Ammonia: Measurement role in National Ambient Air Networks Rich Scheffe Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. EPA Acknowledgements • • • • • Brian Timin, EPA Spyros Pandis, CMU Jay Turner, Washington University Eric Edgerton, ARA Jim Homolya, EPA Topics • Role of NH3 in air quality management • Overview of NH3/related measurements in routine networks • Measurement issues • National Monitoring Strategy and associated recommendations NH3…effects • Deposition – watershed eutrophication – Acidification/neutralization • Global climate radiation budget (aerosol) • National Air program standards – PM10 – PM2.5 Regulatory Timetables Further progress under the Clean Air Act is complex, burdensome and uncertain NSR Permits for new sources & modifications that increase emissions Designate 1-hr Severe Margareas for Area inal 8-hr 8-hr Ozone Attainment Ozone NAAQS Date NAAQS AttainNOx ment SIP Date Call Ozone 1-hr Serious Area Attainment Date OTC NOx Trading 99 NOx SIPs Due 00 01 Reductions 02 Mercury Determination Phase II Acid Rain Compliance 8-hr Ozone Attainment Demonstration SIPs due 03 04 Proposed Utility MACT 05 06 Final Utility MACT Designate Areas for Fine PM NAAQS Interstate Transport Rule to Address SO2/ NOx Emissions for Fine PM NAAQS and Regional Haze Acid Rain, PM2.5, Haze, Toxics 07 08 Note: Dotted lines indicate a range of possible dates. Assess Effectiveness of Regional Ozone Strategies Moderate 8-hr Ozone NAAQS Attainment Date Possible Regional NOx Reductions ? (SIP call II)1 09 10 Further action on ozone would be considered based on the 2007 assessment. 2 The SIP-submittal and attainment dates are keyed off the date of designation; for example, if PM or ozone are designated in 2004, the first attainment date is 2009 EPA is required to update the new source performance standards (NSPS) for boilers and turbines every 8 years Serious 8-hr Ozone NAAQS attainment Date 11 12 Compliance with Utility MACT New Fine PM NAAQS Latest attainment Implementation Plans date for Fine PM NAAQS 3 Regional Haze SIPs due 1 13 14 Compliance for BART Sources 15 16 17 18 Compliance for BART sources under the Trading Program Second Regional Haze SIPs due In developing the timeline of current CAA requirements, it was necessary for EPA to make assumptions about rulemakings that have not been completed or, in some case, not even started. EPA’s rulemakings will be conducted through the usual notice-and-comment process, and the conclusions may vary from these assumptions. Complex system • Measurements – Stability/volatility • Ammonium nitrate, association with nitric acid (sticky) – Real exposure indoors?...given volatility? • Consequently, NH4, NH3g, HNO3g all present challenges • Uncertain emission estimates – Diversity of area sources – Many agricultural based • Modeling confounded by heterogeneous processes and above (i.e., ability to diagnose) NH3 is not a “central” player in atmospheric chemistry; however, various inter-pollutant interactions impact pollutant/component specific strategies? Figure 4. Linkage between oxidant chemistry and fine particle (FP) formation. Nighttime N2O5 Chemistry PAN N2O5 O3 hv HONO hv ·NO3 3 OP 1 OD HOOH HNO3 hv HO 2 hv NO NO2 NH3 ·OH SOx VOC CO H2SO4 Radical Pool HO2·; RO2· Carbonyls Source Secondary Sink hv SOx Clouds/Aqueous NH4NO3 FP org aer Consequently, Impacts on major aerosol components due to precursor reductions…confusing! NOx SOx VOC/CO Nitrate ↕ ↑ ↕ Sulfate ↕ ↓ ↕ Ozone ↕ ↕ ↓ Organic Carbon ? ? ↓ Reductions of → Is NH3 limiting … formation of ammoniumnitrate? • Or, where and when are are NOx controls most effective in reducing pNO3? Limiting Reactant: Ammonia or Nitric Acid (courtesy, Pandis, CMU)? Total Nitric Acid (mg m-3) Ammonium Nitrate (mg m-3) 80 A 60 A:Ammonia limited 50 40 30 20 B: Nitric acid limited B 10 0 0 10 20 30 Total Ammonia (mg m-3) 40 The Sulfuric Acid/Ammonia System 2001…courtesy, Pandis, CMU Concentration (mg m-3) 2 Ammonia:1 Sulfate 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Ammonia Ammonium Sulfate Bisulfate Sulfuric acid 0 1 2 3 3.6 5 Total Available Ammonia (mg m-3) 10 Model Sensitivity Runs • When/where are Nox controls most effective? • Impact on nitrates associated with SO2 and VOC reductions CMAQ Ammonia Sensitivity Runs50% NH3 Reduction- January Basecase Nitrate Nitrate with 50% Ammonia Reduction 50% NOx Reduction- January Effect on Sulfate and Nitrate 50% NOx Reduction- Reduced NH3 base (50% NH3 reduction)- January effect on Sulfate and Nitrate 50% SO2 Reduction- July Effect on Sulfate and Nitrate 50% SO2 Reduction- January Effect on Sulfate and Nitrate Seasonal Average IMPROVE Nitrate Seasonal Average Particulate Nitrate- IMPROVE and CASTNET Visibility Network* 10 CM AQ Predictions (ug/m3) 9 8 7 Summer 6 Fall Spring 5 Winter 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 *CASTNET Visibility netw ork data is for 8 sites- fall only 3 4 5 6 7 8 Improve Observations (ug/m3) 9 10 Where are the measurements? • Ammonium (Dry)....PM2.5 speciation (including IMPROVE); CASTNET • Ammonium Wet (NADP) • NH3….SEARCH/ARIES… • Special studies (PM2.5 Supersites) Current/Planned Urban & Rural PM2.5 Speciation Networks SS SS SS SS SS SS Trends (54) Supplemental (~215 sites currently known) SS Supersites Daily Sites IMPROVE IMPROVE Protocol Castnet conversion SS Deploy in 2002 Deploy in 2003 01/02 SEARCH Enhanced Air Quality Measurement Network rural urban suburban Yorkville (YRK) North Birmingham (BHM) Jefferson Street (JST) Centreville (CTR) Oak Grove (OAK) Outer Landing Field #8 (OLF) Gulfport (GFP) Pensacola (PNS) CASTNET NH4…1992 CASTNET NH4…2002 Measurement Issues, NH3 • Integrated methods – Absorption, extraction, analysis • CASTNET filter pack/denuder system (1 week) • Acid denuders in low volume particle samplers (typically 24 hr.) – Labor intensive, lack temporal detail • Semi-continuous methods – – – – Cycled difference techniques IC particle/gas methods Optical techniques (FTIR, DOAS) Cost, familiarity, reliability, commercial availability Measurement Issues, NH4 • PM2.5 speciation networks – 24 hr. integrated measurement; 1/3 day – 54 trends sites; ~200 SIP sites • Acid gas denuding; nylon (basic) filter substarte – small subset of IMPROVE sites • Acid/base gas denuding; nylon (basic) filter substrate…traps NO3 loss…what about NH3 loss? Recent Example Applications • St. Louis Supersite (Integrated) • Search/ARIES…ARA (continuous) Daily 24-Hour Integrated Ammonia: St. Louis Urban/Rural Contrast (Aug-Nov 2001)..courtesy of Jay Turner, Washington University 14 Park Hills, MO (90 km south of St. Louis) 12 East St. Louis, IL (3km east of City of St. Louis, MO, central business district) Ammonia Concentration (ppb) 10 8 6 4 2 0 08/17/01 08/27/01 09/06/01 09/16/01 09/26/01 10/06/01 10/16/01 10/26/01 11/05/01 11/15/01 11/25/01 Yorkville, GA SEARCH Site (courtesy, ARA..Edgerton) Met Particle analyzers Trace gases Lat. 33.95 N Long. 85.01 W Elev. 390 m Instrumentation • 10 meter met • Trace gas: O3, CO, SO2, NO, NO2(photolytic), HNO3, NOy • Filter PM 2.5: FRM Mass, Particle Composition Monitor (PCM) Speciation Monitor • Filter PM Coarse Mass (Dichot) • Semi-Continuous PM: Nephelometer, Aethelometer, R&P 5400, Harvard SO4, ARA NO3/NH4, Dried 30°C TEOM TRN Diagram TRN NH3 vs Denuder NH3 24 Hour Samples 8.0 7.0 Continuous NH3 = 1.12 Denuder NH3 - 0.19 R2 = 0.92 Continuous NH3, ug/m3 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Denuder NH3, ug/m3 5.0 6.0 7.0 HNO3 NH4 NO3 NH3 9/27/03 18:00 9/27/03 12:00 9/27/03 6:00 9/27/03 0:00 9/26/03 18:00 9/26/03 12:00 9/26/03 6:00 9/26/03 0:00 9/25/03 18:00 9/25/03 12:00 9/25/03 6:00 9/25/03 0:00 9/24/03 18:00 9/24/03 12:00 9/24/03 6:00 9/24/03 0:00 [HNO3] ppbv [NO3] ug/m3,[NH4] ug/m3 10.0 50.0 9.0 45.0 8.0 40.0 7.0 35.0 6.0 30.0 5.0 25.0 4.0 20.0 3.0 15.0 2.0 10.0 1.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 [NH3], ppbv HNO3, NH3, NH4NO3 events 9/ 12 /0 9/ 3 13 /0 9/ 3 14 /0 9/ 3 15 /0 9/ 3 16 /0 9/ 3 17 /0 9/ 3 18 /0 9/ 3 19 /0 9/ 3 20 /0 9/ 3 21 /0 9/ 3 22 /0 9/ 3 23 /0 9/ 3 24 /0 9/ 3 25 /0 9/ 3 26 /0 9/ 3 27 /0 9/ 3 28 /0 9/ 3 29 /0 9/ 3 30 /0 3 [NO], [NO2], [HNO3], [NOy], ppbv NOy Budget Time-Series 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 NO NO2 NOy HNO3 What should we do? • New National Monitoring Strategy • NCORE multiple pollutant stations • Emphasis on more science based measurements, model evaluation, long term program accountability National Core Network: NCORE • Goal: Move from loosely tied single-pollutant networks to coordinated, highly leveraged multi-pollutant networks with real time reporting capability SO2 PM PM PAMS PM CO O3 O3 Toxics PM IMPROVE CASTNET NCore Measurements Level 2: ~ 75 Multipollutant (MP) Sites,“Core Species” Plus Leveraging From PAMS, Speciation Program, Air Toxics L1 Level 1. 3-10 Master Sites Comprehensive Measurements, Advance Methods Serving Science and Technology Transfer Needs L2 Level 3 Minimum “Core” Level 2 Measurements Continuous N,SO2,CO, PM2.5, PM10, O3; PM2.5 FRM, Meteorology (T,RH,WS,WD)…NH3, HNO3 at subset? Level 3: Single Pollutant Sites (e.g.> 500 sites each for O3 and PM2.5 Mapping Support