SBI 3U Date:__________________ Kingdom/Domain Eubacteria How Important Are Microscopic Organisms? Some inhabit our bodies (skin, eyelashes, digest food), are ________________ _____________________ ______________________, while others play key roles in ecosystems by ____________________ __________________________. It was in the 17th Century that microorganisms were discovered with the invention of the microscope. Structure of a Bacterial Cell Bacteria such as E.coli found in your intestine have this basic structure: Biologists identify and distinguish bacteria based partly on several important characteristics: 1) Cell shape 2) Cell wall structure 3) Motility 4) How they obtain nutrients 1) Cell Shape: Spherical: Rod-shape Spiral 2) Cell wall structure Bacteria have a ______________ _______________________ and a ___________ _______________. The cell wall is made of peptidoglycan (a thick coat of sugars) 3) Motility Flaggella - __________________________ tail to propel themselves toward food Spiral-shaped bacteria use a corkscrew motion to move Other bacteria glide on ______________ ___________________________ that they secrete 4) How they obtain nutrients Nutritional Mode Heterotroph Takes up organic molecules from the environment or by eating other organisms Photoautotroph they use sunlight to make carbon dioxide into carbon compounds like sugar. Photoheterotroph Takes up organic molecules from environment and by eating other organisms like basic heterotrophs, and also uses light energy. Chemoheterotroph Uses energy released through chemical reactions involving ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, and similar compounds Habitat Example ____________________________________ are similar to plants because they play major roles as producers. They supply a great deal of the world's oxygen, and are nitrogen fixers in aquatic ecosystems. Beneficial Effects of Bacteria - p.343 _________________________ of bacteria ____________ _________________ the damage they do. Bacteria constitute most of the decomposers of dead plants and animals and are essential for converting and recycling nature's raw materials into nutrients for living plants and animals. Reproduction Asexual - Binary Fission In this process, a parent cell ________________ into two daughter cells, each receiving an _____________ _________________ of genetic material (plasmids, chromosome). Conjugation Two bacterial cells _____________ to ____________________ ________________ _________________. Plasmids are transported through a "pilus" between the two cells. p.346 #9, 10