Reading 28-3 Insects.................................................... Name

Reading 28-3 Insects....................................................
1. What evolutionary adaptation allowed insects to colonize new habitats? _____________________
2. Using Fig 28-14 (pie chart), determine what percentage of animal species are not insects:
3. What are the three parts of the insect body?
4. How many pairs of legs do insects have? _________ To what body part are they attached to?
5. Why is it so hard to swat a fly? _________________________________________
6. Where would you find the ears of a grasshopper? _________________________________
7. What are the three mouthparts insects
8. The process of changing shape of form is called
9. In insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis, immature forms are called
10. In complete metamorphosis, the stage where an insect changes from larva to adult is called the
11. What insect causes trouble for cotton farmers? _______________________________
12. List three useful products produced by insects: ________________________________________
13. Why does a firefly flash its light?
14. Many insects communicate with chemical signals called
15. What is an insect society?
16. Groups of individuals in an insect society form _________________________, which are
specialized to perform a specific task.
17. Use Fig 28-20 to answer True or False to the following statements:
________ Leaf cutter ants eat leaves.
________ Dump chambers are used to hold eggs.
________ Soldiers guard the nest.
________ Major workers are responsible for gathering leaves.
________ Minor workers tend to the gardens.
18. What insect "dances" to communicate? ________________
Multiple Choice (Reference 28-1, 28-2, 28-3)
1. All arthropods have:
a. gills b. jointed appendages c. antennae d. chelicerae
2. An arthropod's exoskeleton performs all of the following functions except:
a. production of gametes b. protection of internal organs
c. supporting the animal's body d. preventing water loss
3. Most terrestrial arthropods breathe using branched, air-filled structures called:
a. gills b. book lungs c. tracheal tubes d. book gills
4. Crustaceans are the only arthropods with:
a. three pairs of legs b. two pairs of antennae c. chitin in their exoskeleton d. chelicerae
5. All insects have:
a. two pairs of legs b. two pairs of antennae c. two pairs of wings d. three body sections
6. A honeybee belongs to the Kingdom ____________ and the Phylum ___________
a. Arthropoda, Insecta b. Animalia, Arthropoda c. Animalia, Insecta d. Insecta, Animalia
Draw a line from the Phylum to the organism that matches it. Draw another line from the organism to its description.
Quick Match: For each animal or description listed, name the phylum it is associated with:
1. Cow _______________________________________________________
2. Lobster ____________________________________________________
3. Leech _____________________________________________________
4. Tapeworm _________________________________________________
5. Sea anemone ______________________________________________
6. Sea urchin _________________________________________________
7. Octopus ___________________________________________________
8. Bell or umbrella shaped bodies __________________________________
9. Most have a backbone _________________________________________
10. Jointed legs ________________________________________________
11. Thin, flat bodies _____________________________________________
12. Soft bodies, some have shells __________________________________
13. Spiney plates _________________________________________
14. Exoskeleton __________________________________________
15. Segmented, long bodies ___________________________________
Animal Symmetry and Phyla KEY
Animal Phylum Matching
1. Cow ______________Chordate______________
2. Lobster _______Artrhopoda________________________________
3. Leech ___________Annelid__________________________________
4. Tapeworm _______Platyhelminthes__________________________
5. Sea anemone _________Echinoderm_________________________
6. Sea urchin ______Echinoderm_______________________________
7. Octopus _________Mollusk_______________________________
8. Bell or umbrella shaped bodies ______Cnidaria___________________
9. Most have a backbone ______Chordate_________________________
10. Jointed legs _______Arthropod___________________________________
11. Thin, flat bodies ______Platyhelminthes_____________________________
12. Soft bodies, some have shells _____Mollusk____________________
13. Spiney plates __________Echinoderm_____________________
14. Exoskeleton ____________Arthropod_______________________
15. Segmented, long bodies _____Annelid____________________