Project Monitoring Report SECTION A: Project profile Project number & title: HRD 01 2013 - Establishing Best Practices on Human Capital Development to Enhance Productivity, Quality, Competitiveness and Innovation among SMEs: Research and Workshop Time period covered in report: May 2013 –June 2014 Date submitted: Committee / WG / Fora: HRDWG Project Overseer Name: Ms. Lee Saw Hoon & Organization / Economy Ms Noeline Chanan Singh 20 June 2014 Malaysia Productivity Corporation, Malaysia e-mail:; SECTION B: Project update Briefly answer each of the questions below to a maximum of 2-3 pages. If you have submitted previous Monitoring Reports, focus on progress since your most recent previous report. 1. Current status of project: On schedule: YES / NO On budget: YES / NO On target to meet project objectives: YES / NO If NO, provide details: How far off schedule, budget or objectives? What actions are being taken to resolve issues? What support is needed from your Committee or the Secretariat? The Request for Proposal (RFP) for the project had been advertised on the APEC website from 5-16 March 2014. However, there were no tenders received. In view of this and advice from the APEC Secretariat, the workshop can still be carried out. Expected date of the workshop will be in November 2014. The total budget expected to be utilized is USD70,000 compared to USD150,000 previously as it does not involve the research project but will incorporate a small project by the speakers. 2. Implementation: Describe progress against the project’s work plan and proposed objectives. Was sufficient time allocated for planning of the activity? Were there delays in implementation and what are some of the risk management approaches in place to ensure effective implementation of this activity? The work plan for this project is based on a time frame of 5-6 months for the workshop planning scheduled for November 2014. Because sufficient time had been allocated earlier for planning the activity the project will meet its target of completion by year end. The risk management approaches include working closely with the speakers to ensure the objectives of the program is met. Specific timelines will also be provided to the speaker to abide and frequent follow-ups by the project team will be carried out. The APEC secretariat will also be updated regularly so that any discrepancies or irregularities in the project can be addressed immediately. Challenges: If not covered in Q1, describe any issues which impacted on the successful completion of the workplan. Describe how you addressed these. Has this impacted on the project schedule or budget? How might your fora Committee or the Secretariat help in addressing such challenges? The APEC Secretariat has constantly provided inputs and advise to assist us on overcoming the shortcomings of the project. 1 3. Engagement: Describe the engagement and roles of stakeholders in the implementation of the project, including other APEC fora, experts and beneficiaries. Will work with other APEC fora for identifying speakers and selection of participants from travel eligible economies. 4. Objectives and outputs: How do results of the project so far (if any) compare with its expected results? Are outputs being delivered on time and of appropriate quality? The project will not deviate from its original objectives as the paper presenters will address the issues that had been outlined. FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLY APEC comments: Is the project management effective? How could it be improved? Are APEC guidelines being followed? 2