Handbook 3 Key Forms 2014-2015 Full-time pre-service Professional & Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Further Education and Training) Contents Page The forms included in this booklet must be used for the relevant assignments or tasks. Failure to do so could result in your work being referred because it has fallen short of addressing the relevant learning outcomes. This booklet will be housed on Student Central and your own College’s VLE. Section 1: General Forms 1. Record of Teaching Hours .................................................................................................. 2. Rationale for taught/observed sessions .............................................................................. 3. Session plan and evaluation ............................................................................................... Section 2: Mentor Forms 1. Record of mentorship (to be signed by the mentor) ............................................................ 2. Mentor review 1 (to be completed by the mentor) .............................................................. 3. Mentor review 2 (to be completed by the mentor) .............................................................. Section 3: Forms for KL512 (semester 1, deadline 4/12/14) 1. Content page ....................................................................................................................... 2. Professional Profile ............................................................................................................. 3. Learning Journal 1 ............................................................................................................... 4. Individual Trainee Profile .................................................................................................... 5. Micro teach session plan ..................................................................................................... 6. Micro teach peer review ...................................................................................................... Section 4: Forms for KL613 (semester 1, Interim deadline 5/2/15; final deadline 19/2/15) 1. Content page ....................................................................................................................... 2. Context of teaching and scheme of work evaluation (Cert Ed) ........................................... 3. Content of teaching and scheme of work evaluation (PGCE) ............................................. 4. Assessment grid ................................................................................................................. 5. Curriculum study (task sheet issued by course tutor) ......................................................... 6. Learning Journal 2 ............................................................................................................... 7. Learning Journal 3 ............................................................................................................... 8. Review of Professional Standards (interim) ........................................................................ 9. Intermediate Plan ................................................................................................................ Section 5: Forms for KL610 (semester 1, deadline 29/1/15) 1. Content page ....................................................................................................................... 2. Peer feedback for group presentation (Cert Ed) ................................................................. 3. Peer feedback for group presentation (PGCE) ................................................................... Section 6: Forms for KL611/709 (semester 2, deadline 22/5/15) 1. Content page ....................................................................................................................... 2. Project proposal Cert Ed) .................................................................................................... 3. Project proposal (PGCE) ..................................................................................................... 4. Action Learning Set report ................................................................................................... Section 7: Forms for KL612 (semester 2, deadline 22/5/15) 1. Content page ....................................................................................................................... 2. Peer review of resource presentation ................................................................................. 3. Learning journal 4 ................................................................................................................ 4. Learning journal 5 ................................................................................................................ 5. Learning journal 6 ................................................................................................................ 6. Review of Professional Standards (final) ............................................................................ 7. CPD record ......................................................................................................................... Section 1: General forms 1 Record of teaching hours Trainee name: Period of report please tick Semester 1 September – January Date Date: Semester 2 Group February – May Organisation/ room Total hours Tick if session plan included TOTAL HOURS TOTAL PLANS Total hours – minimum of 100-150 per course I can confirm that these hours are allocated to …………………………………………………….……… Signed ………………………………… ................................................................................................... Role within Organisation ………………............................. ................................................................... Date ………………………….. ............................................................................................................... 2 University of Brighton PGCE/Cert Ed (FET) 2014/15 Rationale for taught session Section 1 (If the session is being observed, please ensure that the observer has a copy of this document before the session) Trainee’s Name: Teaching Observation (please tick) 1 2 3 5 6 7 Module Code (please identify) 4 8 KL Organisation Date Observing Tutor Room number Time Observing Tutor’s signature Group/no. of students Subject Second Observer’s name and signature if double observation This rationale should consider the following: Explanation of planning and rationale for your approach to student learning What you are hoping to achieve Areas causing you most concern and why Aspects on which you would appreciate feedback(if an observed session) Reference to any action points/targets identified Links to reading that has informed your thinking and approach The focus for this reflection/observation is: Targets from previous observation or most relevant: 3 Rationale References 4 University of Brighton in partnership with City College, Sussex Downs College, Central Sussex College, Sussex Coast College and Northbrook College Session Plan 14/15 Course Code: Time / Date / Week: Course Title: Duration of Lesson: Subject / Unit Title: Location: Lecturer: No. of Learners: Aim (s) - (a general statement about the intention of the session) Learning Outcomes ( measuring skills, knowledge and attitude so that by the end of the lesson…. ) Learners will be able to: What, if any, specific actions will you take to ensure some learners achieve beyond the identified learning outcomes? (specify who, using learner initials, and how? What, if any, specific actions will you take to ensure all learners achieve the identified learning outcomes? (specify who, using learner initials, and how?) What work, if any, have the learners been asked to do in preparation for the session? What additional needs have been identified within the group? What planning is in place to support these students? How will English /communication and maths skills be developed within the session? 5 What ICT elements are being used/developed within the session? Resources: Health and Safety: Please consider the following in your planning: How engaging is start of session? Selling the usefulness / relevance to life / work / qualification Explaining purpose of activities 6 How will learners demonstrate new learning? What can be highlighted in class for homework / further study / challenge What preparation tasks can be set to give information before the following session? Time Learner Activity: Learning Outcome(s): (What is the learning from this activity?) Key questions to be asked: (to stretch and challenge / to cause thinking / to check learning) 7 How are you developing English and maths? Homework / extension activities / use of multimedia resources to prepare for next session: 8 Evaluation of session: Your evaluation should reflect on what you have learned from the session and how this will impact on your future practice. As you progress through the training, you will be expected to provide evidence, through analysis and referencing of key sources, of how your wider reading is influencing your practice. You should consider all of the sections below, although, depending on the nature of the session, some will be more pertinent to your evaluation than others. What was the key learning from this session? How could you have done things differently? Identify any critical incidents. How does your wider reading inform your conclusions? Were the key learning outcomes addressed? How do you know? If they weren’t, explain why? What evidence would you provide to indicate that student progress had taken place? You may refer to previous sessions and individual students using initials. What were the key development points from your observer? What is your response to these? Summarise your key short-term action points 9 Does this session provide evidence of addressing any of the Professional Standards? See below 1. Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners 11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour 2. Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs 12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities 3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge 13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression 4. Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn 14. Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment 5. Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion 15. Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use 6. Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners 16. Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning 7. Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area 17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge 8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice 18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement 9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence 19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers 10. Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning 20. Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with others 10 Section 2: Mentor forms 11 Record of Mentorship (part-time trainees Year 1) 2014/15 [to be included with modules KL404/512, KL508/609] Trainee’s name: Subject area: Mentor: Organisation: Early Stage of work-based experience (Sept-Nov) Meeting with mentor to discuss individual goals re teaching and course. Focus on professional profile Confirm timetable Introduction to key College policy, inc. H&S and Safeguarding Opportunities for observation by trainee of experienced teachers within subject specialism and beyond Date Signed by trainee Date Signed by trainee Date Signed by trainee Confirmed by mentor: Signature Mid-stages of work-based experience (Dec-Feb) Opportunities for observation by trainee of classes of varied age, ability and level Informal observation and feedback Opportunities to discuss development (learning journal/targets grid) Formal observation (x1) by mentor with verbal and written feedback Mentor review 1 completed Confirmed by mentor: Signature Later stages of trainee teacher experience (March-May) Monitoring of targets set and goals achieved Opportunities to undertake a wider range of teaching as appropriate Formal observation (x1) by mentor with verbal and written feedback Opportunities to discuss development (see learning journal/targets grid/CPD record) Mentor review 2 completed Confirmed by mentor: Signature Notes: i. The record above can be used as guidance for key tasks of mentoring. It is not an exhaustive list and should not limit additional support available. ii. The amount of support will depend on the experience of the trainee teacher and should be adjusted accordingly. However 2 observations and 2 review forms must be completed by the mentor in every case. iii. The Cause for Concern procedure should be used where the trainee is unable to make satisfactory progress. iv. Trainees are required to undertake work-based learning tasks. Mentors are asked to ensure that the trainee has access to all relevant information. 12 Mentor Review 1 (to be completed prior to Critical Review 1) Professional Values (please include any development areas) (you might consider commenting on the following: ability to inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners, commitment to equality and diversity, reflection on practice, collaboration with colleagues, adherence to agreed codes of practice and maintenance of a safe environment) Specialist Learning and Teaching (please include any development areas) (you might consider commenting on the following: currency of subject knowledge, development of good practice in subject area, motivating learners in specialist area) Planning, Learning and Teaching (please include any development areas) (any additional comments on the above) Impact on student learning and progress: ( what evidence can you cite that the trainee is doing this?) Summary of key development points: Name: College Role: 13 Mentor Review 2 (to be completed prior to Critical Review 2) Professional Values (please include any development areas) (you might consider commenting on the following: relationships with learners, commitment to equality and diversity, reflection on practice, collaboration with colleagues, adherence to agreed codes of practice and maintenance of a safe environment) Specialist Learning and Teaching (please include any development areas) (you might consider commenting on the following: currency of subject knowledge, development of good practice in subject area, motivating learners in specialist area) Planning, Learning and Teaching (please include any development areas) (any additional comments on the above) Specific targets going forward ( consider what will be most helpful to your mentee as they move into a new career or continue with existing employment) Impact (briefly outline the impact your mentee has had on the learning and progress of students and the department in which s/he was placed/worked) Name: College Role: 14 Section 3: Forms for KL512 15 Assignment Submission Name: KL512 Study Centre: Contents No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Item Professional profile (including Learning Journal 1) Page/Location Professional code of practice (signed) Course Agreement (signed) Micro teach documentation (rationale, session plan, evaluation, resources, peer feedback) Individual student profiles 7. Formal observation of your teaching (rationale, session plan, evaluation, resources, observer feedback) Log of teaching hours (signed) 8. Record of mentorship (signed) Ensure that your work adheres to the following submission requirements. Failure to do so could result in work being returned to you. A suitable font such as Arial, Calibri or Verdana using 12pt. Word counts clearly stated Harvard referencing conventions followed including use of a list of references where appropriate Work proof-read for language errors Work free of plastic wallets to facilitate assessment 16 Please tick University of Brighton in partnership with City College Brighton and Hove, Northbrook College, Sussex Downs College, Central Sussex College and Sussex Coast College Hastings Professional Profile PGCE /Cert Ed Further Education and Training 17 PGCE/Cert Ed (FET) 2014-15: Professional Profile Name: PGCE/ Cert Ed (Circle as app.) Place of work/Placement: Location of study: (Circle as app.) Academic qualifications: (level 3 and above) UoB SDC SCCH CCBH NBC Professional qualifications: Briefly explain why you are studying for PGCE/Cert Ed: Briefly explain how you came to be working in post-compulsory education (part-time trainees only) and what your long -term goal is: 18 SWOT Analysis My Strengths My Weaknesses Opportunities for the development of my role as a teacher Threats to the development of my role as a teacher I N T E R N A L E X T E R N A L 19 Initial Review of subject specialism: skills and knowledge Existing qualifications: Membership of professional bodies: Subscriptions to/regular reading of specialist journals: Strategies for maintaining currency of subject knowledge: Long term targets for developing subject specialist knowledge/skills: 20 Initial Review of Information Learning technology: skills, knowledge and experience Note down how you use ILT in your teaching practice Existing qualifications: Use of online resources, VLEs (ilearn/moodle etc): Social media, forums, blogs: Flipped learning e.g. online video lectures, blendspace, pinterest: Games, quizzes e.g. quizlet, socrative, kahoot.com: Other uses of ILT in your practice: 21 The 2014 Professional Standards: •set out clear expectations of effective practice in education and training; •enable teachers and trainers to identify areas for their own professional development; •support initial teacher education; and, •provide a national reference point that organisations can use to support the development of their staff. As a professional teacher or trainer you should demonstrate commitment to the standards in your professional practice. Read through the standards on the following page and consider your practice in the light of these standards. Using the table provided, reflect on your current strengths regarding each of the three areas of the standards and set yourself some short term targets and long term goals where you feel you need to develop your practice. 22 Professional values and attributes Develop your own judgement of what works and does not work in your teaching and training 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners Professional knowledge and understanding Develop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice 7. Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area 8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice 9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence 10. Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning 11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour 12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities Professional Skills Develop your expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learners 13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression 14. Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment 15. Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use 16. Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning 17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge 18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement 19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers 20. Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with others 23 Summary of Findings Current strengths: 24 Anticipated areas of challenge: Professional values and attributes Develop your own judgement of what works and does not work in your teaching and training Current strengths: Short term targets Long term goals: Professional knowledge and understanding Develop deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice Current strengths: 25 Short term targets: Long term goals: Professional Skills Develop your expertise and skills to ensure the best outcomes for learners Current strengths: Short term targets: Long term goals: 26 Initial Plan (October) Identification of key targets following initial self-assessment Development Area You: Specific Targets SWOT Study Skills ILT External: Professional Standards Institution/Organisation: 27 PGCE/Cert Ed: Learning Journal 1 To be submitted with module KL404/512 (This journal should be 750-1000 words for Cert Ed; 1000-1500 for PGCE.) In this first journal you should reflect on what you have learned from the observations you have carried out during the first few weeks of the course (min of two) and how this will impact on your own practice. You might consider such things as the nature of the teaching role, planning, teaching methods, learning strategies, the needs of students, assessment practice, classroom management, the learning environment, etc. You might also relate what you have identified to your own experiences from the micro teach and/or your first formal observation. You should comment on strengths of the practice observed and aspects that might be improved or that you found less effective. You should aim to draw on wider academic reading to underpin and consolidate your evaluations and reference using the Harvard system. You should comment on how you might improve your own practice based on what you have observed; what might you take from these observations and use or develop? References: 28 Name Course Date: Targets and Development Points Initial Targets from selfassessment (SWOT, etc) Action to be taken (Reading, observe colleague, discuss with mentor, try out exercise/activity) Action taken Target completed on date: Where evidence can be found? Development Points from mentor observations Action to be taken (Reading, observe colleague, discuss with mentor, try out exercise/activity) Action taken Target completed on date: Where evidence can be found? 29 Name Course Date: Targets and Development Points Development Points from tutor observations Action Points from self evaluations Action to be taken (Reading, observe colleague, discuss with mentor, try out exercise/activity) Action Taken Target completed on date: Where evidence can be found? Action to be taken (Reading, observe colleague, discuss with mentor, try out exercise/activity) Action taken Target completed on date: Where evidence can be found? 30 Name Course Date: Targets and Development Points 31 University of Brighton: KL512 Learner Profile Name ................................................................................................................................................................ Subject ............................................................................................................................................................. Initial Diagnostic assessment feedback/findings Individual Learning need Learning Difficulties Minimum Core/Functional Skills needs Issues to do with Equality and Diversity/safeguarding Initial target Other things to remember 32 KL512: Planning for and Reflection on Microteaching Section 1 (Please complete before the session) Name: Group: Subject: Provide some explanation of your planning for this session. What are you hoping to achieve? How have you taken into account the learners themselves? Have you considered their previous experience or whether some students will be more able to participate than others? How will your strategy engage your learners? 33 Section 2 (Please complete after the session hand in with the lesson plan) Reflect on both the session and the feedback you have received. Was your session effective? How do you know? Were all of the learners engaged? Were you able to assess their learning? How effective were your communication skills? Identify any changes you may make in the future as a result of this experience. Signed: Date: 34 University of Brighton KL512: Micro Teach Session Plan Trainee name: Date: Room Topic Group Number present Overall Teaching aims of session: Learning Outcomes Approx timing at the end of the session learners will have: Content/Teaching activity Learning activity 35 Monitoring of Learning Resources University of Brighton KL404/512: Micro–teach, Tutor/Peer Feedback Record Please write honestly and constructively. Advice on how to improve is the most important feedback to offer but don’t forget to praise when it is due. Trainee name: Date: Communication skills: (consider volume, pace, clarity, structure, NVC, use of resource) Engagement with learners: (consider dialogue, support, differentiation) Assessment: (consider the effectiveness of any methods used) Learner’s experience: (describe how you felt as a learner) Suggestions for improvement: (might be linked to any of above categories or other aspects you noted) 36 Section 4: Forms for KL613 37 Name: Study Centre: KL613 Contents No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Item Context of teaching & Scheme of work ( min of 6 sessions) and associated evaluation/critique Three formal observations of your teaching (rationale, session plan, evaluation, resources, observer feedback) Assessment grid (4 methods) Curriculum study Learning journal 2 (learning theory) Learning journal 3 (classroom management) Log of teaching hours (signed) Record of mentorship (signed) Page/Location Professional Standards review (interim) Updated Target Grid and Intermediate Plan (see Professional Profile from first module) Mentor review 1 (signed) Ensure that your work adheres to the following submission requirements. Failure to do so could result in work being returned to you. A suitable font such as Arial, Calibri or Verdana using 12pt. Word counts clearly stated Harvard referencing conventions followed including use of a list of references where appropriate Work proof-read for language errors Work free of plastic wallets to facilitate assessment 38 Please tick Scheme of Work Evaluation/Critique (KL613 PGCE) In approximately 750-1000 words provide an overview of the context in which you teach. You will need to consider the student group, subjects, levels, the department/faculty in which it is placed, its position within the overall institutional profile. explain how your SOW functions. Consider ideas such as the general aims, sequencing of topics, topic analysis (see Davies, Rowntree, Gagne, Stenhouse, Tummons models) and alignment of activity and assessment. You should also consider the balance between skills, knowledge and understanding. Progress in student learning should also be looked at in terms of how it is encouraged. If it is your own SOW, then you should offer an evaluation of it; if you are working from someone else’s, then you will need to offer a critique of it. 39 University of Brighton PGCE/Cert Ed: KL 508/609/613 Record of assessment methods: Identify and explain four different assessment methods you have used in your practice Assessment method Reference: session plan & place in SOW1 Why have you used this method?2 1 Comment on effectiveness of method3 Please provide dates Provide an explanation of why you believe the method supports learning. What have you learned? 3 Explain and evaluate the degree of success experienced. Reflect on how improvements could be made. 4 Include any sources you have used to discover and validate the method. 2 40 Source/reference 4 University of Brighton PGCE/Cert Ed: Learning Journal 2 To be submitted with module KL613 (1000-1500 words) In this second journal you should reflect on how learning theory has informed your thinking about teaching and learning. Part of being an effective practitioner is having an understanding of pedagogical knowledge which enables you to support students and make your subject accessible. The more you know about how people learn, the more success you will have in the classroom. You will have covered a number of key theorists in your taught sessions but you are not restricted to those individuals. If other theorists, from your wider reading, have provided additional insights, then explore how their ideas have influenced you. This is not simply a case of finding a theory to fit the way you work; it is more about evaluating theories to assess their value and relevance. You need to engage with the ideas and, if necessary, challenge them. References: 41 PGCE/Cert Ed: Learning Journal 3 To be submitted with module KL613 (1000-1500 words) In this third journal you should reflect on classroom management. Using evidence from your own practice, observations of others and wider reading explore the key elements of this topic. This will inevitably include discussion of student behavior and how to understand and respond to it; issues of equality, diversity and inclusion; and individual learning needs, including any barriers to learning. It is essential that you analyse specific examples from your practice in your discussion and relate this to the supporting reading you have completed. References: 42 Professional Standards Review (interim) 2014/15 Professional Standard5 (values and attributes) 1. Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners 2. Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs 3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge 4. Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn 5. Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion 6. Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners Professional Standard (knowledge and understanding) 7. Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area 8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidencebased practice 9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence 10. Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning 11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour 12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities Professional Standard (skills) Evidence and location6 Evidence and location Evidence and location 13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression 14. Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment 15. Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use 16. Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome 5 http://www.et-foundation.co.uk/ The evidence can be derived from the work produced for the course, feedback (from tutors, mentors, managers, peers students), college CPD, etc. 6 43 individual barriers to learning 17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge 18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement 19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers 20. Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with others 44 Intermediate Plan (January) Identification of key targets following completion of first semester and to be taken forward into the second semester. Development Area Specific Targets SWOT (review) English, Maths, Study Skills (review) ILT (review) Professional Standards (summary of key areas to be evidenced) Targets Grid (key priorities) 45 Section 5: Forms for KL610 46 Name: Study Centre: KL509/610/614 (delete as appropriate) Contents No 1. 2. Item Group presentation slides or equivalent Peer feedback Individual academic poster (Cert Ed 750-1000 words) (PGCE 1000-1500 words) Ensure that your work adheres to the following submission requirements. Failure to do so could result in work being returned to you. A suitable font such as Arial, Calibri or Verdana using 12pt. Word counts clearly stated Harvard referencing conventions followed including use of a list of references where appropriate Work proof-read for language errors Work free of plastic wallets to facilitate assessment 47 Page/Location Please tick KL610: Contemporary Issues in Education and Training – peer/tutor feedback Presentation group members: Peer/tutor name: Date: Explore and examine (PGCE: critically analyse) a contemporary issue relevant to the post-compulsory sector of education (LO1) To what extent has this been achieved? Consider how effectively the issue has been explained/analysed. Present findings from research into a contemporary issue in post-compulsory education and training (LO2) To what extent has this been achieved? Consider the relevance and range of research offered. Collaborate with others to extend understanding of a range of contemporary issues in the post compulsory sector of education (LO3) To what extent has this been achieved? Consider how effectively the group worked together and how it has developed your understanding of the issue. Additional comments: 48 Section 6: Forms for K611/709 49 KL611 Action learning Project Proposal (ProfGCE) Name: Date: 1. Prepare a coherent project proposal that clarifies the focus and structure of their research (LO3) 2. (1000 words) 3. To be submitted with the completed project Proposed title: Rationale: Consider the following questions: This area is important for my practice because: I hope to achieve: I will do this by (methodology): Key sources of information 1 Identify any key people or actions required and try to put a timescale on to this Identify important deadlines. This will include the formal observations required to gain feedback on the practice explored through this project. Key sources of information 2 Suggested Bibliography – this is an initial list to indicate that you have carried out an early survey of relevant sources. This could include books, web sites, journals, databases. Tutor Comments: (your tutor needs to comment on the validity and practicality of your idea, as well as review your list of sources and plan of action. You cannot submit the proposal without these comments.) Student Signature……………………………………….. Date ………………………………………. Tutor Signature………………………………………….. Date ………………………………………. 50 KL709 Action learning Project Proposal (PostGCE) Name: 1. 2. 3. Date: Prepare a coherent, detailed and informed project proposal that clarifies the focus and structure of their research (LO3) (1000 words) To be submitted with the completed project Proposed title: Rationale: Consider the following questions: This area is important for my practice because: I hope to achieve: I will do this by (methodology) Initial indication of how level 7 will be addressed Key sources of information 1 Identify any key people or actions required and try to put a timescale on to this Identify important deadlines. This will include the formal observations required to gain feedback on the practice explored through this project. Key sources of information 2 Suggested Bibliography – this is an initial annotated list to indicate that you have carried out an early survey of relevant sources. This could include books, web sites, journals, databases. Tutor Comments: (your tutor needs to comment on the validity and practicality of your idea, as well as review your list of sources and plan of action. You cannot submit the proposal without these comments.) Student Signature……………………………………….. Date ………………………………………. Tutor Signature………………………………………….. Date ………………………………………. 51 PGCE/CertED KL611/709: Action Research Project ALS progress record Name: Provide an account of what was discussed today: Outline any challenges faced: What action points did each member have following the meeting?: What questions do you have for me? 52 Section 7: Forms for KL612 53 Name: Study Centre: KL612 Contents No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Item Resource presentation and peer feedback or ICT case study and peer feedback (delete as appropriate) Learning Journal 4 (supporting English and Maths skills) Learning Journal 5 (using and developing ICT) Learning Journal 6 (critical review) Two formal observation of your teaching (rationale, session plan, evaluation, resources, observer feedback) Page/Location Review of Professional Standards (final) Updated Target Grid and CPD record Log of teaching hours Record of mentorship Mentor review 2 Ensure that your work adheres to the following submission requirements. Failure to do so could result in work being returned to you. A suitable font such as Arial, Calibri or Verdana using 12pt. Word counts clearly stated Harvard referencing conventions followed including use of a list of references where appropriate Work proof-read for language errors Work free of plastic wallets to facilitate assessment 54 Please tick KL612: Peer review of resource presentation Comment on the effectiveness of the presentation. Consider structure, clarity, language and ability to make a specialist resource accessible to a wider audience. According to Reece and Walker (2007) effective resources ‘provide concrete experience, motivate learner interest, aid retention of information, provide variety of learning and experience otherwise not easily obtained, and be inclusive.’ To what extent does this resource achieve those aims? The resource needed to utilise technology to support learning. To what extent has your peer displayed effective digital literacy7 and produced something that is fit for purpose? Name: 7 Date Digital literacy is the ability to understand, evaluate and deliver learning using IT 55 Reference: Reece, I & Walker S (2007) Teaching, Training and Learning(6th edn) BEP. Sunderland PGCE/Cert Ed: Learning Journal 4 To be submitted with module KL612 (1000-1500 words) In this fourth journal you should reflect on how you have and continue to support your students’ English and Maths knowledge and skills. Using evidence from your own practice, observations of others and wider reading explore the key elements of this topic. Your work in semester 1 and each of your session plans should have identified how you are supporting students to overcome any challenges in these areas. This is an opportunity to present a more advanced understanding of what you have learned in relation to your subject area(s). What kind of challenges exist for students? What strategies do you use to help students overcome these? It is essential that you analyse specific examples from your practice in your discussion and relate this to the supporting reading you have completed. References: 56 PGCE/Cert Ed: Learning Journal 5 To be submitted with module KL612 (1000-1500 words) In this fifth journal you should reflect on your use of ICT and your developing digital literacy. Using evidence from your own practice, observations of others and wider reading explore the key elements of this topic. You will need to consider how your use and understanding of technology and e-learning has developed. You should offer a critical perspective that considers both the value and limitations (e.g. online security, safeguarding) of technology. You should also identify any targets you have for further developing your practice in this area. It is essential that you analyse specific examples from your practice in your discussion and relate this to the supporting reading you have completed. References: 57 PGCE/Cert Ed: Learning Journal 6/Critical review To be submitted with module KL612 (PGCE 2000 words) In this sixth and final journal you should offer a critical overview of your developing practice and role to date. It is an opportunity to draw on a range of evidence (observation feedback, self-reflection, teaching practice, peer discussions, assignment feedback, key reading and your mentor reviews). Explore what you have achieved and why. What kind of teacher have you become? What do you still need to work on? References: 58 Professional Standards Review (final) 2014/15 Professional Standard8 (values and attributes) 1. Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners 2. Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs 3. Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge 4. Be creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn 5. Value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion 6. Build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners Professional Standard (knowledge and understanding) 7. Maintain and update knowledge of your subject and/or vocational area 8. Maintain and update your knowledge of educational research to develop evidence-based practice 9. Apply theoretical understanding of effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment drawing on research and other evidence 10. Evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning 11. Manage and promote positive learner behaviour 12. Understand the teaching and professional role and your responsibilities Professional Standard (skills) 13. Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression 14. Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment 15. Promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use 16. Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning 17. Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge 18. Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement 19. Maintain and update your teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers 20. Contribute to organisational development and quality improvement through collaboration with others 8 Evidence and location9 Evidence and location Evidence and location http://www.et-foundation.co.uk/ The evidence can be derived from the work produced for the course, feedback (from tutors, mentors, managers, peers students), college CPD, etc. 59 9 University of Brighton PGCE/ Cert Ed: Plan for Continuing Professional Development Drawing from your targets grid and observation feedback, summarise your key targets for further professional development Short term targets Longer term targets 60 Record of courses/college training/departmental events/external development completed during the PGCE/Cert Ed Course Date Signed: Name: Outcomes Date: 61