Approval of draft Minutes from 19 November 2012

Unapproved Draft Minutes SEC Meeting
19 November 2012
David Law
Yatin Trivedi
Amin Karim
James Irvine
Wael Diab
Don Heirman
Howard Wolfman
Herb Bennett
Jeffry Handal
Susan Tatiner
Samantha Bradley
Jennifer McClain
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Draft Agenda v3.0
Call to Order (Law)
Introductions/Roll Call
Approval of draft agenda (Law)
Approval of draft minutes from 23 October 2012 (Law)
Educational Activities Board Reorganization (Trivedi)
ITU Report (Irvine)
Panel Session at 2013 ASEE Conference (McClain/Karim)
China Workshop, Beijing in December (Tatiner/Trivedi)
Student Application Papers (Law/McClain)
a. New applications (revised application submissions #132 and #133)
b. Final Student Paper #50
c. Program Stats
d. Survey Results from Faculty
e. Survey Results from Students
f. Discussion on process improvement and trends for future
10. Standards Education Survey for Industry Practitioners (Law/McClain)
11. New eLearning content (McClain)
a. Standards Aware Courses Landing Page and Video Demonstrations
b. eLearning Library Courses in Development
12. Review of Standards Education Consensus-Building Workshop Materials (Law)
a. Case Study and Roles Document
b. Notes from Postmortem
c. Feedback from Participant Survey
d. Planning for Future Workshops
13. Region 5 Opportunities (Handal)
14. Standards Education eZine (Trivedi)
15. SEC Goals
a. 2012
b. 2013
16. New business
17. Next Meeting: TBD
18. Adjourn
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) David Law called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM EDT.
2) All attendees introduced themselves.
3) Motion to approve draft agenda was made by Yatin Trivedi and seconded by Amin Karim.
Agenda approved by unanimous consent.
4) Motion to approve the draft minutes from the 23 October 2012 conference call was made by
Yatin Trivedi and seconded Don Heirman. Motion was approved by unanimous consent.
5) Yatin gave a presentation on the proposed new structure of the Educational Activities Board
(EAB). See attached slides to item #5 on agenda.
a. Discussion focused on EAB reasoning for moving the SEC under the Continuing
Education Committee (CEC) of the EAB.
b. It was noted that the SEC did not previously have a seat on the EAB. The Standards
Association Representative has a seat on the EAB, but the SEC did not.
c. It is the SEC’s understanding that the SA Rep would have a seat on the CEC and the SEC
would also have a seat on the CEC.
d. Group asked for an org chart showing where the SEC fits and how they report to the EAB
and the SA BoG.
e. Action item: David will create the org chart.
f. Group suggested that the SA may want to take a look at a more ‘formal’ reporting
structure into the SA BoG.
6) ITU Report from James Irvine.
a. James had previously circulated the report via email to the SEC reflector.
i. 83 people at the meeting.
ii. There were some good presentations on how to teach standards.
iii. ITU has a good definition of standards education, which is that it is “education
about standards.”
iv. James provided an update of his report, which will be attached to agenda item
v. James reported that what we are doing here at the SEC is very good and ahead
of what others are doing.
1. Provided new “Pro-Norm e-Learning courses” brochures for distance
learning courses by Wilfried Hesser who also has a book on
vi. ITU is setting up a committee for standards education.
vii. Ramjeed Prasad is very active in this area. He is expecting the IEEE to participant
in future activities.
7) Update on panel session proposal to ASEE for June 2013, Atlanta.
a. IEEE would be co-presenter with ASTM, ANSI CoE, and NIST.
b. Our panel session was accepted in the electrical engineering area for the Tuesday
c. Amin Karim, Ahmed Kahn from DeVry and Jennifer McClain will also be presenting a
paper on the current status of standards education in academic programs in the EE field,
as well as mechanical engineering. Amin has initiated a survey. Have received 150
responses so far.
8) China Workshop in Beijing update by Susan Tatiner.
a. Part of an IEEE International Conference on Vehicles & Exposition
b. Conference is 12-16 Dec 2012. Standards Workshop is on 13 Dec.
i. China National Institute for Standardization is a presenter, as well as Yatin for
Standards Education, Rich Hewlett for IEEE Std 515 Case Study, and Bruce
Kramer will give 802 overview.
ii. Presentations will be video tapped and we will be able to use the content on the
website as a resource for professors.
iii. Yatin will do an interview on standards education, which will be video tapped.
9) Student Application Papers
a. Application #133 from Ankit Ghosh.
i. Motion to accept text below as response to application #133 was made by Yatin,
seconded by James. Motion approved by unanimous consent.
ii. Jennifer communicate back to the student the following:
1. Thank you for your response. The SEC has completed its review of your
proposal and your response to our questions. The SEC has decided not
to accept this grant proposal.
b. Final Paper #50:
i. Motion to accept made by Yatin and seconded by Amin. Paper was accepted by
unanimous consent.
c. Jennifer provided a detailed review of statistics from 2009 to October 2012. See
presentation attached to agenda item #9c.
i. Some suggestions from group included:
1. Maybe make public which schools had students receiving the grants.
Students like competition, so we can show which schools won the
awards. Promote the schools that have award winners. Contact the
school, pics, blurbs from website about the school. Maybe contact their
PR dept.
2. Break down the Final Student Application papers by Universities and
3. Publish the grant stats in the SA newsletter and the eZine.
4. There has been a spike in applications from students in India. It is not
clear what caused the spike.
a. Action: Jennifer to go back and ask each student how they
heard about the grant.
5. Susan said that they’ve had success with the student paper competition
when they reached out to people personally.
a. Maybe each person on the SEC can write to a couple people
that they know. We will preprare boilerplate for people to use.
6. Action: Jennifer to create another stat showing the application
rate/acceptance and final paper rate.
7. Going forward SEC could define different application areas for the
grants. What areas of technology are they coming from.
a. Define where there are opportunities for societies.
i. Many technical committees have activities in standards.
1. May be good idea to promote standards
education to the technical committees.
d. Jennifer presented the results of the Faculty and Student Surveys. Group reviewed the
results in detail.
i. As a follow up action, Jennifer to report how many faculty members took the
1. Was suggested that we advertise through HKN and Potentials Magazine.
2. For question #7 in the faculty survey, “Did the opportunity to apply for
IEEE grant funds have an impact on whether the students applied
technical standards to their projects,” 82.4% reported Yes.
a. Reflecting that the grants are having an influence on the
projects including standards. We are seeing that students are
using standards for their projects.
b. For future surveys, add question asking whether they are IEEE
members/student members.
3. Make sure that we are sending the grant application information
directly to the Student Branch Chairs.
a. Get the names of the Region branch coordinators and ask them
to send a targeted email to their student branch chairs.
b. Target GOLD members as well. Staff support is Lisa Devanthal.
4. Discussion about process improvements.
a. For the grants, no more SEC Rating Form.
b. SEC members would vote: yes/no/maybe/conditional/and with
c. SEC will continue to use the spreadsheet.
5. Wael action item to investigate whether we can use the RevCom tool.
10) Review of Survey for Practitioners:
a. Terms for the SEC to further define:
i. Education
ii. Training
iii. Implementation
iv. Application
b. Jennifer to provide feedback to Marc Beebe’s group and recirculate.
Review of London Workshop documents
a. Group thought this type of workshop would be a good train the trainer or model after
a TISP workshop.
b. There are universities where we know faculty would be interested.
i. Bay area, such as Sonoma State.
ii. Region 5 Annual Meeting in Denver, April 2nd and 3rd.
1. Jeffry Handal, Region 5 Standards Coordinator, has funding available.
2. See if Steve Carlson and Val McGuire could come in for the meeting.
3. Jennifer should ask if TISP funding is available.
4. Need students and faculty to attend for 5 hours.
iii. May be opportunity in Dallas in November 2013.
iv. We should charge a small fee for attendees to encourage people to show up if
they register.
v. David will be in New Orleans on 14th of January.
1. Jeffry can help organize a speaking opportunity for David at University
of New Orleans.
Jeffry Handal gave a presentation on opportunities in Region 5 area.
a. Speakers Bureau is one area of opportunity, but we have funding challenges.
b. Looking for speakers in local areas.
c. Can we create some quick tips on how to read a standard for students?
d. Yatin asked if there are universities in Region 5 who use/teach standards as part of the
curricula we would like to have an article for the eZine.
Update on the eZine.
a. India content did not materialize, so Yatin and Susan have reached out to winners from
the IEC-IEEE Challenge and asked whether they can contribute content based on their
papers, provide some coverage of the event. Susan has written an article. Still working
on collecting the content.
i. Looking now to publish next issue by 15 January 2012.
ii. We have already reached our goal of publishing it 3 times per year.
iii. April issue may focus on e-health.
Group did a quick review of 2012 Goals.
a. Goal #1: Refine definition of “Standards Education” for each audience.
i. Still need to address.
b. Goal #2: Publish the Standards Education e-Zine quarterly.
i. Publishing eZine three times this year.
c. Goal #3: Develop content for educators to use to implement standards into their
i. Making progress in this area. Should capture a new list.
Goal #4: Develop a plan targeting practitioners (industry professionals).
i. Created survey addressing practitioners. Continue into 2013.
ii. Susan said we may want to think about creating a “Certificate Program.” Would
be in a particular field, e.g., cyber security. SA has done some research, but
more is needed.
Goal #5: Outreach to universities
i. Making progress in implementing university outreach business plan. Additional
content for educators and the case study book.
Goal #6: Hold seminars/workshops aimed at students and/or educators and
i. Workshop from London is a good model. Yatin suggested refining it for a specific
area, such as in design automation.
Goal #7: Region-based standards education strategies.
i. SA was heavily involved in strategic planning for India. SEC has had increased
engagement in India.
Goal #8: Develop more low-cost, high-value mechanisms for delivering standards
education content.
i. Developing more eLearning content, as well as publishing eZine.
i. Goal #9: Continue to provide student grants, case studies, tutorials and other content.
i. Impact of the grants is showing that they are influencing whether standards are
used in the classroom.
15) Next call in December will be 18 December 2012, at 11:00 to 1:00 PM.
16) Meeting adjourned at 2:58 PM.
Summary of Action Items
1. David: Create an org chart showing how the SEC reports into the EAB and SA BoG.
2. Jennifer: Ask students how they heard about the grants. (Include on new survey for 2012
3. Jennifer: Work with Mirelle White in EA to make sure that we are sending the grant application
information directly to the Student Branch Chairs. Get the names of the Region branch
coordinators and ask them to send a targeted email to their student branch chairs. Target GOLD
members as well.
4. Jennifer: provide feedback on Practitioner’s survey to Marc Beebe’s group and recirculate to
SEC to finalize.
5. Jennifer: follow up with Jeff Handal on Region 5 opportunities.