1 Title: Applying the Co-creating Knowledge Translation Framework to community-based research: a study protocol Lead author: Kathryn Powell 1 Co-authors: Alison Kitson2, Elizabeth Hoon1, Jonathan Newbury3, Anne Wilson4, Justin Beilby5 1 Corresponding author: Kathryn Powell PhD LINKIN Health Study Post-doctoral Researcher School of Population Health The University of Adelaide Australia 5005 Email: kathryn.powell@adelaide.edu.au Alison Kitson RN, BSc(Hons), DPhil, FRCN, FAAN Professor of Nursing School of Nursing The University of Adelaide Australia 5005 Email: alison.kitson@adelaide.edu.au 2 1 Elizabeth Hoon PhD LINKIN Health Study Project Co-ordinator School of Population Health The University of Adelaide Australia 5005 Email: elizabeth.hoon@adelaide.edu.au Professor Jonathan Newbury MD Head of Rural Health School of Population Health The University of Adelaide c/ PO Box 3200 Port Lincoln, South Australia 5606 Email: jonathan.newbury@adelaide.edu.au 3 Associate Professor Anne Wilson PhD, MN, BN, FRCNA School of Health Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia Email: annewilson.rec@gmail.com 4 Professor Justin Beilby MBBS, MPH, MD, FRACGP Executive Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005 Email: justin.beilby@adelaide.edu.au 5 12/03/2016 2 Abstract Background Knowledge translation aims to purposefully maximise the outcomes of knowledge producing activity. The researcher may find that the application of knowledge translation has tended to be confined to certain parts of the research process such as disseminating information, protocols, or at end of grant stages of research. KT frameworks focus on these different phases of research (for example, the knowledge generation process, or the actual implementation phase, or the uptake of knowledge phase). For the whole of research process, set within a community or population, there is a need for the development of a systematic approach showing how to operationalise the translational cycle. To date there have been limited applications of KT to population health studies. The need for a systematic approach prompted a multi-disciplinary research team to develop the Co-Creating KT (Co-KT) framework for a population health study in regional South Australia. Design The Co-KT Framework comprises five steps that are informed by engaged scholarship and action research principles. The steps result in a cumulatively formed knowledge base cocreated with the study population that reflects the study context in relation to the research aims. Step 1 is the initiating of contact between the researcher context and the study context, and the framing of the research issue, achieved through a systematic data collection tool. Step 2 refines the research issue and the knowledge base by building into it context specific details and conducting knowledge exchange events. Step 3 involves interpreting and analysing the knowledge base, and integrating evidence. The knowledge informs intervention development. Possibilities for transformative action in the form of interventions are compared and selected on the basis of knowledge of the community context, and other external considerations such as 12/03/2016 3 cost and evidence of impact on population health. Step 4 is when the intervention is implemented and evaluated. Step 5 is the completion of the research process where outcomes for improvement are instituted as regular practice with the facilitation of the community. In summary, the model uses an iterative knowledge construction mechanism that is complemented by external evidence to design interventions to address health priorities within the community. The protocol describes the Co-KT Framework as part of the design of the LINKIN Health Study in South Australia. Discussion This protocol describes a framework for KT practice that begins with the local context as its foundation for knowledge creation. It facilitates the co-creation of knowledge that is directly relevant to the target community, as the basis on which to develop interventions. The Co-KT Framework is a method for embedding the principles of KT into all stages of a communitybased research process, in which research questions are framed by emergent data from each previous stage. As a protocol, the Co-KT Framework may be followed by other researchers when conducting research to improve health care systems and patient experiences. Keywords Knowledge Translation, population health, knowledge creation, knowledge translation model, action research, knowledge framework, community health 12/03/2016 4 DRAFT PAPER Background There is growing interest in the practical application of Knowledge Translation (KT) models to different aspects of research, such as the generation of knowledge, the enhancement of epidemiological data with context related knowledge and influences on the application of knowledge. Applied to research, Knowledge Translation can refer to these and other knowledge based activities such as knowledge transfer, research dissemination, research uptake, research implementation, evidence-based decision-making and innovation diffusion [1]. A research area that has received limited attention within the KT field is population health. The LINKIN Health Study did not identify a well-described suitable KT framework for a complex population health study. This protocol describes how the Co-KT Framework incorporates KT into a population health research study. The impact of KT on population health studies is of interest to the research community, as there is a need for empirical studies of the effectiveness of KT in improving population health by changing practices [2]. Others have identified priorities for KT development work such as the need for better structural conceptualising of KT and the need to adapt KT strategies to context [2]. The conceptual framework of the Co-Creating Knowledge Translation Framework (Co-KT) has been elucidated in a preceding paper [3]. The Co-KT Framework sits within T3, which may be considered a co-operative, context engaging research space. T3 has been nominated as that phase of KT concerned with moving discoveries to communities from laboratory and clinical settings, and then extended to organisations and policy developers [4]. This area is still being defined in scope [5]. 12/03/2016 5 Population health has been the subject of limited KT research approached in a systematic way [6], and there are very few KT intervention studies with a focus on public health and prevention and whole systems redesign [7]. Lightfoot et al (2008) describe ways of conducting population based health research in rural areas, emphasising early stakeholder involvement if the study is proposed by external researchers and suggesting a community needs assessment to help to build community and funding support for the proposed study [8]. Ogilvie et al discuss a translational framework for public health research, shifting the focus to the improvement of population health through individual and collective determinants of health [9]. This is a clear difference from embedding evidence-based interventions. In public health planning frameworks generally, tacit knowledge is not referred to as a legitimate source of knowledge nor do they pragmatically suggest how this knowledge might be elicited [10]. This protocol describes how KT is being conducted within The Physiology of Health Systems: Port Lincoln as a Case Study (the LINKIN Health Study, National Health and Research Council project grant 627240, 2010-12). It is a long-term study of the population the people of Port Lincoln, South Australia (population: 14,000 people). There was doubt that the original research method would provide detailed insight into the use of both formal and informal sources of health-care and into the extent and pattern of any mis-alignment between established morbidity and use or provision of services. The Co-KT framework has provided a means of better achieving the research aims of the LINKIN Health Study. Only mapping person-based data on use of health services and limiting the data base to information collected via a health census was not going to facilitate identifying : 1. Multiple instances of inappropriate duplication of services; 2. Instances of un-met need where the relevant health resources are available in the community but not delivered to the individual affected; and 12/03/2016 6 3. Opportunities for stream-lining or re-modelling the delivery of care through blending or re-allocation of roles of particular health service providers. The method stands in contrast to most KT frameworks or models. We found that KT frameworks tended to separate the knowledge generation process from the actual implementation of knowledge [11, 12], [13] such as those that addressed evidence-based practice or the diffusion of knowledge process, the effectiveness of KT implementation, in the form of interventions, or the uptake of evidence and articulating conditions for successful KT [14-20]. There is no favoured operational KT approach for a total research project process. KT models or frameworks do not begin with the creation or generation of knowledge in the field (study context) although they may describe steps as knowledge creation. To illustrate, in the Knowledge to Action (KTA) model, Graham et al include the creation of knowledge as part of the action planning model, but this knowledge is created by a process of refining knowledge from existing research knowledge [21]. The knowledge does not begin by being context specific nor is it created from within the study context [21]. Our framework is presented as a means whereby KT within a research study may provide a structured means of developing a working common understanding of a problem and its underlying factors [22]. There are two protocols that apply to the LINKIN Health Study; this one for the KT method and one to guide the mixed methods research design. Methods Aims of the Co-KT Framework: 12/03/2016 7 To produce community-based knowledge for application within and by the community to increase the effectiveness of health service delivery and health outcomes for agreed priority groups, and in an integrative, cross-disciplinary way. To allow for the community-based adaptation of externally derived knowledge to local health issues. The study context (or research setting) Port Lincoln is a major city on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia which is a large tract of land approaching the size of Tasmania. Port Lincoln is perhaps the nation's biggest combined agricultural and fishing centre. It has a population of 14,726 (Australian Bureau of Statistics Estimated Resident Population 2010). Aboriginal people make up 5.5% of Port Lincoln's population. Overseas born people comprise 8.9% with the majority of these (half) being born in north-west Europe. 18% classify their occupation as labourer and a further 15% classify themselves as having a trade or technical occupation (ABS ERP 2010). There is room for health system improvement and for population health issues to be addressed when scanning public documents: the population of the Eyre Peninsula as increased by 18% between 2001 and 2011 [23] and demographic projections state that the population of Eyre Peninsula will have more people aged between 55 and 74 years over the next decade or so [24]. On Eyre Peninsula avoidable hospital admissions are higher than South Australia and Australia (for diabetes complications, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ear/nose/throat infections, dehydration, gastroenteritis), and 71% of all deaths in Eyre Peninsula at ages 0-74 years in the period 1997-2001 were considered to be avoidable (cardiovascular and cancer) [24]. Basis of co-KT Framework 12/03/2016 8 Figure 1: Information to Knowledge in the Co-creating KT (co-KT) Knowledge Translation Framework In our model the researcher context and the study context form the pillars between which knowledge creation and its exchange is bi-directional. The knowledge creation process is dialogic, and iterative, across the researchers and the knowledge users[25]. The Co-KT approach actively seeks the input and collaboration of the community and draws on action research, including Participatory Action Research (PAR), and engaged scholarship [26]. The process is characterised by the use of information collection tools and KT information exchange to increase the amount of community-based detail. The framework is not prescriptive about the type of data that forms the evidence base. Description of steps The steps are designed to construct a co-learning experience about issues raised through the community and framed as health related problems. Intelligence is shared and reflected upon: a process of ‘curating knowledge’. Table 1: Co creating Knowledge Translation Method Step 1: Initial contact and framing the issue. In step 1, the KT focus is the dissemination and sharing of a first stage of population derived information, to collect information on which to begin to build a shared understanding, which is reflective of the community’s experience. Ideally the process is managed by appointing a lead KT researcher within the team as this person may well need to work across different focal points of the research issues. Early in the research process an important task is identifying key contact person or persons within the study context to provide information about the study context. Such information can help to shape the research approaches in subsequent phases of 12/03/2016 9 the study. Emphasis is on the research context conveying a sense of openness and transparency about its willingness to communicate, share and collaborate with the study context. This is facilitated by the production of easily accessible and widely available study descriptions which is a key feature of the method. The research team collects the first sweep of data that informs a research issue and this may be quantitative or qualitative data. From these data, the research questions may be refined as issues that have arisen from within the study context. In the LINKIN Health Study the adults of Port Lincoln were surveyed using a broad based Health Census questionnaire. Out of these quantitative population results, prevalent health conditions and key service provision factors were identified. Exploration of the prevalent health conditions will be undertaken taking into account the community’s perspectives and health care experiences and the information needed to respond to the research questions. Establishing linkages with the community An important task is to establish connector mechanisms across the researcher context and the study context. The value of knowledge brokers, boundary spanners, networks and communities of practice and building in exchange processes between researchers and knowledge users during a research study has been highlighted [22]. We see such mechanisms as methods of connecting with the community [27]. Further, boundary spanners and other connectors are ways of drawing on tacit knowledge within a community. We are also including within our sphere of engagement stakeholders who may influence community change at regional levels such as local government and organisational representation. Step 2: Refining and testing 12/03/2016 10 Step 2 is about refining the knowledge base and increasing its level of detail for application to the development of interventions. The research team steers an iterative process of conveying information between the study context and the research context, with contributions sought from both contexts in this incremental building process. Part of the approach is to cultivate respected relationships as an investment in the future acceptance of interventions. In Step 2 the research team is transparent about sharing data analysis results from step 1, apparent trends or conclusions drawn, and offering the opportunity to co-create knowledge about the local community, whether that is a small sub-population, large organisational collective, township or suburb. Issues for ongoing and in-depth research are defined and agreed through face to face contact and disseminating information. By way of example, in the LINKIN Health Study, we selected the three most predominant health conditions based on the self-reported conditions from the Health Census. These were bone and joint conditions; heart, circulatory and cardiovascular related conditions and asthma. We substituted one of the conditions however, to reflect the stated concerns of the community during consultations. This health concern – mental health – was raised consistently in subsequent discussions, as having been under-reported in the initial data collection (self-report) tool. It was also supported by responses to a quality of life impact included in the health census (the EQ-5D, a standardised questionnaire to gauge quality of life issues) that demonstrated significant levels of anxiety and depression. Vehicles for knowledge exchange must be used. Knowledge gained to date is prepared into products that may be discussed with the study context. Other vehicles or means of knowledge exchange and building include community engagement strategies, participatory action research methods, focus groups, information and knowledge products, and communication strategies. Of special value is the incorporation of community connectors such as boundary spanners. 12/03/2016 11 This process of data gathering, sharing and co-creating might continue for several months or however long is needed to address the framed research issues. Step 3: Interpreting, contextualising and adapting The goal of step 3 is to have a body of evidence developed on which to base the development of interventions and their subsequent piloting. This is based on the collation, synthesis and analysis of knowledge from steps 1 and 2, communicating and discussing the implications of the knowledge base with the study context. The meaning of the knowledge should be interpreted, for example, distinguishing between clinical practice issues and service gaps. Analysis of this evidence and guided discussions with the study context will support the determination of the principal issues to address, articulate underlying systemic props or confounders for better health care options. In addition, external research evidence is introduced by the researcher context to complement and inform emergent issues, as a KT function to facilitate the transfer of research where appropriate. Methods used in this step include the use of knowledge products and targeted presentations and discussions with those stakeholders likely to be impacted by any planned change. Focus groups with relevant health service providers (relevance determined by involvement with the condition or health issue being addressed), and community groups are further methods of creating knowledge transfer and exchange opportunities. Evidence synthesis One of the issues for complex research projects in which there are multiple sources of knowledge is the synthesis and assemblage of that knowledge. There are five steps in the coKT Framework and knowledge is gathered in each of these steps. Some of this information is to achieve the broader research project aims and some is related to the function of KT. 12/03/2016 12 Table 2: Evidence synthesis matrix Step 4: Implementing and evaluating Interventions, premised on contextually valid evidence, are implemented on a trial basis with the intention of close monitoring for modification based on feedback from the study context. The particular interventions are intended to be based on factors that will have the most impact on the priorities identified through engagement and interaction processes. The study context is engaged and involved in implementing the interventions, and monitoring their usefulness. The stakeholders must be informed as to the monitoring and evaluation process and understand the mechanics of the interventions. Here the research group will be instrumental in continuing the learning process of how well interventions have been implemented and degree to which outcomes that match interventions are being achieved . Suitable mechanisms for auditing (monitoring) the intervention pilot must be introduced, and use of written instructions about the intervention for implementation, including data collection expectations and templates/methods. Practical aspects include agreeing on the length of time for which monitoring will be undertaken and allocating responsibilities for data collection. Project management responsibilities must be established within the researcher context and regular communication maintained between the researcher and study contexts. During the implementation phase supports must be considered for those practitioners who face the most change due to interventions introduced. In Step 4 an important aspect is the need for researchers and the study context to actively critically reflect on the suitability and effectiveness of the interventions for the desired outcomes, and ease, cost-effectiveness of implementation. These learning’s are shared, 12/03/2016 13 discussed and deliberated with reference to next steps and a suitable method is debated in semi-structured discussion groups. Step 5: Embedding into context and translating to other contexts Knowledge from the evaluation is assessed and considered by both the researcher and study contexts. Alterations to the interventions may need to be introduced as a result, and this is where context related engagement will impact the success and uptake of research outcomes. A major focus at this stage is ensuring stakeholders are engaged and committed to sustaining and owning the new practices that have emerged from the research study. Ongoing monitoring of the final determined intervention(s) should occur for an agreed subsequent period. There will be a finished set of guidelines as to changes to be implemented as having arisen from the research study. A communication strategy for research based products will be developed by the research team and access to these products facilitated. These results will be communicated to the study context in the form of knowledge products developed to translate the research findings and face to face communications. It is also likely that the researcher context will produce other knowledge products such as written publications about outcomes, learnings and interventions for wider communication beyond Port Lincoln or in compliance with funding bodies. Description of Co-KT Framework components and features Knowledge. Knowledge is seen in the Co-KT Framework as the currency that is created, used, translated and discussed between the research context, the study context and broader interested contexts (journal audiences, policy makers, other communities). Herein knowledge features as a valuable commodity that is formed through the collaborative efforts of the study and research contexts. It is information that has multiple sources (health service users, health 12/03/2016 14 service providers, and activity data, comparable community data, evidence based literature) and includes tacit community knowledge. Knowledge products. Knowledge products are critical to the Co-KT Framework. We have operated on the principal of disseminating all data in summary form to the whole community. The value and utility of the knowledge products is enhanced if a degree of deliberation is taken in preparing them according to intended usage and target section of the population. The LINKIN Health Study has found that knowledge products from an early stage have generated requests from the study context for knowledge products that are specific to organisational needs, for example study context specific information to provide supporting evidence for grant applications and to generate discussion on policy issues. Evidence. We define evidence as information derived from empirical data, qualitative data, researcher observation, and comparable externally derived information (clearly identified as such). Context. In the Co-KT Framework, two contexts are differentiated. The study context is placebased and defined as the environment, place or circumstances targeted for situating the research. The context might be an organisation, several organisations linked by treatment or patient pathway for example, or geographical population (such as a suburb) or population segment (such as males). The researcher context is defined as the person or group responsible for conducting research within and about the study context. The researcher context will be bound by the research questions, ethics, timelines, a defined budget and expected outcomes for external stakeholders. Facilitation. Facilitation (easement) has been emphasised as important in knowledge translation when it comes to the implementation of change. Kitson et al (2008) propose that 12/03/2016 15 facilitation will be more effective if the context (of study) is understood and ‘diagnosed’, and interventions are tailor made to the context or circumstances of implementation [28]. Use of Connectors The transference of knowledge between the two contexts (researcher and study) requires mechanisms to form bridges and connect the contexts. We see this as a two-way flow, to link university and research users [29]. People may be assigned roles as bridge builders in varying capacities, or as linkage personnel who are able move between the research context and the study context [4, 30, 31]. The purpose of such roles might be to: Mediate between the two contexts and moderate, translate and explain knowledge Identify other people or resources to facilitate the study project Provide culturally specific information that allow for the appreciation of community traditions, symbolic behaviours or practices that may be relevant to improving population health outcomes [4]. The role of these connectors may be more or less formalised in knowledge translation; formal such as actively adapting information for audiences, or less formal in that they speak and interact across contexts, talking providing key messages in terms that are understood. Knowledge brokers are conduits between the research context and study context and decisionmakers, transmitting information across contexts, and they may work as boundary spanners [30], [31]. As a contrived device, they may also be considered a way of intervening within the pattern of knowledge conveyance in the context landscape [31], adopting a more direct, guided, rapid and deliberate method that is controlled largely by the research context. This role may also be used as a device to overcome dysfunctional communication or the absence of communication within the study context. 12/03/2016 16 Stakeholder engagement. There is an acceptance that stakeholder participation in research is more likely to strengthen consensus for change and acceptance of models (because stakeholders feel their interests have been included in the model development) [32]. In the coKT Framework, the term ‘stakeholder’ is understood to include knowledge users, health and service providers and representative groups. There is no distinction between public and private entities. Ethical issues This study has received ethics approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee, University of Adelaide. Discussion We are reminded that in community-based KT work there can be tension between what is considered evidence between clinicians and community-based organisations [33]. By incorporating KT at the knowledge creation (evidence building) stage, we have emphasised our focus on health system re-design and treatment of all stakeholders as part of a total health system serving a defined population. Kothari and Armstrong state that traditional KT approaches may not be suitable for all health service delivery systems [33]. Co-KT, as an iterative knowledge creation and translation process, may be better suited to community-based research. We see the co-KT Framework as meeting a need faced by researchers, and in particular, multidisciplinary teams of researchers when they strive to conduct a community-based study or population health study, and achieve research aims through the development of contextrelevant knowledge, and to be confident they are building in KT principles to the study design. This resonates with the call from Hartling et al (2007) who state that there is an urgent need for 12/03/2016 17 a better understanding of KT interventions from a multi-disciplinary perspective, KT interventions that are designed to target multiple professional groups, and that health care delivery improvements will come from interdisciplinary collaboration [34]. We are aware that there is a shortage of rigorous operational studies or evaluation of KT strategies [7]. Dagenais et al (2009) note that few studies present results on the effects of populations that are the subjects of interventions [2]. Attention will be given to collating evaluation data from the LINKIN Health Study, and the co-KT Framework incorporates methods of evaluation within each step and at the completion of the research study. We view the consulting itself as an interactive knowledge transfer tool and its effectiveness will be targeted for evaluation by qualitative means [35]. Methods of evaluation include feedback sheets, non-participant observation, interviews, assessment of the relevance of documentation, intervention specific data. One of the dimensions intended for evaluation is ‘population reach’, that is, how many people did interventions resulting from the research impact upon? What is the likelihood of the research outcomes impacting on policy. Simple knowledge and research utilisation questions will be employed as these have been demonstrated to be effective [36]. KT has been criticised for not considering sufficiently methods whereby the end-users of interventions or innovations might critically reflect on contextual related factors that might influence the embedding of an innovation within a context of practice [37]. The co-KT Framework incorporates the study context into the process of knowledge to evidence and evidence to innovation design, inviting critical reflection. Challenges This is a bold method and the LINKIN Health Study is an ambitious large-scale research project. There are likely to be several predicable challenges in implementing this framework, especially in degree of engagement and relevant engagement. We also anticipate challenges 12/03/2016 18 where system reforms or interventions are perceived as impacting on accustomed ‘rewards’ systems or practices that are sustained within the present local context that benefit some and not others. In presenting this protocol for the co-KT Framework without having completed a full evaluated application study we foresee pragmatic difficulties as follows: Disseminating knowledge products quickly following data collection Achieving a timely analysis of data Used quantitative and qualitative techniques to allow for verification and discovery Usefully engaging with busy health professionals for the purpose of knowledge transfer Cultivating local trust Collecting enough data to evaluate the co-KT process and not ‘over consulting’ the community. The findings will further implementation science by presenting a systematic method for beginning a KT oriented research process with eliciting the emergent predominant health issues from the local population prior to the identification of barriers within the user context to intervention implementation and user-context use of best practice principles. In contrast to other models, here co-KT has provided the framework in which the knowledge user community, or study context, may be involved at the commencement of the knowledge building process [20]. Competing interests The authors declare they have no competing interests. Authors’ contributions All the authors form the Knowledge Translation group within the LINKIN Health Study team. KP has led the writing and editing of this paper, literature review, prepared drafts, and detailed the method of the Co-KT framework. She is responsible for implementing the co-KT strategy within the LINKIN project. ALK led the conceptual development of the co-KT Framework and is 12/03/2016 19 responsible for the KT activity within the LINKIN project. She positioned its main content in relation to the conceptual paper describing the framework, revised drafts of the paper with KP and refined concepts. EH commented on drafts and is project lead for LINKIN. JN commented on drafts and is one of the local boundary spanners in Port Lincoln. AW has facilitated stakeholder meetings with KP and EH in Port Lincoln and has reviewed drafts. JB leads the conceptual and research design of the LINKIN health study and has reviewed all drafts. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Authors’ information Acknowledgements The LINKIN study was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council as the “Physiology of Health Systems; Port Lincoln as a case study”, project grant 627240, 2010-12. Professor Konrad Jamrozik (University of Adelaide, 2008-2010) initiated the research concept of a population health census to inform health service re-design and assembled the multidisciplinary team accordingly. Professor Jamrozik passed away in March 2010. 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