4. The pre-accredited delivery plan

2014 Pre-accredited Purchasing Package and
Guide v2
The Purchasing Package is available on the ACFE website
Contents .............................................................................................................................. 2
1. ACFE Board investment .................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3
Learn Local: Focusing on the Future ............................................................................ 3
The role of the ACFE Board ......................................................................................... 3
Entering into an agreement with the ACFE Board ........................................................ 4
2. ACFE Board supported education and training in 2014 ................................................... 5
ACFE Board 2014 purchasing priorities........................................................................ 5
Pre-accredited programs purchased by the ACFE Board for delivery by Learn Local
organisations ................................................................................................................ 5
Eligibility for Pre-Accredited Courses............................................................................ 6
Exclusions to Eligibility for Pre-Accredited Courses...................................................... 6
Publicity and Acknowledgement Guidelines ................................................................. 6
Student Enrolment Privacy Notice ................................................................................ 6
Pre Accredited Quality Framework ............................................................................... 7
A-frame ......................................................................................................................... 7
Moderation and Verification .......................................................................................... 7
Fee concession arrangements for pre-accredited delivery ........................................... 7
Regional Council priorities ............................................................................................ 8
3. The purchase of pre-accredited training for delivery in 2014 ........................................... 9
Applying for funds ......................................................................................................... 9
Next Steps .................................................................................................................... 9
Reporting pre-accredited student activity .................................................................... 10
Regional office monitoring role ................................................................................... 10
Further information ..................................................................................................... 10
4. The pre-accredited delivery plan .................................................................................... 11
Templates ................................................................................................................... 11
Variations to the Delivery Plan .................................................................................... 11
Program categories .................................................................................................... 11
5. Further information......................................................................................................... 15
6. Appendices .................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix 1: Acknowledgment and publicity guidelines for Victorian Government
funding support ........................................................................................................... 16
Appendix 2: Student enrolment privacy notice ............................................................ 21
1. ACFE Board investment
The Victorian Government is committed to building a modern, high quality vocational education
system, which offers all Victorians the opportunity to gain the skills they need and develop their
Victoria’s adult community education sector has a long, proud history. Today, more than 300 Learn
Local organisations (LLOs) deliver a wide range of education and community programs, including
vocational training to more than 75,000 Victorians. LLOs have a great record of supporting
Victorians who face barriers in accessing education and training, and in building people’s
capabilities and confidence for work and life. LLOs also deliver accessible, locally-based training in
parts of Victoria where there are fewer training options. They are among Victoria’s most valuable
community assets, improving the lives and prospects of many Victorians, and playing a positive
role in strengthening local economies and communities.
Learn Local: Focusing on the Future
On 29 August 2013, the Minister for Higher Education and Skills launched the Learn Local:
Focusing on the Future strategy. The Learn Local strategy sets out the actions Government will
take to help the sector to sharpen its focus and improve its sustainability and responsiveness. The
strategy will apply the strengths of Learn Local organisations to boost the sector’s capacity to
deliver high-quality education services and pathways to employment. It will assist the sector to
keep pace with the evolving needs of employers and students.
The Learn Local strategy provides an important context for the ACFE Board’s investment in preaccredited training. Through this strategy, the Government affirms its commitment to preaccredited training and the importance of Learn Local organisations within the Victorian vocational
training system. A copy of Learn Local: Focusing on the Future can be accessed at:
The role of the ACFE Board
The role of the Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board is to advise the Minister on
the provision of education and training programs and services for adults in community based and
Adult Education Institution settings. The focus is on building capability of individuals and the
capacity of communities.
The ACFE Board achieves these objectives through an investment process that
establishes relationships with viable community based adult education organisations
(LLOs) in order to invest in delivery of vocational education and training
delivers outcomes for learners in line with government policy
supports LLOs by providing access to specific activities and grants and utilises the
facilitative and advisory roles of Regional Councils and regional staff
Entering into an agreement with the ACFE Board
To be eligible to receive funds for pre-accredited delivery in 2014 organisations must be registered
with the ACFE Board and have a current valid Business Viability Assessment.
Registration does not provide a guarantee of funding. For more information on registration with the
ACFE Board, see Guidelines and Criteria for Registration with the Adult, Community and Further
Education Board (doc - 146.5kb)
Organisations offered funding will be required to enter into an agreement with the ACFE Board.
In 2014 these agreements will be made using the Common Funding Agreement which is a
standard funding agreement for use with not for profit community organisations in receipt of
Victorian Government funding for services and projects.
The Agreement:
Outlines the general terms and conditions of the Agreement.
Establishes the principles guiding the relationship between the ACFE Board and the Learn
Local Organisation
Obtains the Learn Local Organisation’s commitment to support government policies that
have a bearing on the provision of adult, community and further education to Victorians
Agreements are signed by the ACFE Board and the Learn Local Organisation.
2. ACFE Board supported education and training in 2014
ACFE Board 2014 purchasing priorities
The ACFE Board has a strong focus on supporting the learning of Victorian adults who are well
suited to participating in learning in a Learn Local setting. This includes people with higher learning
needs such as:
 people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds and those who require
assistance with English as a second language
 learners facing adult literacy and numeracy challenges to participation
 those who have been marginalised and have not accessed education, training and employment
 people who have experienced barriers to education in the past
 those who live in remote and rural areas or who have limited access to learning opportunities
 people whose education and employment opportunities can be enhanced by improved digital
Pre-accredited learners are likely to be:
Early school leavers
Disengaged youth
CALD learners
Learners with a disability
Indigenous learners
Male learners over 45
Vulnerable low skill workers
Low socio-economic status
The ACFE Board has identified these learner groups for particular focus in pre-accredited
Approximately 80 per cent of the available 2014 budget will be allocated to programs targeted to
improving pathways to education and employment for higher needs learners, with the remaining
20 per cent focussed specifically on programs that develop digital literacy for these learners.
The ACFE Board will continue to give Learn Local organisations access to internationally
recognised digital literacy course content as an option for supporting pre-accredited digital literacy
Pre-accredited programs purchased by the ACFE Board for delivery by Learn Local
The primary purpose of pre-accredited programs is to provide vocational training to engage the
most educationally disadvantaged learners and initiate vocational and/or employment pathways
for them.
Pre-accredited training has an emphasis on those learners who have not achieved year nine or
an equivalent qualification. It addresses the particular needs of those adults who have
experienced barriers to education in the past and find it difficult to undertake accredited programs
as their first step into vocational training.
Eligibility for Pre-Accredited Courses
To be eligible for pre-accredited government subsidised training places, a learner should be an
Australian citizen, or an Australian Permanent Resident, or a New Zealand citizen.
Exclusions to Eligibility for Pre-Accredited Courses
An individual is not eligible for a government subsidised pre-accredited training place if they are:
(a) within the meaning of the Corrections Act 1986, a prisoner held at a prison, including but not
limited to:
i) Hopkins Correctional Centre (Ararat)
ii) Barwon Prison
iii) Beechworth Prison
iv) Dame Phyllis Frost Centre
v) Dhurringile Prison
vi) Langi Kal Kal Prison
vii) Loddon Prison
viii) Marngoneet Correctional Centre
ix) Tarrengower Prison
x) Metropolitan Remand Centre
xi) Melbourne Assessment Prison
xii) Fulham Correctional Centre
xiii) Port Phillip Prison
(b) A person who is detained under the Mental Health Act 1986; or the Crimes (Mental Impairment
and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 or the Sentencing Act 1991 at the Thomas Embling Hospital.
(c) A person who is detained (other than on weekend detention) under the Children, Youth and
Families Act 2005 or the Sentencing Act 1991 or who is held on remand in one of the following
youth justice facilities:
i) Malmsbury Juvenile Justice Centre
ii) Parkville Youth Residential Centre
Publicity and Acknowledgement Guidelines
All providers are required to adhere to the Victorian Government Publicity and Acknowledgement
Guidelines. These are as set out in Appendix 1. If you have any questions in relation to these
guidelines you should contact the ACFE Board Secretariat (03 9637 2077).
Student Enrolment Privacy Notice
When enrolling learners in government subsidised pre-accredited training, all providers are
required to use the student enrolment privacy notice set out in the latest version of the Victorian
VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014. A copy of this information for Version
2014.3.2 can be found at Appendix 2. The privacy notice must be used in all enrolment forms for
all students who are commencing or re-enrolling. Providers may need to add further information
to cover their organisation’s use of student data.
Where electronic enrolment forms are provided, appropriate electronic confirmation should be
implemented for the student to confirm that the details provided are correct and that the student
has accepted the privacy notice.
Pre Accredited Quality Framework
The Pre-accredited Quality Framework has been developed by the ACFE Board to improve
outcomes for learners not ready to undertake an accredited course but wish to improve their skills
so as to secure employment, access further study, and to build their capacity to engage and
remain a part of a complex and fast changing society.
The Pre-accredited Quality Framework is a quality improvement mechanism and curriculum
framework that supports teachers and managers to plan, develop, teach and review preaccredited courses. It incorporates an updated A-frame and Moderation processes and a variety
of other associated resources and tools.
The Pre-accredited Quality Framework is published as a kit containing a series of hardback
volumes which are also available as a series of electronic files at the following link:
Pre-accredited programs are locally designed programs developed using the ACFE Board’s Aframe. The A-frame is a system for planning and documenting educational practices. It provides
a curriculum model and practical tools (the Course Plan and the Learner Plan) for planning and
documenting pre-accredited courses. Electronic A-frame templates can be found on the above
Learn Local organisations contracted by the ACFE Board to deliver pre-accredited programs in
2014 are required to use the A-frame to design and develop these programs. On request Learn
Local organisations must provide the Regional Office with copies of A-frame documents for any
pre-accredited programs purchased by the ACFE Board for delivery in 2014. A-frame documents
for programs being submitted for funding for the first time must be submitted with the delivery plan
that includes the program.
Moderation and Verification
The ACFE Board has developed moderation processes to be used by Learn Local organisations
developing pre-accredited programs to be purchased by the ACFE Board. The moderation
process is a collaborative, peer appraisal process that promotes a shared understanding of what
constitutes quality course design, delivery and outcomes for learners.
Regional Offices will request Learn Local organisations to provide them with a sample of preaccredited courses at least once over a three year period for verification. The verification of
moderated pre-accredited courses provides:
 an opportunity for Learn Locals to review and sign-off on their moderation processes;
 feedback to LLO about how sampled courses align to the Quality Indications; and
 an assurance to the ACFE Board that the courses they purchase are of a high quality
regardless of where the courses are delivered across Victoria.
Over time all pre-accredited courses purchased by the ACFE Board will have been moderated by
Learn Local organisations.
Fee concession arrangements for pre-accredited delivery
Some learners in pre-accredited programs are eligible for fee concessions. The ACFE Board has
a budget to reimburse organisations for a proportion of the revenue foregone by granting fee
concessions to learners in pre-accredited programs. Concessions must be flagged appropriately
when uploading your statistical data to SVTS in order to be considered for a reimbursement and
final SVTS data reports for 2014 will be the source for calculating these payments.
Regional Council priorities
The ACFE Board acts on advice from Regional Councils of ACFE about regional purchasing
priorities and recommended program purchases. The role of the Regional Council of ACFE is to
identify local, emerging or broader regional needs and recommend purchasing priorities.
The ACFE Board supports the purchase of programs that directly improve equity and access of
learners to improved pathways to employment and further study. Specifically, the ACFE Board is
interested in purchasing programs that reflect the needs of learners and industry demands in
each region.
These demands vary across the state. For example, metropolitan regions will need to match
purchasing allocations to growth corridors and identify programs that articulate pathways to
accredited learning options; in rural and regional regions programs purchased will reflect industry
demand and pathways for learners. The under-represented learners in each local government
area vary across the state as do the current allocations in these areas.
Information on regional priorities is available at:
3. The purchase of pre-accredited training for delivery in 2014
Applying for funds
LLOs must use the ACFE Board’s delivery plan template to nominate pre-accredited programs for
delivery in 2014. The template is available on the ACFE Board website.
To be considered for funding, a pre-accredited program must be 20 hours or more in duration and
be part of a total pre-accredited purchase from the LLO of at least 500 student contact hours for
the calendar year.
The delivery plan provides the basis for the LLO and the regional office to negotiate the purchase
of pre-accredited programs across the four Program Categories. Each individual pre-accredited
program must be identified separately on the delivery plan, one program per row.
When your delivery plan has been approved by the regional office the ACFE Board will use a
Common Funding Agreement Schedule to purchase the training which will document the agreed
SCH for purchase within each of the four Program Categories.
Note that to receive funds for pre-accredited delivery in 2014 LLOs must have reregistered with
the ACFE Board in 2013 and will need to enter into an Agreement with the ACFE Board.
Next Steps
Download the 2014 version of the delivery plan
template and begin planning 2014 preaccredited delivery.
Attend the regional forum in your region for
further information on 2014 pre-accredited
Submit the delivery plan and discuss with your
regional office. The regional office approves
delivery plan and delivery within each of the four
Program Categories.
Schedules are e-mailed to you from
Print then sign two copies of the Schedule
ACFE Board makes first payment to you
Due date
From 3 October 2013
Between 7 – 18 October
Proposed plan due no later than
8 November 2013
Week beginning 2 December
You must return two signed
Schedules to reach the Department
no later than 13 December 2013
Last Tuesday in January 2014
Reporting pre-accredited student activity
LLOs contracted with the ACFE Board to deliver pre-accredited programs in 2014 must provide a
minimum of quarterly statistical reports, although it is highly recommended that LLOs report
more regularly to become familiar with the system. These reports must be made through SVTS.
When reporting LLOs must meet the requirements in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Data
Collection Guidelines including the requirement to maintain a compliant, up-to-date student
management system. For more information contact the SVTS enquiry service or your regional
LLOs reporting pre-accredited and/or accredited training should
 report data for the entire year on each upload (because each upload overwrites the
existing data in the system); and
 report pre-accredited and accredited training data in the same report, i.e. do not report
accredited and pre-accredited training separately; and
 use funding code ACE to report pre-accredited programs; and
 report pre-accredited programs with the VET flag set to “Y”.
 when reporting delivery of Digital Literacy Programs use the Field of Education
classification 080905,
 identify each individual pre-accredited program in the report, by using the same local
name used in the delivery plan.
Pre-accredited training must not be:
 linked in reporting to a Training Package Qualification or a nationally recognised
accredited module or course by use of a nationally recognised accredited course or
module code.
 marketed as accredited training. The names and codes of advertised courses or modules
must be local.
 assessed for the purpose of award or credit.
Regional office monitoring role
Departmental staff will monitor your reported delivery against the contracted delivery (SCH) by
comparing your approved SCHs within each of the four Program Categories and the actual
reported delivery throughout the year.
NOTE: Only the data you report by successfully uploading information via the SVTS will be
accepted by DEECD as evidence of you meeting your 2014 contract for pre-accredited training
Further information
Further information about the purchasing process can be obtained from regional offices.
4. The pre-accredited delivery plan
This section is a guide to completing the pre-accredited delivery plan template for submission to
your regional office.
LLOs wishing to deliver ACFE Board supported pre-accredited programs must complete the 2014
version of the delivery plan (available from the ACFE Board website) and submit the completed
proposed delivery plan to the appropriate regional office for consideration.
When approved the SCHs allocated to each of the 4 Program Categories will be incorporated into
your Agreement as an item in a Schedule.
Delivery plans must be completed in electronic form as Microsoft Excel spread sheet files. The
2014 version of the delivery plan template is available on the ACFE website.
Note that a number of cells (headings are coloured) are set up to make calculations and selfpopulate. The box containing the four Program Categories will self-populate based on the content
of the delivery plan. The four Program Categories will form part of your contract. Do not manually
enter data in these cells.
Due date
Delivery plan negotiations must be finalised and plans submitted to the regional office by Friday 8
November 2013. Earlier submissions are strongly encouraged. (see regional contact details
at back of document)
Variations to the Delivery Plan
LLOs proposing to vary the delivery of programs from what was agreed must negotiate the variation
and obtain prior approval from the Manager, Training Participation Support for the region of
If the variation is approved and includes a change in total hours or to the allocation to the four
Program Categories, a new schedule incorporating the agreed revised distribution of hours must be
fully executed by the provider and the ACFE Board.
Only validly reported data relating to agreed four program categories which have been included in
the contract between the LLO and the ACFE Board will be accepted as evidence of the LLO having
met the terms of their contract with the ACFE Board.
Program categories
Program categories are used to classify all pre-accredited programs purchased by the Board. The
ACFE Board purchases pre-accredited programs whose content can be classified as follows:
Adult Literacy and Numeracy − Training in literacy and numeracy skills including teaching English
language to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, for example English as a
Second Language (ESL).
Employment Skills − Training in basic skills to support work or further learning, such as
communications, teamwork and problem solving, job search and return to study skills.
Vocational Programs − Vocational education that assists people with skills acquisition required for
specific occupations to start work, return to work or to change jobs.
Digital Literacy – Training in skills to understand and utilise a range of digital technologies.
This may include either ACFE Board supported digital literacy programs, or locally developed digital
literacy programs. Locally developed digital literacy programs will need to focus on developing
digital literacy skills that will assist in creating a stronger pathway to further education and/or
employment for the learner, and incorporate one or more of the following characteristics1:
 understanding how to use digital devices to locate and find content and services;
 producing, communicating and receiving information using technology e.g. blogging, instant
messaging, podcasts, social networks, e-mail etc.;
 understanding and evaluating media content and judging the quality and authority of
 the ability to participate in social networking and user generated content; and
 understanding and managing security risks.
Innovation and Business Skills Australia, Identifying Digital Literacy Skills, 2010
Completing the pre-accredited delivery plan template
Section A
Region − Identify the appropriate region. This field has a drop down list
Date − Identify the date the plan is completed (or revised) for submission to the regional office
Organisation name − Current organisation name as it appears on your ABN registration
ABN − Australian Business Number
TOID − Training Organisation Identifier Number
RTO Status − Identify if your organisation is a Registered Training Organisation
Contact Person − Name of the person with whom regional staff can discuss the content of the
delivery plan
Contact Phone / E-mail − Contact person’s e-mail and telephone number
Delivery Plan Version Number − Delivery plan version 1, or a revision i.e. version 2, 3 etc.
Summary by Program Categories (self-populates) − This section will calculate automatically
from data entered in Section B. Program Categories used in the Pre-accredited Delivery Plan are
discussed on page 10.
Section B
1. Local code −The local code for your pre-accredited program (Note: a national or state
recognised course code must not to be used on the Delivery Plan and must not be used when
reporting pre-accredited training activity through SVTS.
2. Local name −The name of the pre-accredited program
3. Field of Education (FoE) for the Program − This field has a drop down list. The FoE should
be based on the intent of the program.
4. Program Category (self-populates) − This field is automatically populated, depending on
the Field of Education chosen for the program.
5. Learning Outcomes including Pathways − Learning outcomes of a pre-accredited program
must be focused on providing learners with a pathway to qualifications and/or employment.
6. Local Government Area (LGA) of Delivery −Choose the appropriate LGA from the drop
down list.
7. Anticipated term/s of delivery – Enter the term (or terms if the program will be offered more
than once) when you plan to deliver the program. For example ‘1’ for first term; ‘1, 4’ for first and
fourth term. Use numbers not words.
8. Program Scheduled Hours −Total number of hours of program delivery
9. Number of Students − Number of students to be enrolled in the course.
10. Total Scheduled (SCH) (self-populates) −This field calculates automatically from data
entered in previous fields.
10. Total Payment (self-populates) −Total payment for program item
Delivery Plan template is available
5. Further information
Pre-accredited training
The pre-accredited quality framework including the A-Frame is a tool to guide planning of preaccredited training, see www.education.vic.gov.au/training/providers/learnlocal/Pages/pqf.aspx
For advice and support on planning pre-accredited delivery contact your regional office.
Accredited training
For information on becoming a Registered Training Organisation or extending your scope of
registration see http://vrqa.vic.gov.au
See the official National Register of information on Training Packages, Qualifications, Courses,
Units of Competency and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) at http://training.gov.au
Course summaries and curriculum are available from the Training Support Network (TSN)
Advice on planning accredited Further Education programs can be obtained from the General
Studies and Further Education Curriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM) located at Victoria
Email sicmm.generalstudies@vu.edu.au telephone (03) 9919 5300 or (03) 9919 5302.
North Western Victoria Region
North Eastern Victoria Region
(Previously: Loddon Mallee & North part of
North West Metropolitan)
(Previously: Eastern Metropolitan & Hume)
Manager, Training Participation Support
North Western Victoria:
Manager, Training Participation Support
North Eastern Victoria:
Kaye Callaghan
Julie Hebert
Project Officer: Jodie Fisher
Project Officer: Angelo Pietrobon
South Western Victoria Region
South Eastern Victoria Region
(Previously: Barwon South Western,
Grampians, and Western part of North West
(Previously: Southern Metropolitan &
Manager, Training Participation Support
South Western Victoria:
Manager, Training Participation Support
South Eastern Victoria:
Georgina Ryder
Robyn Downie
Project Officer: David Harris
Project Officer: Janine Pickersgill
Pg 15
6. Appendices
Appendix 1: Acknowledgment and publicity guidelines for Victorian Government
funding support
Under clause 4.17 of Part B and item 6 of Part A of the common funding agreement or under a
short form agreement, organisations must acknowledge the funding support provided by the
Victorian Government for the services funded.
This acknowledgement must be made in:
publications and publicity related to services funded – for example, websites, media
print and electronic documents and speeches/launches an organisation’s annual report.
Please note: No acknowledgement is required for general administrative notices or messages
such as weekly newsletters relating to operational aspects of the business. These guidelines are
focused on publications that directly relate to services funded by the Victorian Government.
By acknowledging this support, organisations are informing the community about how public
funding is spent.
This change is not retrospective. Only publications or publicity developed, revised or updated
after 18 March 2013 need to include this funding acknowledgement. Existing publications or
publicity does not need to be revised to include this acknowledgment, until the content of the
document is updated for other purposes.2
Unless otherwise specified in any other Applicable Departmental Policy or schedules to an
Organisation’s service agreement, the acknowledgment requirements listed in this document are
required to be followed.
Some services have program specific acknowledgement requirements described in other
Applicable Departmental Policies or schedules to an Organisation’s service agreement (e.g. youth
programs, mens sheds, neighbourhood houses and the Home and Community Care (HACC)
program). This is often the case where service funding is provided jointly from the State and
Commonwealth Government, such as the HACC program.
These specific program requirements will continue to apply, and to the extent that there is a
conflict between program specific acknowledgment requirements and the acknowledgement
requirements described in this document, specific program requirements will prevail.
Organisations should ensure that they are aware of their specific acknowledgement requirements.
If an organisation has any questions about the funding acknowledgement requirements that apply
to the services they deliver, it should contact its service agreement department contact
(department contact).
For websites, this does not include HTML or automatic updates of pages. The funding acknowledgement only needs to be included
where there is additional content or a new page is being added about a initiative, program or service funded by the Victorian
Government under the service agreement.
Keeping the funding confidential
Organisations may be required to keep the funding confidential until a public announcement is
Once funding has been approved for the delivery of services by an organisation, it may remain
highly confidential until the relevant minister or their representative has publicly announced that
funding has been approved. An organisation will be advised in writing if this is the case at the time
it is notified that funding has been approved.
Format of acknowledgement
Organisations must acknowledge the Victorian Government’s funding support for services funded
under the service agreement in published or printed materials, speeches, or other forms of
The funding acknowledgment format required in publications and publicity related to funded
services is as follows:
annual report – logo and written acknowledgment statement to be included in the report,
for example on an acknowledgment or supporter page rather than on the front page.
print and electronic documents, reports, brochures and the like – logo and written
acknowledgement statement placed where appropriate3
posters – logo and written acknowledgement
websites – written acknowledgment statement and logo (as relevant). The
acknowledgement only needs to occur on relevant pages describing the funded services.
Websites developed with the Victorian Government’s funding support should also include
a link to the department’s website. An organisation can contact its department contact for
the relevant URL.
media releases – written acknowledgement statement
speeches/launches/conferences – verbal acknowledgment, display of banners (where
practical) and signs and logo acknowledgment in programs/invites/websites.
In limited circumstances, an organisation may be exempt from using of the State Government
logo in particular publicity and publications related to services funded. Please contact your
department contact for further advice if you feel there is a publication which you believe should be
Written acknowledgement statement of Victorian Government funding
Any written acknowledgement statement in published or printed materials associated with the
funded service should include one of the statements below:
The [name of program/s/projects/s/ service/s] was/were supported by the Victorian
The [name of program/s/projects/s/ service/s] are/is supported by the Victorian
[Name of organisation] acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.
Please note: an acknowledgement is not required for general administrative notices or messages such as weekly newsletters relating
to operational aspects of the business. These guidelines are focused on publications that directly relate services funded by the
Victorian Government.
Victorian Government insignia (logo)
The Victorian Government insignia is the primary branding device, or logo, of
the Victorian Government.
Where a logo acknowledgement by a funded organisation is required, the
guidelines outlined below for using the Victorian Government insignia (logo)
must be followed. 4
Under no circumstances should funded organisations alter these logos or copy and paste the logo
from this or any other Victorian Government publication or website. The downloadable logos
available in conjunction with this document on the Funded Agency Channel must be used.
There are variations on how the logo is to be used depending on what an organisation is
publishing or printing.
Official colours and correct logo usage
Pantone® 541 is the official colour of the logo. The web-safe equivalent is RGB (R = 0, G = 51, B
Logos will only be supplied in this colour or black and can also be used as a transparent logo.
If the logo is transparent, the area surrounding the Southern Cross stars and the text within the
main block should reveal the underlying background colour and should not default to white on a
coloured background.
For reasons of clarity and impact, consideration should be given to the appropriate contrast
between the background and the logo.
Where the background is a solid dark colour, the logo may be reversed out; appearing as white on
a coloured background.
Logos cannot be ‘stretched’ or distorted in any way – the ratio between width and height
measurements should always be kept the same.
Logo usage and placement
The visual style of the organisation receiving the funding should be the primary brand of the
publication or website.
These guidelines align with the Victorian Government branding guidelines
The organisation’s logo can be placed on either side of the State Government of Victoria logo.
Clearspace is an exclusion zone surrounding a logo where no other text or
graphic may appear.
The amount of clearspace to be allowed around each logo is equal to the height
of the letter ‘V’ in Victoria for ALL logos, regardless of format or version. This is
a scalable measurement, so that clearspace increases with logo size.
Document – minimum sizes for logo
Logo should be 10 mm (width) if the document is smaller than 99 x 210 mm
Logo should be 16 mm (width) if the document is between 99 x 210 mm and 297 x 210 mm
Logo should be 19.25 mm (width) for documents 297 x 210 mm and above
Digital – minimum sizes for logo
Digital – maximum sizes for logo
40 (h) x 70 (w) pixel
51 (h) x 90 (w) pixel
How to access the logo
The State Government of Victoria logo can be downloaded from My Agency on the Funded
Agency Channel: https://hns.dhs.vic.gov.au/facadmin/home.aspx.
The logos are located under the heading Resources on the front screen when entering My
Agency. The page is titled State Government of Victorian insignia - logo for acknowledgment of
funding support.
My Agency is a secure website. To access my agency, staff members of organisations are
required to be registered for eBusiness. Further information about registering for eBusiness is
provided on Funded Agency Channel: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/funded-agencychannel/accessing-my-agency/accessing-my-agency-for-funded-organisation-users
If an organisation is unsure about when and how the logo should be used, an organisation should
contact its department contact.
Where a conference supported by the Victorian Government or an event/launch has been
organised in relation to a service funded by the Victorian Government:
programs/invitations/websites should display the Victorian Government logo (as relevant)
any speeches and presentations should include a verbal acknowledgement of Victorian
Government support. Where appropriate the relevant Minister should be acknowledged,
together with the relevant program/service name.
Departmental or Victorian Government signs and banners may be available for use by
organisations to display at relevant events/launches and conferences and can be used where
practical. When organising an event or conference, an organisation can contact its department
contact to discuss the use of these signs and banners. If organisations have their own banners
developed related to the service or initiative funded which includes the Victorian Government logo
a department/Government banner may not be required in some cases.
If the minister/other government representative has agreed to launch the service / project /
conference the department will coordinate participation by the minister or representative and work
with organisations on the details of the event, including ensuring that appropriate banners and
signs are available for the event.
Further information
Department of Human Services
An organisation can contact its department contact if they require further information on the
funding acknowledgement requirements above. The department contact may consult with the
Communications Branch.
Department of Health
An organisation can contact its department contact if they require further information on the
funding acknowledgement requirements above. The department contact may consult with Jo
Perkich in the Corporate Communications Unit.
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
An organisation can contact its department contact if they require further information on the
funding acknowledgement requirements above. The department contact may consult with Leigh
Raymond in the Communications Division.
Appendix 2: Student enrolment privacy notice
Privacy Statement
Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – Issued December 2014
Version 2014.3.2
I understand that:
[Insert name of training provider] is required to provide the Victorian Government, through the
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, with student and training activity
data which may include information I provide in this enrolment form. Information is required to be
provided in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines (which
are available at http://www.education.vic.gov.au/training/providers/rto/Pages/datacollection.aspx).
The Department may use the information provided to it for planning, administration, policy
development, program evaluation, resource allocation, reporting and/or research activities. For
these and other lawful purposes, the Department may also disclose information to its consultants,
advisers, other government agencies, professional bodies and/or other organisations. I have been
advised by the training organisation that I may be contacted and requested to participate in a
National Centre for Vocational Education Research survey or a Department-endorsed project or
audit or review.
The Education and Training Reform Act 2006 requires [insert name of training provider] to
collect and disclose my personal information for a number of purposes including the
allocation to me of a Victorian Student Number and updating my personal information on
the Victorian Student Register.
For students eligible for VET Fee Help, the following privacy statement also applies:
[Insert name of training provider] is collecting the information in this form for the purpose of
assessing my entitlement to Commonwealth assistance under the Higher Education Support Act
2003 and allocation of a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN)
to me. [Insert name of training provider] will disclose this information to the Commonwealth
Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) for
those purposes. DIISRTE will store the information securely in the Higher Education Information
Management System. DIISRTE may disclose the information to the Australian Taxation Office.
[Insert name of training provider] and DIISRTE will not otherwise disclose the information without
my consent unless required or authorised by law.
For more information in relation to how student information may be used or disclosed please
contact [insert training provider]’s Privacy Officer on phone [#] or email [#].
I acknowledge and agree to the terms described in this privacy statement:
Student signature: ………………………………………………………….
[insert “tick box” to confirm acceptance of the privacy statement for online enrolments]