Chapter 13 Hydrolysis and Nucleophilic Reactions Why are nucleophilic reactions important? Common nucleophiles ClO4H2O NO3FSO42-, CH3COOClHCO3-, HPO32NO2PhO-, Br-, OHI-, CNHS-, R2NH S2O32-, SO32-, PhS- Whenever bonds are polarized, they have permanent dipoles, i.e. areas of parital positive and negative charge. These charges are attractive to nucleophiles (positive-loving) and electrophiles (negativeloving) Because there are lots of nucleophiles out there, electrophiles are rapidly destroyed (except in lightinduced or biologically mediated processes) What are nucleophiles? ClO4H2O NO3increasing Fnucleophilicity SO42-, CH3COOfor reaction at ClHCO3-, HPO32saturated NO2carbon PhO-, Br-, OHI-, CNHS-, R2NH S2O32-, SO32-, PhS- nucleophiles possess either a negative charge or lone pair electrons which are attracted to partial positive charges These electrons form a new bond at the carbon they attack Example: SN2 reaction OH- - H H C HO C H Br C + Br- HO H H Br H H H the lone pair electrons on the nucleophile (in this case OH-) form a new bond with C. something has to go! “Leaving Group” in this case is Br- H common leaving groups halides (Cl-, Br-, I-) alcohol moieties (ROH) others such as phosphates (PO4-) anything that forms a stable species in aqueous solution For negatively charged leaving groups, the lower the pKa, the better the leaving group. Examples Unsure about electronegativity? Check the Periodic Table Hydrolysis because water is so abundant, it is an important nucleophile reaction where water (or OH) substitutes for a leaving group is called “hydrolysis” the products of this reaction are necessarily more polar Examples: methyl bromide methanol ethyl acetate acetate and ethanol Thermodynamics: at ambient pH, reactant and product concs, most hydrolysis reactions are spontaneous and irreversible Example 13.1 CH3Br + H2O CH3OH + H+ + Br- DrGº = -28.4 kJ/mol [ Br ][ H ][CH 3OH ] DrG Kr exp [CH 3 Br ] RT 3 7 [ 10 ][ 10 ][CH 3OH ] 4 K r 9.6 10 [CH 3 Br ] [CH 3OH ] 9.6 1014 [CH 3 Br ] Note that other nucleophiles may compete with water here! Another example CH3COOC2H5 + H2O CH3COO- + HOCH2CH3 + H+ DrGº = +19.0 kJ/mol [ H ][CH 3COO ][ HOCH 2CH 3 ] Kr 4.7 104 [CH 3COOC 2 H 5 ] [CH 3COO ][ HOCH 2CH 3 ] 4.7 103 [CH 3COOC 2 H 5 ] Nucleophilic displacement of halogens at saturated carbon The SN2 mechanism: substitution, nucleophilic, bimolecular Note stereochemistry SN2 rate depends on: Nucleophile: strength Substrate: charge distribution at the reaction center goodness of leaving group, steric effects For leaving groups: I ~ Br > Cl > F and lowest pKa Rate law: second order kinetics d [CH 3Cl ] k r [CH 3Cl ][ Nu ] dt SN1 mechanism substitution, nucleophilic, unimolecular Note stereochemistry SN1 Mechanism: rate determining step is formation of carbocation: C H -CH Br C H -CH + + Br6 5 2 6 5 2 carbocation is then captured by the nearest nucleophile, almost always water. Important for {secondary}, tertiary, allyl, benzyl halides Rate depends on goodness of leaving group and stability of carbocation (better if resonance stabilized). Nucleophilicity of nucleophile doesn’t matter! Rate law: first order: d [(CH 3 ) 3 CCl ] k r [(CH 3 ) 3 CCl ] dt Swain-Scott model for SN2 reactions All these methyl halides show the same relative reactivity towards a series of nucleophiles k log k ref sn k = rate constant for given reaction k ref = rate constant for same reaction with reference nucleophile s = susceptibility of structure to nucleophilic attack n = nucleophilicity of nucleophile Two references: methyl bromide in water methyl iodide in methanol the two reference systems yield similar nucleophilicities nNu ,CH 3Br 0.68nNu ,CH 3I (R 2 0.98) Important nucleophiles some organic nucleophiles are quite strong (NOM constituents?) Reduced sulfur species are some of the strongest nucleophiles in the environment Conc of each nucleophile needed to compete with water Nucleophile NO3FSO42ClHCO3-, HPO32BrOHICNHSS2O32S42- M conc. 6 0.6 0.2 0.06 0.009 0.007 0.004 0.0006 0.0004 0.0004 0.00004 0.000004 k Nu s nNu ,CH Br log 3 kH O 2 k Nu [ Nu ]50% k H 2O [ H 2O] If reaction not acid catalyzed, hydrolysis independent of pH (4-9) (alkyl halides) Assume s =1 [ Nu]50% 55.3 10 n Nu ,CH3Br What factors determine nucleophilicity? The ease with which it can leave the solvent and attack the reaction center (nucleophilicity inc with dec solvation of nuc) Ability of bonding atom to donate its electrons (larger, softer species are better nuc) F- < Cl- < Br- < IHO- < HS- HSAB Hard and soft acids and bases Lewis acids = electrophiles, Lewis bases = nucleophiles Hard = small, high electronegativity, low polarizability Soft = large, low electronegativity, high polarizability Rule 1: Equilibrium: hard acids prefer to associate with hard bases and soft acids with soft bases. Rule 2: Kinetics: hard acids react readily with hard bases and soft acids with soft bases Hard: OH-, H2PO4-, HOC3-, NO3-, SO42-, F-, Cl-, NH3, CH3OO Borderline: H2O, SO32-, Br-, C6H5NH2 Soft: HS-, Sn2-, RS-, PhS-, S2O32-, I-, CN- Range of s Leaving groups: 0.83-0.96 Hard (oxygen) leaving groups 1-1.2 Softer leaving groups Substrate properties 1.6 strong interaction with nuc in transition state (alachlor and propachlor) Substituents Nuc = water Leaving groups SN1 vs SN2 depends on stability of carbocation AND on strength of nucleophile Secondary bromides react via SN1. Will not react via SN2 with water, but will with reduced sulfur nucleophiles Fig 13.5 Polyhalogenated alkanes: SN2 blocked SN2 is blocked by steric hindrance and back-bonding of extra halogens. Why do tetrachloroethane and pentachloroethane react relatively rapidly? Elimination mechanisms — C—C — H C=C + H+ + L- L b-elimination (dehydrohalogenation) Important for molecules in which multiple halogens block Sn2 and render the proton acidic OF COURSE, the molecule must have an acidic proton beta to a good leaving group (halogen) 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and pentachloroethane undergo an E2 mechanism (elimination, bimolecular) OH- base interacts with acidic proton in the transition state rate = -k[OH-][polyhalide] Transition state has negative charge on carbon Anything that can stabilize this charge will speed up the reaction steric effects not as important as for SN2 Summary: For SN and E reactions: Activation energies are between 80-120 kJ/mol (big temperature dependence!) Overall rate of disappearance is the sum of all processes: rate k N k EN k B k EB OH k Nu j Nu j Ciw j kobs k N k EN k B k EB OH k Nu j Nu j j kobs may not be a simple function pH and T Products and rates can depend strongly on pH and T Vinyl and aromatic halides are (for the most part) unreactive by SN and E mechanisms Hydrolysis of carboxylic and carbonic acid derivatives (neutral, acid, or base catalyzed): X- X Z L Z L HO HO- X X Z Z OH + L- O- + HL Where Z = C, P, S X = O, S, NR L- = RO-, R1R2N-, RS-, Cl- endosulfan Aldicarb (carbamate) Malathion (organophosphorus pesticide) Benzyl butyl phthalate Neutral Mechanism RLS? Good leaving groups favor neutral mechanism Acid-catalyzed mechanism RLS(?) Important when no electron withdrawing groups and poor leaving group How strong a base is the ester function? (ie how many molecules are protonated?) Base-catalyzed mechanism RLS with good leaving groups RLS with poor leaving groups LFERs for hydrolysis: Hammett (aromatic systems): predicts acid-base equilibrium: Ka log i KaH i Likewise predicts hydrolysis kinetics: ka log i kaH i O C-OCH2CH3 X O + H2O C-OH X + HOCH2CH3 Taft relationship (aliphatic systems): commonly applied to ester hydrolysis of aliphatic systems (reactivity only) quantifies steric and polar effects defined for methyl substituent (methyl = 0) k log k ref * * E s Where * = sensitivity to polar effects * = polar constant = sensitivity to steric effects Es = steric constant Assume only steric effects are important for acid-catalyzed hydrolysis. Both steric and polar effects are important for base-catalyzed hydrolysis. What does the transition state look like? Does it possess positive or negative charge? Taft relationship: assume that electronic effects are zero for the acid catalyzed hydrolysis mechanism: O OH R1 OR2 HO H+ Acid catalyzed TS (no charge) R1 OR2 HO Base catalyzed TS (negative charge) Phosphoric and thiophosphoric acid triesters