CURRICULUM VITAE Dr.RAMANI.K Senior Lecturer, Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,Perak, Malaysia. Hand phone: 011-36861806 e-mail: ACADEMIC PROFILE Sl. No Degree 1. PhD(Power Electronics and drives)* 2. ME(Power Electronics and Drives) BE(Electronics and 3. Communication Engineering) University / Institute / Board Anna University, Chennai-25 Anna University/ K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai Class / Grade Highly Commented Year of Completion March 2012 I Class with Distinction 2006 I Class 2004 *Ph.D Thesis Title: Performance analysis of multilevel inverters fed induction motor EXPERIENCE Sl. No Designation Period Institute / Department From To 02.04.15 Till now 01.04.12 28.03.15 Senior Lecturer Associate Professor Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology/Dept of EEE 3 Assistant Professor K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology/Dept of EEE 01.07.10 31.03.12 4 Senior Lecturer K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology/Dept of EEE 01.07.09 30.06.10 5 Lecturer K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology/Dept of EEE 14.12.05 30.06.09 1 2 Page 1 of 6 CAREER ACHIEVEMENTS o Young Scientist Award by VIFRA (2015-2016) Chennai,INDIA o Career Award for Young Teachers (CAYT) from AICTE, New Delhi in the year of 2013-2014. Grants Received Rs. 1, 24,000. (F.No.11.8/AICTE/RIFD/CAYT/POL-I/2013-14) o Best Teacher Award (2010-2011) at K S Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode. o Outstanding Teacher Award for 100 % Results produced: 14 Times in University and End Semester results OUTSIDE INTERACTION EDITOR IN CHIEF Journal of Asian Scientific Research (Online ISSN: 2223-1331 Print ISSN: 2226-5724) Regional Editors South-Asia International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Inderscience publisher (Scopus index) ISSN online: 1757-2665 ASSOCIATE EDITOR International Journal of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ISSN: 0974-2174) International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ISSN: 0974-2190) GOVERNING BODY International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation EDITORIAL TEAM MEMBER International Journal of Advances In Engineering and Technology (ISSN: 2231-1963) Transnational Journal of Science and Technology (ISSN 1857-8047) International Journal of Research in Science & Technology (ISSN: 2349-0845) International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology (ISSN 2278-7763) International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology (ISSN 2250–2459) International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering (2278-7917) International Journal of Ethics in Engineering & Management Education (ISSN:2348-4748) Global Journal of Research in Business & Management (GJRBM) International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE) ISSN:(Print): 2394-5443,ISSN: (Online): 2394-7454 International Journal Of Computer & Modern Technology Page 2 of 6 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Applications (IJATCA) ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Electronics and Communication Technology (EAPJECT) REVIEWERs 5th International Conference on Intelligent & Advanced Systems (ICIAS2014) from 3rd to 5th June, 2014 conducted by the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics European Transactions on Electrical Power(John Wiley & Sons) International Review of Electrical Engineering International Journal of the Physical Sciences International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications International Conference on Emerging Trends in Scientific Research Malaysia 15-16 Mar 2014 Annual International Interdisciplinary conference, Portugal World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Scientific Committee and Editorial Review Board on Engineering and Physical Sciences SESSION CHAIR 1. 2015 IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON) on 19-20 Oct 2015, Johor Bahru, MALAYSIA. SUMMARY OF SKILLS o o o o o o o o Ability to teach keenly to every student Excellent planning and organizational skills Knowledge of rules and responsibilities of teaching and research position Able to take activities in the college to progress the students level Time management skills Decision making skills for serious conditions Strong in social and analytical communication skills Ability to grasp new concepts in less time as well as a capacity to tackle with the student related issues INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODS AND IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS Based on the Outcome Based Education (OBE) methods o o o o o o o o o NPTEL based teaching and learning methods which includes Audios and Videos Key student is assigned for below average students Online learning system and Group Learning Process through MOODLE software Assignments on real time analysis Assigning mini projects to students to inculcate recent technologies Brainstorming session is one of the best way to interaction among students Concept mapping is a way to create new ideas from students point Role – Play: students are request to act based on the situation Do-It: Train the student community to bring different solutions for one problem Page 3 of 6 o Building Questioning activity among student community o Random Input is one of the method to generate fresh ideas for solving problems o Involve the student community to innovate, create, reviewing and modification of existing knowledge SUBJECTS HANDLED UG Electron devices Electronic circuits Power Electronics Solid State Drives Neural Networks and fuzzy logic Professional Ethics Digital Principle/ Digital Design Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Digital signal processing Microprocessor and microcontroller Basic Electrical Circuits PG Intelligent Control Theory and design of Neuro fuzzy controllers. Advanced Solid State Drives/Advanced Electrical Drives Modeling and Analysis of Electrical Machines Computer Aided Design for Electrical Apparatus Computer Communication and Networks Application of Power Electronics to Power Systems(HVDC & FACTS) OTHER RESPONSIBILITY Part time Academic counselor in Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for technical courses PUBLICATIONS S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. Publications No of Publications International journal/ conference National Journal/ conference Lab manual Seminar/ FDP/work shop Participation 31+26 01+21 05 20 NO OF PROJECT WORK GUIDED PG Projects UG Projects : 08 : 06 Batches Final year Project pursuing: 03 (in UTP) Engineering Team Project pursuing: 02 (in UTP) Ph.D. SUPERVISORSHIP 01 Ph.d Scholor Co-supervising in UTP, Malaysia Page 4 of 6 GRANT SECURED Principal Investigator for Short Term Internal Research Fund (STIRF) by university teknologi PETRONAS “Design and Improvement of Novel Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Power Electronic Devices for Solar-PV System” RM 20,000. Co- Principal Investigator for Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) in Malaysia the entitled as “A Study of Magnetic Behavior & Its Contribution towards Wireless Power Transfer Efficiency” RM 78,000. BOOK CHAPTER The IET Book, Power Quality in Future Electrical Power Systems, Chapter 1 - Power Quality Definitions and Standards” accepted for publication June 2016. RESOURCE PERSON / CHAIR PERSON/GUEST LECTURER: 1. Karur College of Engineering at Karur held on 2nd march 2012 2. VSB Engineering College at Karur held on 22-23, March, 2013 3. 9th National Conference at K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode held on 7th Feb 2013 4. 1st National conference at K.S.R institute for Engineering and Technology dated on 10th April 2013 5. AICTE sponsored two weeks FDP on Nanotechnology for sustainability: Energy conversion and storage has delivered a guest lecture titled “Recent Innovation in Multilevel Inverters for Photovoltaic Applications” on 8th may 2013. 6. Acted as a co-ordinator for CSIR sponsored national conference on “Advanced Computing, Control and Automation” in KSRCT during 3rd and 4th April 2009. MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL BODIES IEEE Membership : 92941799 Life membership of ISTE LM 54034 Page 5 of 6 DETAILS OF EXAMINERSHIP : Sl.No 1. 2 3. Examinership Period Examiner in B.E., & M.E., Central Valuation, & Internal and External Examiner for Practical Examinations University Representative for Anna University Examinations UG/PG Viva Voce Examinations. Question paper setter for UG and PG program. January 2008 onwards University/College Anna University / Autonomous Colleges January 2010 onwards Anna University / Autonomous Colleges January 2011 onwards Autonomous Colleges Co and EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Member of BOS Autonomous at KSRCT. Governing Body Member at Sobhasaria Group of Institutions at Rajasthan Staff selection committee permanent panel members in Arulmugan College of Engineering, Karur UG/EEE Class advisor for the batch of 2011-15 PG Professor In-charge for Power Electronics and Drives. PG Project coordinator (batch 2008-10,2009-11 and 2010-12) PG Class Advisor. (batch 2008-10,2009-11 and 2010-12) Higher Education Cell Coordinator in College level Chairperson for Class committee meeting, Students counselor and motivator.(Counsel students on their academic as well as non-academic problems) 10. Modernize the Laboratory such as Power Electronics, Electron Devices and Circuits and Measurements and Instrumentation laboratory. 11. Guide student projects at UG and PG levels, help them with reports, review articles, research papers etc. 12. Internal Technical reviewer for UG (ECE and EEE), PG (PED,PSE and AE) Projects 13. Worked as EEE association (SPICEE) staff coordinator from Jan 2006 to May 2008. 14. Industrial Intuition and Interaction cell (III cell) Coordinator for past four years. 15. Quiz Competition outside conducted at Seshasayee Paper and Boards Ltd, Pallipalaym on 11.12.2008. 16. Anti ragging committee Coordinator in College level. 17. Organize and coordinate the Conferences, Seminar, workshops and FDP in every year. 18. Performed Academic Administration professions such as Module Coordinator, Course Coordinator. 19. Good class advisor and student friendly approach 20. Internal ISO auditor of KSRCT Page 6 of 6 REFERENCES: 1. Dr. A.Krishnan Professor and Dean, K. S. R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode – 637 215. Mobile:9894911177 Email: 3.Dr.S.Chandramohan Director I/C and Professor/EEE Anna University, Chennai-25 2 Dr.P.D.D.DOMINIC Associate Professor Department of Computer and Information Sciences UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI PETRONAS 32610, BANDAR SERI ISKANDAR PERAK, MALAYSIA E.mail: Hand phone : 00-6017-5071408 Email: 4. Dr.K.Thyagarajah Principal K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode – 637215. Mobile:9884184221 Email: Mobile:9629422224 PERSONAL PROFILE Name : Dr. K.Ramani Father’s Name : S.Kannan Age & Date of birth : 31 & 07.04.1983 Sex : Male Community : MBC Nationality : Indian Marital Status : Married (Spouse with Two Children) Languages Known : English & Tamil Address for Communication Senior Lecturer, Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750, Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia. Hand phone: 011-36861806 Declaration I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars. (Dr.K.RAMANI) Page 7 of 6