Reading Clinic
The Summer Reading Clinic offers
remediation and enrichment for children
in grades K-8.
Instruction is tailored for each student’s
needs and interests to foster skill
development as well as an interest in
Program Philosophy
The philosophy framework for the
reading clinic is balanced literacy.
All areas of literacy are important to
becoming a lifelong participant in
literacy. The program focuses on
enjoyment, skills, literacy workshop
approaches, and student ownership.
Program Features
Supervised practice to maintain and
improve children’s reading/writing skills
Assessment of reading/writing
strengths and needs
Individual and small group instructional
sessions designed to match student
needs and strengths
Focus on improving student selfconfidence and motivation to engage in
reading and writing
A final report on student strengths,
needs, and recommendations for
further growth; and
An individual parent/student/teacher
conference to share results and
successful teaching strategies
Student-Led Conference
Target Areas of Instruction
 All areas of the language arts are part of the
 Reading and writing are the main focus
 Enjoyment of literacy activities is another
area of importance
 Writing target areas are the elements of the
writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising,
editing, and publishing
Typical Reading Difficulties
Comprehension – difficulty retelling or
retaining information, difficulty
understanding what is being read
Vocabulary – difficulty understanding
the meaning of words, especially in
Typical Reading Difficulties
Fluency – reading is halting without
accuracy, speed, or prosody
Phonics – difficulty with letter/sound
correspondences, sight words, blending
sounds/letters, etc.
Phonemic Awareness – difficulty
manipulating the individual sounds of
language orally (rhyming, deleting
sounds, segmenting, etc.)
Typical Reading Difficulties
Study Strategies – not having repair or
fix-up strategies for comprehension
and/or decoding; how to retain
Difficulty reading non-fiction materials
more than fiction; understanding text
structures in narrative or expository
Typical Writing Difficulties
 Content – finding a topic, producing clear
and focused writing, including relevant
details and appropriate examples
 Organization – having good leads,
connections between ideas, logical order,
and/or a satisfying ending
 Style and Voice – limited vocabulary, needs
precise word choices, author’s voice is
 Conventions – spelling, usage, capitalization,
punctuation issues
Clinic Staff
Associate Director
Literacy Coaches
Director – CMU Professor
 Makes arrangements with PEAK to hold the
reading clinic during the summer
 Meets with the principal of the designated
school to arrange which facilities will be used
in the building
 Arranges the schedule for the clinic and how
staff will be utilized.
 Handles plans for advertising for clinicians
and students
 Makes contacts with parents
 Orders materials
 Manages the day to day operation of the
 Usually teaches EDU 533 Diagnosis and
Treatment of Reading Difficulties for clinic
Associate Director
 Is usually a CMU Professor
 Assists the Director in planning for the clinic
 Assists in assigning children to classrooms,
clinicians, and tutors
 Usually teaches EDU 632 Practicum in
Diagnosis and Treatment of Literacy
Difficulties for the clinicians
Literacy Coaches
 Are certified teachers enrolled in EDU 632
who have had a previous reading clinic
 Are responsible for one or more classrooms
or teacher clinicians and tutors
 Check lesson plans, model best practice
instruction, and assist in report writing
 Assist university students in understanding
how to use assessments and check them for
 Are certified teachers enrolled in EDU 632
who have ideally had classroom teaching
 Have one or more children assigned to them
 Are responsible for two or more tutors who
work with children
 Assist tutors in lesson planning, assessing
children’s strengths and needs and writing
 Model best practices in literacy instruction
 Are CMU students enrolled in EDU 533, their
last class which is a practicum for the
Reading Minor
 Have one to two children assigned to them
for assessing, teaching, and report writing
America Reads Volunteers
 Set up the materials center with assessments
and instructional materials to be checked out
by staff
 Manage the check out of all materials
 Handle library time for classes
 Take attendance and report to the director
 Work with children on assigned tasks such
as listening to children read
Reading Clinic Set-Up
First week of the course is preparation
for when the children attend the
remaining weeks.
The two courses (EDU 533 and EDU
632) are taught together part of the
time and separately part of each day
depending on the topic.
Reading Clinic Set-Up
Classrooms are determined by how
many children from each grade and
ability are enrolled.
Using the teacher referral/evaluations
forms, the Director and Associate
Director divide the children into
classrooms by level and assign one –
two children to each university student.
Reading Clinic Set-Up
Typically there are no more than twelve
children in a classroom with three
tutors, one or two clinicians, and a
literacy coach in charge of two
Each classroom team sets up their
classroom using a broad theme based
upon the materials available to them.
Assessing Students
 During the first week that the children attend,
the instructional team sets up a temporary
schedule designed to rotate group activities
while individual testing is conducted.
 A variety of assessments are administered
that week: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test,
Slosson Oral Reading Test, Michigan
Literacy Progress Profile assessments, and
other assessments as needed such as
Brigance, DIBELS, TORC.
Instructional Materials
Leveled Books/Big Books/Chapter
Books on Tape
Word Study Materials such as tiles for
Making Words
Teaching Supplies
A Variety
that teachers
make and
bring too!
Instructional Sequence
Children have library for twenty minutes
twice a week and may check out two
Each room has two hours and a half to
work with children individually, in small
groups, and in a large group.
Children are Active
Instructional Practices
These practices are included everyday:
read alouds, writing, word study, guided
reading, independent reading, literacy
Depending upon the grade level and
student abilities, other instructional
practices include: modeled writing,
shared writing, interactive writing and
independent writing.
Additional Instructional Practices
Reader’s theater
Literature circles
Repeated readings
Shared reading
Phonic skill activities related to materials
Connections to self, text, and world
Narrative and expository profundity
Phonemic awareness exercises
Metacognitive strategies
Graphic organizers
Cross age tutoring once or twice a week.
Reading Camp
Last day of Reading Clinic
Each class has a special literacy
activity for twenty minutes.
The children rotate through the
classrooms and enjoy their time
Clinicians and Students
Reading Clinic 2015
The CMU Reading Clinic is partnering with
the Mt. Pleasant PEAK Program.
 Location: Vowles Elementary School
 Dates:
Monday – Thursday each week
July 6 – July 30
 Time:
9:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Please note that students do not have to participate in the
PEAK Program in order to register for the Summer
Reading Clinic.
Reading Clinic 2015
 Reading Clinic Fee:
$250 per child
$100 Scholarship rate, based on
free/reduced lunch income guidelines
 The Reading Clinic starts at 9:00 am and
ends at 11:30 am from Monday, July 6th
through Thursday, July 30th.
Reading Clinic 2015
For Registration:
 Contact Mt. Pleasant Parks and Recreation
at (989) 779-5331.
 Application is available at the Parks and
Recreation Office in City Hall, or online at
 Registration Deadline: June 25, 2015
Reading Clinic 2015 Timeline
for Children
A Partnership with Mt. Pleasant PEAK 2015 Summer Camps
The clinic will meet on the days listed below at Vowles Elementary School.
The Reading Clinic starts at 9:00 am and ends at 11:30 am.
July 6
July 13
July 20
July 27
July 7
July 14
July 21
July 28
July 8
July 15
July 22
July 29
July 9
July 16
July 23
July 30
Please note that students do not have to participate in the PEAK
Program in order to register for the Summer Reading Clinic.
Reading Clinic 2015 Timeline for Tutors
June 29
July 06
July 13
July 20
July 27
Aug 03
June 30
July 07
July 14
July 21
July 28
Aug 04
July 01
July 08
July 15
July 22
July 29
Aug 05
July 02
July 09
July 16
July 23
July 30
Aug 06
1st week: preparing for the reading clinic at CMU & Vowels
2nd through 5th week: working with children at Vowles Elementary School
6th week: working on tutor portfolio and presentation
Contact Information
• Dr. Xiaoping Li, Director
• Ann Neal, TEPD Secretary
• PEAK: Mt. Pleasant Parks and Recreation