Biomolecules Part I—Get a text book and summarize each macromolecule Summarize Carbohydrates Pg 45-46 AND draw a pic Summarize Lipids(fats) Pg 46-47 AND draw a pic Summarize Nucleic Acids Pg 47 AND draw a pic Summarize Proteins Pg 47-48 AND draw a pic Name_________________ PART II Directions: Read the statement and determine if it is a PROTEIN, CARBOHYDRATE, LIPID, OR NUCLEIC ACID Who am I? 1) I contain a Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, phosphate group, and nitrogen base; Very Complex. I am_________________ 2) My job is to be the carrier of genetic information and instructions for protein synthesis. DNA acts as command center of the cell and RNA acts as messenger/protein synthesizer (maker) found within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. I am_________________ 3) I contains Carbon, hydrogen, and possibly other atoms; 2:1 ratio of carbon atoms to hydrogen atoms. Insoluble to water. I am_________________ 4) My job is to serve as a source of short term or long term energy such as glucose or starch. Energy comes from sugars and starches. Two types of sugars: Simple (sugars)= milk, fruit Complex (starches) = pasta I am_________________ 5) I contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and possibly other atoms; ratio of 1:2:1 of hydrogen to carbon to oxygen ratio I am_________________ 6) My job is to serve as a source of long term energy (stored energy); cell membrane component; protective coating is waxy, acts as a chemical messenger in body (cholesterol). Categorized as fats, oils, and waxes. Also used as insulation for the body. I am_________________ 7) I contain carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen made of amino acids bonded by polypeptides. Large and complex structure. I am_________________ 8) I am the structural molecule of the human body. Major component of hair, nails (Keratin), and skin pigment (melanin and Hemoglobin). Functions as an enzyme, hormone, and transporter molecule such as hemoglobin. Utilized for the production of muscle, can also be found within ribosomes and/or the rough endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells I am_________________ My selfie 9. 10. I am_________________ 11. 12. I am_________________ I am_________________ I am_________________ PART III ---Eating macromolecules. Read and in the boxes to the right. Draw foods with that macromolecule Part IV—Venn Diagram Make a Venn comparing any 2 macromolecules. Include 6 bullet points or more __________________ ____________________ Thank you for completing the packet I appreciate your hard work