Arthropods – notes - Effingham County Schools

Arthropods – notes
Major Groups
of Arthropods
“jointed foot”
of ALL
Centipedes and
1. Arachnids - _________________and their relatives
2. Crustaceans – _________________, shrimp, and crayfish
3. _________________
4. Millipedes
5. _________________ and their relatives – grasshopper, cricket, roaches, beetles, etc
Largest group of animals
Many are highly social
1. Have _________________ appendages which include legs, antennae, claws and pincers
2. Have _________________symmetry, segmented bodies, exoskeletons, a body cavity, a
digestive system with two openings and an advanced nervous system
-Most have separate sexes and reproduce sexually
3. Body _________________
 Bodies of these animals are divided into specialized segments
4. _________________A hard outer covering that supports and protects the internal body and
provides places for muscle to attach.
 Doesn’t _________________ as the animals does, it is shed and replaced
during a process called molting
1. _________________
1. Must molt as animal grows
2. prevents dessication
2. limits_________________of animal
• Have ___________ body regions
– Cephalothorax and an abdomen
• __________ pairs of legs and no antennae
• Many are adapted to kill _________ with poison glands, stingers, or fangs
• Some are parasites
– Have sharp, poison filled stinger at the end of abdomen.
– Have a well-developed appendages which they can grab their prey.
– Can’t chew their food, release enzymes into prey to digest it—then suck the
predigest liquid into its mouth.
– Have book lungs where O2 and CO2 are exchanged.
_______________ and _____________________
-- Most are parasites
– Ticks have specialized mouthparts to remove blood from the host.
– Ticks often carry disease such as Lyme disease.
• Have long bodies and many ______________, exoskeleton, jointed legs, antennae and
simple eyes.
• Found in _______________ environments
• Reproduce sexually
- Centipedes are ________________
- Millipedes feed on decaying _____________ matter.
Have one or two pair of ____________________ and mandibles, which are used for
crushing food.
Most live in ______________, but some live in moist environments on land—such as
pill bug.
Have ___________ pair of legs, first pair of legs are claws for catching and holding
Have __________________ body regions
- _______________- Has a pair of antennae, eyes and a mouth
- _______________- Three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings if
present are attached here
- _______________- Where reproductive structures are found.
____________________ symmetry- cephalization, and well developed nervous
Have an __________ circulatory system that carries digestive food to cells and
removes wastes
Insect blood doesn’t carry O2 instead air enters and exits through openings called
spiracles found on the abdomen and thorax
Are the only invertebrate animals that can ____________
Insects are extremely successful based these reasons
– Tough flexible, waterproof _________________
– Ability to___________
– _______________ reproduction cycles
– Small sizes
– Use a variety of __________ sources
Insects have other adaptations that allow them to be successful
The success of
Value of
A source of _________________
Agriculture would be impossible without bees and other insects to _______________
Useful chemicals are obtain from some arthropods
Important part of ecological community
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