
Prof. Dr. Ramez N. Bedwani
• Setting goals are important in provoking
• Motives are important to achieve a successful
Provocation of motives
Motivation in clinical practice
• A motive is an internal state or set of the
individual which disposes him towards certain
mode of behaviour for seeking certain goals
• Motivation refers to the driving and pulling forces
which result in persistent behaviour directed
toward particular goals
• Motives are powerful tools for the explanation of
behaviour and they allow us to make predictions
about future behaviour
• Motives can be innate or acquired
• Innate motives are characterized by being:
1-Universal : found in all members of the
2-Permanent:Found(active or inactive)all the
3-Present since birth
• However, the separation between innate
motive & other motive is not very well
• Classification of motives go along different
I-Biological motives
II-Social motives
1-Biological motives
• such as:
 hunger
 thirst and
 sex
• Have their origin in the physiological state of
the body
• These motives can be aroused by changes of
the balanced levels of body processes
II-Social motives
• These are motives mainly stimulated and
perpetuated by social stimuli and habits, eg.:
 the need for achievement
 need for power
 and possibly human aggression
• These are mostly learned motives
1-The need to belong
2-The need for achievement
3-Power motivation
4-Motives to know and to be effective
1-The need to belong
• Man has some basic need to belong to other
human fellows
• The circle of belonging increases from the
family → the school / work society → the club
or political party → the nation as a whole and
so on
2- The need for achievement
• This is a motive to accomplish things and to be
successful in performing tasks
• People driven by this motive are persistent in
their work, seek more challenging tasks and like
to work in situations where they have some
control over the outcome
• The level of achievement motivation in a society
can be related to its economic growth
3- Power motivation
• A social motive in which the goals are to
influence, control, lead, charm others and
enhance one’s own reputation in the eyes of
other people
• The behavioural expression of power
motivation takes many forms such as:
Forms of Power motivation:
I- Impulsive and overtly aggressive actions:
This is rather abnormal except in justified
situations such as war time or self defense
2- Participation in competitive sports:
This sometimes considered as sublimation of
3- Joining of organizations:
Here the power is achieved by belonging to(&
consequently possessing)the power of the
whole group
4- Collection of possessions:
Here power is related to the increased
authority and potentiality enabled by the
fortune possessed or money collected
5- Association with people who are not particularly
Apart from some gang collection in the adolescent,
this form of satisfying power motive could → to
eccentrism and group delinquency
6- Choice of occupations which have a high impact on
Certain occupations implies in its nature authority.
Political leadership is a direct way of expressing power
and in Egypt the physician role still represents dignified
authoritative role
7- Heavy and strenuous sports as:
weight lifting
 boxing
 wrestling
8- Exploiting others in a deceptive fashion
Provocation of motives can be done
• Every aspect of life, needs motivation as the
fuel to performance & achievement
 In education
 In training for competitive sport
 and in moving toward health
• it is needed to push / provoke motivation
This could be achieved through the following:
I- Defining the final goal as an ultimate clear
2- Then defining the intermediate goals which will
lead ultimately to the final:
(The more the goal is near and clear, the more the
motive is strong
3- Establishment of confidant relations between
leader and subordinates related to the common
4-Supplying adequate and enough equipment &
5- Establishment of fair competition
(but exaggerated competition can block
6- Elimination of interfering motives / factors
• Motives are often blocked or frustrated by:
other contradictory motives
environmental factors
 personal factors / conflict
• Elimination of all such factors would provoke
the proper motivation towards certain goals
Motivation in clinical practice
• It is very important to put in consideration that
the patient has a role in recovery
• The physician should be keen to arouse +ve
interest in health Hope is another motive & is
related to some optimistic attitude of life
• Motivating a mother to follow health rules for
herself and children is another field where
motivation can work
• I-Provocation of motives can be done
through all of the following except:
• a) Defining a final goal as an ultimate clear
• b) Defining intermediate goals
• c) Elimination of interfering motives / factors
• d) Aggressive actions
• II-All of the following is true about social
motives except:
• a) Stimulated and perpetuated by social
stimuli and habits
• b) They are mostly learned
• c) They include the need for achievement
• d) They include Thirst & Hunger
‫‪• Define a final and intermediate goals for your‬‬
‫‪life & how to provoke your motives to‬‬
‫‪achieve them.‬‬
‫عبد هللا وجيه عبد الرؤوف احمد‬
‫عزيزه حسين عبد الحافظ حسين‬
‫عال حازم علي حسن‬
‫عال محمد محمود عطيه عسل‬
‫علي السيد علي بدوي‬
‫علي عصام علي البحيصي‬
‫علي محمد سليم محمد‬
‫عماد رمسيس سمعان سليمان داود‬
‫عمر محمد حسن ابراهيم محمد السوسي‬
‫عمر محمد هاني محمد فايز‬
‫عمرو عادل عوض عبد الونيس عطيان‬
‫عمرو عبد المنعم احمد عبد العاطي‬
‫عمرو محمد صالح الدين خلف هللا خلف‬
‫عمرو محمد محمد عبد الحميد يونس‬
‫‪Personality disorders‬‬
‫‪Team Motivation‬‬