Integrating Practicum and Research in Psychology: Fieldwork

Integrating Practicum and
Research in Psychology:
Fieldwork Courses and
Social Service for
Mary C. Starke, Ph.D.
Professor of Clinical Psychology
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Fieldwork Course Prerequisites
• Concurrent registration/ completion of
appropriate course e.g., Abnormal Psych
• Junior/ senior status
• Completion of “Research Methods in
Psychology” and “Data Analysis”: recommended
• 60 hours of volunteer work in social
service agency over course of semester
• Registration in Fieldwork course: 4 credits:
class meets twice a week
Examples of Fieldwork Courses at
Ramapo College
Abnormal Psychology Fieldwork
Childhood Disorders Fieldwork
Behavior Therapy Fieldwork
Fieldwork with Children
Fieldwork with Adolescents
Fieldwork with Adults (senior citizens)
HIV / AIDS Fieldwork
Independent Study Research
Examples of Social Service
• Schools for “special” children: emotionally
disturbed clients—autism, ADHD, CD, MR
“Special” classes in public schools: CAPS
Mental Hospitals
Institutions for Mentally Retarded: ARCs
Outpatient mental health clinics
Group therapy for clients diagnosed with
Asperger’s, ADHD
• Residences for former patients
Advantages of Fieldwork Courses?
Advantages of Fieldwork Courses
• Make good decision about career goals before graduation
• Hands on experience with various populations and settings
• Learn skills and information
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Group therapy leadership
Social service agencies
Psychology: living with schizophrenia, with Alzheimer’s, and so on
• Apply knowledge from psychology to practical
• Get a job: work experience, recommendations
• Get out of classroom, exams, less reading
Disadvantages of Fieldwork?
Disadvantages of Fieldwork?
• Red tape hassles: criminal background
checks, finger printing, Mantoux tests,
orientation and training sessions,
• Phone tag with supervisor: use e-mail
• Emotional investment in clients
• Turn over in agencies and supervisors
Course Requirements
• Oral presentation: population report :18%
• Term paper: integration of field experience with
research from refereed journals: 45%
• Oral presentation: 7%
agency information
case study
• Supervisor’s evaluation of fieldwork: 25%
• Class participation/ quizzes: 5%
• Journals: no grade
Practicum Experience in NonFieldwork Courses
• Experiential learning in “Abnormal Psych,”
Child Disorders, Behavior Therapy
40 hours
• Experiential learning in “College Seminar”
for first-year students?
Handouts for Fieldwork Courses
Student Inventory
Oral Report: population
Term Paper
Oral Report: agency info, case study
Time Sheet
Supervisor Evaluation Form