Military Culture

Mary T. Dorritie, PhD
Mark Ruiz, Ph.D.
 Learn to obtain a client’s military service background
 Understand the goals of military medicine
 Understand the importance of rank and structure
 Understanding the “Us vs. them” mentality
 Identify important resources
OIF/OND: Fatalities = 4,491; Wounded= 32,243
OEF: Fatalities = 2,345; Wounded= 19,996
A caveat…
 Although vets all share their service
and certain experiences in
common, there are distinct
differences between the services.
 Today, you’ll be hearing things
mostly from the Army perspective.
 Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Most Vets/Troops will appreciate
your willingness to ask and NOT
Afghanistan Parking Lot
Military Structure
Department of
Defense (DOD)
National Guard
National Guard
(CINC Governor)
(CINC Governor)
Rank & Structure
 It’s all about DISCIPLINE
 We know EXACTLY where and how we fit into the
organizational structure
 Interchangeable parts
 Your uniform is your resume
 Normal tension between officers and enlisted
 Role of the officer vs. role of the NCO and other enlisted
 We call NCO’s the ‘backbone of the Army’
 Many vets often choose post-military careers in law
enforcement, corrections, firefighting, EMT, etc.
 Increased concerns about privacy due to employment.
 Reality of Security Clearance procedures
“Us vs. Them”
 Team work and “Esprit de corps”
 Many vets, particularly combat vets, view themselves as different from civilians
 If you fail to acknowledge this or ‘brush it aside,’ vet will typically write you off
 Several reasons:
 Perceived lack of discipline in civilian society/workplaces
 Views on life and death, what’s important
“Mission first” mindset
 Treatment many vets received from civilians upon redeployment
Lack of knowledge/awareness in civilians
 “I didn’t realize we had people in Afghanistan.” “What is OIF?”
Insensitive questions, un-invited political commentary
 “How many people did you kill.”
 “We should stop using drones, they are killing too many civilians.”
 Over concern from others
Tactical awareness versus Hyper-vigilance; Lethally armed versus Locked and Loaded
1 year re-adjustment period for every year deployed (Walter Reed Army Institute of Research)
 Different (unofficial) norms for appropriate behavior within the military
“Us vs. Them” cont.
 How do we deal with this when
working with Veterans?
 Acknowledge it. If you’ve had a
family member in the military,
share that with the Vet.
 Don’t pretend to
understand/know terminology,
tactics, ‘what it was like.’
ASK if you don’t know what
something means, Vets are usually
glad to explain.
The Military Family/Unit Cohesion
 Traditional nuclear structure, but with
an increasing number of single parents,
dual military couples, and couples in
which the wife is the military member
 Military member typically works long
hours- 8-hour days are almost unheard of
 Non-military spouse bears most of the
childcare duties, attends school
functions, often takes care of financial
management (this is even more
pronounced during deployments)
 Because of frequent PCS’ing, non-military
spouse often can’t find a job at each new
 Kids tend to be pretty resilient, used to
moving and having to make new friends
Active vs. Guard/Reserve
 Active- move around a lot, don’t get to stay with the same troops
for more than 2-3 years, usually.
 Guard/Reserve- often serve with the same people for YEARS.
They get to know each other’s families, kids go to school
together, they may work in civilian jobs together, etc.
 OEF/OIF – Largest mobilization of Guard/Reserve since WWII.
 This is a primary reason that Active troops often view Guard/Reserve as
having “slack” discipline.
Variable discipline across units (line combat units vs. highly skilled medical units).
 Typically older than active component.
 Deployment differences- very different
homecomings/readjustment periods.
 Increased rates of mental health problems between 3-12 months post
deployment (Milliken et al., 2007).
Military Medicine
 “Mission First” vs. Patient Centered Treatment
 Use of sick call
 Lack of autonomy/Institutionalized mindset
 Needs of the Army
 Soldier Readiness Program (SRP)
 Vaccinations
 Lack of Confidentiality
 Command’s “Need to Know”
 The role of the Chaplain.
 More accepted source of help.
Military History
 What branch of service were you in?
 What was your time in service (TIS)?
 What was your MOS (the job you did)?
 Level of security clearance
Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, TS-SCI
 Types of Discharge (Form DD214)
 Honorable
 General
 Other than honorable
 Dishonorable/Bad Conduct
Character of discharge impacts access to benefits &
Any Honorable discharge qualifies a veteran for many
 Military decorations (awards)
 Congressional Medal of Honor
 Purple Heart
 Valor Awards–Examples-Silver Star, Navy Cross.
Military History cont.
 Deployments and Associated Health Concerns
 Combat
WWII – Cold injuries, chemical warfare experiments, exposure to nuclear weapons,
malnutrition and related ailments
 Korea- Cold injuries, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, malnutrition and related
 Vietnam- Agent Orange, PTSD, Hepatitis C
 Desert Shield/Desert Storm (Saudi Arabia/Kuwait/Iraq)- Depleted Uranium, chemical
and biological agent exposure, leishmaniasis
 OEF (Operating Enduring Freedom- Afghanistan)
 OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom)
 OND (Operation New Dawn- as we were leaving Iraq)
 For all of these- PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), blast exposure, amputations,
exposure to burn pits, orthopedic injuries from carrying heavy gear
 Peacekeeping- not a large body of research on health effects of these operations
 Bosnia/Kosovo
 Somalia
 Hurricane Katrina
 West Africa (fight against Ebola)
Resources for Signature Conditions
• VA Trauma Recovery Clinic
• VA Post-Deployment Clinic
• PTSD Residential Treatment
(Bay Pines, Miami)
• Vet Centers
• VA Women’s Center
• Trauma Recovery
• Residential MST
program (Bay Pines)
• ADATP program
• SARRTP (Bay Pines,
Miami, Gainesville,
Brain Injury
• VA Polytrauma
Treatment and
Increased rates of mental health problems between 3-12
months after deployment (Milliken et al., 2007).
 Military society is its own subculture.
 There are norms and mores that differ from
those of civilian society, often leading
military members and families to feel like
they ‘don’t belong.’
 Few people in our country have a direct
connection to the military.
 Military is becoming increasingly diverse
and offers opportunities to excel for anyone
with the skills and drive necessary,
regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity.
 Important resources:
Further training
 This is a FREE online training developed jointly by VA
and DoD.
 4 modules, 2 CE’s each (again, FOR FREE!)