NPMS Compliance Review Report Template (update 2)

Annex 2 – NPMS Compliance Review Report Template
(update 2)
Date: (insert date on which the report is sent to HQ)
NPMS Compliance Review Report
For: Name of Region / Sector / Organization
This report represents the results of the NPMS comprehensive compliance reviews performed in
accordance with the NPMS Real Property Procedure for the Monitoring of NPMS Compliance
for FY xx/xx. One report per region is to be provided (regions/sectors are to coordinate
between areas as/if necessary).
By project category, the table contains the total number of real property projects over $25K of
any type undertaken by the region/sector (A) and the number of projects reviewed (B). It also
contains, for the projects reviewed, the number of projects that had no major issues (C) and the
percentage that number represents amongst the projects reviewed (C/B). The major issues
encountered must be mentioned under the Issues column of the report. Additional info must be
provided after the table.
To qualify as a project with no major issues, the reviewed project shall:
1. Not be missing any major documents. If required by the NPMS process to be followed,
the major documents are the SoR, the project charter, the IAR and the PMP. All of those
must be on file, approved with signatures (or a proof of approval such as an e-mail from
the approval authority). Paper files are acceptable if properly stored in a central facility.
2. Not have more than one NPMS deliverable missing. If required by the NPMS process to
be followed, the deliverables are: PPP, FR, PCRA, ICOD, PTO, and COD.
3. Have all project documentation easily retrievable, whether it is in EDRM, GCDOCS, in a
collaborative tool (such as OPROMA/Sharepoint) or on a properly structured shared
drive. Having project information on a precarious media is a major issue (such as a
personal drive, USB or C drive). Not following the EPFS for projects over $25K started
since September 2013 is also a major issue.
4. Have documentation of appropriate quality according to the nature and complexity of the
project. For examples, barely completed templates are a major issue. Following NPMS
Lite when the project calls for NPMS Full is a major issue.
NPMS Real Property Procedure for the Monitoring of NPMS Compliance
Project Category
+ 250 K
(no fit-up)
- 250 K
Space based
(fit-up, etc)
based (bridges,
dams, etc)
No major
issues for
(see note
+ 250 K
- 250 K
+ 250 K
- 250 K
+ 250 K
- 250 K
+ 250 K
- 250 K
Tenant Service
+ 250 K
- 250 K
+ 250 K
Total for the
- 250 K
All projects (below and over $250K)
*If the project falls under multiple categories, the most representative category of the project
being done must be picked, e.g., remediation on an (OGD or PWGSC) asset would be recorded
under Environmental Project category (and not the asset category as most environmental projects
are done on assets, Environmental is more representative).
NPMS Real Property Procedure for the Monitoring of NPMS Compliance
Note: Under the Issues column– provide the list of projects in each category that had a nonconformance and the main cause of that non-conformance (see document glossary below). Also
include any other relevant information as appropriate.
The 1% and 10% sampling for the comprehensive reviews must be calculated from all projects
(over $25K) that have reached, as a minimum, the substantively completed IAR status. It is
understood that projects at that stage will have fewer completed documents and deliverables but
it is important to start reviewing them at that stage.
The sampling should always be done proportionally to the project types handled in any given
region/sector. For example, it would not be appropriate to review mostly identification stage
projects when they represent a small number of the total nor would it be appropriate to mostly
review PWGSC-funded projects if most of the regional work is OGD. An identification-stage
project is a project that has only reached the substantive IAR phase.
Additional Information to be provided
1. Issues encountered during the reviews and actions taken to prevent in the future and
related observations (main issues encountered and actions already taken to avoid them)
2. Innovative solutions taken outside of the review process (what was done to facilitate the
process that other regions or HQ could benefit from)
3. Document management observations (any issues or findings specific to document
4. Integration with local processes (what was done to integrate the requirement for NPMS
compliance reviews into existing regional processes)
5. Regional action plan (what is being planned to address the issues encountered)
6. Recommendations (what could be done to the procedure or NPMS itself to improve or
facilitate the review process)
SOR – Statement of Requirements
PPP – Preliminary Project Plan
PC – Project Charter
FR – Feasibility Report
IAR – Investment Analysis Report
ICOD – Identification Close-Out Document
PMP – Project Management Plan
PCRA – Project Complexity and Risk Assessment
TOA – Turn Over Approval
COD – Close Out Document
NPMS Real Property Procedure for the Monitoring of NPMS Compliance