leia safety charter - Lift and Escalator Industry Association

Safety Training Presentation No 2
Use and verify Stop and other devices when accessing,
egressing and working on car tops and in lift and escalator
pits to ensure total control of the equipment.
V5-7 October 2012
Over the last 20 years there have been 12 fatal
accidents within the lift and escalator industry
How have the fatal accidents occurred?
Falling from height
Crushing/ struck by moving equipment
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to
devices when
of the equipment
and working on car tops and
in lift and escalator pits to ensure total control of
the equipment
The Risk…
3 fatalities in European lift industry in 2010/ 2011
2 fatalities, 6 major injuries and 33 3-day plus injuries in
UK lift industry over the last 5 years
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
This presentation assumes that all shaft lighting, screens and
other ancillary measures are in place and any controls
provided comply with current standards. This includes
effective safety gears, pawl devices, pit props, etc.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Basic Procedure for Top of Car Access:
LEIA recommend a formal procedure is in place for this
process to ensure safety and that controls are checked for
suitability and verified for correct operation before
accessing the car top
Note: the procedure given next is a minimum only; your
Company procedure may differ from it and must always
be followed
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Basic Procedure for Top of Car Access:
Working from top landing, send car away
Open landing door and verify this stops the car midflight. Ensure car top is at correct level for access, then
use a door blocking device to secure the door where
Operate car-top control Stop switch, close landing doors
Call car from landing. Verify that car has not moved
(Another car may respond at a multiple lift site)
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Basic Procedure for Top of Car Access:
Open landing doors; use a door blocking device to secure
the door where appropriate, and set Inspection/ Normal
switch to Inspection and return Stop switch to Run. Close
landing doors
Call car from landing. Verify that car has not moved
Leave Inspection/ Normal switch on Inspection and place
Stop/Run switch on Stop before gaining access to car top.
With multiple controls, verify each control independently.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Ensure car top is at correct level
for access, then use a door
blocking device to secure the door
where appropriate
Working from top landing, send
car away
Open landing door and
verify this stops the car
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Open landing doors; use a
door blocking device to
secure the door where
appropriate, and set
Inspection/ Normal
switch to Inspection and
return Stop switch to Run
Operate car-top
Call car
Stop switch,landing.
close landing
that car has
not moved
Call car from landing. Verify
that car has not moved
another car
may respond
at a multiple
lift site)
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Leave Inspection/ Normal
switch on inspection
and place Stop/ Run
switch on stop before
gaining access to car top
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
With multiple controls,
verify each control
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
Ensure you have a suitable door blocking device and other
appropriate tools for the work you will be doing. Do not
Before occupying the car top, check Car Top Controls are
compliant with current standards.
Only travel on the car top when fitted with a Car Top
Control unit that complies with current standards (EN81/
BS7255). If not then use Lock Off/ Tag Out procedure.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
Compliant Compliant with
EN81, but no
Common run
SAFed/ LEIA Risk
‘Enhanced Layout’
per previous
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
Before occupying the car top, identify a refuge space on the
car top for use in emergency.
Can you identify
a refuge space
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
Before occupying the car top, check that there is sufficient
clearance between the top of the car and the top of the well
or any other projecting equipment (steelwork, pulleys,
etc.) when the car is at the highest level of normal travel.
If the clearance above the car is restricted, take additional
precautions before travelling on the car top; also check the
overtravel possible from this position eg clearance under
counterweight, etc.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
When occupying the top of the car take up a position on
the car top where no part of your body or clothing will
project beyond the car edges
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
On the car top maintain a position which gives you good
balance and select a secure and firm hand-hold: do not
hold any part which may move such as pulleys or ropes
Before commencing work, test that the car top Stop switch
operates correctly by operating it whilst travelling in a
downward direction.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
On the car top, aim to only travel on the car in a downward
direction. If you have to travel upwards, test in a safe
location that the car top Stop switch operates correctly in
the upward direction.
If you have to travel upwards, take extreme care that you
or your clothing do not come into contact with fixed parts
in the well. Be especially aware of such features as guide
brackets, control vanes and switches, landing entrance sills
and toe guards
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
Always remain within the “safe zone” of the car top and
remember the counterweight.
On the car top on traction lifts, remember that the
counterweight will suddenly arrive halfway up the well;
sometimes this location is identified on the shaft wall.
Half-way screens are not now recommended due to the
shearing and crushing hazards introduced. (BS7255:2012)
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
After the car has been moved to a new place, put the car
top Stop/ Run switch in the stop position so that accidental
operation of the up or down buttons will not cause the car
to move unexpectedly
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment – Lift Car
Use and verify stop and other control devices when
accessing a lift car top to ensure you have total control of
the equipment.
If you can’t verify the control devices then Lock Off and
Tag Out (LOTO) the equipment.
(LEIA Safety Training Presentation Nº 3 Electrically
Isolate… refers to this)
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Top of Car Egress
When egressing at a different floor, verify the correct
operation of the landing door lock on that floor also.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Basic Procedure for Lift Pit Access:
LEIA recommend a formal procedure is in place for this
process to ensure safety and that controls are checked for
suitability and verified for correct operation before
accessing the car top
Note: the procedure given next is a minimum only; your
Company procedure may differ from it and must always
be followed
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Basic Procedure for Lift Pit Access:
Working from the bottom landing, send the car up 2-3
floors and open landing door. Check the lift stops in flight.
Use a door blocking device to secure the door. Operate
the stop switch.
Close landing doors.
Call car from landing.
Open the landing doors, use a door blocking device.
Verify that car has not moved. Take account of other lifts
responding to the call.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Basic Procedure for Lift Pit Access:
Fit pit access ladder if required.
Identify a safe refuge space and gain access to pit.
With deep pits and multiple Stop switches, verify each
switch independently.
When working in the pit, the landing doors should be
released and then blocked with about 90mm gap.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Operate Stop
Working from the bottom
landing, send the car up 2-3
floors and open landing
door. Check the lift stops in
Close landing doors
Use a door blocking
device to secure the
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Call car from landing.
Open the landing
doors, use a door
Fit pit access ladder
blocking device to
secure the door. Verify
that car has not moved.
Take account of other
lifts responding to the
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Identify a safe refuge
space and gain access to
With deep pits and
multiple Stop
switches, verify each
switch independently
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Basic Procedure for Lift Pit Access
Identify a safe refuge space and gain access to pit
Can you identify
a refuge space
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Basic Procedure for Lift Pit Access:
If there is no stopping device installed or it is not of the
mushroom headed type, the main power supply should
always be isolated and locked and tagged off before
entering the pit. (BS7255:2012)
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Basic Procedure for Lift Pit Access:
 If the work in the pit is of an invasive nature
(repositioning or replacing equipment, installing new
equipment or work on the ropes or chains, etc) turn the
power off at the main isolator and lock off/ tag out,
(LOTO) and mechanically restrain the car or
counterweight. (BS7255:2012)
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Lift Pit Egress:
Release Stop switch from the safety of the landing, not as
you exit from the ladder.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Release Stop switch
from the safety of the
landing, not as you exit
from the ladder
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment
(Other Moving Masses to be Controlled)
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment
Ensure that moving machinery is adequately guarded or
isolate using LOTO procedure to prevent mechanical
Always ensure lift cars and counterweights are adequately
supported either by their normal means of suspension or
supported by suitable equipment.
Do not use a scaffold or any other temporary structure
unless specifically designed for the purpose.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment
When working on Machine-Room-less lifts , follow the
manufacturer’s instructions detailing the safe system of
If the information on safe working is not available and you
are not sure, don’t take the chance, but consult your
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment
In the pit on multiple installations there should be barriers
between lifts at least 2.5m high.
If there are no barriers you must switch off the adjacent
lifts and lock off and tag out before entering the pit.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment
Full well-height division screens should be fitted between
lifts in a common well
Subject to the nature of the work, if there are no division
screens it may be necessary to switch off the adjacent lifts
and lock off and tag out before entering the well.
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
Control of Moving Equipment
When working on multiple installations be sure that you
have correctly identified each machine, controller and
isolation switch with its corresponding equipment.
(see LEIA Safety Charter Safety Presentation No3 Safe
Working with Electricity)
Use and verify Stop and other devices...to ensure
total control of the equipment
HSE advise that supervision arrangements must be
appropriate and proportionate to the risk – work on or
near to moving equipment, inexperienced staff etc…
Personnel under training need to be supervised
Auditing arrangements for peripatetic workers
Ideally a formal inspection when manager goes on site to review
and record evidence of safe working procedure.
LEIA Safety Charter
Protect yourselves and others from falls and falling objects.
Use and verify Stop and other devices when accessing,
egressing and working on car tops and in lift and escalator
pits to ensure total control of the equipment.
Electrically isolate and lock off when power is not required
and when working close to unguarded machinery.
LEIA Safety Charter
Now being incorporated into the new edition of the LEIA
Site Safety Handbook.
We ask you to sign in this handbook, to commit to the three
elements of the Safety Charter
Thank You for attending