Here - EHOS

Performance Dates: Thursday 24th September to Saturday 26th September
Broxbourne Civic Theatre, Hoddesdon
Workshop Dates:
Weds 29th ,Thurs 30th April and Weds 6th May at 7.30pm
Unit 21, Fairways, Cheshunt EN8 0NL
Audition Dates:
Chorus: Thurs 7th May 7.30pm at Unit 21, Fairways, Cheshunt EN8 0NL
Principals: Sunday 10th May 5.00pm at Broxbourne URC Hall, Mill Lane,
Broxbourne, EN10 7BQ
First rehearsal:
Wednesday 13th May 7.30 at Unit 21
About the production
EHOS are proud to be the first amateur theatre company in the region to be granted the rights to perform this
fantastic show. It has some great musical numbers for solo, small groups and ensemble. It also has some
fantastic dance numbers.
There are some challenging special effects involving props moving on their own, walking through doors and
some other technical adventures. For this reason we are endeavouring to have the show ready well in
advanced in order to refine the technical aspects of the show.
The show has many character parts excluding the principal roles with many individual spoken or sung lines.
There is a lot for the ensemble to do.
This is an exciting show, full of energy, with some fantastic music and a well know story – please join us in this
magical journey.
About EHOS
We are a very innovative company that always brings exciting new shows to the area. We started as an
operatic company 55 years ago and evolved into a modern musical theatre company, performing in both
Broxbourne and Harlow. EHOS were the very first company to perform at the Broxbourne Civic Hall. Our
previous recent shows include; Footloose, Rent, Bugsy Malone, Return to the Forbidden Planet, Little Shop of
Horrors and Calendar Girls.
About the Auditions
You must be a member of EHOS before you audition. We accept memberships on the day of audition. This
costs £10.
Chorus auditions are on Thursday 7th May at the unit. You should arrive before 7.30. There are many acting
support parts which will be allocated to chorus members, and there are roles for different levels of dance
ability. You will be asked to sing ‘More’ from Start to Bar 35 and perform, in small groups, the dance you will
have practiced in the pre-audition rehearsals in front of a small panel. You will also be part of a small
workshop scene to assess your acting ability. The panel consists of the directors (Helen and Nigel), the musical
director (Debbie), the choreographer (KtP), and an outsider who does not know anyone who is auditioning.
Principal auditions are on Sunday 10th May starting at 5.00pm and will be held at The United Reformed
Church Broxbourne, Mill
Please let us know in advanced if you will want to audition for a Principal role so that we can produce an
audition schedule.
We are quite aware that auditions can be stressful (we’ve all been there) but we are there to help. We want
you to be able to perform to the best of your abilities.
There will be no group warm ups to be prepared already warmed-up.
We aim to ring everyone who has been successful as soon as possible but this may take a couple of days if call
backs are required. Once everyone has been notified a list will go on our website
About the roles
The following are principal roles:
Sam Wheat: to play mid-20s to early 30s, tall and handsome, excellent pop/rock tenor, master of his own
universe with regard to business and commerce, has difficulty with the emotional, soulful side of love, his
greatest obstacle is his fear of commitment, fearing that when he gets good things in life he will lose them.
When killed by a mugger, he is caught between worlds. Finding that Molly is in danger, he seeks to somehow
protect her. Ultimately he is able to save Molly and finally express his love to her before his transfiguration
into a higher realm. Playing a guitar would be a plus.
Audition pieces: Acting1. Act1 Scene 4 on page 18 up to ‘No you don’t’ on page 19
2. Act2 Scene 14 on page 132 up to ‘Yeah’ on page 133
Singing 1. Unchained melody in a group to make cut
2. ‘I had a life’ from Bar 106 start with acting in scene 19. Singing Bar 130 to 182
Molly Jensen: to play late 20s, excellent singer, mezzo with high belt, an artist and woman of the world, an
optimist, self-made and independent, always lives in the moment. Life is good enough as it is. In her
relationship with Sam, she understands that a declaration of love requires vulnerability and surrender, but
that is too great for him. Shattered when Sam dies and struggles with being asked to believe in something
larger - much bigger than here and now.
Audition Pieces: Acting 1. Act1 Scene 4 on page 18 up to ‘No you don’t’ on page 19
Acting 2. Act2 Scene 4 on page 97 from Carl: ’Hey, I brought you a coffee’ to Page 99 Carl:
‘Rip-off artist’
Singing 1. ‘With you’ in a group to make cut
Singing 2. ‘Nothing stops another day’ Bar 109 to End.
Carl Bruner: to play early 30s, high baritone/baritone, Sam’s best friend, desperately wants everything Sam
has – including Molly. Has great passion for the things of life, and this passion has led him into deep water.
Not necessarily a bad guy at heart, just stuck in the material. After Sam is killed he really loses his grip and
slides over to the dark side.
Acting 1. Act 1 Scene 2 Page 12
Acting 2. Act2 Scene 4 on page 97 from Carl: ‘Hey, I brought you a coffee’ to Page 99 Carl: ‘Ripoff artist’
Singing. ‘More’ start to bar 35.
Oda Mae Brown: to play 30s-40s, African Descent, needs strong comic chops and must have a big soulful
vocal, a medium, spirit reader and advisor, she is a smart charlatan, pulled up by the bootstraps and
supporting her whole family with her scam: talking to the dearly departed. When she really encounters the
ghost of Sam she ultimately is moved as much by Sam and Molly’s love as she is by the power to really talk to
the other side.
Audition pieces: Acting 1. Act 1 Scene 16 Pages 71 and 72
Acting 2. Act2 Scene 14 on page 132 up to ‘Yeah’ on page 133
Singing. ‘I’m Outta Here’ Bar 92 to End
Willie Lopez: Male, 18+, Hispanic, to play early 30s, a tough thug, hired to mug Sam and ends up killing him.
Audition piece: Acting. Act 1 Scene 19 Page 80 to top page 81
Louise Brown/Clara Brown: to play 30+, African or white descent, must have strong comic chops, vivid
characters and have big soulful voices. Oda Mae’s ‘sisters’ and cohorts in her scam of speaking to the dearly
Audition piece: Singing. ‘Are you a believer’ Bar 135 to 185
Subway Ghost: to play 20s+, vocal and physical dexterity essential, nimble physicality very useful, ability to do
any acro tricks an advantage but not essential. We are open minded to any specialized physical skill.
Audition piece: Singing ‘Focus’ Start to bar 26
Hospital Ghost: any age, smart, dapper, and comic timing.
Audition piece: Singing ‘Got to let go now’ Bar 13 to 63
Ensemble: There are lots of cameo parts, ensemble pieces and fun parts to be allocated. Many have small
pieces of dialogue and solo singing parts. These include Hospital ghosts, office workers, receptionist, Mrs
Santiago, Ortisha Brown, Wallace (police officer), Fergeson (Bank worker), Detective Beiderman, Henry’s
ghost, Orlando, Nuns, Spirits of the apocalypse, and many others. These will be allocated at audition or during
rehearsals. Let us know if you have a preference.
About the production fee
This is set at this show at £45 per performer. This enables us to provide more set, costumes, special effects to
support the cast’s talents on stage and give the audience a truly moving experience.
About rehearsals
We rehearse at our unit; Unit 21, Fairways, Cheshunt EN9 0NL. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays and Thursdays
evenings starting at 7.30 prompt and on Sundays23rd August, 6th September, 13th September and 20th
The first rehearsal is on Wednesday 13th May at 7.30pm. Everyone is called to this rehearsal. This will enable
us to get to know each other and set the scene for subsequent rehearsals.
You will not be called to every rehearsal, however, due to the technical nature of the show expect to be at all
rehearsals from August (including Sundays). You will also be expected to attend a rehearsal every night of
show week and help with the getin on Sunday 20th September, if you cannot make these dates you will not be
able to be in the show.
An availability form will be handed out and before your audition you are expected to fill this in and hand it
back, along with your membership details and audition form.
Once the show is cast a full rehearsal schedule will be drawn up around people’s availability, therefore it is
imperative you put down all/any dates that you are not available for, it will not go against you it is just so we
can draw up the schedule and not call people to rehearsals un-necessarily.
The production team expect you to stay true to your word, once you are cast you are a member of a very
important team and we will not put up with unreliable cast members (remember there’s always someone
waiting in the wings to step in).
Ghost is a very demanding show. The nature of the special effects requires precise blocking and rehearsals to
make them look impressive. We want you to be proud of the show therefore we will expect the cast to be
available on all dates which you have specified on your form and arrive on time. Not turning up will result in
the cast member being removed from the scene or even the show.
What is expected of you!
You are expected to learn your lines quickly. All scripts will be down by mid July, if not before. You can only
begin to perform, act and build your character once the script is out of your hand.
Please arrive to rehearsals on time. If you’re going to be a little late please call Helen (07958672546) or Nigel
(07946525129), it’s just common courtesy.
As we previously touched on, once you are cast you are part of a team; be a team player, don’t let us, yourself
or any of your team down.
Lastly you will be expected to help with the production as much as you can, in every way you can, this will
include helping other cast members if they are struggling with any dialogue or music and of course advertising
and selling the show as much as possible.
Our cast sells the majority of our tickets to the friends and family, but we will also be relying on cast to be
involved in promotional events, fund raising activities, and flyer drops. These will all be detailed on the
You may also be responsible for wearing some of your own clothes or for purchasing some small personal
items such as tights, socks, generic costume items and makeup.
Based on the availability forms we will endeavour to schedule rehearsals effectively and productively so not to
waste anybody’s time. We expect the same level of commitment from you.
More than anything, we really want Ghost the musical to be a truly memorable production for casts and
audience alike which reflects our passion and talents in Musical Theatre.
Anything else?
If you have any questions or queries then do not hesitate to contact Nigel on 07946525129 of Helen on
07958672546. Don’t let anything worry you!