The Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of
A Molar Perspective
Name _______________________
Date _______________________
a piece of chalk
a periodic table
a calculator
(note: you MUST show ALL work)
It is your job to devise a method for determining the mass of the following
statement written in chalk:
“I pledge allegiance to the mole, and to the science from which it comes, one
SI unit, extremely divisible, with micromoles and millimoles for all.”
1. Mass of “The Pledge of Allegiance” (in grams of chalk): ______________
2. Molecular formula of chalk: _________________
3. Write out the mass of each type of atom in one mole of chalk:
4. Calculate the chalk’s molar mass (show work):
5. Using the data obtained above, calculate:
the number of moles of chalk you left on the chalk board
the number of molecules of chalk you left on the chalkboard
the number of calcium atoms you used
the number of carbon atoms you used
the number of oxygen atoms you used
6. How much (in grams) does a mole of chalk weigh?
7. How many grams did you leave on the chalkboard?
Is it (circle the correct answer):
1. less than a mole
2. equal to a mole
3. greater than a mole
8. Define a mole, and explain its importance.