CollegeBoard SAT Online Course Student Registration Objective Each student will register for the CollegeBoard SAT Online Course provided by PWCS. 1 SAT Online - What You Will Need • In order to register, you must have: – A working email account – Several possible user names* – A unique password – Your Zip Code – Your Date of Birth – Your Month and Year of Graduation *Your first choice may not be available. 2 SAT Online - Student Registration 1. Launch Internet Explorer. 2. Go to “” 3 SAT Online - Student Registration 3. Under “Students” click Register Now! Important: If you already have an account for the SAT Online Course, you should still click Register Now. 4 SAT Online - Student Registration 4. On the card or paper given to you by your teacher, find your student access code. WITRXDM-TEL2BGYWH Important: Please do not try and use the access code from the example above. It will not work. Use the code on the card or paper that has been provided you. 5 SAT Online - Student Registration 5. Enter your student access code and click submit. Important: Codes are case sensitive. Type it in EXACTLY as it appears. 6 SAT Online - Student Registration 6. If you already have an account, enter your user name and password on the left and click Sign In. Important: If you already have an account, skip to step #11. 7 SAT Online - Student Registration 7. If you do not have an account, click Sign Up on the right. 8 SAT Online - Student Registration 8. Complete the registration form. Important: If you do not want to receive monthly newsletters, be sure to “uncheck” this box 9 SAT Online - Student Registration 9. Adding your parents to your account is optional. 10 SAT Online - Student Registration 10.Be sure to write down your User Name and Password somewhere so you don’t forget it! 11 SAT Online - Student Registration 11. “Check” the class name that corresponds to the first initial of your last name and click Submit. 12 SAT Online - Student Registration 12. Confirm your selection and click Complete Registration. 13 SAT Online - Student Registration 13. Under Registration Confirmation, click “Continue To The Official SAT Online Course”. 14 SAT Online - Student Registration Congratulations! You are registered! 15 SAT Online - Student Login After completing the registration process, the next time you want to login: 1. Go to “ urseschool”. 2. Under “Students” enter your User Name and Password in and click Sign In. 16