Honors World Lit/Comp. – Hutchinson Essay: The Odyssey Topic: Heroes of Today vs. Heroes of Old Due Date: Wednesday, Nov. 2 Value: 40 points, major assignment Length: 3-4 pages (D/S), multi-paragraph You may work alone or with one partner on this paper. You’ll have 4 days in the computer lab to work on it plus a 3-day weekend in the middle. Assignment: Make a claim about how today’s fictional heroes are similar to and different from the ancient Greek heroes like Odysseus. Focus on some key elements. What you must include: - at least 3 references to The Odyssey, including one quote at least 3 references to Joseph Campbell’s Archetypal Hero model at least 3 references to specific scenes or moments in the stories of today’s heroes, including one quote (You may quote books, films or TV shows.) How to set up the paper: Use an attention-getting opener, leading into your thesis. This is all you need in your introduction. Your body paragraphs should be centered around main points and characters that will support your thesis. Your conclusion needs to re-state the thesis in a new way and then suggest a larger implication about the issue (related to humanity at large, this country, teenagers, or good/evil, etc.) Heroes you may wish to discuss: Focus on one genre or category of heroes, getting specific with your examples in that genre. Consider the following: Comicbook “super heroes,” live-action film heroes, Disney heroes, children’s story heroes, or young-adult book/film heroes. Formatting: Put your name(s) in upper-right corner. Double space, then center and underline your title. The title may include a sub-title (after a colon) and should suggest your thesis. It should not be a complete sentence. After the title, triple space, then begin the text of your introduction. Indent paragraphs; do not add an extra space between paragraphs. Double space the text. You do not need page numbers. Staple your pages together when handing in – do not use any sort of binder. Use a standard font, size 11 or 12, and 1” margins. Use the back to brainstorm ideas!