Regional ANSPs meeting MoldATSA – ROMATSA - UkSATSE Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 LOGO Overview of existing ATM system and plans for the future S.E. MoldATSA Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 LOGO Add your company slogan Contents 1 General information 2 International cooperation 3 Statistic 4 Existing ATM system 5 Modernization Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 3 LOGO Add your company slogan General information State Enterprise “MoldATSA” was set up in 1994 on the basis of Aeronavigation Division of the State aircompany „ Air Moldova”, in accordance with Government Resolution No.3, dated 12 January 1994. MoldATSA begins its independent activity on 16 June 1994, acting as 100% State owned enterprise and operating on a self-financing basis with a staff of 245 employees. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 4 LOGO Add your company slogan General information At the end of 1998 it was decided to create inside the enterprise the Aviation Meteorological Service with the aim of providing meteorological aeronautical services. The same year MoldATSA takes over from the Airport Chisinau the aeronautical information unit, which has been later reorganized into the Aeronautical Information Service (AIS). Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 5 LOGO Add your company slogan General information Safety Management System was implemented at the state enterprise “MoldATSA” in 2003. All relevant EUROCONTROL requirements have been implemented: Safety Policy; Safety Program; SMS Manual; Mandatory and Voluntary reporting System; etc. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 6 LOGO Add your company slogan General information o Quality Management System was implemented at the S.E. “MoldATSA” in 2012. o S.E. “MoldATSA” was certified according to ISO 9001:2008 standard. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 7 LOGO Add your company slogan General information o Main functions and tasks S. E. “MoldATSA”: Provision of safe and efficient Air traffic control and management; Optimal and safe airspace organization and management; Provision of radar, communication and navigation coverage; Provision of aviation meteorological information; Provision of aeronautical information; Safety and quality management; Human resource management. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 8 LOGO Add your company slogan General information o Staff: 323 employees (56 ATCOs) 50%- ATCO and Technical personnel 50%- administrative staff, MET, AIS and other. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 9 LOGO Add your company slogan General information ACCs (LUUU): 2 TWRs (LUKK, LUBL, LUBM, LUCH) : 4 APP (LUKK) : 1 FIR area: 33700 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 10 LOGO Add your company slogan General information Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 11 LOGO Chişinău FIR Add your company slogan LOGO 12 Add your company slogan International cooperation 1994 Republic of Moldova joins to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 1996 Republic of Moldova was admitted in ECAC 2000 MoldATSA become full-right member of Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) 2001 Ratification by Republic of Moldova of the Consolidated EUROCONTROL Convention 2012 Signing of a Common Aviation area agreement between Republic of Moldova and EU Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 13 LOGO Add your company slogan International cooperation In order to facilitate the interaction with representatives bodies of ICAO, MoldATSA involve its specialists into different working groups such as, for example, ATMGE, RDGE and METG. The most close interaction with ICAO is done through the first two working groups where MoldATSA has the opportunity to analyze and introduce new proposals and modifications to the Regional Air Navigation Plan. Design and safe optimization of route network is a constant concern and one of the high priorities of our company. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 14 LOGO Add your company slogan International cooperation o MoldATSA experts are continuously involved into different working groups, projects and activities initiated by EUROCONTROL: • • • • • • • RNDSG, CCAMS, Runway safety, RVSM, ESP (European safety programme for ATM), EVAIR (Eurocontrol voluntary ATM incident reporting) etc. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 15 LOGO Add your company slogan International cooperation o In order to achieve its objectives, MoldATSA coordinates its actions with adjacent ANSPs ROMATSA and UkSATSE. o Regional cooperation is very important for MoldATSA. o Some examples of this cooperation: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 16 LOGO Add your company slogan International cooperation o Regional cooperation during RVSM implementation. o In November 2002 MoldATSA and ROMATSA signed an agreement on radar data exchange and there is ongoing discussion with Ukrainian ANSP for radar data exchange. o Regional ANSPs cooperation inside ACE and RADA (Regional ATM development association). o Route network optimization in region. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 17 LOGO Add your company slogan Statistic IFR flights in 2012 8000 6928 7048 6489 7000 6000 5035 5000 4348 4082 4356 3672 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 18 8 LOGO Add your company slogan Statistic 8 month period 40098 45000 34885 40000 35000 41958 28830 30000 25000 Total IFR flights 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 19 LOGO Add your company slogan Statistic 40098 45000 41958 40000 35000 30424 31499 30000 25000 2011 2012 20000 9674 15000 10459 10000 5000 0 Overflights DEP/ARR Total Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 20 LOGO Add your company slogan Modernization o The technical up-grading and reconstruction of operational facilities are the main priorities set up by MoldATSA from the very beginning of its independent activity. o At present time MoldATSA started modernization of ATC and voice communication systems in accordance to ICAO and EUROCONTROL requirements. o It is planned to put into operation new ATC equipment in the beginning of 2013. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 21 LOGO Add your company slogan ATM system modernization ALENIA ATM system since 2000 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 22 LOGO Add your company slogan ATM system modernization In 2010 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 23 LOGO Add your company slogan ATM system modernization LUUU ACC MAATS Moldavian advanced ATM system LUKK APP TWRs: LUKK, LUBL, LUBM, LUCH FIC Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 2426.09.2012 24 LOGO Add your company slogan ATM system modernization Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 25 LOGO Add your company slogan ATM system modernization Short Term Conflict Alert Area Proximity Warning MAATS safety nets Approach Path Monitoring SNETs Minimum Safe Altitude Warning Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 2426.09.2012 26 LOGO Add your company slogan ATM system modernization Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 27 LOGO Add your company slogan ATM system modernization MONA Conformance Monitoring including trajectory updates MAATS Monitoring aids Reminder handling Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 2426.09.2012 28 LOGO Add your company slogan ATM system modernization o [EUR_APM] EUROCONTROL Specification for Approach Path Monitor, EUROCONTROL-SPEC-128, draft edition 0.5, 19 May 2009. o [EUR_APW] EUROCONTROL Specification for Area Proximity Warning, EUROCONTROL-SPEC-124, draft edition 0.5, 19 May 2009 o [EUR_CPDLC] EUROCONTROL Specification on Data Link Services, EUROCONTROL-SPEC-0116, released edition 2.1 28/01/2009. o [EUR_MSAW] EUROCONTROL Specification for Minimum Safe Altitude Warning, EUROCONTROL-SPEC-126, draft edition 0.9, 19 May 2009 o [EUR_STCA] EUROCONTROL Specification for Short Term Conflict Alert, EUROCONTROL-SPEC-0122, edition 1.1, 19 May 2009 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 29 LOGO Add your company slogan ATM system modernization MAATS System Spring 2013 ready to GO Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 2426.09.2012 30 LOGO Add your company slogan Current ATM System infrastructure ATMS, Nav Aids, Sur Systems/Nav Aids Quantity-Type, manufacturer located Operated since ATM System ATM System Alenia ACC Chişinău 2000 Navigations Aids 1 - DVOR/DME, THALES (TMA, En-route) 2 - ILS/DME-420, THALES Airport Chişinău Airport Chişinău 2008 2004 1 - ILS SP-80M, USSR 4 - NDB PAR – 7,8,10S, USSR 4 - MRM -70,V, USSR Airport Bălţi Airport Bălţi Airport Bălţi 199* 199* 199* 1 - NDB PAR – 10S, USSR 1 – MRM, USSR Airport Cahul Airport Cahul 199* 199* 1 - MSSR Alenia (TMA, En-route) 1 - PSR/MSSR/Mode-S, THALES (TMA, En-route) Airport Chişinău Airport Chişinău 2000 2008 1 - Radar Data Exchange with ROMATSA, MSSR Alenia Bacău 2005 Surveillance 31 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 LOGO Current ATM System infrastructure Communication, Met Add your company slogan Systems/Nav Aids Quantity-Type, manufacturer located Operated since Air-Ground 1- Distributed VHF Air-Ground Communication System, Park Air System Chişinău, Bălţi, Cahul Tx, Rx, Emer. Radio Centers 2010 Ground-Ground 1 - VCS (TDM), Frequentis Chişinău ACC, 2002 3 – VCS (VoIP), Rohde & Schwarz TWR Bălţi, 2012 TWR Marculeşti, TWR Cahul. AFTN 1 - AFTN Center, Aerotechnica Chişinău ACC 1993 Meteo Meteo Radar MRL-5, USSR Airport Chişinău 1982 AWOS- KRAMS Sensors - Vaisala Airport Chişinău 2002 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 32 LOGO Add your company slogan Modernizations of ATM System infrastructure ATMS, Nav Aids, Sur Systems/ Nav Aids Quantity-Type, manufacturer, Planned works located Operated since ATM System 1- MAATS (Moldavian Advanced ATM System), SiATM ACC Chişinău, TWR Bălţi, TWR Marculeşti, TWR Cahul. Evaluation operations since 2012, Full operation since 2013 Navigations Aids GNSS Analysis For all FIR 2013 1 - DVOR/DME, (TMA, En-route) 2 - ILS/DME, Airport Bălţi Airport Chişinău 2014 2016-2017 1 – ILS/DME or GBAS 1 – ILS/DME or GBAS Airport Bălţi, Airport Cahul 2014-2015 2015-2016 1 – MLAT Chişinău, (instead of MSSR Alenia) 1 – WAM System (wide area MLAT) Airport Chişinău 2015 For all FIR 2016-2018 1 - Radar Data Exchange with MSSR Selex SI Odessa 2013 Surveillance Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 33 LOGO Modernizations of ATM System infrastructure Communication, Met Add your company slogan Systems/ NAV Aids Quantity-Type, manufacturer located Operated since Air-Ground Additional purchase some IP radios for advanced ATMS functions: DATIS, CPDLC for Distributed VHF Air-Ground Communication System, Park Air System Chişinău, Bălţi, Marculesti, Cahul Tx, Rx, Emer. Radios Centers 2013-2014 Ground-Ground 1 –Unified MoldATSA VCS (VoIP), Rohde & Schwarz, MOLDTELECOM, ORANGE Network Chişinău ACC 2013 AFTN/AMHS 1 – AFTN/AMHS Center-UBIMEX, Ubitech. Chişinău ACC National level since 2012, International since 2013 Meteo C-Band Dual Polarization Doppler Weather Radar, EEC (Enterprise Electronic Corporation), USA AWOS, Add. reserve Sensors - Vaisala AWOS KRAMS, Sensors – Vaisala Airport Chişinău 2013 Chişinău ACC Chişinău ACC TWR Bălţi, TWR Marculeşti, 2014-2015 2012-2013, 2012, 2014-2015 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 34 LOGO Air-Ground and Ground-Ground Voice Communications Add your company slogan o In 2010 was installed VHF Air-Ground radio System PAS, which allowed the replacement of obsolete radios in ACC center and TWRs of Republic of Moldova, and create a single aviation radio network throughout the country with possibility to control and monitor all System from one point. o In 2011-2012 was installed in airports Balti, Cahul and Marculesti the new Voice Communication System R&S 4G, which is fully based on IP technology. Currently in the process of signed the contract to acquire VCS 4G for ACC center Chisinau, which will create a single system for ACC center and TWRs of Republic of Moldova and will be integrated into the communication system of neighboring countries. Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 35 LOGO Add your company slogan R&S®VCS-4G System Diagram for MoldATSA Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 36 LOGO Add your company slogan IP R&S VCS Simulator for MoldATSA Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 24-26.09.2012 37 LOGO Add your company slogan VHF AIR/GROUND SYSTEM – MOLDATSA 38 24-26.09.2012 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova LOGO Add your company slogan VHF AIR/GROUND SYSTEM – MOLDATSA 39 24-26.09.2012 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova LOGO LOGO