Project Completion Report SECTION A: Project profile Project number & title: Project time period: Committee / WG / Fora: Project Overseer Name / Organization / Economy: SME 02 2014 - APEC Start-ups Conference III: Global Thinking to Make Global Business June -November 2014 15 December Date submitted: 2014 Small and Medium Enterprise Working Group- SMEWG Mr. Angel Paul Hurtado Erazo / Ministry of Production / Peru SECTION B: Project report and reflection 1. Project description: In 3-4 sentences, please describe the project and its main objectives. The Start-ups are playing an important role in sustainable growth of APEC economies, so this project sought to consolidate and expand the start-up culture and interaction between APEC economies, improving the ecosystem for start-ups. Start-ups will interact with corporations, investors, business incubators - accelerators and policymakers, so that all key factors are covered. The main objectives of this project is becoming an important node of the Start-up Ecosystem in this APEC region with annual meetings for entrepreneurs, start-ups, business incubator, mentor and investors, as well as, facilitating access for entrepreneurs and start-ups to diverse global contest or start-up programs for APEC economies. In the framework of this project was scheduled to carry out two days of conference, the first day there was an open conference, in the morning; a visit two incubators was scheduled in the afternoon. The second day there was an open session in the morning and Global Corporations of start-up presented their programs to start-ups and entrepreneurs, in the afternoon. 2. Meeting objectives: Describe how the project met each of its proposed objectives. Please outline any challenges you may have encountered in delivering the activity. The Conference was designed to foster and encourage to participants to develop a global mindset if they are starting new business. The first day, in the morning the international keynote speakers shared their experiences and points of view on entrepreneurship, the attitude and skills that anyone entrepreneur have to develop to start a new business oriented to global market (attended to this event approximately 300 participants) For example, Jeff Hoffman from the United Stated, said "the Entrepreneurship is not about making money; it’s about designing and owning your future", and keynote speaker, Bernard Moon also from United States, pointed out the features of the world class ecosystem and what characteristic he looking for into a start-up before invest. Two of international keynote speakers were successful entrepreneur women, Ms. Rina Neoh and Ms. Justine Liu, one from Malaysia and the other from Chinese Taipei, respectively. They shared their business experiences and the challenges that they faced by success; this was very inspiring for female young entrepreneurs. In the afternoon, APEC delegates and keynote speakers visited one incubator business and one accelerator business to know how it works: Wayra Peru; it is an important accelerator business, Wayra is Telefónica's startup accelerator and it helps the best entrepreneurs to grow and build successful businesses (Telefonica is a big spanish company in telecommunications). The visit included a Wayra institutional presentation and five startups of Wayra made a pitch of their business project to delegation. Starscamp (business incubator), it was founded by three professional women; this incubator promote different kind of entrepreneurs projects, including social and environmental projects; here two Start-ups made a pitch to delegation. The second day was dedicated to startups and programs to promote or support to startups. In the morning, delegates from Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, The Philippines and Viet Nam, shared their business initiatives on Start- Ups. Their presentations were very interesting experiences in fields as Information and Communication Technology- ICT, manufacturing, nanotechnology and handicraft with support by 3D print. In the afternoon, the speakers were global corporations, government programs and university programs to start-ups and entrepreneurs. 3. Evaluation: Describe the process undertaken to evaluate the project upon completion. (e.g. evaluation through participant surveys, peer reviews of outputs, assessments against indicators, statistics demonstrating use of outputs etc.). Provide analysis of results of evaluations conducted and where possible include information on impacts on gender. Evaluation data needs to be included as an appendix. One survey was applied to delegates of APEC economies; this survey includes two main questions. 1. How would you grade the benefits gained from the Startup Conference funded by APEC? very high 1.1. To know other experiences on the promotion of startups. 1.2. The knowledge acquired in the Conference will be useful for your next activities in your work? 1.3. I was able to establish contacts with counter parts and other participants. 2. high fair 22% 78% 11% 78% 11% 22% 67% 11% poor very poor Please, could you give us some suggestions to improve or identify new activities or projects (new topics on Start-up) for the short and middle term? The participants gave these comments and suggestions: “This is good event. To sustainability connectivity among start-ups, keep this event for multy year event and the next conference topis better about sustanability business start-up”. “An improvement I would recommend to this conference project is in general to broaden the project to be more as Startup empowering rather than just a conference. But, What I do dreaming is, to have some coaching from CEO of the worldwide Company on running their Enterprise. It must be inspiring for all joining Start-up”. “So in real, the new project I propose is APEC Startup Training Program. This program can be integrated with Startup conference anyway, but with two or more session for training from giant company like Google, Microsoft, or Apple, or Samsung. Invite those companies to train Startup CEO How to scale-up their business in the point of view of highly experience practitioner. I am very sure; this Startup Training Program will be more beneficial to participant as they will get the real picture on fighting to scale-up the business in a global mindset. I think it will require more time/day and cost to spend. But if it’s worth it, why not organize”. “It would have been much better if there were more visits and sharing from Business Incubators”. “Spending more time to visit the incubators”. “Reinforce the participation of the public sector in order to share with the participants the supports the APEC governments have elaborated for the startups”. “Open a section of specific results from the startups and how are they impacted in jobs, productivity, competitiveness and GDP2. “Integrate the results and the policies presented by each economy and promote it in the APEC region”. “In order to enhance the startup ecosystem, we need to reinforce the startup community in the means of the entrepreneurship program badge such as startup mobile app, startup Saas for cloud computing etc. Meanwhile you should organize activities to build the community of angel investors such as networking, workshop to give the awareness of the startup, bridge the gaps of the startup and angel investors to let them to meet up and discuss. I strongly believe that if the angel investors have more knowledge about the startup, the more angel will invest”. “Please help start-up entreprenuers to become more established or maybe provision of some machineries and equipment needed by the small entreprenuers to widend its service or to develop its production process”. We can see the comments and suggestions are around of these points: Reinforce the startup ecosystem through: Keep on this event for multiyear event; Startup Training Program with global mindset; An entrepreneurship badge program; More visits and sharing from Business Incubators. Organize activities to build the community of angel investors such as networking, workshop to give the awareness of the startup. Policies strategies Integrate the results and the policies presented by each economy and promote it in the APEC region. 4. Output indicators: Describe the main project outputs below. This may include workshops, tools, research papers, reports, recommendations, best practices, action plans. . Indicators # actual Details or notes (Edit or Insert rows as # planned needed) # workshops / events Conference (two days). The first day, the Conference was opened by Minister of Production; 01 01 and the second day was opened by Vice Minister of Industry and SME. # participants (M/F) We had 42% more participants than the Conference 2013; and 43% more women. 300 545 We have to add 714 participants connected by (150/150) (356/189) streaming (from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States). # economies One economy canceled his participation at the last attending 10 10 minute and other economy had a problem during travel (to Peru) and had to cancel his participation. # speakers engaged There were four international keynote speakers, two of them were successful entrepreneur women (Rina Neoh and Justine Liu), they shared their 16 20 business experiences and the challenges that they faced by success. During the conference event participated 20 speakers at both national and international levels. # other organizations Non profit organization as Endeavor Peru, engaged 04 10 Universities (05); Microsoft Peru; Wayra Peru among others. # publications The all presentations can be downloading from this distributed website and you can see a short video of event and interviews. 300 300 # recommendations agreed on Other: 01 01 02 02 Summary and conclusions. Streaming live video for two days. Comments: The Conference was opened by Mr. Piero Ghezzi, Minister of Production, who reaffirmed the commitment of Peru to strengthen the cooperation with other APEC economies to promote the entrepreneurship and start-ups as strategy to develop of our economies. On July 2014, the Ministry of Production has approved the National Plan of Productive Diversification with objectives of promoting economic diversification, expanding the productivity and reducing the administrative obstacles. In this context, Ministry of Micro and Small Enterprises and Industry’s main priorities are aligned with the issues that have been discussed within the Small and Medium Enterprise Working Group (SMEWG). The Minister mentioned that one priority for the Production Sector is the promotion of start-up. Peru currently has a Start-up Program, which provide seed capital to innovative and technology-based enterprises. It is important to mention that, PRODUCE learned about start-up programs of other countries from a workshop organized in Korea in 2012 The numbers of participants exceeded the estimated number; this is a measure how increased the people interested in the entrepreneurship and Start-ups, and how increased the local institutions dedicated to promote entrepreneurship as business incubators (basically at universities); some business angels (is a very small movement yet). 5. Outcomes: Describe any specific medium-term changes to policy, processes or behavior that can be attributed to result from this activity. Please include details on: What indicators were used to measure medium-term impact? (Example indicators: type/number of policies/ regulations/processes changed, % of businesses conforming to new standards, change in sector’s commercial activity, # individual action plans developed, # agencies using resource or tools etc.) Monitoring plans in place and proposed indicators to measure impacts, including any impacts on gender. Please summarize relevant information. We considered the number of policies and programs that were created from last APEC Start-up Conference (2013) to date; in the case of Peru, at the end of 2013 we launched Start-up Perú program (seed capital program); and to measure medium-term impact, we consider the number of startups that have been participated in our program and how many were successful. Meanwhile, on the same way, economy Chinese Taipei is working to foster an APEC ecosystem of Start-ups, they made the APEC Accelerator Network Directory. At the end of the year 2014, the international consulting contracted by our Ministry, will start the design a proposal of national entrepreneurship policy. To measure medium-term impacts, we consider the increase of number of Startups per year, number of business incubators, and number of business angels and ventures capital incorporated to Peruvian ecosystem. We will coordinate with other economies to measure the evolution of APEC Start-up ecosystem; it is possible we need an APEC project to measure the changes. 6. Participants (compulsory for events): Must be gender-aggregated. May be included as appendix. Economy (Insert rows as needed) Australia # male # female Indonesia delegate resident in Peru 1 Chinese Taipei Details 2 100% of participants were women (keynote speaker and delegate resident in Peru); 1 Keynote speaker 2 Malaysia Mexico 2 Delegate Papua New Guinea 1 Delegate Peru 345 Thailand The Philippines 1 United States 2 Viet Nam Other: 2 356 183 35% of participants were women; 2 100% of participants were women; 1 Both were keynote speakers 189 35% of participants were women The two days seminar brought together a network of different players of ecosystem of startups, 412 attendees from the private sector, including SME business leaders, 88 participants from universities (professors and students). Comments: What was the approach undertaken for participant nomination/selection and targeting? Please provide details. What follow-up actions are expected? How will participants/beneficiaries continue to be engaged and supported to progress this work? Through the Circular Administrative was requested to eligible economies the participation of two delegates one from private sector (start-up) and other from public sector. Regarding to keynote speakers, 50% were successful entrepreneur women. The idea was encourage the young women to start their own business. 7. Key findings: Describe 1-3 examples of key findings, challenges or success stories arising from the project (e.g. research or case studies results, policy recommendations, roadblocks to progress on an issue, impacts on gender). The participants (APEC entrepreneurs) pointed out the Conference is very important to development a global mindset, but that is not enough, they suggest implementing a APEC Start-up training program. The delegates pointed out that are very important sharing best practices between business incubators, also between the business angels and ventures capitals. The seed capitals are very important funds in the early stages of start-up, and the governments play a key role in supply or promote these funds. SMEs, as handicraft, can improve quality product and productivity when using new technologies (for example digital manufacturing). 8. Next steps: Describe any planned follow-up steps or projects, such as workshops, post-activity evaluations, or research to assess the impact of this activity. How will the indicators from Question 5 be tracked? How will this activity inform any future APEC activities? We will make a design a new project that includes a Conference (we will take the suggestions of the last Start-up conference) and research on policies and programs Start-up in six or seven APEC Economies; and we will evaluate if we can elaborate another project to make a Start-up training program. 9. Feedback for the Secretariat: Do you have suggestions for more effective support by APEC fora or the Secretariat? Any assessment of consultants, experts or other stakeholders to share? The Secretariat examines feedback trends to identify ways to improve our systems. We suggest to the APEC Secretariat can promote or suggest to economies the use the Live streaming video in the conferences and make a short recording about it; in this way more people from APEC Economies can participate in conferences, for example in the APEC Startup Conference III: Global Thinking to Make Global Business SECTION C: Budget Attach a detailed breakdown of the APEC- provided project budget, including: Planned costs: (using most recently approved budget figures) Actual expenditures Variance notes: An explanation of any budget line under- or over-spent by 20% or more. Initially, the total budget of the project was of USD 194 330 Dollars; USD 108 330 Dollars was required to the APEC Secretariat and US$ 86 000 Dollars was required to Peru. However, the real cost to implement this project was as follows: APEC Secretariat : Peru (Ministry of Production) : USD 59 807, 07 USD 43 942,46 TOTAL SPENT USD 102 749,53 : It is important to point out that the amount required initially it is not the same amount to the paid in the implementation stage due to the following reasons: Delegates from Chile and Russia could not attend to the conference; delegates from China and Malaysia at the last minute could not participate; and Papua New Guinea had one participant. Item description Speaker´s honorarium Travel –Airfare and per diem (speakers and delegates) Project total (USD) Item description Simultaneous translation (2 interpreters Short-term clerical fees Publication/distribution of report (USB, promotion materials, banners, backings and landing pages) Specialized equipment or materials (please describe) Interpretation equipment for 2 days. Printer, PC rental, LCD projector, laptop. Other office supplies for participants (2 days) Photocopying Communications (telephone, fax, mail, courier) Live Video Streaming over the Internet Hosting (provide breakdown, e.g., room rental, stationery) Component total Project total BUDGET APEC SECRETARIAT Budget Paid 4 800,00 4 800,00 Balance 00,00 103 530,00 55 007,07 48 522,93 108 330,00 59 807,07 48 522,93 BUDGET PERU Budget Paid Balance 5 000,00 1 525.86 3474.14 3 000,00 2 758,62 241,38 4 000,00 6 231,72 (2 231,72) 8 891,03 4 108,97 0,00 1000,00 4 184,19 15 815.81 20 351,03 19 648,97 86 000,00 43 942,45 42 057,55 194 330,00 103 749,52 90 580,48 13 000,00 1 000,00 20 000,00 40 000,00 SECTION D: Appendices Please attach the following documentation to the report as required. Note that the participant contact list is a mandatory requirement for all Project completion reports. Appendices Notes Participant contact list: contact info, gender, job titles (mandatory) Experts / consultants list: contact info, job titles, roles, gender Event Agenda Reports, websites or resources created: links or soft copies Post activity survey or other evaluation data (raw and/or aggregated) Other information or resources FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLY APEC comments: Were APEC project guidelines followed? Could the project have been managed more effectively or easily by the PO? The project achieved its objectives. Contributive comments from participants show that they are interested in and benefited from attending the project. As the project series on Startup Conference have been organized annually, it helps address systematically issues related to the promotion of startups. The project is efficiently managed and followed APEC guidelines. Participant contact list Economy: Indonesia S/N Title Name 1 2 Mr. Mr. DANIEL ASNUR EKO SUSATIO ECONOMY: M EXICO S/N Title Name Position Organization Email Deputy Minister R & D for Cooperatives and SMEs Resources Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs CEO MetaVision Studio, Bandung Techno Park Position Organization Email 1 Mr. IVAN ORNELAS Director Coordination for International Affairs. National Institute for the Entrepreneur 2 Mr. SERGIO LEON Commercial Director Gresmex, S.A. Economy: Papua New Guinea S/N Title Name 1 Mr. HENRY MARASEMBI Acting Managing Director Economy: Thailand S/N Title Name 1 Ms. Position CHATAMON POLDUL Organization Small Business Development Corporation Position Organization Director Thailand Tech Startup Association Email Email 2 Ms SRITHIP UTCHIN Business Center Manager Economy: The Philippines S/N Title Name Position National Science and Technology Development Agency - Ministry of science and technology. Kingdom of Thailand Organization Email 1 Ms. CLAIRE VENICE CANILAO Sales and Marketing Manager Prime of Asia Handicraft 2 Mr. ERICKSON NANGKIL Technical Manager Fabrication Laboratory Bohol Economy: Viet Nam S/N Title Name 1 Mr. MINH NGUYEN DUC 2 Mr. LE HUU TRI Position Deputy manager Americas Market Chairman Organization Email Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam Tan Nhat Huong Co. Ltd. Viet Nam Keynote Speakers S/N Economy Title Name Position Organization Email 1 The United States Mr. Bernard Moon Co-founder & Partner SparkLabs Global Ventures 2 Chinese Taipei Ms Yung Pei Justine Liu CEO & Founder Enjeweled Co., Ltd. 3 Malaysia Ms Rina Neoh Co Founder, Managing Partner Co Founder, Executive Director Fix Point Pte Ltd Co Founder ColoJar LLC 4 The United States Mr. Jeff Hoffman Nest Inc. APEC Start-ups Conference III: Global Thinking to Make Global Business Octubre 28-29, 2014 PROGRAM Sala Plaza Olivar - Hotel Sonesta El Olivar Calle Pancho Fierro 194, San Isidro TUESDAY OCTOBER 28 TIMELINE OPENING SESSION SESSIONS SESSION 1 - STARTUPS WITH GLOBAL THINKING 08:30 - 09:00 Registration 09:00 - 09:15 Opening remarks Mr. PIERO GHEZZI, Minister of Production 09:15 – 10:40 Mr. Jeff Hoffman, Priceline / ColorJar (USA) Ms. Rina Neoh, Fix Point Pte. Ltd (MALAYSIA) 10:40 – 11:00 Q&A 11:00 – 11:15 Coffee break 11:15 – 12:45 Mr. Bernard Moon, SparkLabs Ventures (USA) Ms. Justine Liu Yung Pei, Enjeweled Co. Ltd (CHINESE TAIPEI) 12:45 – 13:00 Q&A 13:00 – 14:15 FREE LUNCH CLOSED SESSION SESSION 2 - BUSINESS INCUBATORS SHARE EXPERIENCE 15:00 – 16:15 Visit to Peruvian business incubators, sharing and discuss on experiences to incubate and accelerate business in early stages. Participants: Delegates, entrepreneurs and Start-APEC, mentors and investors. Incubator: Wayra 16:15 – 16:30 Coffee break 16:30 – 17:45 Continue visit to business incubators Sharing and discuss on experiences between Start-ups, mentors and delegates. Incubator: Starscamp 19:30 – 20:45 Networking Dinner WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29 Timeline Sessions CLOSED SESSION SESSION 1 - START-UP: THE RIDERS OF GLOBAL BUSINESSES (Presentations of cases Start-up and SME from APEC economies) 08:30 - 09:00 Registration 09:00 - 09:10 Opening remarks Ms. SANDRA DOIG, Viceminister of MSE and Industry – Ministry of Production 09:10 – 10:20 Presentation of Start-up/SME from APEC economies members (07 Startups) Mr. Eko Susatio, MetaVision Studio, Bandung Techno Park (Indonesia) Ms. Claire Venice Canilao, Prime of Asia Handicraft (Philippines) Mr. Amadeus Malca, Inclass Inc. (Peru) Miguel Enriquez, Digiscend (Peru) 10:20 – 10:40 Q&A 10:40 – 11:00 Coffee Break 11:00 – 12:20 Mr. Le Huu, Tan Nhat Huong, Co. Ltd. (Viet Nam) Mr. Sergio León, Gresmex, S.A. (Mexico) Mr. César Gálvez, Touch Entertainment SAC (Peru) Mr. Mario Gil, Bederr - powered by Dipoo (Peru) 12:20 – 12:30 Q&A 12:30 – 14:20 FREE LUNCH OPENING SESSION SESSION 2 - PROGRAMS AND GLOBAL CONTESTS TO FUND START-Ups (example Start-up Peru, UTEC Ventures, others) 14:00 – 14:30 Registration 14:30 – 15:30 Ms. Chatamon Poldul, Thailand Tech Start-up Association (Thailand) Mr. Iván Ornelas, Mexico National Institute for the Entrepreneur (Mexico) Ms. Ana Sofía Valdivia, Endeavor Perú (Peru) 15:30 – 15:50 Q&A 15:50 - 16:00 Coffee Break Mr. Jorge Oblitas, Microsoft Perú (Peru) Mr. Gonzalo Villarán, UTEC Ventures (Peru) Mr. Giancarlo Falconí, Wayra Perú (Peru) Mr. Alejandro Bernaola, Start-up Perú (Peru) 17:00 -17:30 Q&A 17:30 – 18:00 Mr. ALEJANDRO BERNAOLA, Director of General Directorate of Innovation, Technology Transfer and Business Services - Ministry of Production Web site In this web site you can see a video and download of presentations Survey SME 02 2014 - APEC START-UP Conference III 2014: Global Thinking to Make Global Business October 28th - 29th, 2014 – Lima – Peru This survey is to know of their opinions and point of view about event. 1. How would you grade the benefits gained from the Startup Conference funded by APEC 1.1. To know other experiences on the promotion of startups ___ very high ___ high ___ fair 1 Daniel /Indonesia 2 Eko / Indonesia 3 Iván / México ___ poor ___ very poor 1 1 1 Henry Marasembi / 4 PNP 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 1 Chatamon / Thailand Srithip / Thailand Claire / Phillipines Erickson / Phillipines Nguyen / Viet Nam 1 Le / Viet Nam Total % 2 22% 1 7 78% 1.2. The knowledge acquired in the Conference will be useful for your next activities in your work? ___ very ___ very high ___ high ___ fair ___ poor poor 1 1 Daniel /Indonesia Eko / Indonesia Iván / México Henry Marasembi / PNP 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chatamon / Thailand Srithip / Thailand Claire / Phillipines Erickson / Phillipines Nguyen / Viet Nam Le / Viet Nam Total % 1 11% 7 78% 1 1 11% 1.3. I was able to establish contacts with counter parts and other participants. ___ very high ___ high ___ fair ___ poor 1 1 Daniel /Indonesia Eko / Indonesia Iván / México Henry Marasembi / PNP 1 ___ very poor 1 1 1 Chatamon / Thailand Srithip / Thailand Claire / Phillipines Erickson / Phillipines 1 1 Nguyen / Viet Nam Le / Viet Nam Total % 2. 2 22% 1 6 67% 1 11% Please, could you give us some suggestions to improve or identify new activities or projects (new topics on Start-up) for the short and middle term?. “This is good event. To sustainability connectivity among start-ups, keep this event for multy year event and the next conference topis better about sustanability business start-up”. “An improvement I would recommend to this conference project is in general to broaden the project to be more as Startup empowering rather than just a conference. But, What I do dreaming is, to have some coaching from CEO of the worldwide Company on running their Enterprise. It must be inspiring for all joining Start-up”. “So in real, the new project I propose is APEC Startup Training Program. This program can be integrated with Startup conference anyway, but with two or more session for training from giant company like Google, Microsoft, or Apple, or Samsung. Invite those companies to train Startup CEO How to scale-up their business in the point of view of highly experience practitioner. I am very sure; this Startup Training Program will be more beneficial to participant as they will get the real picture on fighting to scale-up the business in a global mindset. I think it will require more time/day and cost to spend. But if it’s worth it, why not organize”. “It would have been much better if there were more visits and sharing from Business Incubators”. “Spending more time to visit the incubators”. “Reinforce the participation of the public sector in order to share with the participants the supports the APEC governments have elaborated for the startups”. “Open a section of specific results from the startups and how are they impacted in jobs, productivity, competitiveness and GDP2. “Integrate the results and the policies presented by each economy and promote it in the APEC region”. “In order to enhance the startup ecosystem, we need to reinforce the startup community in the means of the entrepreneurship program badge such as startup mobile app, startup Saas for cloud computing etc. Meanwhile you should organize activities to build the community of angel investors such as networking, workshop to give the awareness of the startup, bridge the gaps of the startup and angel investors to let them to meet up and discuss. I strongly believe that if the angel investors have more knowledge about the startup, the more angel will invest”. “Please help start-up entreprenuers to become more established or maybe provision of some machineries and equipment needed by the small entreprenuers to widend its service or to develop its production process”.