CT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS JALANDHAR INSTRUCTION PLAN (THEORY) SEM: ODD Institution: CTIEMT/CTIT Department: EEE Name of the faculty Member: ErSarabjot Singh/Er Raman Deep Course Code: EE-301 Course Title: Asynchronous MachineClass: B.Tech-EEE Semester: 5th Batch: 2010-2014 (A) Term Planner: For Lectures/ Tutorials(Faculty member must fill the complete detail to arrive at effective no. of lectures available) Part-I of Sem Part-II of Sem Part-II of Sem Total Effective No. of Lectures & Tutorials Lect/Tut=T/D(E+F+G +H) Lect Tut Function Etc. & MSTs NB:Consider Only 2 MSTs (G) 5% Conting ency (H) 1 2 1 11 5 1 1 3 1 6 3 4 3 1 NIL 1 7 4 14 7 3 6 3 24 12 Total weeks available (A) Lecture/ week (B) Total Lecture T=AxB Tutorial/ Week (C) 6 3 18 1 6 3 4 3 12 1 4 4 3 12 1 14 3 42 1 Total Tutorials (D) Expected Leaves by Faculty (F) Holiday (E) ●Before implementing this plan, please discuss with Dean (Academics) and get it approved In the case of the teacher teaching more than one subjects, separate plan will be made for the different subjects. ● This plan is to be communicated to the students within one week of the start of the semester or teaching work. ●Please refer to the Academic Calendar for the current semester. (B) Term Planner: For academic activities other than Lectures/Tutorials to be undertaken as part of Internal Assessment for the course. S. N o Type of academic activity* Total no. of academic activities to be undertaken in sem 1 Assignm ent 3 Tutorial Sheet 3 2 3 4 5 Class Test Presenta tions Quiz/GD 2 IstAcademic Session Activity 2nd Academic Session Activity 3rd Academic Session Activity Date of allotment Date of Submissi on Date of allotment Date of Submission Date of allotment Date of Submission 5/8/12 11/8/12 21/9/12 23/9/12 19/10/12 23/10/12 27/7/12 4/8/12 15/9/12 21/9/12 8/10/12 15/10/12 Marks of assesment 10 10 22/8/12 21/9/12 15/10/12 20 1 Per student 10 1 5 *Type of academic activity: Assignments, Case Studies, Presentations, Quiz, Projects, Class Tests, GD’s etc. Note: Add another page, if required. Imp. Note: At the time of preparation of the Instruction Plan, the Date column given below is not to be filled for the entire term but only for the first fortnight. It will be updated every fortnight, topic wise & communicated to the students. INSTRUCTION PLAN 2 BASIC CONCEPTS 1 CHAPTER POLYPHASE INDUCTION MACHINES Ch. No Sr. No BEFORE MST-I TEACHING SCHEDULE LECTUREWISE BREAKAGE Date No.of Lec. Reqd. Mode of Delivery* Students Role** 1 Field distribution of space distributed three-phase winding 2 Chalk & Talk GD 2 concept of rotating field 1 Chalk & Talk GD 3 production and concept of asynchronous synchronous torques and 2 Chalk & Talk GD 1 Constructional features operation, equivalent circuitphasor diagram, leakage reactance and it’s importance on machine performance 3 Chalk & Talk GD 2 effect of rotor circuit resistance, starting torque, cage motors, double cage and deep bar motor Generator action methods of excitation 3 Chalk & Talk GD 1 Chalk & Talk GD 2 POLYPHASE INDUCTION MACHINES BEFORE MST-II 1 space harmonics and their effect on motor performance Note: Add another page, if required. INSTRUCTION PLAN Sr. No TEACHING SCHEDULE 3 STEPPER MOTORS AND LINEAR INDUCTION MACHINES 2 POLYPHASE INDUCTION MACHINES CHAPTER Sr. No LECTUREWISE BREAKAGE Date startingmethods, speed control: (i) control of speed of rotating field, (ii) control of slip speed. Estimation of equivalent circuit parameters Effect of voltage injection in rotor circuit of slip ring induction motor, action of commutator, scherbius and kramer schemes of speed and P.F. control of induction motors No. of Lec. Reqd. Mode of Delivery* Students Role** 1 Chalk & Talk GD 2 Chalk & Talk GD 1 Stepper Motors: construction, principle of operation and applications 1 Chalk & Talk GD 2 Linear Induction Machines: construction, principle of operation and applications 1 Chalk & Talk Active Participation Single phase induction motor, double revolving field theory 2 Chalk & Talk Active Participation equivalent circuit, characteristics 3 Chalk & Talk GD phase splitting, shaded pole motor, single phase series and repulsion motor: working and characteristics 2 Chalk & Talk GD 5 6 4 SINGLE –PHASE MOTORS BEFORE MST-III 1 2 3 Note: Add another page, if required SYLLABUS COVERED BEYOND THE PTU CURRICULUM Sr. No TEACHING SCHEDULE CHAPTER 1 Sr. No 1 LECTURER BREAKAGE Date Reluctance Motor No. of Lec. Reqd. 1 Mode of Delivery* Chalk & Talk Students Role** GD 2 3 4 5 TUTORIAL DETAIL Sr. No. Academic Activity Date No.ofLec. Reqd. Mode of Delivery* Chalk & talk Chalk & talk Students Role** Active Participation 1 Numerical 5 2 Doubt Clearing 2 3 Class Test 2 4 Presentation 1 PPT Presentation 5 Paper Solving 2 Chalk & talk GD Total GD Assignment 12 Note: Add another page, if required. * Mode of delivery may be lectures, PPT, Film/CD, Case study etc. ** Students Role: Group Discussion, Presentation, Assignment etc ***Academic Activity :( Class Test, Presentation, Case Study, Paper Solving, Doubt clearing or any other). Syllabus Coverage Reports (SCR) – Dates of submission are Note: Teacher will judiously plan the coverage of syllabus after considering the dates of MST’s/Extra Co-curricular activities etc. Ist SCR 2nd SCR 3rd SCR 26th Aug, 2012 26th Sep, 2012 31st Oct, 2012 Reason for not covering the syllabus as planned: -_____________________________ How to conduct classes: ( The period break-up suggested is as follows) : 1. 2-3 minutes for attendance 2. 2-3 minutes on review of previous lesson/topic/ discussion 3. 45 minutes for actual teaching that will include the following two important stages: (a) Broad overview of what the teacher will teach today (b) What faculty expects the students to learn? 4 2-3 minutes for summarizing the lesson/topic covered and giving homework assignments. 5 2-3 minutes for students’ evaluation/assessment/feedback. Tutorial Plan:Tutorial activities to be conducted by the teachers in their respective classes that include the following: (a) Overall Tutorial Plan: (Pls. mention approx. how many of each of the following activities will be taken up in the tutorials) TIME FRAME 1. Presentations 20 min 01 1. Group Discussions/ Case Studies 2. Class Tests/ Paper Solving Session 20 min 02 40 min/ 20 min 02/02 3. Doubt Clearing Sessions 04 15-20 min 4. Quiz Tests/ two way discussion 01 15 min 5. Others (Please Specify)______ _____________________ (b) Tutorial Strategy: How do you plan to conduct each of the above mentioned activities i.e. the system for allocation of topics to students, preparation time, evaluation etc. wherever applicable. S.No. 1 Title/Chapter Numericals Topic Covered Source (Book/magazine , page no./web site) Slip Electric M/c - PS Bhimbra Electric M/c - PS Bhimbra Electric M/c - PS Bhimbra Electric M/c - PS Bhimbra Leakage reactance Torque Rotor Resistance Practice (P)/Graded (G) Mode of Conduct (Presentation/Disc ussion/written Report/Video/Cas e Study) Practice Practice Practice 1. CASE STUDIES PLANNED : No of Case Studies: _________ 2. EXTENSION LECTURES PLANNNED S.No. TOPIC When(Tentatively) Resource Person (if you can suggest) 1 2 3 3. VISITS required (industry, seminar, conference, outside, library, lab) S.No. Type of Visit When(Tentatively) Resource Person(if you can suggest ) 1 In Campus Ist week of Aug, 2012 2 Industry Ist Week of Oct , 2012 3 Note: Please liaison with T.P.O. before planning the visit in case of industry. 4. MY RESOURCE BANK: S.No. *Additional Text Books Author 1 Electric Machinery A E Fitzgerald 2 Theory of AC M/c A S Langsdorf Publisher Edition S.No. Standard Reference Book Author 1 Electric M/c P S Bhimbra 2 Generalized theory of Electric M/c P S Bhimbra Publisher S.No. *Additional Journals & Periodicals Publisher(in case of periodicals) 1 www.nptel.iitm.ac.in NPTEL Edition 2 NOTE: Additional new reference books, journals &news papers must be incorporated to the Standard Instruction Plan as the course is being taught in the semester. Date: __________________ Sig. of faculty member:_________________________ Signatory of HOD with Remarks ________________________ Director _____________________ Dean (Academic Affairs) (ACADEMIC AUDIT RECORD/ INSPECTION REPORT) DATE REMARKS SIGNATURE OF DIRECTOR/DEAN/HOD _________________________ (DIRECTOR)