When Specialists and Generalists Work Together: Overcoming Domain Dependence in Sentiment Tagging Alina Andreevskaia Sabine Bergler Concordia University ACL 2008 Domain Adaptation in Sentiment Research General word lists from Internet vs. corpus-based classifiers: out of domain training data, not sufficiently large training data => comparable performance. Domain adaptation: general vs. corpus-based? Factors Affecting System Performance Training set size Level of analysis (sentence or document?) Bo Pang Sentence: snippets/sentences Document domain/genre? Agreement: 92.5%, 95.9% k=0.74, 0.75 99%,K=0.99 Bing Liu Baseline Corpus-based System (CBS) Supervised statistical methods: acc 85-90% for movie reviews: large volume of labeled data available. SVM: p/r 0.50-0.52 on sentence level sentiment classification; acc=74.9% for subjectivity on the MPQA Naïve Bayes: similar with SVM System Performance on Texts vs. Sentences (acc, NB) System Performance across Domains System Performance on Different Domains (acc, SVM) Lexicon Based Approach WordNet, human-annotated adjectives as seeds, learn additional unigrams from synsets and glosses. Evaluated by GI, acc=88% Method: 58 system runs from unique 58 seed sets. P: +1, N: -1; Net score normalized to –1~1. Baseline Lexicon-Based System (LBS): acc The lexicon-based approach is characterized by a bounded but stable performance when the system is ported across domains. Integrating Corpus-based and Dic-based Approaches Cascaded classifiers: Pang and Lee (04) – sentiment->polarity Many classifiers vote: Das and Chen (2004): market sentiment on Yahoo! Postings. (ternary, acc=62%) Classifier Integration Procedure (1) Train/Test positive and negative sentences separately Significant at alpha=0.01 This difference is domain independent Classifier Integration Procedure (2) (1) Small amount of training data for CBS. (2) Performance (precision) of CBS and LBS are evaluated on training instances. (3) The performances subtracts 50% (chance level) to get the weight of CBS and LBS (4) Weights normalized (5) Using weights of CBS and LBS to combine them (6) The category of greater score is assigned to the sentence Classifier Integration Procedure Example 89.3-50 = 39.3 => 0.671 69.3-50=19.3 => 0.329 SenP= 0.329*ScoreLBS+0.671*ScoreCBS System Evaluation Significant at alpha=0.01 except Movies (0.05) Discussion Integration of two fairly different classifier learning approaches yields substantial gains Gains are most likely when Errors are complementary Errors are not fully random System can identify low-precision segment and reduce the weights. Conclusion and Future Work Combine classifiers into a single ensemble Precision-based technique for assigning weights for classifier results Proposing a new method in situations where the annotated in-domain data is scarse and insufficient Deploy more advanced classifiers and feature selection techniques