2) springs and one (1) privately-owned reverse
osmosis desalination plant. This water is distributed through a network consisting of
approximately three thousand two hundred kilometres (3,200 km) of water mains,
thirty (30) reservoirs located both under and above ground and seventeen (17) repumping stations (booster-stations).
Research has shown that ninety-nine percent (99%) of the BWA’s energy
consumption is related to the production of water and that ninety-eight percent (98%)
of the total expenses in electricity was related to energy and fuel cost. With such
high figures, the BWA has to adopt innovative energy initiatives/technologies and
policies, if it wants to grow economically and prosper, hence the need for this
procurement; Equipment upgrades and Energy Efficiency alternatives.
All tenderers must supply the following information in their bids. Failure to
provide the information will render the bid void: a.
Registration number of company;
Country in which company is registered
The date on which the company was first incorporated
A copy of company’s Certificate of Incorporation, as evidence that the
company is in existence at the date of the bid, and the names and
addresses of all company directors
In the case of sole proprietorships or partnerships, the names and
addresses of owners must be supplied. If the business is registered
under the Registration and Business Names Act, a copy of the
registration must be provided
Tenderers must provide a copy of their VAT Registration Certificate
Tenderers should be aware that the labour clauses of (Public
Contracts) Act, Cap. 349 shall, in so far as is applicable to the subject
of the tender, apply to any contract made in respect of the tender
Submission of documents in Section 7.0 - Submittals of Appendix 1 –
Technical Specifications.
The submission of Tables P.3 and P.4 in Appendix 2. The tables are
to be submitted as is.
Failure to provide the abovementioned information will render the tender
Tenders should be submitted in sealed envelopes marked “Tender for the
Supply of Submersible and Booster Pumps” addressed to:
The Chairman
Audit, Finance and Tenders Committee
Barbados Water Authority
Manor Lodge
Green Hill
St Michael
to reach the office no later than Friday December 19, 2014 at 4:30pm.
Tenders are to be placed in the Tenders Box which is located at the BWA’s
Office in Building #3 Manor Lodge Complex, Green Hill, St Michael.
No Tender will be considered unless it complies with the conditions set out in
this Notice.
The BWA does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender.
The BWA reserves the right to annul the process at any time prior to the
award of Contract without incurring any liabilities.
Any Tender delivered after the closing time and date or any extension
will not be considered.
All tenders must be quoted in either Barbados Dollars or US Dollars CIF
Bridgetown Barbados. Tenders quoted in US dollars will be evaluated using
the prevailing exchange rate at the date of closing of the tender. Payment in
US dollars shall be made at the buying rate set by The Central Bank of
Barbados at the time of payment. Tenders quoted in Barbados dollars shall
be inclusive of VAT.
The BWA reserves the right to refuse any tender that does not conform to the
requirements of this document.
The BWA reserves the right to enforce penalties against a tenderer for delays
occasioned by him in the execution of delivery schedule. The penalty shall
apply from the stated completion date of the particular phase. The total penalty
shall not exceed 5% of contract sum.
Acceptance of Tender and Tenderer’s Expenses
The Board will not reimburse the Tenderer for any expense incurred in the
preparation of this tender.
Firm Price
No price variation clause may be included in the Tender. Prices in Barbados
or US dollars must be quoted and such prices shall include for all materials,
labour, plant, equipment, transport, handling of materials, tools and appliances
and all other things necessary for the execution of the work.
Tenderer to Obtain Their Own Information
The Tendered shall inform himself on all matters necessary for compliance
with and completion of the Contract and in all matters that might in any way
affect the prices quoted by him.
The method of payment to be followed shall be agreed to by the BWA
and the Tenderer prior to signing the contract. All payment terms must
be clearly stated in Tenderer’s proposal.
The Tenderer shall obtain adequate insurance to indemnify the BWA against
all claims for death, injuries, damage to property and losses sustained by the
Tenderer during the procurement and performance of duties under this
Any interpretation of, or change in the Tender Document prior to the specified
closing date, will be made only by Addendum issued by the Board to each
Tenderer to whom the Tender Document has been issued and it shall become
part of the Tender Document.
Contract Documents
The Contract documents will comprise of the following:
The Schedule of Requirements
The Conditions of Contract
The Technical Specifications
Compliance with Conditions of Tendering
The Tenderer must comply with all the above Conditions of Tendering. Failure
to comply with or breach of any of the Conditions shall disqualify the Tender.
Performance Security
The successful Tenderer shall furnish the performance security in a form
acceptable to the BWA within twenty-seven (27) days of the receipts of
notification of award from the BWA. The performance security must be in a
sum equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the contract price.
The performance security shall be valid for one (1) month after the date for
completion of the Supplier’s obligations, and shall be denominated in the
currency of the contract or in a freely convertible currency acceptable to the
BWA and shall be in one of the following forms:(a)
A bank guarantee irrevocable letter of credit, issued by a bank
located in Barbados, acceptable to the BWA and in the form
provided in the Bidding Document or another form acceptable to
the BWA; or
A cashier’s or certified cheque payable to the BWA or cash.
The performance security will be discharged by the BWA and returned to the
supplier not later than thirty (30) days following the date of completion of the
supplier’s performance obligations, including any warranty under the Contract.
Evaluation Criteria:
The BWA will seek to select the most economically advantageous tender with
the optimum price/quality split. The Tenderer with the lowest initial quote will
not necessarily be selected since the BWA will consider the whole life cycle
costs of the goods to include cost of spare parts, maintenance, energy
consumption and disposal. The BWA will make its final determination on a
combination of the following:
(a) Cost
(b) Quality Analysis
(c) Technical Analysis
(d) Time Frame analysis
(e) Capability
Period of Contract
One (1) year
Termination of Contract
This Contract shall be terminated for convenience by any one of the parties to the
Contract by a written notice of 90 calendar days.
The BWA shall be entitled to terminate this Contract and to recover from the
Contractor the amount of any loss resulting from such determination due to nonperformance by the Tenderer.
CONDITIONS OF TENDERING ........................................................................................................................ 5
SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUMPS ............................................................................................................. 12
SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
SUBMERSIBLE-SETS .............................................................................................................. 18
Pump-End ............................................................................................................................ 18
Motor ................................................................................................................................... 19
BOOSTER-SETS ................................................................................................................... 22
Pump-End ............................................................................................................................ 23
Motor ................................................................................................................................... 24
MANUALS .............................................................................................................................. 26
SPARES ................................................................................................................................. 29
SPECIAL TOOLS ................................................................................................................... 29
SUBMITTALS ......................................................................................................................... 30
WARRANTY ......................................................................................................................... 33
QUALITY ASSURANCE ...................................................................................................... 34
SHIPPING............................................................................................................................... 34
REFERENCE STANDARDS ................................................................................................. 36
TRAINING ............................................................................................................................... 36
APPENDIX 2................................................................................................................................................. 37
Alternating Current
American National Standards Institute
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable
British Standard
Barbados Water Authority
Conformité Européenne (European Conformity)
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research
Canadian Standards Association
Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for
European Standard
Frequency Modulation
International Electrotechnical Commission
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
International Organization for Standardization
Laboratorie Central Des Industries Electricques (France)
National (legal aspects and) Electrical Codes
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Variable Frequency Drive
This specification covers the design, manufacture, assembly, testing at manufacturer's works
/ other, supply and delivery of sixty (60) submersible and fifteen (15) booster sets (pump
and motor).
These units (submersibles and boosters) are required by the BWA as
Certain performance requirements, materials, features and design requirements are
specified herein. It is not the intention in these specifications to specify in complete detail
the various components of the equipment. This is left to the experience and practice of
the Manufacturer who shall furnish equipment, which shall meet, in all respects, the
specified requirement in regard to performance, durability and satisfactory operation.
However, certain features, materials and design requirements are specified and intended
to establish minimum standards for the work. Additional accessories, such as temperature
and moisture sensors used for satisfactory operation and completeness shall be provided
as part of this Bid.
These units will be utilized by the BWA for the extraction of clean ground water from
wells, and not boreholes, and the distribution of potable water to their customers and
storage tanks.
All units shall be of the fixed flow or radial flow centrifugal type.
The units shall be used to pump chlorinated ground water for potable use
with an average hardness of one hundred and eighty milligrams per litre
(180 mg/l) whose temperature is approximately twenty-seven degrees
Celsius (27ºC).
The electrical supply shall be four hundred and fifteen volts (415 V), three
(3) phase, fifty Hertz (50 Hz) Alternating Current (AC) with the exception
of the Prospect location which is two hundred and twenty volts (220 V),
three (3) phase, fifty Hertz (50 Hz) Alternating Current (AC).
The units’ motors shall be designed to supply their rated outputs at deviations
of up to plus or minus five percent (± 5%) of the rated frequency and up to
plus or minus ten percent (± 10%) of the rated voltage.
These voltage
variations shall be possible without over heating the windings.
All materials used in the construction of the sets are to be suitable for
envisaged duties as described in the specifications below. All materials used
are to conform to the latest requirements of the appropriate EN or BS
specification or any other reputable international standard. During evaluation
special consideration shall be given to material choice and quality.
All components and material used shall have smooth surfaces (interior and
exterior) free from cracks, porosity, blowholes, or other irregularities.
All terminal flanges shall be drilled to B.S. 10 Table E 1962 (DIN100PN16).
Where recommended flange sizes differ (e.g. where PN25 is recommended,
provide adaptor flange with PN25 thickness drilled to Table E specification),
the required adaptor shall be provided.
It is expected that the sets will operate satisfactorily for a period of not less
than five (5) years with minimum maintenance works being required.
The operational hours of the requested pumps are eight thousand seven
hundred and sixty per year (8,760/yr.). With this in mind the design and
construction material used shall be such that promotes the highest efficiency
and the lowest energy consumption possible. In other words, the motors
supplied shall be premium efficiency motors or higher and the construction
material shall be stainless steel (austenitic) or equivalent where stated.
All parts of the units in contact with the water shall be manufactured from
materials which are conventionally known to be non-toxic, non-contaminating
and biologically inert (100% lead free). These materials shall be resistant
to internal and external corrosion, or protected from corrosion by a suitable
surface treatment.
The units shall be so designed to operate with and/or in water that has a
chlorine residual of at least one point zero parts per million (1.0 ppm) or
one point zero milligrams per litre (1.0 mg/l). Please note that the chlorine
used for disinfecting the water is dosed in the well, therefore the
submersibles will be directly exposed to high concentrations of chlorine.
The presence of any visible surface porosity or other defect(s) shall be cause
for rejection since this will have a very detrimental effect.
The pump housing shall be capable of withstanding a pressure that is at least
one point five (1.5) times the closed valve pressure.
The bearings shall be adequately sized, sufficiently and efficiently lubricated
for at least fifty thousand hours (50,000 hrs.) continuous smooth and vibration
free operation. Bearing seals shall effectively prevent the ingress of water to
the bearings or the motors.
All seals shall be of the mechanical type.
All sets (pumps and motors) of each unit (submersibles and boosters) shall
have no dangerous critical or resonance frequencies or multiples of resonance
frequencies within twenty percent (20%) above and thirty-five percent (35%)
below the operating speed of the pump.
The efficiency at the specified duty will be a consideration in the evaluation of
the offer.
Therefore complete performance curves of each set shall be
electromechanical/overall/wire-to-water efficiency shall be sixty percent
(60%) for the submersibles and seventy percent (70%) for the boosters.
Both the pump and motor performance specifications shall be clearly labeled
on the individual units, i.e. a nameplate, preferably of metal, shall be
stamped to the pump-end (with the pump performance specifications, the
serial and model numbers indelibly marked on them) and the motor-end
(with the motor performance specifications, the serial and model numbers
indelibly marked on them).
Manufacturers have been sending inferior
nameplates (of plastic-which fall off during shipment) with coded information
relative to their company which gives our technicians difficulty in identifying
the units.
The motor nameplate shall include at minimum: Make, Model, Serial number,
maximum rated current, rated power output, Cos∅, Voltage, RPM, Frequency
and Full Load Amps (FLA).
The motors shall be provided with stator winding temperature sensors and
main bearings temperature sensors.
These sensors will be monitored and
used to control the equipment through a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) and
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system so required
accessories for this shall be provided. It shall be clearly stated in the offer if
the above has been provided.
All units are to be supplied fully assembled.
Table P.1
Pump Duties – Submersibles
Hampton, Sweetvale 2, Waterford
1.0MGD@550 ft_hd
Haymans, Appleswhaites Ten, Constant,
Whim, Molyneux (shroud)
0.5MGD@550 ft_hd
1.5MGD@350 ft_hd
St.Joseph Hospital shroud & well
0.5 IMGD@190 ft_hd
Ashton-Hall, Belle, Bowmanston,
Hampton, New-Market (shroud),
1.0MGD@270 ft_hd
Apes Hill, Ashton-Hall (shroud),
Applewaithes, Carrington, Greens
(Woodland), Sweetvale 1
0.5MGD@350 ft_hd
Belle, Hampton
2.0MGD@270 ft_hd
Trents, Lears
0.5MGD@220 ft_hd
Applewhaites Shroud, Carlton, Molyneux
0.75MGD@220 ft_hd
Applewaites W.F.
0.25MGD@350 ft_hd
Alleynedale, Applewaithes
1MGD@350 ft_hd
Table P.2
Pump Duties – Boosters
Alleynedale to Warleigh
Belle to Cave Hill/Hanson,
Codrington to Lodge Hill,
Hampton to Rising Sun/Sunbury
Lodge-Hill to Shop Hill
Warleigh to Rock Hall
Prospect-Indian Ground
0.3 IMGD@350ft_Hd
1.0 IMGD@155ft_HD
1.0 IMGD@270ft_HD
0.75 IMGD@600ft_HD
0.09 IMGD@220ft_HD
These operating points are to be considered as the duty point of the units and will be used
for evaluation purposes.
Also note that the combining of more than one (1) pump to
achieve the above duty points will not be allowed. In other words, the arranging of two
(2) or more pumps on a manifold/skid in series or parallel to achieve the required
flow/head/both is not allowed. The flow is stated in imperial million gallons per day.
All components shall be constructed or manufactured out of high quality
corrosion resisting austenitic or better stainless steel material (i.e. the impellers,
pump casing, bowls, net rings, pump and motor shafts, diffusers and covers,
However, bearing surfaces may be constructed from bronze or sintered
The minimum acceptable stainless steel grade shall be DIN EN
1.4401, with a Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number (PREN) greater than or
equal to twenty-three point one (≥ 23.1).
These components must be
machined and finished to a high standard. NB: For clarity, the PREN will be
determined as follows:
PREN = 1.0(%Cr.) + 3.3(%Mo.) + 16(%N.)
Cr – Chromium
Mo – Molybdenum
N - Nitrogen
Impellers shall be precision machined for maximum hydraulic efficiency,
positively keyed to the pump shaft and dynamically balanced in order to avoid
slippage while pumping.
Adequate precautions are to be taken by the manufacturer to prevent
any galvanic corrosion taking place between dissimilar materials.
Lubrication of any pump shaft bushings shall be from the pumped liquid itself.
Foot valves, unless normally fitted are not necessary.
The discharge nozzle shall be flanged, as previously mentioned, and sufficiently
rigid to support the pumping unit under all operating conditions.
The motors shall be NEMA design B squirrel-cage induction type, whose
insulation rating is compatible with VFD operation.
The motors shall be a premium efficiency motor or better.
The motors shall be sized such that an unity power factor or as close as
possible to unity (no less than 0.89 or 89%) is achieved at the mentioned
duty points in Table P.1.
The motors shall be constructed or manufactured out of high quality corrosion
resisting austenitic or better stainless steel material (stator tube, rotor, etc.).
The minimum acceptable grade shall be DIN EN 1.4401, with a PREN greater
than or equal to twenty-three point one (≥ 23.1). These components must be
machined and finished to a high standard.
The material used for all components shall have the mechanical strength
required to withstand frequent start-ups (up to six (6) per hour). Also this
material shall be especially resistant to crevice corrosion with respect to the
rotor projecting-end.
The motors shall be asynchronous with coupling arrangements conforming to
NEMA standards or equivalent.
The motors shall be liberally rated for starting under the most extreme
conditions of service and shall have a sturdy construction capable of extended
running without maintenance.
The preference of motor type is encapsulated type (i.e. non-rewindable),
however we will accept rewindable.
The motors shall be of the water or emulsion filled wet rotor design with the
necessary seals to separate the lubricant from the water being pumped.
The motor lubricating system shall under no condition contaminate the pumped
The stator cooling liquid shall be non-toxic, free from any oil, and
factory packed. The motor shall be fitted with a uni-directional valve such that
no water can enter from outside.
All rotating parts shall be carefully machined and dynamically balanced. The
rotor is to be equipped with protection sleeves for guide bushings.
Where there is a choice of more than one motor for the duty, strict preference
shall be given to the shorter unit. In other words, preference shall be given
to a shorter and broader motor over one that is tall and slender; except for
the Applewhaites Wellfield our wells can accommodate ten inch (10”) and
bigger motors with ease.
The Applewhaites Wellfield locations carry the 0.25IMGD@350ft_Hd
submersible pump where the size diameter of the motor and / or pump must
be approximately five and a half inches (5.5”); when the cable has been
placed in the discharge flange’s recess (gouged to accommodate cable) the
largest diametrical measurement of the flange and the cable is six inches
(6”). The pump is to be inserted in an eight inch (8”) borehole so the largest
diametrical measurement on the submersible’s body must not exceed six and
a quarter inches (6.25”).
Each motor is to be supplied with seven point six metres (7.6 m) or twentyfive feet (25 ft.) of flexible cable of suitable dimension to withstand the current
taken by the motor at starting and when running at full load.
The cable
sheathing is to be mechanically strong enough and also heat resistant up to
one hundred degrees Celsius (100°C) and not to be subject to deterioration
in water. Round cable is preferable in all classes/specifications.
All conductors of the power cables shall be of copper. Each conductor shall
be insulated by synthetic rubber insulation suitable for continuous immersion
in water. All cables shall be jacketed. The jacket material shall be oil and
water resistant synthetic rubber.
Cable sizes shall be determined in
accordance with IEE wiring regulations.
Cable entry to the motor shall be
designed to incorporate both a seal and strain relief function.
Motors shall be supplied with a no-load and a full load test certificate as well
as a balancing test certificate for its rotors.
The motors shall be suitable for operation with a solid state power supply
consisting of an adjustable frequency inverter for speed control and Direct on
Line (DOL) operation. In other words, the motors shall also be suitable for
operation under VFD control. However, a VFD shall not be required in order
to achieve the duties stated in Table P.1.
The motors shall be suitable for the current waveforms produced by the power
supply including the harmonics generated by the VFD.
The motors shall be designed to operate continuously at any speed over the
range sixty to one hundred and ten percent (60-110%) of rated speed unless
otherwise specified in their data sheet.
The permitted voltage variation shall take into account the steady state voltage
drop across the Alternating Current (AC) VFD and all other system components
upstream of the motor.
The motors shall be constructed to withstand torque pulsations resulting from
harmonics generated by the solid-state power supply.
The motors insulation shall be designed to accept the applied voltage
waveform, within the Vpeak and dv/dt limits as per IEC-61800-4.
All booster-sets shall be vertical multistage in-line centrifugal pumps with a
totally enclosed fan cooled motor.
The sets shall be capable of continuous satisfactory operation in an
environment with the following climatic conditions:
Mean Temperature
- 38 ºC
Mean Relative Humidity
- 80%
All boosters shall be designed to permit the removal of the impeller, shaft and
bearings without disturbing the suction and discharge connections.
The noise level of installed equipment shall not exceed eighty decibels (80
dB), as measured by an appropriately calibrated instrument conforming to ANSI
S1.40 or equivalent. The required sound level limit shall be met at a minimum
of four (4) locations, each not more than five (5) feet above the floor and not
more than five (5) feet from the equipment. It shall be noted that the motor
will be operated through a VFD and therefore this requirement shall apply to
all operating speeds.
All components shall be constructed or manufactured out of high quality
corrosion resisting material such as austenitic or better stainless steel or treated
ductile cast iron EN-JS1030 or equivalent or better (i.e. the impellers, pump
casing, bowls, net rings, pump and motor shafts, diffusers and covers, etc.).
However, bearing surfaces may be constructed from bronze or sintered rubber.
The minimum acceptable grade of stainless steel shall be DIN EN 1.4401, with
a PREN greater than or equal to twenty-three point one (≥ 23.1).
components must be machined and finished to a high standard.
NB: For
clarity, the PREN will be determined as follows:
PREN = 1.0(%Cr.) + 3.3(%Mo.) + 16(%N.)
Cr – Chromium
Mo – Molybdenum
N - Nitrogen
Impellers shall be precision machined for maximum hydraulic efficiency,
positively keyed to the pump shaft and dynamically balanced in order to avoid
slippage while pumping. The impeller shall be given a plastic coating or epoxy
(thickness of at least two hundred (200) microns) to prevent corrosion when
made from cast iron/ductile cast iron.
Adequate precautions are to be taken by the manufacturer to prevent
any galvanic corrosion taking place between dissimilar materials.
Lubrication of any pump shaft bushings shall be from the pumped liquid itself.
The discharge nozzle shall be flanged, as previously mentioned, and sufficiently
rigid to support the pumping unit under all operating conditions.
The motors shall be NEMA design B squirrel-cage induction type, whose
insulation rating is compatible with AC VFD operation.
The motors shall be a premium efficiency or better motor; that is ninety-four
percent (94%) or higher efficiency at one hundred percent (100%) design
point mentioned above.
The motors shall be sized such that unity power factor or as close as possible
to unity (no less than 0.89 or 89%) is achieved at the mentioned duty points
in Table P.2.
The motors shall be constructed or manufactured out of high quality corrosion
resisting material such as austenitic or better stainless steel or ductile cast iron
EN-JS1030 or equivalent or better (stator tube, rotor, etc.). The minimum
acceptable grade of stainless steel shall be DIN EN 1.4401, with a PREN
greater than or equal to twenty-three point one (≥ 23.1). These components
must be machined and finished to a high standard.
The material used for all components shall have the mechanical strength
required to withstand frequent start-ups (up to six (6) per hour).
The motors shall be asynchronous with a coupling arrangement conforming to
NEMA standards or equivalent.
The motors shall be liberally rated for starting under the most extreme
conditions of service and shall have a sturdy construction capable of extended
running without maintenance.
All motors shall be moisture proof, fan cooled induction motors requiring the
three (3) phase electrical supply out-lined under 'General - Item 3'.
All rotating parts shall be carefully machined and dynamically balanced. The
rotor is to be equipped with protection sleeves for guide bushings.
Each motor is to be supplied with seven point six metres (7.6 m) or twentyfive feet (25 ft.) of flexible cable of suitable dimension to withstand the current
taken by the motor at starting and when running at full load.
The cable
sheathing is to be mechanically strong enough and also heat resistant up to
one hundred degrees Celsius (100°C).
Round cable is preferable in all
Motors shall be supplied with a no-load and a full load test certificate as well
as a balancing test certificate for its rotors.
The motors shall be suitable for operation with a solid state power supply
consisting of an adjustable frequency inverter for speed control and Direct On
Line (DOL) operation. In other words, the motors shall also be suitable for
operation under VFD control. However, a VFD shall not be required in order
to achieve the duties as stated in Table P.2.
The motors shall be suitable for the current waveforms produced by the power
supply including the harmonics generated by the VFD.
The motor shall be designed to operate continuously at any speed over the
range sixty to one hundred and ten percent (60-110%) of rated speed unless
otherwise specified in data sheet.
The permitted voltage variation shall take into account the steady state voltage
drop across the AC VFD and all other system components upstream of the
The motors shall be constructed to withstand torque pulsations resulting from
harmonics generated by the solid-state power supply.
The motors insulation shall be designed to accept the applied voltage
waveform, within the Vpeak and dv/dt limits as per IEC-61800-4.
Two (2) type of manuals shall be provided; a product manual and an
operations and maintenance (O&M) manual. These manuals (product and
O&M) shall be for each class/specification per type and not each unit offered.
For example, in Table P.1 there are eleven (11) classes/specifications but
sixty-two (62) units, therefore only eleven (11) copies of each manual shall
be submitted giving a total of twenty-two (22) manuals for the submersibles.
Within one (1) month of the signing of the Contract, the manufacturer shall
submit to the BWA for approval, two (2) draft copies of each type of Manual
(product and O&M) by class/specification for each unit to be supplied.
The Product Manuals shall include but not be limited to the following: literature,
pump selection catalogue, family curves and standard pump curves.
The O&M Manuals shall give a step by step procedure for any operation likely
to be carried out during the life of the units including erection, testing,
operation, calibration, dismantling and repair and shall include but not
necessarily limited to the following detailed information, as applicable for the
particular unit:-:
Manufacturer’s name;
Date of manufacture;
Manufacturer’s address, telephone number, facsimile number, telex
Equipment function, normal operating characteristics and limiting
checking instructions;
Operating instructions for start-up, routine and normal operation,
regulation and control, shutdown, and emergency conditions;
Lubrication and maintenance instructions (preventative and corrective);
A guide to troubleshooting (troubleshooting procedures, with a crossreference between symptoms and corrective recommendations);
Serial numbers of each unit set (i.e. pump and motor serial numbers)
of the same class/specification;
Reorder numbers for each unit and its constituent components of the
same class/specification;
The manufacturer’s two (2) year warranty;
Letter of conformation from the manufacture of the five (5) year
guarantee/warranty for impeller(s), bowl(s) and Pump housing.
A list and description of components with predicted life of parts subject
to wear;
Schedule of recommended spare parts for three (3) years maintenance;
Up-to-date cost data for spare parts;
Factory and field test reports;
Outline, cross-section and assembly drawings; engineering data;
electrical diagrams, including elementary diagrams, wiring diagrams
connection diagrams, word description of wiring diagrams and
interconnection diagrams and any other appropriate information.
A maintenance schedule per class/specification showing daily, weekly,
monthly, bi-annually and annually preventative activities to be
performed on the sets (pumps and motors).
Following the BWA’s approval of the drafts, the Manufacturer shall, either
before or on delivery of the units (submersibles and boosters), supply three
(3) bound copies with a Detailed Table of Contents of each Manual (Product
and O&M) together with three (3) electronic versions in .pdf (Adobe Acrobat)
format on CD-ROM.
The product and operation and maintenance manuals shall be in addition to
any instructions or parts lists packed with or attached to the equipment when
Spares shall be readily interchangeable with the parts they replace, and shall
comply with these Specifications.
The required repair kits shall be provided for each pump class/specification
for the satisfactory operation of the equipment for at least five (5) years with
minimal maintenance. At a minimum the repair kit shall consist of: wear rings,
neck rings, o-rings, bearings/bushings, screws, shaft seals, gaskets,
washers/spacers, vent parts and thrust pads.
The manufacturer shall guarantee spare parts availability, for supplied
equipment, for a minimum period of ten (10) years.
A complete and detailed spare parts list for all equipment supplied shall be
submitted with the offer. The spare parts list shall also include an exploded
view of the sets (pump-ends and motors), together with annexed part
numbers, such that easy reference is possible when searching for part
numbers. A price list for the complete spare parts list shall also be included.
Painting requirements for spare parts shall be identical to those for original,
installed parts. Where no painting or protective coating is specified, suitable
provisions shall be made to protect against corrosion.
Any special tools deemed necessary for use during maintenance, installation
or any other works to be executed on the units, shall be supplied as part of
this contract.
Four (4) electronic copies (CD/DVD) of the latest version of the
manufacturer’s “selection software” shall be provided with the offer.
Submission of this required software will be part of the evaluation process.
(submersibles and boosters), including but not limited to the following:
Characteristic/performance curves (originals) showing the main
operating data at the respective duty point, as shown in Tables P.1 &
P.2. As a minimum the graphs shall indicate the pump curve (Head
(feet_Hd) Vs Flow (litres/min), pump efficiency (% Vs Flow
(litres/min), electromechanical efficiency or wire-to-water efficiency (%
Vs Flow (litres/min), absorbed power (kW Vs Flow (litres/min) and
NPSHr (m Vs. Flow (litres/min)).
Original performance curves
certified by the pump manufacturer shall be furnished and
photocopies will not be accepted even if certified by the local agent.
If the offered impeller is not the original standard size (Manufacturer is
going to trim the impeller) the performance curves before trimming of
the impeller shall also be submitted with the offer and it shall be clearly
marked as ‘Performance curves before trimming the impeller’.
All type test certificate(s) in accordance with internationally recognized
standards, such as ISO 9906; 2012 - Rotodynamic Pumps, Hydraulic
Performance Tests or ANSI/HI 14.6 or equivalent. The date of such
certificate(s) shall be within the last two (2) years from the date of Bid
opening/Opening of the Bid.
No load, full load and balancing test certificates for the motor and rotor
A dimensioned cross sectional view of the sets complete with materials
of manufacture and the main recommended spare parts.
The following reports on materials of neck-rings, pump bowls, pump
casing and impeller shall be provided by the pump manufacturer:
Mechanical properties of the material used (Tensile strength and
consistency, Hardness, etc.).
Chemical composition of the material used (C, Cu, Cr, Mo, N,
Ni, P, S, Sn, Zn, etc.).
Relevant BS/ISO/DIN/equivalent standards for materials.
Coating materials.
Overall dimensions and weights of the pump and motor.
Detailed technical literature and drawings of the motors offered
(including dimensional drawings).
Characteristic curves showing the main operating data at the respective
duty point are also required for the motor. As a minimum the graphs
shall indicate the motor curve, the motor efficiency (% Vs power (kW)),
motor current (A Vs. power (kW)) and the power factor (% Vs. power
All necessary information for operation and maintenance, such as
service, disassembly and assembly procedures.
Parts list of all components including a list of recommended spare parts.
A separate price list of spare parts for the sets (pump-ends and
These are to be accompanied with exploded views of the
corresponding pump-ends and motors.
It shall be stated if the price
list for spares will be held firm for the next three (3) years. If in the
negative, they shall state price escalation for mentioned spares for the
next three (3) years.
A list of recommended tools and materials required to carry out the
necessary maintenance.
A maintenance schedule per class/specification showing daily, weekly,
monthly, bi-annually and annually preventative activities to be
performed on the sets (pumps and motors).
Coupling flange and output shaft dimensional drawings.
For bearings, the type of bearing, the life of the bearing and the method
of lubrication.
Data on shop painting of all parts/components, interior and exterior.
A compiled report showing the certified test records and results, for the
hydrostatic test, motor test (routine and complete) and vibration test.
One (1) hard copy each of the Product and Operation and Maintenance
manuals for each unit (submersible and booster) class/specification.
Tables P.3 and P.4 in Appendix A shall be completely filled in for each unit
(submersible and booster).
Warranty documentation including statement of duration of warranty period and
contact phone numbers and addresses for warranty issues.
A minimum of twenty-four (24) months guarantee/warranty period on
performance, material and workmanship for all equipment is to be quoted.
During this period the manufacturer shall replace the pump housing,
bowl(s) or impeller(s) in case of damage or failure, at no cost to the BWA
and minimum interruption of the water system.
This period commences on the date of BWA’s written acceptance of the
Defects shall include any failure of the goods to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications or the description contained in the manufacturer’s
product literature. If within the warranty period the BWA discovers such a
defect, the manufacturer shall repair or replace the defective item or component
free of charge.
If after three (3) attempts the manufacturer is unable to
eliminate a defect, or if the manufacturer does not commence the warranty
work within the time allowed in this paragraph, BWA shall have the right to
return the defective item or component and, at the BWA’s option, either obtain
a full refund of the purchase price of the goods or obtain a refund, in an
amount to be agreed upon by the parties, of the portion of the purchase price
of the goods that is allocable to the defective item or component.
manufacturer shall commence all warranty work within forty-eight (48) hours
of receiving notice of the warranty claim. All warranty work shall be performed
at the BWA’s facilities unless otherwise agreed by the parties. If warranty
work is performed at manufacturer’s facilities, manufacturer shall pay all
shipping costs, including the cost of return shipment. This warranty shall apply
to all repair parts furnished by manufacturer and all repairs performed by
manufacturer. The manufacturer shall pay for all labour costs to remove the
goods and to reinstall them.
The manufacturer shall provide an equipment warranty log book prepared
specifically for this project and submit two (2) copies of the document to the
BWA prior to final payment. The equipment warranty log book shall include
a summary listing of all equipment warranties provided, date received, and
start date and end date of warranty period. A copy of each equipment warranty
and equipment start-up certification shall also be provided in the document.
The manufacturer shall have available to the BWA an Engineer with experience
in hydraulics, pumping equipment both selection and operation and water
systems. This individual will be the contact person for the BWA with regards
to any issues whether they are operational/maintenance related or the
acquiring of future equipment.
Only manufacturers who have in operation at their manufacturing facilities a
quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001:2008, with certification
for, at least, manufacture function, will be considered.
For this reason
manufacturers are to submit certifications to this regard including scope of
certification, from accredited inspectors with the offer.
All equipment shall be suitably packaged to facilitate handling and to protect
against damage during transit and storage. In addition the units (submersible
and booster) shall be so protected as to be safe from spoilage and corrosion
for twelve (12) months after entry into the BWA’s stores. All equipment shall
be boxed, crated, or otherwise completely enclosed and protected during
shipment, handling, and storage.
All equipment shall be protected from
exposure to the elements and shall be packaged in a manner able to keep
the equipment dry at all times.
Painted and coated surfaces shall be
protected against impact, abrasion, discoloration, and other damage. Painted
and coated surfaces which are damaged prior to acceptance of equipment
shall be repainted to the satisfaction of the BWA.
The equipment may be stored outdoors for long periods before installation.
Therefore the packaging shall also be suitable for outdoor storage areas with
heavy rains / high ambient temperatures and other ambient tropical
conditions such as relative humidity/moisture, etc. unless otherwise agreed.
Grease and lubricating oil shall be applied to all bearings and similar items.
Blank off flanged connections on the pump with bolted wood covers not
smaller than the flange outside diameter. Plug all openings in the pump.
Cover electric motor with weather-proof polyethylene sheeting before
mounting and crating.
Before shipping each item of equipment shall be tagged or marked as
identified in the delivery schedule or on the Shop Drawings.
packing lists and bills of equipment shall be included with each shipment.
Reference to standards, specifications, manuals, or codes of any technical
society, organization, or association, or to the laws or regulations of any
governmental authority, whether such reference be specific or by implication,
shall mean the latest standard specification, manual, code, laws or regulations
in effect at the time of opening of Bids, except as may be otherwise specifically
stated in the Contract Documents.
Not necessary.
Table P.3 - Submersibles
Item No.
Pump Model
Motor Model
Pressure Class - PNx
Discharge Size-Flanged
Flow – IMGD
Flow - L/min
TDH - ft_Hd
Minimum possible pump Operating Head (ft_Hd)
Maximum possible pump Operating Head (ft_Hd)
Pump Efficiency - %
NPSHr - ft.
Power required by pump - kW
Electric Power Required by motor - kW
Motor nominal power - kW
Load Factor - %
Service Factor
Motor Efficiency -%
Motor Power Factor
Motor Speed at duty point - rpm
Starting Amps
Running Amps at duty point
Full Load Amps
Annual Energy Consumption at duty point in kWhr (use 8,760 hrs.)
Method of starting
Power cable length (m/ft.)
Motor Length - mm
Motor Diameter - mm
Pump Diameter -mm
Overall Wire to Water Efficiency at duty point
Pump Weight/Motor Weight - lbs
Total Weight - lbs
Pump Price
Motor Price
Total Each
CIF Barbados
Total each with CIF Barbados
Delivery - weeks
Pump/Motor Type Total
Metal Name-plate on Pump (Y/N)
Metal Name-plate on Motor (Y/N)
Table P.4 - Boosters
Item No.
Pump Model
Motor Model
Operating Temperature (°C)
Pressure Class - PNx
Discharge Size-Flanged
Flow - IMGD
Flow - L/min
TDH - ft_Hd
Minimum possible pump Operating Head (ft_Hd)
Maximum possible pump Operating Head (ft_Hd)
Pump Efficiency
NPSHr - ft.
Power required by pump - kW
Electric Power Required by motor - kW
Motor nominal power - kW
Load Factor - %
Service Factor
Motor Efficiency
Motor Power Factor
Motor Speed at duty point - rpm
Starting Amps
Running Amps at duty point
Full Load Amps
Annual Energy Consumption at duty point in kWhr (use 8,760 hrs.)
Method of starting
Power cable length (m/ft.)
Motor Length - mm
Motor Diameter - mm
Pump Diameter -mm
Overall Wire to Water Efficiency at duty point
Pump Weight/Motor Weight - lbs
Total Weight - lbs
Pump Price
Motor Price
Total Each
CIF Barbados
Total each with CIF Barbados
Delivery - weeks
Pump/Motor Type Total
Metal Name-plate on Pump (Y/N)
Metal Name-plate on Motor (Y/N)
Power required by pump
Delivery time
Motor length
Load Factor at duty point (using this eqn. LF={(Pe/ƞm)/Pnom}) where Pe – Electric
Power required by motor in kilo-watts (kW); ƞm – Efficiency of the motor operation;
Pnom – Motor nominal power in kilo-watts (kW)