Conifer Plantation Management Conifer Plantations Module #5 Biodiversity and Wildlife Values 5-1 Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management What’s in the Module? Biodiversity defined Importance Typical forest ecosystem Forest succession Your property Your plantation Plantation review Managing for birds Managing for animals 5-2 Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity: full variety of life in an area Species diversity: number and Genetic diversity: genetic relative abundance variation Ecosystem 5-3 diversity: variety Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Diversity is Important current extinction rates far exceed rates documented in geologic records manage for generalist organisms at the expense of habitat specialists Preserving single species has dominated More attention to whole ecosystems Diverse ecosystems better able to withstand stress and disturbance 5-4 Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Generalists and Specialists 5-5 Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Generalists in a variety of ecosystems Specialists limited to only a few ecosystems Conifer Plantation Management 5-6 Forest Ecosystem Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Succession Conifer Plantation Management Natural process of change pioneer species climax forest 5-7 Conifer plantations shorten the time span and provide economic return Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Where do you Start? Inventory Identify ecosystems and their relationships Identify options to protect and enhance existing sites with linkages Create a Management Plan 5-8 Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Plantation’s Role on your Property 5-9 Nurse crop Adds diversity Links degraded and fragmented forest patches Stabilizes eroded areas Protects waterways Meets your needs Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Plantations are not stable ecosystems Continuous change from open areas to to to to to young trees crown closure maintaining vigour regeneration renewal Continued management as plantation changes site preparation planting early tending thinning for products thinning for regeneration harvesting and conversion Plantation ecosystem constantly evolving towards the desired natural forest after one rotation 5-10 Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Let’s Look at Wildlife Birds and animals 5-11 cover food water space Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Birds in Your Plantation Species composition changes as the plantation matures Hardwoods critical Species diversity increases with age 5-12 Without thinning, canopy closed and dramatic reduction in species present Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Helping our Feathered Friends 5-13 Restrict operations from April to July Thin plantations on schedule to promote hardwoods Thin plantations adjacent to hardwood seed sources first Plant mixtures e.g. Pr/Pj Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management More Help 5-14 Direct seed or plant hardwoods where no seed source Promote and maintain snags and cavities Minimize edge habitat Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Animals in your Plantation 5-15 Animals tend to use edge Cover from the elements Cover from predators A limited source of food Older plantations provide opportunities for homes Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Helping the Animals 5-16 Preserve den trees Conifers to link woodlots Conifers as shelter Openings Retain hardwood patches Plant roads, trails, landings Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Other Ideas on Wildlife Ecosystem diversity Recreation viewing hunting Eco-Tourism part of a variety of ecosystems part of a farm complex 5-17 Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Your Plantation — Summary Managing your plantation for biodiversity 5-18 When to operate Watch that edge Where are the hardwoods? Linkages Species mix Thin, thin, thin Don’t forget the overall objectives! Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops Conifer Plantation Management Conifer Plantation Management Workshops Have been funded by: Ministry of Natural Resources and Eastern Ontario Model Forest through 4-22 The Stewardship Program Prepared by Bill Hardy, Hardy Consulting Layout and design by the LandOwner Resource Centre Caring for Your Land Series of Workshops