Conkwright SBDM 10_13_15 RC - Clark County Public Schools

Conkwright Elementary School
October 13, 2015
SBDM Regular Called Meeting Minutes
Ellen Hoffman (Principal, Chair)
Denisa Omohundro
Madeline Todd
Carey Galloway (parent member)
Ashley Scarborough (parent member)
Robbie Arnold
Lisa Reece
Tiffany Banks, secretary
1. OPENING BUSINESS: Meeting called to order at 4:05.
a. Agenda presented by chair, Carey Galloway moved to accept, seconded by Madeline Todd.
b. September minutes presented, Denisa Omohundro moved to approve, seconded by Madeline
c. Good News Reports/Public Comment: There was no public comment.
d. Principal’s Report:
i. Mrs. Hoffman reported that the after school club offerings are excelling.
1. Chess club has (35+) members on Fridays in Mrs. Banks’ classroom.
2. Clogging has over 60 students participating. Mrs. Abner has separated them into
K-2 on Wednesday and 3-4th on Fridays.
3. Chorus (3rd and 4th) has around 45 students meeting on Thursdays.
4. Drama club has over 50 students participating, and has split up into K-2 on
Thursdays, 3rd and 4th on Wednesdays.
5. Book Club has K-2nd students on Thursdays, 3rd and 4th on Tuesdays.
ii. Yankee Candle Fundraiser went very well, Spirit Card sales are in progress now.
iii. Title I parent night will be October 22nd, we will have a chili supper, club performances,
book fair family night, and parent compacts. (Compacts need to include the homeroom
teachers’ names so that we can distribute those and follow through with any parents
unable to attend.)
iv. Ms. Flora has been teaching Kinder Chinese culture and language, she will be starting
with other grades as her schedule allows for enrichment, and will be picking up First
Grade in January.
v. Brian Caudill is providing the DARE program in 1st Grade. In addition to the DARE
mascot being present during Red Ribbon Week, we will have inflatables this Friday
provided by the Police Department at no charge to us.
vi. Red Ribbon week will be the week of October 26, and Halloween Parties will be held on
Friday, October 30th.
vii. Dr. Kudak has provided over 500 daffodil bulbs for our fourth grade and other interested
grades to plant as part of math and science lessons. (Teachers may want to have
students do thank-you letters, which would be writing for authentic purposes.)
viii. Book fair will run next week, with Family Night on Title I night.
2. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Mrs. Hoffman presented the School Report Card, explained what each
section meant in terms of our students, and presented our plan for addressing areas in need of
improvement which included making staffing changes to best utilize the strengths of the teachers,
providing a Full-Time Reading Interventionist (as our math scores showed that this was an effective
practice in math), increasing the number of 100 day interventionists from three to four, refining the RTI
structures to provide effective intervention earlier in the year, and makings changes to how we
conduct our program review. Changes to Program Review practice included making data collection a
regular part of the PLC meetings, and having our Arts and Humanities teachers provide mini-pd
sessions during staff meetings to refresh classroom teachers on elements of art/music/etc. Mrs.
Hoffman also shared current MAP data, and compared where student performance was last year at
this time to this year.
a. Mrs. Hoffman shared the Safe School’s Audit Review (see documentation) and shared that
overall, the audit provided a very positive image of our school. Most of the areas that were in
need of improvement involved bus behaviors and dismissal traffic concerns.
b. Mrs. Omohundro made a move to accept Mrs. Browning as the Facility Committee
Representative for Conkwright, Mrs. Todd seconded.
c. Ms. Galloway moved for Roy Sheffield to serve on our Energy Committee, Mrs. Omohundro
d. Denisa Omohundro was elected as our Minority teacher member at the October 6 th faculty
meeting by a majority vote, and has 120 days from that date to complete her experienced
member training.
e. Conkwright will open nominations for a minority parent member from October 14-October 28,
with PTO preparing the ballot and conducting the election from November 2nd-4th, closing at
4:00 pm. This needs to be communicated across all mediums utilized, including marquee,
newspaper, parent newsletters, Facebook, Title I night, etc.
4. PROGRAM REVIEW: Mrs. Hoffman explained how related arts teachers will provide professional
development at staff meetings to move our school towards an exemplary rating for program review.
5. BUDGET REPORTS: 30 additional iPads have been purchased to facilitate Lexia use, a lab assistant has
been hired to help teachers facilitate lab times, and books have been purchased for book club, which
promotes parent/child reading and will provide each child with 10-15 books.
a. Writing Policy 2st reading, motion to approve by Denisa Omohundro, seconded by Madeline
8. Motion to adjourn by Denisa Omohundro, seconded by Carey Galloway. Next meeting will be
November 10th, 2015.
Approved at 11/10/15 regular called meeting.