As per SGB Amravati university syllabus one final lesson for each

Curricular Aspects
Curricular Design and Development :
1.1.1 State the objectives of the institution and the major considerations addressed by
them? (Intellectual, Academic, Training, Access to the Disadvantaged, Equity,
Self development, Community and National Development, Issue of ecology and
environment, Value Orientation, Employment, Global trends and demands etc.
Objectives :1. To develop overall personality of the students.
To create a generation of Teacher with scientific attitude,
2. To create successful teachers for the development of the society,
3. To provide guidance for the success in competitive examination,
4. To provide guidance for employment in various fields,
5. To create awareness about environment,
6. Equip them to acquire competencies relevant to state specific pedagogy, curriculum
development, its stream sanction and evaluation.
7. Enable them to foster, creative thinking among pupils for reconstruction of
8. Acquaint them with factors and forces affecting educational system & class room
9. Acquaint them with educational needs for special groups of pupils.
10. Enable them to utilize community resources as educational inputs.
11. Develop communication skills and use modern information technology for school
12. Develop aesthetic sensibilities, cultural liabilities and national integration among
13. Acquaint them with research in education, including action research.
14. Acquaint them with ICT and innovative techniques in teaching and learning.
15. Prepare students for global education challenges.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
These objectives have been amply fulfilled by the various activities organized and
carried out through out the year in the institution.
Major Consideration Addressed :a) Intellectual : It is the major objectives of the institution that our teachers educators
and pupil teacher should be intellectual (thoughtful) and this thoughtfulness is
generately conducting so many programs like Seminars, Workshop, Different
competition etc.
b) Training : Institution give short duration computer training along with B.Ed. and
M.Ed. Course. Institution keeps synergetic platform in morphing the students to get
able professional and interpreneurs by the organizing the programmes such as career
counseling the guest lecture of renowned person.
c) Ensuring access to disadvantaged : Institution conduct additional unit test, sessional
examination to those students having poor performance. There is a provision of
remedial teaching and conducting extra classes for slow learners.
d) Equity : Equal opportunities are provided irrespective of cost creed, regional and
economics status of the students.
e) Self Development : To promote self development of the students, teachers give the
assignment related to the subject and give information about reference book which are
available in library. Organizing so many co-curricular and extra curricular activities
like, debate, discussion, quiz, games & sports etc. which are helpful of the
development of the students.
f) Community and National Development : Our institution has started programmes for
community and national development like blood donation, AIDS awareness for the
betterment of community.
g) Issue of Ecology and Environment : For the beautification of campus ornamental
plants are planted and maintained regularly.
h) Value Orientation : Institution starts functioning daily with the Morning Prayer
consisting of Pratharna, National Anthum, Thoughts of the days, Headlines of the
newspaper and importance of the day.
The institution also organized various co-curricular activities like Science day,
Birth and Death anniversaries, Education visit at hospital, special schools and Old
Days Home etc.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
i) Employment : Institution has established a career and counseling cell through which
college organize various workshops for the counseling and career guidance of
students. Institution also organized campus interviews for the placement of students in
various institutions.
j) Global Trends and Demands : Institution motivates the students to choose the
elective subject of Information and Communication Technology, which is the need of
our institution has a well-established computer lab where student can developed their
modern ICT skills and have internet facility for global connectivity.
1.1.2 Specify the various steps in the curricular development processes. (Need
assessment, development of information database pertaining to the feedback
from faculty, students, Alumni, employers and academic experts, and
formalizing the decisions in statutory academic bodies)
Institution has proposed for curriculum development through the feedback from
lecturers, teachers, students and allumany. Discussion were held and send suggestion to
the board of study related faculty of affiliated university.
The institution organized workshop for the development of curriculum and
discussed about the development of syllabus taken into consideration of modern trends
1.1.3 How are the global trends in teacher education reflected in the curriculum and
existing courses modified to meet the emerging needs?
The syllabus of B.Ed. & M.Ed. has to be in tune with the globalizations. There are
some units in the syllabus which are related with globalization. These units have to be
tough in a way to create awareness among the students.
Seminars were held to suggest reforms in the syllabus.
1) A one-day University level seminar was held at Government College of Education,
Akola on 12 April 2008. The title of the seminar was ‘Reforms in Syllabus-Revised
syllabus’ Dean of the Faculty of Education, SantGadgebaba Amravati University, 120
lecturers, Members of the Board of Studies for education were present at the seminar.
The syllabus for the academic year 2008-09 was framed at the seminar.
2) A seminar on ‘Revised syllabus’ was held in our institution on 25 July 2009. It was
attended by Dean of Faculty of Education SantGagebaba Amravati University,
principal, and lecturers took part in the seminar. Necessary changes were suggested at
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
the seminar. A final seminar was held at Shri. Shivaji College of Education Amravati
on 15& 16 Sept. 2009 to give final shape to the revised syllabus. A revised syllabus
for the year 2010-11 was designed.
The same was implemented in 2010-11. The new syllabus caters to the present needs
and challenges.
1.1.4 How does the institution ensure that the curriculum bears some thrust on
national issues like environment, value education and ICT?
Our institution is imparting knowledge about the environment, value education and
ICT through the elective subjects. Apart from the teaching of the subject institution also
organized co-curricular activities related to environment education i.e. Tree Plantation,
Water Conservation etc. Daily prayer, National Anthem and Patriotic group songs for
inculcating values within students. Institution also make use of internet and power point
presentation and motivate the students for using modern ICT for effective teaching and
learning process.
1.1.5 Does the institution make use of ICT for curricular planning? If yes give details.
1. Transparencies are used regularly in the classroom teaching.
2. Power Point Presentations are also given on the topics related with the syllabus.
3. Students uses OHPs and LCD Projector at the seminars.
1.2 Academic Flexibility :
1.2.1 How does the Institute attempt to provide experiences to the students so that
teaching becomes a reflective practice?
In order to make teaching a reflective practice, a number of activities and
workshops are held. Faculties and students take part in these activities.
a. There are 14 assignments based on the 7 theory papers. These assignments are
divided in two parts.
i) Weekly written test based on 7 theory papers are held on every Friday.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
ii) Other 7 assignments on application based which are completed during
b. Annual Lesson Planning, Unit Plan and Unit Tests of two methods subject offered
by the student are other reflective activities.
c. A Micro-Teaching Session is held in which students take two lessons on each
Skill by microteaching process.
d. To give them experience of teaching practice teaching lessons are arranged in
local schools.
e. Four psychological experiments are done by the students. The brief theoretical
concepts about the educational importance of the experiment is given to the
students. Guidance is also given to do the experiments.
f. The Work Experience workshop is held to make students skilled in making small
domestic items from raw material. Students make these things under the guidance
of experts.
g. Internship Programme is also arranged to give sufficient practice in teaching and
administrative responsibilities. The students perform all the duties in school
h. The Audio-Video Workshop makes the students aware of the use of Audio-Visual
aids in teaching. The students make their own audio-visual aid in the workshop.
i. Series of discourses by resource persons are arranged to benefit the students.
1.2.2 How does the institution provide for adequate flexibility and scope in the
operational curriculum for providing varied learning experiences to the students
both in the campus and in the field?
The Institute provides ample scope for providing varied learning experiences to
the students in the following way :
a) Interview : Interview of the students are held at the start of the session. Students
are given choice to select one Method and Special Subject for Paper VII.
b) Orientation Programme : Orientation programmes are organized to the students
in the beginning of the session to help the choosing of elective papers.
c) Micro Teaching : Students are given liberty to select topics for Micro-Teaching
d) Final Lesson :Students can choose text of their interest for the Final Lesson.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
e) Special care of the absent students : If any students remain absent for certain
programme. His absence is excused and the work is get done from him/her.
f) Special care of Physically challenged : The physically challenged students are
allotted nearby school for practice teaching.
g) Remedial Teaching : Remedial are arrange for low achievers.
h) Any Other : Medium of instruction Marathi/Hindi/English.
1.2.3 What value added courses have been introduced by the institution during the
last three years which would for example : Develop communication skills (Verbal
& Written), ICT skills, Life skills, Community orientation, Social responsibility
etc. during last three years the institute has organized various programme for
this purpose.
a) Communication Skill (Verbal & Written) :
i) Lectures are organized to give exposure to students to Communication Skills.
ii) During Micro-Teaching and Practice Teaching students have opportunities to
interact with the peer group. This provides them opportunities to develop their
communication skills. While preparing lesson plans the students develop
written skills also. Interaction with the teachers and students at the practice
schools also helps them to acquire communications skills.
iii) Every day during the Prayer Session a Value-Oriented Class is held during
which the students present stories, news, information etc. This gives them
opportunities to develop their skills. Debates, elocution, discussions are held
periodically to enable the students to develop communications skills.
b) ICT Skills :
i) ICT is included as a unit in the B.Ed. Syllabus. The students have to plan some
lesson using ICT. Students have also prepared a CD based on ICT.
ii) All students of ICT based project given to the students in which use of Internet
in the college premises also given them opportunities to use ICT. Students
widely use Internet for wall-papers, manuals etc.
c) Life Skills :
Various life-oriented and socially oriented programmes are arranged in the
institute. These include lectures by eminent persons, visits to orphanages,
Elders ‘Homes, Jails etc. Literacy drive, AIDS Awareness Campaign, Science
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Day etc. are held. The students interact with social elements through such
d) Social Responsibility :
i) Visit to orphanages, Elders’ Homes, Jails, etc. Literacy drives, AIDS
Awareness Campaign, Science Day etc. are held. The students interact with
social elements through such programmes. They acquire the sense of social
responsibility. The principal of the institute also accompany the students. This
motivates the students.
ii) The students take part in the elocution competition organized Social Forestry
Department of the district. The competition is held on the premises of the
iii) Tree-plantation programmes are held.
iv) The faculties often deliver lectures at various places like schools, colleges,
society and University. Some of the speeches are as follows:
1) Dr. Y. G. Singh :-Lecture on “Shikshanatil Navin Prava” at training
programme of D.T.Ed. teachers at DIET. Lecture on “Workshop on
Research Synopsis” at S.P.College of Education, Akot – Aug. 2010-11.
2) Dr. TabishKhan : Lecture on “Educational Technology” at training
programme of D.T.Ed. teachers at DIET – Aug. 2011.
3) Dr. M. A. Shah :- Lecture on Teacher Orientation Programme of
Teaching Aids at MANUU Hyd. Sc., Karjgaon, Dist. Amt. dated Jan.
2008. Lecture on “Radio talk on National Education Day” at All India
Akashwani, Akola – Nov. 2009. Lecture on ‘Sir Sayad Day” at
S.BabuUrd. Junior College, Patur– Oct. 2012. Guest Lecture on
“BabasahebJayanti” at M.B.Dahake College of Edu. Akola –Apr. 2012.
4) Dr. S. A. Ali :- Lecture on “First Aid” at K.M.Adhyapak Vidyalaya,
Akola – March 2012.
1.2.4 How does the institution ensure the inclusion of the following aspects in the
i) Interdisciplinary / Multidisciplinary
ii) Multi-skill development
iii) Inclusive education
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
iv) Practice teaching
v) School experience/internship
vi) Work experience/SUPW
vii) Any other (specify and give details)
(Also list out the programmes/courses where the above aspects have been
The institute ensures the inclusion of the above aspects through its various
academic programmes organized throughout the year.
i) Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary: All subjects in the curriculum are
interdisciplinary. While teaching any subject the faculty has to relate it with other
subjects. Eg. Educational Sociology, Education Psychology, Essential of
Educational Technology etc.
ii) Multi-Skill development :
a) Teaching Programme includes five skills. Workshop is arranged for imparting
the skills. The students are divided into groups of 10 students. Each group has
a faculty in-charge. The faculty demonstrates the skill followed by
discussions. The students are also provided guidance regarding lesson
planning. Then the students practice micro-teaching in their peer-groups. The
in-charge faculty observes the lesson, guides them accordingly.
b) During practice teaching the students use different skills.
c) The students acquire different skills while they participate in various
programmes held throughout the year.
iii) Inclusive education : Institution is imparting education to all types of students
viz. widows, divorcees, handicapped etc.
iv) Practice teaching :
a) Classroom teaching : In order to make classroom teaching, the students are
instructed regarding the planning of classroom teaching, the students are
provided lesson plan book. The faculties are always keen about the work of
the students in this respect local schools are engaged for classroom practice
teaching. Every student has to engage 10 lessons for each method of teaching.
Every student thus engages 20 lessons during the course of study. During
internship period the students have to complete 10 lessons of two methods.
b) Observation of peer teaching : the students observe practice teaching of costudents. The observations are recorded in observation note-book provided for
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
the purpose. As per syllabus the students have to observe at least 10 practice
lesson for each method.
c) Peer Feedback : The peer students are given oral as well as written feed back.
d) Supervisions and Evaluation of Practice Teaching : Every faculty has
maintained individual record book for supervision and evaluation of practice
teaching by giving due weightage to objectivity as per the instructions of the
e) Reflection on Teaching by Trainees : During the course of study and the
practice teaching programme the faculties provide guidance at pre-teaching
stage and feedback at the post teaching stage. The feedback is oral as well as
written. Students improve their teaching after the feedback.
f) Interaction with the school/community : Co-operation is sought regarding
making available the infrastructure i.e. classrooms, students common room,
practice teaching. The students often use teaching material like
teaching aids, scientific equipment, etc. Guidance is often sought from the
senior teaching staff of practicing schools.
v) School experience / internship : As per newly introduced B.Ed. syllabus
Internship is organized in local schools. Care is ta ken that the students offering all
the methods are included in the Internship. Two faculties are deputed as in-charge
for the entire programme. Internship is held in three local schools. Following
process is carried out for Internship.
1. Time Tables for the schools are prepared.
2. Three groups of the students are formed.
3. The students are given various responsibilities and duties to perform at the
4. Each group of students consists of the following committees :
Time-Table Committee,
Sports Committee,
Cultural Programmes Committee,
School Administration Committee,
Report Writing Committee,
Physical Education Committee,
5. The students are appointed as Headmaster, Dy. Headmaster and Supervisor,
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
6. Students are asked to keep record and give presentation of their work.
vi) Work experience / SUPW : The Work Experience workshop is held to make
students skilled in making small domestic items from raw material. Students make
these things under the guidance of experts.
1.3 Feedback on Curriculum :
1.3.1 How does the institution encourage feedback and communication from the
Students, Alumni, Employers, Community, Academic peers and other
stakeholders with reference to the curriculum?
A questionnaire dealing with questions on syllabus, co-curricular activities
was circulated. This questionnaire was given to lecturers, teachers, students, and
former students. The data was collected through the questionnaire. There are verified
and taken for consideration.
1.3.2 In there a mechanism for analysis and use of the outcome from the feedback to
review and identify areas for improvement and the changes to be brought in the
curriculum? If yes give details on the same.
The outcome of data from the feedback is analyzed and evaluated by the
expert committee. These observations are then reviewed accordingly to the needs of
society and school by the course teacher committee. The expert course teacher
committee prepares a report and presents the same to the principal to discuss it in the
college council meeting for further improvement.
1.3.3 What are the contributions of the institution to curriculum development?
(Member of BoS/Sending timely suggestions, feedback, etc.)
For the enhancement of the curricular aspects institution conducted one-day
University level seminar was held on 25 July 2009. The title of the seminar was
‘Reforms in Syllabus - Revise Syllabus’ Dean of the Faculty of Education,
SantGadgebaba Amravati University, 120 lecturers, Members of the Board of Studies
for Education were present at the seminar.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
1.4 Curriculum Update :
1.4.1 Which course have undergone a major curriculum revision during the last five
years? How did these changes contribute to quality improvement and student
satisfaction? (Provide details of only the major changes in the content that have
been made).
The syllabus of Question Paper I to VI has been changed to some extent. The
change in the syllabus is brought to the notice of the students. The affiliating
university did major.
Question Papers of previous year examinations are also available in the Library.
Students can refer to them. Queries asked by the students are satisfactorily explained.
Major Change in the Content
Paper II
Unit no. I has been changed to the some extent addition
i) Mental Health
ii) Adjustment & defense Mechanism
iii) Concept of Stress & Stress Management
Paper III
Unit no. V has been completely Assed.
of A) Institution & Agencies at state & National level &
Educational System their function
In India
B) Study of secondary School code & education act
C) New Trends in Education Concerning sub-points of
A,B& C has been given in syllabus.
Paper IV –
Unit No. III Instead of Guidance & counseling,
of Research is added Unit No. V Newly Added i.e.
statistical procedures.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Paper VMethod of Teaching Unit II – Models of Teaching
Marathi Method.
Unit IV- Language Laboratory
English Method
Unit II-Models of Testing
Biology Method
Physics Method
Thrust Areas in Science & Impact of Science on
Society is cancelled
Unit II – Models of Teaching
Unit No. IV – Purpose of evaluation in Geography.
Virtual Learning Centres (VCL)
History Methods
Unit II-Models of Teaching
The S.G.B.A.U.Amravati did major changes in B.Ed. during the year 2009-10.
These changes brought major change in syllabus by adding practical of ICT supported
learning which helped in enhancing the knowledge and application of ICT among the
1.4.2 What are the strategies adopted by the institution for curriculum revision and
update? (need assessment, student input, feedback from practicing schools etc.)
Regarding curriculum update the institute takes initiative. The students
admitted to the B.Ed. course are given a questionnaire at the end of the course. The
questionnaire reflects the students expectations from the course.
During the practice teaching programme and internship. Instituon gets
feedbacks from the practicing schools about the current curriculum. Taking into
consideration the feedback taken from above all the sections, proposals are submitted
to S.G.B.A. Amravati for the necessary action regarding curriculum revision.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
1.5 Best Practices in curricular Aspects :
1.5.1 What is the quality substance and quality enhancement measure undertaken by
the institution during the last five years in curricular aspects?
For the enhancement of curricular aspects institution conducted workshop on
reconstruction of B.Ed. curriculum during the year 2009-2010. The resolutions of the
same were sent to the S.G.B.A. Amravati in the form of suggestions to the board of
studies in education for necessary modification.
For the development of different factors of personality viz. physical, mental,
social, emotional, spiritual etc. institution conducts related programme viz. debate
competition, intramural sports competitions, art and craft competitions stage
demonstration, debate, antakshri etc.
1.5.2 What innovations / best practices in ‘Curricular Aspects’ have been
planned/implemented by the institutions?
i) Workshop on ‘Models of Teaching’ was organized,
ii) Workshop on ‘Micro-Teaching’
iii) Seminars for students, teachers and community was organized.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Teaching Learning and Evaluation
2.1 Admission Process and Student Profile :
2.1.1 Give the details of the admission processes and admission policy (criteria for
admission, adherence to the decisions of the regulatory bodies, equity, access,
transparency, etc.) of the institution?
Admissions to the B.Ed.& M.Ed. course are done through the Centralised
Admission Process (CAP). Centralised Admission committee is set up by the Director
of Higher Education, Maharashtra State Government Director of Higher Education
Maharashtra is the Permanent Chairman of the Committee. The Committee is the
Competent Authority which looks after the admission process. An entrance
Examination for Central Admission Process is conducted every year in the month of
June. Maharashtra State Government’s resolutions in this regard are treated as final
50% weightage to given by graduation & 50% weightage to given by CET.
2.1.2 How are the programmes advertised? What information is provided to
prospective and prospectus or other similar material of the institution?
The advertisement of the Central Admission Process is published in all local
as well as regional daily by the competent authority. The advertisement provides
detailed information about the seats, reservations, fee structure. The state level
examination is computerized and held at district places. The Service Providers
appointed by the Competent Authority provides guidance to students regarding filling
in the application forms, etc. All process have been taken by MKCL.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
2.1.3 How does the institution monitor admission decisions to ensure that the
determined admission criteria are equitably applied to all applicants?
Before the admission process starts admission committee is formed with the
help of teaching and non-teaching staff of the college and the list of selected students
is provided to them for the admission process they verify their original documents
regarding to their qualification and essential documents for admission purpose. After
completing the admission process Director of Higher Education Maharashtra,
organised a camp at Pune and verified all the document of admitted student. After
verification and approved these list sent to PNS and the provisional admitted list,
students liable to complete the B.Ed. course.
2.1.4 Specify the strategies if any, adopted by the institution to retain the diverse
student population admitted to the institution. (e.g. individuals of diverse
economic, cultural, religious, gender, linguistic, backgrounds and physically
The institution always tries to respect the individual traits of the students in
respect of language, cultural and religious backgrounds. Individuality is looked as
assets rather than hurdles. The exchange that takes place among the students of
diverse backgrounds is more helpful for the development of the students personality.
At atmosphere of cordial relations is maintained throughout the year to make the
students feel at home.
2.1.5 Is there a provision for assessing student’s knowledge/needs and skills before the
commencement of teaching programmes? If yes give details on the same.
Yes, For assessing student knowledge/needs and skills before the
commencement of teaching programmes Pradhyashodh programme and interviews are
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
2.2 Catering to Divers Needs :
2.2.1 Describe how the institution works towards creating an overall environment
conducive to learning and development of the students?
A number of programmes are designed to achieve the goal of development of
the students according to Vision and Mission of the college. The programmes are
organized throughout the year. The vision of the college is “Professional competence
and commitment ” Development of teaching personality has been the objective of the
college. The statement of the objectives is displayed at the entrance of the college
Following programmes are organized to create suitable atmosphere for the al round
development of the students : MulyaParipath, Celebrations, Library Week, Sports
Week, Teaching Aids Workshop, Personality Development Workshop, Eradication of
Superstitions Workshop, Social Gathering, Discourses, Tree Plantation, Visits,
Cultural Programmes.
2.2.2 How does the institution cater to the diverse learning needs of the students?
Institution provides objectives and value base syllabus to the students as per
university syllabus for teaching learning process.
a) Academic / Theory work completed within stipulated period a schedule of
teaching learning programme carried out.
b) For values diversion creates awareness among the students by cocurricular activities and extra-curricular activities.
Some cultural programmes are held in college like drama, singing,
exhibition, competition etc. Four (cultural)group of students are formed
equal student per group member organized day celebration programmes.
1. White House
2. Green House
3. Blue House
4. Yellow House
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Every group is allotted as special cultural programme to be organized
during the year. The distribution and schedule of these programmes are
decided in general staff meeting. Every has to submit a programme report
of activities. The work of the best group is appreciated and recognized.
2.2.3 What are the activities envisioned in the curriculum for student teachers to
understand the role of diversity and equity in teaching learning process?
The students participated in social activities, community activities is sought
with view to develops them into responsible citizen. The social community activities
 Tree plantation
 Blood donation Camp
 Visit to special children school (Like mentally retired, dump &deaf,
blind etc.)
 Rallies (about awareness of social problem.
 Group discussions are organized time to time.
 Students centered technique are taught.
There is also provision for internal assessment for participation in these activities.
2.2.4 How does the institution ensure that the teacher educators are knowledgeable
and sensitive to cater to the diverse student needs?
An academy of the faculties has been setup in the institution it is a record of
the intellectual development of the faculties. It consist of the document participation
by the faculties in various programme, at various work-shop, refresher, orientation,
article published etc. The Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati has
prepared PBAS as per UGC norms according to which the institute offer every
opportunity to the faculty to growth. After receiving the innovative technique in
relating subject, he use it in class room needs of the students time to time.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
2.2.5 What are the various practices that help student teachers develop knowledge and
skills related to diversity and inclusion and apply them effectively in classroom
Development of the student teachers knowledge and skill like strategies and
teaching learning programme arranged in class room. Such as micro teaching, practice
teaching and other teaching activities like internship as per Year Plan.
Teaching learning Process :
2.3.1 How does the institution engage students in “active learning”? (Use of learning
resources such as library, web site, focus group, individual projects, simulation,
peer teaching, role-playing, internships, practicum, etc.)
Active learning is an essential part of B.Ed.& M.Ed. syllabus. In order to make
the students active and participative in the teaching learning process different methods
like Symposium, Seminar, Workshop and Discussion are adopted by the Faculties.
Subject Boards in another way to engage the students in self learning Manuals of
these Boards reflect the efforts taken by the students to acquire knowledge on their
own. Wide use of library is still another way to make learners active. Micro- teaching,
practice teaching, Team teaching, Internship are another programmes making the
students active learners for B.Ed. course in M.Ed. seminar, assignment programmes
making student active learners.
The institution engage students in active learning by Educational
Magazines, News papers, Journals Catalog, in A.V. theater, OHP, LCD, T.V. V.C.D.,
projector, tape recorder, computer, internet, etc.
a) Focus Group :- Case study, literacy project, Games and Sports.
b) Simulation teaching :-Students teacher should be asked to deliver a set of
lessons ( 5 + 5) in simulated situation.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
c) “Peer teaching” The student teachers observepractice teaching lesson of
co-student teacher. The observation recorded in aobservation note book
provided for purpose, a per syllabus the student teachers have observed at
least 10 in their group and peer students given oral as well as written
d) “Internship”
As per S.G.B. Amravati university syllabus college arranged internship
programme for one week in recognized High School. The student teachers are allotted
method wise as possible as in every school During Variousprogrammes such as
 Teaching : Daily one period by each method taken by student teachers.
 Unit plan : One unit plan prepared by student teacher on each method.
 Unit test : After completing a unit of per method student teacher
conduct a unit test.
 Various Competitions Organised :Competitions during internship
student teachers arranged various competitions of school students such
as Drawing, Essay writing , drama, dance singing, Quiz and class
 Games : For physical fitness of the students some games are arranged
by student teachers. For awareness about hygiene some instruction
given by student teacher & also measured height and weight of the
 Some cultural & social programme : Cultural & social programme are
arranged like dance, drama, patriotic songs, one act play, about
awareness, about social problems for development of social values
among the students.
 Submitting the school records and reporting, interviews of headmaster,
teacher, non-teaching staff to the college.
 Practicum : The subject wise practical work prepared by student
teacher and submit to college.
 SUPW :- Making some social useful production item from waste
material and raw material.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
e) Final lesson : As per S.G.B. Amravati university syllabus one final lesson
for each method conducted by college under the observation of external examination.
2.3.2 How is learning made student centered? Give list of the participatory learning
activities adopted by the Institution and those, which contributed to selfmanagement of knowledge, and skill development by the students?
The institution make the student centered learning as following activities are
organized such as seminar, workshop organized by students.
According to student teacher approach
1. Practice Teaching Workshop
2. Micro-teaching Workshop
3. Internship
4. Game and Sports
5. Cultural Activities
6. Library Activities
7. Symposia
8. Literary Activities
Above activities contribute to self management of knowledge development
skills formation in students and provide requisite platform to students to become
confidant and self reliant. Exhibitions based on various subject and practical are
organized which provides platform to creativity and innovations of students
knowledge and techniques.
2.3.3 What are the instructional approaches (various models of teachings used) and
experiences provided for ensuring effective learning? Detail any innovative
approach/ method developed and/used.
For ensuring effective learning of student teachers various methods and
techniques are used. The different instructional approaches are given below.
1. Micro Teaching.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
2. Programme Instructions.
3. Models of teaching.
4. Discussion method.
5. Question Answer Method.
6. Demonstration.
7. Preparation of Teaching Aids.
8. Content cum Methodology.
Self-developed innovated approaches are used according to content of syllabus
by mentor. Teachers’ educators develop transparences, Journals and periodicals
and latest edition of books which facilitates knowledge flow to students. Teachers
also use the modern technology in practice lessons class seminars demonstration
of skills and presentation of project etc.
2.3.4 Does the institution have a provision for additional training in models of
teaching? If yes, provide details on the models of teaching and number of lessons
given by each student.
Our faculty give the additional training in models of teaching i.e. teacher
oriented attitude.
2.3.5 Does the student teachers use micro-teaching technique for developing teaching
skills? If yes, list the skills practiced and number of lessons given by each student
per skill.
The micro-teaching is vital part of B.Ed. syllabus. The micro-teaching
programme is planned at two stages in the college Ist stage Theoretical and IInd stage
Practical. Separate work-shop are held to impart training in this important area.
Following Micro-teaching skills are provided at the college.
1. Introduction Skill
2. Explanation Skill
3. Stimulus Variation Skill
4. Skill of Questioning.
5. Black-Board Writing Skill
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
The implementation of the programme is held in the following way.
1. Explanation and demonstration of every skill given by the faculties.
2. A batch of 10-12 students is allotted to each faculty to organize practice teaching
skills in simulated situations.
3. Every student is asked to give One lesson of each skills of each method offered by
him/her. This way each students is asked to give 10 lessons in all.
4. The usual procedure is : Planning–Teaching–Feedback-Re-Planning-Re-Teaching
2.3.6 Detail the process of practice teaching in schools (Lessons a student gives per
day, lesson observed by the teacher educators, peers/school teacher, feedback
mechanism, monitoring mechanism of lesson plans, etc.)
The process of practice teaching in school firstly we give the guidance to the
student teacher in college about lesson plan. Practice teaching programme is
conducted in two sessions for two methods of student’s teacher in various schools.
One lesson is conducted by per students per day in the form of teaching and reteaching.
2.3.7 Describe the process of block teaching/internship of students in vague.
Block teaching : Our college block teaching programme arranged in identified
school. There are two block teaching programme. 10 (Ten) lesson in each block. First
block teaching programme organized before Diwali Vacation and second block
teaching programme taken after Diwali Vacation.
Internship : As per university syllabus college organized internship programme of
student teacher in indentified high school in a one of one week.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
2.3.8 Are the practice teaching sessions/plans developed in partnership, cooperatively
involving the school staff and mentor teacher? If yes give details on the same.
Yes, A meeting of the headmasters of the practice teaching school is held at
the beginning of the session. Entire programme is chalked out, problems are discussed
and sorted out with agreement. The entire programme is chalked out under the
guidance of the headmasters of the school. The student consult the school subject
teachers for unit or teaching portions, etc.
2.3.9 How do you prepare the student teachers for managing the diverse learning
needs of students in schools?
The student used various teaching method during practice teaching. Different
teaching aids are also used by the student. During internship various programmes and
activities are held in the concerning schools. Discussions with the school teachers also
help them to know the needs of the students. Lessons are planned accordingly.
2.3.10 What are the major initiatives for encouraging student teachers to use / adopt
technology in practice teaching?
Educational technology lab is setup in the college to help students adopt
innovative techniques of teaching like OHP, LCD Projector, T.V. V.C.D., projector, tape
recorder, computer, internet. The students are given opportunities to work on the use of
2.4 Teacher Quality :
2.4.1 What is the ratio of student teachers to identified practice teaching schools? Give
the details on what basis the decision has been taken?
The ratio of student teachers to identified practice teaching school is 16/30 : 1.
The ratio depends on the number of section in the school.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
2.4.2 Describe the mechanism of giving feedback to the students and how it is used for
performance improvement.
Feedback for performance improvement is provided in various way. Cultural
programmes, micro-teaching and practice teaching are the occasions to provide
instructions. The instructions are usually given in writing in the practice teaching
books. It includes :
1. Observation of students teachers lesson plans.
2. Suggestions about teaching skills.
3. Guidance about teaching aids.
4. Improvement for class learning activity.
5. Self confidence development.
6. Body language attitudes.
2.4.3 How does the institution ensure that the student teachers are updated on the
policy directions and educational needs of the schools?
The headmasters and teacher from the practice teaching schools guide the
students regarding the educational needs of their schools. The institution
authorities and faculties monitor this system.
2.4.4 How do the students and faculty keep pace with the recent developments in the
school subjects and teaching methodologies?
The students and faculty keep pace with the recent developments in the school
subjects and teaching methodologies by surfing internet, reading periodicals,
magazine, journals and News paper etc.
What are the major initiatives of the institution for ensuring personal and
professional/career development of the teaching staff of the institution (training,
organizing and sponsoring professional development activities, promotional policies,
Teaching staff take part in orientation and refresher program, attend workshop and
conferences and publishes their research papers and books for their personal and
professional growth. Some of the faculty members are supervisors of Ph.D. and
M.Phil. degree.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
2.4.6 Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members
for good performance? If yes, give details.
Yes, Institution have its own mechanism to reward and motivate staff
members for good performance.
Evaluation Process and Reforms :
2.5.1 How are the barriers to student learning identified, communicated and
addressed? (Conducive environment, infrastructure, access to technology,
teacher quality, etc.)
The Barriers to student leaning are identified by the following methods.
1. By observation.
2. Peer Observation.
3. Discussion Method.
4. Question-answer Method.
5. By taking examinations like surprise test, open-book examination, oral
Barriers are identified through mentor who keeps track of academic &
personal development. Mentor drives information about the student through
the data available on the performance of assignments, unit test.
After collecting information about lacking related to environment,
infrastructure access to technology and teacher quality they are communicated
by the mentor or students to the principal of the institution. Their after the
lacking are discusses in the staff meetings and joint efforts are made to sortout them.
Mentor communicates with student through the tutorial session and
provides personal attention inside and outside of the campus. Special
counseling sessions are arranged and barriers are address by following ways.
1. Personal Guidance and Counseling.
2. Concept clarification.
3. Bilingual explanation and discussion.
4. Remedial teaching.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
5. Provision of study material.
6. Revision of topic.
7. Conducting the seminar sessions.
8. Arranging workshop on current trends in Education.
9. Guidance about paper pattern.
10. Planning of weekly test and trial test.
11. Enhancement in communication skill.
2.5.2 Provide details of various assessment /evaluation processes (internal assessment,
mid term assessment, term end evaluations, external evaluation) used for
assessing student learning?
The Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University has provided norms for
assessment and evaluation. Accordingly the internal evaluation is done in the
following way for Bachelor degree of Education (B.Ed.) & Master degree of
Education (M.Ed.)
A] Theory Papers [ Core subjects ]
Core Papers
Paper I : Teacher in Emerging Indian
Paper II : Educational Psychology
Paper III : Development of Educational
System in India.
Paper IV : Essentials of Educational
Technology and Management
B] Optional Papers
Paper V & VI :
Any two school subjects to be studied as method papers.
These will be based on the two main subjects or the main
and one of the ancillary subjects offered in post graduation
which should be the same as in graduation except in the
case of those who have offered the fundamental subjects
like Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology or M.A. Education.
[School Teaching Subjects]
C] Special Paper (Any One)
1. Elementary Education.
2. Population Education.
3. Environmental Education.
4. Alternative Education.
5. Educational Administration and Management.
6. Physical Education.
7. Educational and mental measurement.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
100 x 4 = 400
100 x 2 = 200
100 x 1 = 100
8. Career information in career guidance.
9. Value Education.
10. Computer Education and InformationTechnology.
Annual Lesson Examination
a) Annual lesson examination of the two methodology
subjects offered by the candidate in paper to be conducted
by University by appointing the panels of examiners.
b) Viva-voce of Practical work
40 x 2 = 80
10 x 2 = 20
Field- based Experience including Practice
Classroom Teaching: 130
a) 10 lessons of each method carrying 5 marks for each
lesson, (20 lessons x 5 marks = 100 Marks)
b) 5 micro-teaching lessons (5 skills) of each method
carrying 3 marks for each lesson
( 10 micro-teaching lessons x 3 marks =30 Marks)
Internship: 70
Observation: 30
i) During practice teaching, the student will have to observe
10 lessons of each method carrying 1 mark for each lesson
for observation (20 lessons x 1mark = 20 Marks ).
ii) Observation of 10 micro-teaching lessons.
(5 lessons of each method; 10 micro teaching
lessons x 1mark = 10 Marks ).
Community Work: 30
The community work will be based on the following
a) Social Work,
b) Socio-economic survey,
c) Cultural activity,
d) Awareness about health education,
e) Arranging lectures of eminent persons.
f) Hygiene awareness.
g) Adult education.
These programmes will be related to elective papers.
Terminal Examinations (Two) : 20
Ten marks to each term examination. h) ICT Based Practical. 20
Co-curricular Activities including physical & health
education and work experience (to be internally evaluated)
The following scheme of internal assessment is suggested:
Each theory paper will consist of two internal assignments
of which one may be short (theory oriented) and the other
more detailed and application - oriented. These would take
care of theoretical aspects of the papers as well as the
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
application of the knowledge in real work situation.
1] Assignments (Two) 20
i) Weekly written work based on 7 theory papers. - (10
ii) Application based 7 assignments during internship on
7 theory papers. ( 10 Marks)
2] Scholar’s achievement record or case study record. 05
3] School study record (Record prepared during internship).
4] Audio- Visual record. (Report of the Audio- Visual 05
aids used during practice teaching programme).
5] SUPW/ Work experience: 05
The activity of work -experience /SUP W will be related to
school level syllabus prescribed by secondary school board.
(Only one activity). Marks will be allotted after submission
of record of the activity.
6] Co-curricular activities: 40
In co-curricular activities following activities should be
a) Literary Activities: ( 15 Marks)
Debate, Celebration of days, symposia, Essay competitions,
quiz contest, elocution etc.
b) Cultural activities: ( 15 Marks)
Dance, Drama, stage demonstration, songs, group songs,
vocal instrumental etc.
c) Games and Sport: ( 10 Marks)
Sports, field events etc.
a. Academic Activities.
b. Cultural activities.
c. Intellectual activities.
d. Personality development programmes.
e. Games.
7] Psychological experiments: 20
Any 04 Psychological experiments (as per list given in
theory paper-II) ,
each experiment carry 5 marks.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Syllabus of Master degree of Education (M.Ed.)
Minimum Passing Marks for each paper/subject of M.Ed.
Examination leading to the Degree of Master of Education Part-I (Theory)
Subject or Papers
A) Three Compulsory Papers
1. Philosophical and Social Foundations of
2. Psychological Foundations of Education.
3. Methodology of Educational Research.
Any two optional papers from Area of
4. Optional Paper One
5. Optional Paper two
Aggregate Marks
Minimum aggregate Pass Marks
Subject or Papers
Max. Marks Sessional
Three Compulsory Papers
1. Philosophical and Social Foundations of
2. Psychological Foundations of Education.
3. Methodology of Educational Research.
Any two optional papers from Area of
4. Optional Paper One
5. Optional Paper two
Aggregate Marks
Distribution of marks for Assignment/Seminars.
3 Marks
1. Seminar – 5 :
i) Presentation
2 Marks
ii) Use of Audio Visual Aids
Total Marks
5 Marks
2. Assignment – 5
i) Use of Reference
2 Marks
ii) to the point presentation
2 Marks
iii) up to date information
1 Mark
Total Marks
5 Marks
Part-II (Dissertation)
Dissertation with
Aggregate Marks
Minimum Pass Marks
Viva Voce
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
2.5.3 How are the assessment/evaluation outcomes communicated and used in
improving the performance of the students and curriculum transaction?
The result displayed on notice board which gives motivation to students.
Special guidance is provided after declaration of the first term examination. The
students grouped for holding various programmes and activities. They are given
feedback regarding performance improvement after every event.
2.5.4 How is ICT used in assessment and evaluation processes?
In our institution there is no provision of ICT used for assessment and
2.6 Best Practices in Teaching -Learning and Evaluation Process :
2.6.1 Detail on any significant innovations in teaching/learning/evaluation introduced
by the institution?
1. Content cum methodology is used by mentor for teaching purpose.
2. There is a provision of internet facility for teaching faculty to get equipped with
latest knowledge related to their subjects and activities.
3. Facility available to attained the conference, seminar and workshop to the faculty
members to keep pace with new trends in education and information technology.
4. Faculty members are encourage to take part in International and National
conference and present their papers.
5. Institution motivates faculty in the research filled to meet the needs of the society.
6. Faculty is encourage to publish research paper in magazines and Journals.
7. The faculty members are motivated to take part in refresher, orientation
programmes and short duration programme which are conducted by U.G.C.
8. Institution promotes self appraisal of teachers annually and forwarded to the
parent society by the principal for further necessary action.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
2.6.2 How does the institution reflect on the best practice in the delivery of
instruction, including use of technology?
Before the commencement of academic year a staff council meeting is held in
which distribution of the work is done regarding compulsory elective paper and cocurricular activities. Academic calendar and subject wise year planning is
implemented by all the mentor. The distribution of marks regarding internal
assessment and theory papers, final lesson plain are communicated with the students.
Academic calendar is displayed on notice board which provide information
about co-curricular activities, celebration of birth and death anniversaries, Micro
Teaching workshop. Practical teaching programme, Internship. Social activities and
final lesson examination Educational tour. Psychological experiments, community
work lecturers of eminent persons, terminal examination, weekly test etc.
Instructional timetable regarding theory papers, co-curricular activity,
Aksharwel is displayed on the notice board.
The institution has well equipped media facilities. The mentor teacher uses
LCD, OHP for instructional purpose for the better communication process.
The Librarian guides the students to collect online subject reference books.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Research, Consultancy and Extension
Promotion of Research :
How does the institution motivate its teacher to take up research in education?
The college motivates its teacher to take up research in education in education
in number of ways:
The staff member get the facility of adjusting lectures & lesson observation,
for their research work.
Teachers are given leaves and relaxation in their duties for their research
The management and principal always inspire & reinforces the faculty
members in their efforts of research work be it Ph.D. or other Research
To facilitate research work broadband connection is provided for all teachers.
Research workshops are conducted & staff members are encouraged to
participate in such workshops.
The faculty members are encouraged to present their research papers in
international and national conferences and seminars.
The faculty members are granted duty leaves for attending & presenting their
research paper in nation and international conferences.
viii) Counseling to the needy teachers is provided by the senior staff members who
are supervisors of different universities.
3.1.2 What are thrust areas of research prioritized by institution?
The thrust areas of research prioritized by the institution are as follows:
Quality in Education.
Health &Hygiene.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Social Problems in society.
Innovations in education.
Value& moral education.
Environmental education.
Psychology of education.
Women Education.
Use of ICT in education.
Study habits.
Family climate & education.
Reading & writing abilities.
Physical education.
3.1.3 Does the institution encourage Action Research? If yes give details on some of
the major outcomes and the impact.
Action research is conducted and encouraged in the institution for solving the
problems of the students. As a result of that learning becomes easy for them and their
problems are solved in a short period. Institute conducted action research in the field
of learning difficulties in various subjects, group activities of students, Health
problem, stress management etc.
One supervisor is allotted for 10 to 12 students to guide action research.
Students consult to the school teachers. The students come to know about certain
academic problem of the students from the discussion with the teacher and students.
These problem are chosen on the topics for action research which is then practically
implemented in schools and report is submitted to the college in March-April. In this
way action research carried out every year at D.T.Ed. level.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
3.1.4 Give details of the Conferences / Seminars / Workshops attended and / organized
by the faculty member in last five years.
The total number of Conference / Seminars / Workshops Organized by the faculty
member in last five years is:
Organized by
Workshop on ICT
In collaboration with INTEL
Charcha K.M.Asghar College of Education 2009
Attended by the faculty members in last five years is : 129
Sr.No. Name
Dr. J. H. Pawade
Dr. Y. G. Singh
Dr. L. C. Padhen
Dr. P. N. Patil
Dr. T. A. Khan
Dr. M. A. Shah
Dr. S. S. Ali
Ku. Seema Kale
Research and Publication Output :
3.2.1 Give detail of instructional and other materials developed including teaching
aids and/or used by institution for enhancing the quality of reaching during the
last three years.
The college developed following instruction material with the help of faculty
Power point presentations on various topics :
ii) Education CD’s : ICT Project CDs based on school curriculum, prepared as part of
ICT Practical.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
iii) Recordings of lectures :Recorded Lectures are recorded stored for student reference.
iv) Handouts – Handouts of ICT notes in Microsoft office and of other subjects
presentations were distributed to students.
vi) OHP transparencies ; Used in presentations for all subjects.
3.2.2 Give detail on facilitates available with the institution for developing instruction
Facilities available with the college for developing instructional materials are:
Computer Lab with Broad band internet facility: This is useful for
reference Search engine, On-line journals, Wikipedia for updating subject
related knowledge.
Library: Number of book and journals are useful for preparing instructional
Technology Lab : OHP, LCD Projector Digital camera, Video camera,
Photostat machine, Slide Projector, Tape recorder, etc.
3.2.3 Did the institution develop any ICT/technology related instructional materials
during the last five year? Give details.
Yes, The College has generated and developed several ICT/technology related
instructional materials during the last five years-to mention a few :
Power point presentations of ICT projects.
ii) Educational CDs
iii) Transparencies.
3.2.4 Give details on various training programs and/or workshops on material
development ( both instructional and other materials)
i) Organized by Institute :
a) One week training programmer for development the instruction material in
collaboration with Intel Technology Pvt. Limited.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
ii) Attended by the staff :
a) One week training programme for development of instruction material attended by
faculty members from 13 Nov. 2008 to 19 Nov. 2008.
b) One week training programme for development of instruction material attended by
faculty member in 15th Feb 2010 to 20th Feb 2010.
c) ICT programme sponsored by UGC organized at ACS, SGB Amravati University in
march 2011.
d) Intel teaching programme refresher course 9th Jan 2011.
iii) Training provided to the staff :
a) Intel training program for development the instructional material.
b) Intel teaching programme refresher course.
3.2.5 List the journals in which the faculty member have published papers in the last
five years.
The journals in which the faculty members have published papers in the last five
i) Evaluation & analysis.
ii) Research analysis and evaluation.
iii) Shodh Samiksha aur Mulyankan.
iv) Mahiti yug.
3.2.6 Give details of the awards, honors and patent received by the faculty members in
last five years.
Detail of the awards and honors received by the faculty members in last five years :
i) Rashtriya Chetana Award by Ravindra Natya Mandir Gaurav Murti to Dr. J. H.
ii) Sahakari Gaurav Manpatra by Samajik Vanikarn Vibhag to Dr. J. H. Pawade.
iii) Shikshak Ratna Guru Gaurav Puraskar by Bhartiya Samaj Vikas Academy to Dr. J. H.
iv) Maharashtra Gunjan Ratna Gaurav Puraskar by Manushabal Vikas Academy to Dr. J.
H. Pawade
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
3.2.7 Give detail of the Minor / Major research projects completed by staff members
of the institution in last five years.
All though the faculty member are involved in research at their own levels but no
major or minor research project is completed by the faculty members.
Consultancy :
3.3.1 Did the institution provide consultancy services in last five years? If yes,give
The schoolteachers were given consultancy regarding the new concept about
ICT in the school curriculum.
During internship & practice lessons, whenever the teacher educators visit the
school they provide consultancy services.
S.S.Ali provided consultancy service to the students and staff & K.M. Asghar
Husian Adhayapak Vidyalaya regarding first aid.
As a part of community service the faculty members are engaged in providing
consultancy service to community members regarding importance and
facilities of education.
The school teachers were given consultancy regarding continuous and
comprehensive evaluation.
Dr. T.A.Khan provided consulting service to the DIET students & lectures by
delivering lecture on latest trends in educational technology.
Dr. Y.G.Sing in involved with the IGNOU students providing the consultancy
at Savitri Bai Phule Shikshan Mahavidlya, Akot.
Dr. Y. G. Singh provided consultancy to D.I.E.T. student teachers and teacher
educators regarding innovations in education.
Job consultancy are provided to the students with help of placement cell which
is as follows
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Dr. J.H.Pawade
Dr. M.A.Shah
Dr. T.A. Khan
Dr. L.C. Padhen
Dr. P.N. Patil
Mr. Abdul Rasheed
3.3.2 Are faculty / staffmembers of the institute competent to undertake consultancy?
If yes, list the areas of competency of staff members an the steps initiated by the
institution to publicize the available expertise.
Yes, faculty / staff members of the institute are competent to undertake consultancy.
The areas of competency are :
Health Education.
Research in Education.
Statistics in Education.
Awareness of social issues.
Educational Evaluation.
Environmental Education.
Innovations in Education.
The steps initiated by the institution – No steps are initiated by the institution because
publicity is by word of mouth.
3.3.3 How much revenue has been generated through consultancy in the last five
years? How is the revenue generated, shared among the concerned staff member
and the institution?
Not applicable. The management and the college philosophy is that, no revenue shall
be generated through the consultancy services.
3.3.4 How does the institution use the revenue generated through consultancy?
Not Applicable
Ref. answer to Q 3.3.3.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Extension Activities :
3.4.1 How has the local community benefited from the institution? (Contribution of
the institution through various extension activities, outreach programmes,
partnering with NGO’s and GO’s)
There is a great emphasis on Social / Community service in the college. Such
activities are as follows :
Every year the institute conduct Adult literacy programme. Every student of
B.Ed. has to take up 5 adult illiterates and teach them to read and write after
satisfactory teaching to the illiterates he has to submit report with certification.
Radio talk by Dr. M.A. Shah. on National Education Day transmitted by AIR
Akola Akashwani.
As a part of Social Service the students are engaged in a number of social
service programs. Activities included in Social Service programs are such:
Testing of Blood groups, Adult Literacy, various social issues by
dramatization, and many others.
Social awareness rallies are conducted.
Environmental awareness is carried out by means of tree plantation and visit to
plant nursery.
Seminar on Sachchar Samiti recommendations.
Stage show by B.Ed. students in school for eradication of superstition.
Blood donation camps are organized.
Teaching aids and models exhibition.
Visit to schools for differently able people.
Raising funds for flood affected people.
On Holidays the infrastructure facility available in the institute are provided to
the various other agencies of community for arranging meetings and other
various and other programmes for which no charges are collected.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
3.4.2 How has the institute benefitted from community? (Community participation in
institutional development, institution-community networking, institution –
school networking etc.)
The institute in benefited in many ways from the community. For different
kinds of programmes we get eminent speakers from the community to guide
our students. For Health and Hygiene programmes we call upon different
doctors or health related pesronels.
Practice teaching in a compulsory part of B.Ed training programme. In our
institution we have student of different medium of instruction i.e. Hindi,
English and Marathi mediums moreover we have urdu method in college. We
need these medium schools for the practice teaching of our students. The
school we need for practice teaching we get from the community.
The school teachers of the practice lesson of the school are available as
resource persons for demonstration lesson and as examiner for various
Cinema theatres are available for to show educational films at concession rate.
Schools provide opportunities to study various educational and social problems
as subjects for research to the college.
The samples for the research are provided by the school and society to M.Ed
research scholars and faculty member.
vii) Feedback from eminent persons and educationist help in the advancement of
quality functioning of the institution.
viii) Alumini provides various types of help to our institution.
Some books are donated by the community to the library.
3.4.3 What are the future plans and major activities the institution would like to take
up for providing community orientation to students?
Establishment of discussion forum and counseling through internet.
Establishment of career guidance cell.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Establishment of counseling center for local students.
Programme for personality development.
vii) Programme for sustainable development – water, disease and health programme.
viii) Guidance for competitive exams like MPSC and UPSC.
Counseling and lectures for guidance to appear for interviews of competitive
Guidance for NET / SET exams.
Guidance for CET and other selection examination.
3.4.4 Is there any project completed by the institution relating to the community
development in the last five years? If yes, give details.
We take several community development programme like adults literacy mission,
environmental awareness programme but not completed in the form of projects.
3.4.5 How does the institution develop social and citizenship values and skills among
its students?
The curriculum of B.Ed, M.Ed and the value frame work of the college reflect social
and citizenship values there for our daily routine work includes various programme for
inculcating above values and skills.
Formation and functioning of student council and different boards.
Daily assembly which includes prayer, national anthem, news reading and some
value based stories.
Different cultural activities are conducted on every Friday.
Celebration of national festivals (Independence day and Republic day) in the
college help in inculcating citizenship values.
Observance of anniversaries and other festivals in the college.
Visit to school for special children and elders homes.
The syllabus include social services programme, SUWP, Adults literacy
programme displaces citizenship values, moral thoughts and skills.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
viii) Value education is taught as optional subject to B.Ed and M.Ed, which helps the
students understanding and inculcating social, moral and citizenships value and
Sports week is organized which helps in developing social and citizenship
values of co-operation and co-ordination, adjustment truthfulness etc.
3.5 Collaborations :
3.5.1 Name the national level organization, if any with which the institution has
established linkages in the last five years. Detail the benefits resulted out of such
a) National Level Organization :The institute has established linkages with the national level organization like NCTE
and UGC and follows the instructions, rules and regulations issued time to time.
1) The principal is life member of All India Association for Education Research which
resulted in the up gradation of knowledge and recent trends of research by attending
workshop at conferences organized by AIAER.
i) S.S.Ali attended international conference organized by ALAER at IPS Gwalior on
and presented his research paper on “ Study of health awareness among high
school students .“
ii) Dr. J.H.Pawade and S.S.Ali attended international conference organized by
AIAER at Nayab Abasi Girls PG college Amroha and presented their papers.
2) The institute is in process for getting linkage with Indira Gandhi National Open
b) Local level organization
The instituted has its linkage with local organization Jan shikashan santha
which resulted in availability of resource persons who demonstrated the creation of
various types of socially useful productive work like candle making, flower making,
which is a compulsory part of B.Ed training.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
3.5.2 Name the international organizations with which the institute has established
any linkages in last five years. Detail the benefits resulted out of such linkage.
i) The college has linkage with Intel India, which is a unit of Intel co, USA. The
teacher education and students teacher are greatly benefited from training received
from Intel for ICT.
1) The collaboration resulted in organization of one week ICT workshop at our
institute from 13.Nov.2009 to 19.Nov.2009
2) S.S.Ali. attended ICT workshop organized by Intel in Feb’10.
ii) The principal is life member of international organization GERA [Global
Educational Research Organization] which resulted in up gradation of knowledge
and helped to keep in touch innovative practices in teaching by attending
1) Dr. J.H.Pawade attended international conference organized by GERA at
Lovely Professional University Phagvara from 6th April ’12to 8th April ’12 and
presented her paper on “Shaping of future classroom”.
3.5.3 How did the linkages if any contributed to the following?
Linkages at local national and international level have contributed to the following.
Curriculum development : Curriculum is designed as per the norms of NCTE
and revised as per the guidelines from time to time.
ii) Teaching : there is widening of experiences through interactions with number of
experts from visiting faculty or resource persons. This enhances teaching.
iii) Training : Trainings by agencies like Intel, Jan shikshan Sanstha enhance the
skill of teacher educators and student teachers.
iv) Practice Teaching : Training in making of teaching aids with help of ICT helped
the students teachers to improve their practice teaching.
Research : Lectures of resource persons for various workshops and conferences
organized by the college and those attended by the teacher educators have helped
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
to develop research attitude among them. It has lead to greater acquaintance with
research methodology, tools and techniques of research.
vi) Extension : The workshop organized in the institute have helped in optimum use
of infrastructure and resources, and to motivate the teacher educators and student
teachers for professional growth.
vii) Publication : The research papers of the faculty member are published in the
proceedings of conferences organized by different organization.
3.5.4 What are the linkages of the institution with school sector? [ Institute – school –
community networking ]
The college has established linkages with community
Schools are available for practice lessons. School teacher are available as resource
persons for demonstration lessons, examiner of various competitions.
The schools provide ample opportunities to student teachers for study of various
educational aspects for of school and administration during practice lessons and
Schools provide subjects and sample population for various research or study
related to educational or social problem such as difficulty in performing science
practical, reading and writing ability, family climate and educational.
Students teacher also conducted various competitions, cultural activities,
environment awareness programmes for school children.
Thus the student teacher learn about the community from the school and create
awareness among school children about community.
3.5.5 Are the faculty actively engaged in school and with teachers and other school
personnel to design, evaluate and deliver practice teaching? If yes give details.
i) Practice teaching & planning both are planned with heads of schools.
ii) Evaluation work is done with the help of schoolteachers.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
iii) Schools co-operate with the college for the organization of internship program &
various activities enlisted in internship program.
3.5.5 How does the faculty collaborate with school and other college or university
The faculty collaborates with school and other college or university faculty as
Attending various seminars, workshop organized by other colleges.
ii) Faculty of the college is also involved in the work of university examination eg.
Ph.D. Thesis evaluation, M.Ed viva and B.Ed, M.Ed. paper setting & evaluation
work etc.
iii) Faculty of the college provides help to university management by going as a
member of various committees.
iv) Online collaboration with other colleges for exchange of information on research
work, etc.
Principal Dr. J.H.Pawade was member BOS, SGB Amravati University upto
vi) Dr. Y. G. Singh is recently elected as member BOS SGB Amravati University.
Best Practices in Research, Consultancy and Extension :
3.6.1 What are the major measures adopted by the institution to enhance the Quality
of Research, Consultancy and Extension activates during the last five years?
To enhance quality of research:
The college provides easy access to books, internet resources, good
infrastructure facilities, good technical assistance.
Creating awareness of importance and need of research for professional
Motivation for research by the Management & Principal.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Awareness regarding new trends in education such as Autonomy and
Principal Dr. J.H.Pawade is M.Phil. and Ph. D. research guide for SGB
Amravati University and YCMOU and Dr. Y.G. Singh is Ph.D. research guide
for SGB Amravati University.
Availability of faculty as expert guides for M.Ed. level research.
Broad Band internet facility is provided in the institution for enhancing
Reference books, research journals and periodicals are made available.
As part of Consultancy and extension activity :
The college conduct consultancy for community through consultancy is provide
regarding evaluation in education, literacy, health and hygiene, technology in
education, etc.
This has also helped to upgrade the qualifications of the local/rural population
and make optimum use of the college infrastructure and resources.
What are significant innovations / good practices in Research, Consultancy
and Extension activities of the institution?
i) Consultancy service provided to secondary school children for participation in
various competitions.
ii) Consultancy service provided to school for adopting CCE.
iii) Faculty member involved in radio talk.
iv) Number of social service programme Eg. Blood donation camp, Adult literacy
programmes, organization of stage shows.
v) Maximum utilization of infrastructure of the institute for self as well as
community welfare.
vi) The faculty members are able to undertake consultancy services.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Infrastructure And Learning Resources
4.1 Physical Facilities :
4.1.1 Does the institution have the physical infrastructure as pre NCTE norms? If yes,
specify the facilities and the amount invested for developing the infrastructure.
Enclose the master plan of the building.
Yes, The institution has the physical infrastructure as per NCTE norms.
The institution have well developed physical infrastructure and following
facilities are available. Building map is enclose with infrastructure facility list in
M. Ed. Classroom
Seminar Hall
Multipurpose Hall
Computer Education & Information Technology
Educational Technology /Language Lab.
Psychology Laboratory
Central Library
Reading room (B.Ed)
Staff Room (B.Ed + M.Ed)
Principal cabin (B.Ed)
C.E.O. Cabin
Office 1
Office 2
B. Ed. Hall
Methodology Room-1
Methodology Room-2
Methodology Room-3
Methodology Room-4
Methodology Room-5
The institution invested the amount for the developing infrastructure is
Rs.1352930/- in last three financial year.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
4.1.2 How does the institution plan to meet the need for augmenting the infrastructure
to keep pace with the academic growth?
Sr.No. Room
M. Ed. Classroom
Seminar Hall
Multipurpose Hall
Computer Education & Information Technology
Educational Technology /Language Lab.
Psychology Laboratory
Central Library with Reading room
Staff Room (B.Ed + M.Ed)
Principal cabin (B.Ed)
Secretary Cabin
Office 1
Office 2
B. Ed. Hall
Methodology Room-1
Methodology Room-2
Methodology Room-3
Methodology Room-4
Methodology Room-5
Sports Room
Girls Common Room
Store Room-1
Store Room-2
Science-1 Lab.
Science-2 Lab.
Science-3 Lab.
Urinals & Toilets (Girls)
Urinals & Toilets (Boys)
Drinking Water Platform
Water Tank
Cycle Stand
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Room No.
At present the institution has adequate infrastructure available. Therefore to
meet out the requirement of infrastructure required for keeping pace with the
academic growth.
4.1.3 List the infrastructure facilities available for co-curricular activities and extra
curricular activities including games and sports.
List of the facilities available for co-curricular and extra curricular activities
are as under.
1. Multipurpose Hall
2. Work Experience Room -
3. Method Room
4. First Aid Room
5. Store Room
6. Kho Kho Ground
7. Kabaddi Ground
8. Cricket Ground
4.1.4 Give details on the physical infrastructure shared with other programmes of the
institution or other institutions of the parent society or university.
The physical infrastructure shared with other programme of the institution
parent society for various purpose like attached school and D.T.Ed. college.
4.1.5 Give details on the facilities available with the institution to ensure the health
and hygiene of the staff and students (rest rooms for women, wash room facilities
for men and women, canteen, health center, etc.)
To ensure the health and hygiene of the staff and students like rest rooms for
women, wash room facilities for men and women, etc. are made available on the
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
4.1.6 Is there any hostel facility for students? If yes, give details on capacity, no of
rooms, occupancy details, recreational facilities including sports and games,
health and hygiene facilities, etc.
No, There is no hostel facility with the institution for the students.
4.2 Maintenance of Infrastructure :
4.2.1 What is the budget allocation and utilization in the last five years for the
maintenance of the following? Give justification for the allocation and unspent
balance if any.
Following budget allocation and utilization in the last five years for the
4.2.2 How does the institution plan and ensure that the available infrastructure is
optimally utilized?
The infrastructure optimally utilized. The Building
room are given the
attached school in morning shift and D.T.Ed College in morning shift B.Ed. and
M.Ed. Colleges are schedule in the afternoon shift with ensure the maximum
utilization and available resources. The institution plans and ensures for the
optimally utility infrastructure by keeping in view the present need felt and the
steps are taken to increase the infrastructure use. During the last Five years. So
many steps were taken to enlarge the infrastructure installation of power back up
Instrument i.e. Inverter, in all department of college for the discontinues powers
supply to lecture Hall, Multipurpose Hall, A.V. Theaters etc.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
4.2.3 How does the institution consider the environmental issues associated with the
The environmental issues associated with the infrastructure are taken care at
the time of planning and designing. The environment issues associated with the
infrastructure are considered in specific ways. The institute ensure tree plantation
in its ground. In the porch small plants are planted.
4.3 Library as a Learning Resource :
4.3.1 Does the institution have qualified librarian and sufficient technical staff to
support the library (materials collection and media/computer services)?
Yes, Our Institution have a qualified librarian as per norms of UGC and
NCTE. The library collection is well organized with DDC scheme. Librarian try
to organize all the services with the help of computers.
4.3.2 What are the library resources available the staff and students? (Number of
books-volumes and titles journals-national and international, magazines, audio
visual teaching-learning resources, software, internet access, etc.).
Library resources available the staff and students in the library are total number of
books 6814 out of which 3020 reference books, 14 Journals and Periodicals, 30
back volume of journals, 10 CD/DVD and 10 VCD, 10 Audio Cassette are available
to the staff members and students.
4.3.3 Does the institution have in place, a mechanism to systematically review the
various library resources for adequate access, relevance, etc. and to make
acquisition decisions. If yes, give details including the composition and
functioning of library committee.
The following details the composition and functioning of library committee.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Library Committee:There are 7 members of Library advisory committee is formed following members are
including Library Advisory Committee.
Dr. Jyoti H. Pawde
Ku. Seema M. Kale
Shri Dr. Y. G. Singh
Shri Dr. L. C. Padhen
Ku Dr. Pratibha N. Patil
Shri Dr.Tabish A. Khan
Shri Ravindra K.Sakhare
The library committee review the functioning of library time to time, and
recommending to purchase books, journals, periodicals and also suggest measures
for better functioning of library.
4.3.4 Is your library computerized? If yes, give details.
Yes, the library is partially computerized. The software inflibnet Soul 2.0 is
used for computerization. All the books are enlisted on the software.
4.3.5 Does the institution library have Computer, Internet and Reprographic facilities?
If yes, give details on the access to the staff and students and the frequency of use.
Yes. Internet facility is available for only staff members in the library. The
following facilities are available in the library.
After the conformation of admission colleges student personal account are
opened in the library issue register and library cards are issued to the student. At a
time only maximum 3 books are issue to each students for duration of 7 days.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Our institution has following facilities to staff and students.
Reading Room Facility
C.A.S. (Current Awarness Services)
Reference Service
Reprographic Service
Photo Copying
Biblographic Compilation
Information Display & notification
Power Back up
User orienfation, and informations Literacy
Internent (only for Lect.)
Computer and printer
Does the institution make use of Inflibnet / Delnet / IUC facilities?
If yes, give details.
Yes, Inflibnet Soul 2.0 Software is available in our institution.
4.3.7 Give details on the working days of the library? (Days the library is open in an
academic year, hours the library remains open pre day etc.)
In our institution library is open all working days i.e. from Monday to
Saturday in an academic year. The working of the library as follows.
Library Timing
8 hours (9 am to 5 pm/per day)
During the examination
4 hrs.
During holidays library is remain closed.
How do the staff and students come to know of the new arrivals?
List of new arrivals is displayed on the Notice-Board in the library. Oral
instructions to the students are also given. Librarian reports the developments the
periodical in staff meetings.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
4.3.9 Does the institution’s library have a book bank? If yes, how is the book bank
facility utilized by the students?
No, There is no book bank facilities in library.
4.3.10 What are the special facilities offered by the library to the visually and physically
challenged persons?
Physically challenged students are admitted in a very less number in the faculty of
education. But again in case of any such admission in the faculty of education college
provide facilities to such students as per their requirements.
4.4 ICT as Learning Resource :
4.4.1 Give details of ICT facilities available in the institution (Computer lab,
hardware, software, internet connectivity, access, audio visual, other media and
materials) and how the institutions ensures the optimum use of the facility.
1. The ICT
learning resources are use in multipurpose hall, A.V. theater, E.T.
Room, Computer Lab etc. According to need a planning has been done initially
regarding the requirement. A flexibility regarding A.V. Theater and Computer
labs has been kept in order to make maximum utilization of ICT facilities. The
computer lab has 15 computer with internet facility. Various audio-visuals aids
are available. LCD projector is installed in the A.V. Theater.
4.4.2 Is there a provision in the curriculum for imparting computer skills to all
students? If yes give details on the major skills included.
Yes;ICT supported learning is introduced in the B.Ed. syllabus from the year 201011. Major skills included as follows :
ICT supported project learning
Use of ICT as productivity
Use of ICT for communication
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
4.4.3 How and to what extent does the institution incorporate and make use of the new
technologies/ICT in curriculum transactional processes?
The faculties have prepared ‘learning packages’ for their subjects. These
packages use ICT facilities. LCD and OHPs are widely use for teaching in the
A.V. .Theater.
4.4.4 What are major areas and initiatives for which student teachers use/adopt
technology in practice teaching? (Developing lessons plans, classroom
transactions, evaluation, preparation of teaching aids)
For developing effective lesson plan student teachers use OHP, Tape recorder,
Videocassettes, slides etc. Student teachers prepare transparencies and audio
cassette for teaching purpose.
4.5 Other Facilities :-
4.5.1 How is the instructional infrastructure optimally used? Does the institution share
its facilities with others for e.g. serve as information technology resource in
education to the institution.
Yes, for making the optimum use of instructional infrastructure institution is
sharing its infrastructure with the school and D.T.Ed. college like OHP, Slide
Projector, LCD, Video Camera, T.V..Photocopier machine etc. are provided for
use to other NGO on their request for conduction of their conferences, seminars
and other programs in our institution.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
4.5.2 What are the various audio-visual facilities/materials (CDs, audio and video
cassettes and other materials related to the program) available with the
institution? How are the student teachers encouraged to optimally use them for
learning including practice teaching?
The various audio-visual facilities/materials (CDs, audio and video cassettes and
other materials are as
: (List of audio video facilities/material are
enclosed in Annexure 4.8)
Audio Cassettes
Video Cassettes
Specimen, etc.
These facilities are used by the students during micro-teaching , practice teaching
in school etc.
4.5.3 What are the various general and methods Laboratories available with the
institution? How does the institution enhance the facilities and ensure
maintenance of the equipment and other facilities?
Science lab and Psychology lab are available in the institution. The facilities
are enhanced and maintained through the development fees.
4.5.4 Give details on the facilities like multipurpose hall, workshop, music and sports,
transports etc. available with the institution.
Multipurpose halls, Workshop are available in the institution.
A list of musical instruments and sport material is enclosed. (Annexure 4.9)
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
4.5.5 Are the classrooms equipped for the use of latest technologies for teaching? If
yes, give details. If no, indicate the institution’s future plans to modernize the
No, At present latest technologies i.e. L.C.D. projector OHP, Sound System is
available in A.V.Theater, Institution will equipped the class rooms with latest
teaching technology, in future as and when funds is available.
4.6 Best Practices in Infrastructure and Learning Resources :
4.6.1 How does the faculty seek to model and reflect on the best practice in the diversity
of instruction, including the use of technology?
Various instructional designs are used by the faculties for teaching. The
designs suitable to the needs are interests of the students are given preference.
4.6.2 List innovative practices related to the use of ICT, which contributed to quality
Innovative practices related to the use of ICT. Students presentation quality in seminar
conferences practice teaching conducted in the institution enhances due to the use
of LCD, OHP etc.
4.6.3 What innovations/best practices in ‘Infrastructure and Learning Resources’ are in
vogue or adopted/adapted by the institution?
The institution has the best available infrastructure and learning resources. The
library accommodates more than 3500 titles and a few no. of journals and
magazines. There are general knowledge books ,guides and newspapers in Hindi.
The library hall displays the important magazines and newspapers. There are
sufficient no. of chairs and reading tables. For drinking water facility a large water
tank has been available and the water supply is ensured by the electric motor
pumps. The lecture halls, the administrative building, the laboratories, the library
and common room have continuous power supply. Fans and lamps are installed
everywhere. There is air cooler in the administrative building. For girls, the
common room has proper sitting arrangement and the separate levorotary has been
build for them.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Student Support and Progression
Student Progression :
How does the institution assess the students’ preparedness for the programme
and ensure that they receive appropriate academic and professional advise
through the commencement of their professional education programme
(students pre-requisite knowledge and skill to advance) to completion?
Pradnya-shodh (Talent Search) and Interview scheduled is arranged after the
students are admitted to the institution. The interviews are held to assess the general
abilities of the students. Pradyashod programme to assess their interests, hobbies,
communicative skills and pre-requisite knowledge.
Various programme that are held during the whole academic year.
Following activities include :
1. Orientation programme on all papers.
2. Micro-Teaching Skills Workshop.
3. Lesson Planning Workshop.
4. Practice Teaching Lessons.
5. Social, Cultural, Sports & Other activities.
The assessment of the activities is done in the following ways :
1. Weekly written work.
2. Open book assignment.
3. Home assignment.
4. Term exam.
5. Practice teaching.
6. Final lesson.
7. Observation.
Every Friday house meeting are conducted under the Chairmanship of mentor
of each house problems and progress is discussed and informed to the principal by
the concerned mentors. Alongwith this mentors try their level best to solve the
problems of the students then and there itself.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
5.1.2 How does the institution ensure that the campus environment promotes
motivation, satisfaction, development and performance improvement of the
The institution ensures that the campus environment is suitable and helpful for
the improvement of the students as well as qualified teaching staff, a good partially
computerized library, Audio-visual aids, Cultural Programmes, Sports, S.U.P.W. is
available for students. Our leadership brings out effective coordination in human
resource of the institution.
5.1.3 Give gender-wise drop-out rate after admission in the last five years and list
possible reasons for the drop out. Describe (if any) the mechanism adopted by
the institution for controlling the drop out?
The dropout rate is very negligible for B.Ed. and M.Ed. course. The admission
to the course are done through common admission process, which is done by Director
of Higher Education, Govt. of Maharashtra, Pune.
Programme-wise “dropout rate” for the last Five Batches.
Dropout rate No. of Students
Own Request
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Due to Death
Own Request
5.1.4 What additional services are provided to students for enabling them to compete
for the jobs and progress to higher education? How many students
appeared/qualified in SLET, NET, Central/State services through competitive
examination in the last two years?
In our institution to provid the additional services to the students. Ours first
batch of M.Ed. student pass NET Exam in 2009 namely Sharique Ali and in 2010
one student passed SET Exam namely Dever. B.Ed. is one year U.G. course but
students complete his P.G. degree they appeared NET/SET examination and in
research work like M.Phil., Ph.D. On other hands our institution organized the
guidance classes for various competitive exam viz. B.Ed., & M.Ed. C.E.T., NET/SET,
5.1.5 What percentage of students on an average go for further studies/ choose
teaching as a career? Give details for the last three years?
On average 50% students went for higher education, while 30% B.Ed. & 90%
M.Ed. students joined teaching profession and 10% students joined other services.
5.1.6 Does the institution provide training and access to library and other education
related electronic information, audio/ video resources, computer hardware and
software related and other resources available to the student teachers after
graduating from the institution? If yes give details on the same.
Yes, our institution provide training and assess to library & internet facility,
audio-video resources, Psychological Test etc. Other facility also provide like
personal guidance, careering counseling and academic guidance etc. to the passed out
student teachers.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
5.1.7 Does the institution provide placement services? If yes, give details on the
services provided for the last two years and the number of students who have
Yes, The institution has a placement cell. The committee comprises following
heads :Chairman
: Principal Dr. J.H. Pawde
Member Secretary
: Dr. M. A. Shah
: Dr. Tabish Khan,
: Dr. L. C. Padhen,
: Dr. P. N. Patil,
: Shri. Abdul Rashid.
35 students have appeared for placement through the recommendation of the cell, 12
students were selected for various school in last year.
5.1.8 What are the difficulties (if any) faced by placement cell? How does the
institution over come these difficulties?
In Maharashtra all education system is run by zila parishad (z.p.), Municipal
Corporation, Nagar Parishad, and private management. They have selected and
appointed high school teacher as per personal level. In this process our institute could
not fit. But we can only inform our students about the vacancies. M.Ed. student
appoint as a lecturer in D.T.Ed., B.Ed., Colleges and higher education institute.
5.1.9 Does the institution have arrangements with practice teaching schools for
placement of the student teachers?
Yes, The institution has direct dialogue with the heads of practice teaching
schools related to the vacancies in their schools. In such cases the authorities of the
institution recommended the names of meritorious students to the heads of practice
teaching schools for the placement of request them to conduct interviews through our
placement cell.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
5.1.10 What are the resources (financial, human and ICT) provided by the institution
to the placement cell?
The Institution provide to the placement cell only human & ICT facility.
5.2 Student Support :
5.2.1 How are the curricular (teaching- learning processes), co-curricular and extra
curricular programmes planned, (developing academic calendar, communication
across the institution, feedback) evaluated and revised to achieve the objectives
and effective implementation of the curriculum?
The curricular (teaching-learning processes), co-curricular and extra curricular
programmes are planned at the beginning of the session every year. The planning is
objective based. Assessment of the programmes is done by a questionnaire and oral
given to the students.
Extra curricular
 Objectives of curricular activities :- Development of Teacher’s Personality as
following aims.
Social commitment
Knowledge commitment
Student commitment
Decision making
Character development
Leadership quality
Creativity and innovation
Discipline and good manners
National integration & Brotherhood
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
 Planning :- Annual Plan
Planning of curricular and co-curricular activities –
Monthly, Unit wise Planning of Teaching & Co-curricular activities
 Implementation :Curricular :
Regular Teaching
Weekly writing work & assignment
Discourses and lectures
Symposium & workshop
Test & Examination
Co-Curricular :
Micro-Teaching workshop
Lesson planning workshop
Audio-Visual aids workshop
Work experience workshop
Models of teaching workshop
Language abilities development programme
Computer training (ICT)
Psychological experiments
Case Study
Personality development workshop
Social Use Product Work (SUPW) workshop
Extra Co-Curricular :
Blood Donation Camp
Tree Plantation & Awareness for environment
Visit to (Mental Challenge) Special Schools
Visit to Blind Schools
Visit to Deaf & Dumb Schools
Social Awareness Camps
Rallies for Health Awareness
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Literary Activities :
Preparing manuals
Report writing of every activities
Organizing Library Week
Publishing of Annual Magazines
Debates, Elocution & Other Activities
Games &Sports :
Sports Week Organization
Individual and Group Events
Value Based Programmes
Group Awareness
Cultural Programmes :
Annual Anniversaries of Various Our Great Leaders
Annual Cultural Programmes
Weekly Cultural Activities of Various Committees &Mandals
Evaluation :
Weekly Written Works
Tests & Terms Examinations
Competitions & Contests etc.
Application based assignments.
Feedback :
On the last day of academic session we take feedback of the students in
writing their views and opinion and experiences of training period about
institution, campus, lecturers, Library and Non-teaching staff. If students give
suggestions we take with carefully those suggestions under action for
improvement in our further work.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
1. Examination Results during Past Three Years.
B.Ed. M.Ed B.Ed. M.Ed B.Ed. M.Ed
Pass Percentage
No. of First Class
No. of Distinctions
Exemplary Performances/ Gold Medal
University Rank
5.2.2 How is the curricular planning done differently for physically challenged
Physically challenged students are admitted in a very less number in the
faculty of education. But again in case of any such admission in the faculty of
education college provide facilities to such students as per their requirements.
5.2.3 Does the institution have mentoring arrangements? If yes, how is it organised?
Yes, Our institution has mentoring system. In our college 8 to 15 students
adopted by one faculty member. This faculty member caretaker and tries to solve all
problem of students like academic & non-academic.
5.2.4 What are the various provisions in the institution, which support and enhance
the effectiveness of the faculty in teaching and mentoring of students?
The various provisions are :
 Use of ICT
 Availability of various equipments and books.
 Various subject bodies.
 Freedom to take discussions about any difficulties.
 Participation in faculty development programmes
 Students adaptation scheme
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
5.2.5 Does the institution have its website’? If yes, what is the information posted on
the site and how often is it updated?
The institution has its own website. All details related the institution are given
on the website. The website address is & updated time to
5.2.6 Does the institution have a remedial programme for academically low achievers?
If yes, give details.
Institution have following remedial programmes for academically low
1. Required extra books are provided on their demand to such low achievers
from library.
2. Weekly test are organized for the academically low achievers.
3. Regular assignments are assigned to such students and returned after
revaluation for feedback.
4. Extra counseling hours are provided to the students for solving their
academic problems.
5. Group discussion is organized for such students.
6. At the time of weekly meeting with the students, mentor provided more
attention in solving problems of such students.
5.2.7 What specific teaching strategies are adopted for teaching
(a) Advanced learners :
Specific teaching strategies are adopted for teaching advance learners are as
1. Peer groups of advance learner are formed for academic discussion and
2. All facilities are provided by institution as per their demand.
3. Extra library hours are provided.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
(b) Slow Learners :
Specific teaching strategies are adopted for teaching slow learners are as under:
1. Teachers motivates slow learners by providing incentives to them like
honoring them in class at the time of their special achievements.
2. They are motivated psychologically by appreciating by the presenting them
related books for their advancement.
3. Question papers of different years with their solution are provided to them.
4. Special study hours are provided to them for their guidance by the expert
faculty to enhance their teaching skills.
5. Extra efforts are taken by faculty to enhance their teaching skills.
5.2.8 What are the various guidance and counseling services available to the students?
Give details.
Guidance and counseling cell is setup in the institution. The committee
comprises the following Faculties:
Guidance and Counseling Committee:
Principal Dr. J. H. Pawde
Member Secretary
Dr. Tabish Khan
Prof. S. S. Ali
Dr. L. C. Padhen
Dr. P. N. Patil
Objectives of the Cell :
 To provide educational guidance to the students,
 Providing counseling to the students to solve their problems,
 To provide them experience in the field of education and later provide guidance
according to the interests,
 To make them aware of the abilities to become successful in the field of teaching,
 To provide information about the teaching-learning process in the institution,
 To develop the all-round personality of the students.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Counseling Service of Committee :
Academic Counseling
Personal Counseling
Career Counseling
5.2.9 What is the grievance redressal mechanism adopted by the institution for
students? What are the major grievances redressed in last two years?
The grievance redressal committee has been constituted in the institute for
students teaching and non-teaching staff’s complaints and problems solve by this
Grievance Committee
Principal Dr. J.H. Pawade
Member Secretary
Dr. Tabish Khan
Dr. L.C. Padhen
Dr. P. N. Patil
Students Rep. (B.Ed.) :-
02 (1 Male / 1 Female)
Students Rep. (M.Ed.) :-
02 (1 Male / 1 Female)
Non-teaching Rep.
Mr. Rashid Khan
Objectives of Grievance Committee : To listen the complaints of the students,
 To think over the complaints,
 To redress complaints
 Suggestion and Complaint Box has been installed on the premises.
There were no grievance come for redressed before the grievance committee
during last two years.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
5.2.10 How is the progress of the candidates at different stages of programs monitored
and advised?
The programmes of the institution are divided in two session viz. before
Diwali vacation and after Diwali vacation. These programmes are monitored by the
respective faculty incharge under their advised and supervision. The progress of the
students is observed assessed by the respective incharge and progress is informed to
the students with suggestion to their further improvement by the mentor time to time.
5.2.11 How does the institution ensure the students’ competency to begin practice
teaching (Pre-practice preparation details) and what is the follow-up support in
the field (practice teaching) provided to the students during practice teaching in
The institution (college) ensures the students competency by taking various
practice lessons such as Micro-Teaching practice. Bridge lesson practice and Global
Lesson practice and various Social, Cultural Programmes for developing students
5.3 Student Activities:
5.3.1 Does the institution have an Alumni Association? If yes,
i) List the current office bearers
ii) Give the year of the last election
iii) List Alumni Association activities of last two years.
iv) Give details of the top ten alumni occupying prominent position.
v) Give details on the contribution of alumni to the growth and
development of the institution.
There is an active Alumni Association in our institution.
i) The office bearers are:President
Dr. Fareha Khan
Mohd. Zakir (H.M.Eqara)
Shri. V. V. Shukla
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Ku. N. U. Damale
Dr. Shahin Sultana
Shri. M. Javed
Alumni Association In charge: - Dr. M. A. Shah
The Alumni Association was formed in year 2007. Election has been done
every three years.
ii) Last election of Alumni in 2010.
iii) Following are activities carried out by the Alumni Association last two years.
 Organised B.Ed. CET Exam Workshop
 D.Ed., B.Ed. Entrance Exam Workshop
 Felicitation of Ph.D. Holders and Other Dignities achieve by Ex-Students.
iv)Top ten Alumni occupying prominent position
Name of Students
Year of
Dr. Israr Raja
H.O.D. Zoology Dept. Shri. ShivajiCollege ,
Akola. Chairman (B. O.S.) S.G.B. Amravati
University, Amravati
Dr. Deshmukh
Tata Fundamental research institute Mumbai
Dr. Taji
H.O.D. Persian. G.S. College Khamgaon. Member
(B.O.S.) S.G.B. Amravati University, Amravati
Dr. Suresh Keshwani
Asst. Porf. Sitabai Arts College Akola
Dr. Kshatriya
Dr. Tabish Khan
Dr. M.A. Shah
Set Pass
Asst. Porf. shivaji college of Edu. Amravati
Asst. Porf. K.M. Asghar Husain college of
Education, Akola.
Asst. Porf. K.M. Asghar Husain college of
Education, Akola.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Net Pass
Dr. Syed Sharique Ali
Prof. Bihade
Dr. Shaheen Sultana
Asst. Porf. K.M. Asghar Husain college of
Education, Akola.
Asst. Porf. Shri. Shivaji College of Education ,
Education Officer, Akl. M.C. , Akola
v) Various programme arranged by Alumni Association such as Personality
Development Programme, Mushaira, Debate, Exhibition etc.
5.3.2 How does the institution encourage students to participate in extracurricular
activities including sports and games? Give details on the achievements of
students during the last two years.
The college arranges all types of extracurricular activities. Students have to
participate in it including sports and games at college level and inter college level.
No major achievement in last two years.
5.3.3 How does the institution involve and encourage students to publish materials like
catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine, and other material. List the major
publications/materials brought out by the students during the previous academic
The college published every year its Annual Magazine. So students get chance
to involve by their articles.
5.3.4 Does the institution have a student council or any similar body? Give details on –
constitution, major activities and funding
The college has constituted students councils as per the rules of the university.
Out of them one boy and one girl students have been elected as college
representative to the affiliated university. These students representatives help in
organizing different programmes in the institution and also convey the problems
to their college principal for their solution.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
 The activities of the council are as following.
To assist in planning and implementation of co-curricular activities,
To maintain discipline and good manner throughout the year
The student’s council is formed as per provision in the Maharashtra University
Act 1994. The body is elected under the guidance of principal.
Besides the students Council the institute also has various bodies to promote
co-curricular and extra co-curricular activities. Students are elected on this
bodies. Each bodieshave President, Secretary, Treasurer and Members.
Various committees and mandals are established in our institute. Under the
guidance of faculty members.
5.3.5 Give details of the various bodies and their activities (academic and
administrative), which have student representation on it.
There is no such academic or administrative body in the institution.
5.3.6 Does the institution have a mechanism to seek and use data and feedback from
its graduates and from employers to improve the preparation of the programme
and the growth and development of the institution?
All round development of the institution is our prime goal and for that
institution is striving very hard. Therefore the institution has developed the
following mechanism to seek and use data.
1. Students are asked to submit their feedback in the form of questionnaire related to
function of their teacher. Later on the data collected by the stakeholder is analyzed
interpreted for getting result and there after the desired modifications are made
2. Suggestion box is there in the institution for the use of students, staff, visitors and
parents. They are left free to put their suggestion in written form in the suggestion
box. The suggestion box is opened monthly and suggestions are collected and
discussed in the staff meeting under the chairmanship of the principal and further
action are decided and executed accordingly.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
3. Other source of feedback is the alumni of the institution during the meetings of the
alumnies they suggest the lacking and ways of overcoming them for the
development of the institution to the stakeholders.
4. Members of LMC also visit the institution and give the feedback related to the
functioning of the institution to the principal and the faculties of institution in their
joint meetings.
Best Practices in Student Support and Progression :
5.4.1 Give details of institutional best practices in Student Support and Progression?
 In our institution we maintained self-discipline and all round development of
 Following activities are carried out to provide best practices for the students.
Academic Counseling
Personal Counseling
Career Counseling
Pradnya Shodh (Talent Search)
Student Adaptation Scheme
Library Week
Various Lectures
Question Bank
Cultural, Literary, Social and Intellectual activities
Visits and Rallies
Felicitation of Education Dignities and Ex-Students.
Placement Cell
Literacy Programme
 For Students support our institute helps students to get various fee concessions and
other scholarship such as.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Last Three Year Fee Concession for Scholarship For B.Ed.
Sr. No
Fee Concession
for Scholarship
Minority Scholarship for B.Ed.
Primary Teacher Concession (P.T.C. for B.Ed.)
S.T. Scholarship for M.Ed.
M.Ed. 2010-11
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
01 (M)
Governance and Leadership
Institutional Vision and Leadership :
6.1.1 What are the institution’s stated purpose, vision, mission and values? How are
they made known to the various stakeholders?
The founder of the institution had a great vision of having absolute
commitment to uplift the minority and weaker section of the students of society in
higher education because his main Motto was “Serve the Society through
Vision :- The professional competence & commitment.
Mission :- To produce enthusiasts, committed professional teachers and to develop
responsible citizens.
Institution focus on to develop the pupil teachers through acquisition of
specialized knowledge and skills and emphasis to develop the sense of the social
justice and values of discipline and dedication towards profession amongst students
Values :- The most important value of the society is to inculcate the values through
the teacher educators to the society. They are :-
1) To develop a view of national integration in the society.
2) To offer a value added education to access the quality education in the field of
education system.
3) To inculcate the moral and the ethical values in the trainee.
4) To develop the values of humanism and the secularism.
5) To create the awareness for the current problems to human values.
In order to realize the values strategy is formed at the beginning of the session
every year. The distribution of the work is an important aspect of the planning.
Each faculty is assigned the work of implementation of the strategy and plan
throughout the year.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Does the mission include the institution’s goals and objectives in terms of addressing the
needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, the school sector, education
institution’s traditions and value orientations?
Yes, The mission of the institutions reflects that our institution is trying to
develop the attitude towards the national integration through the pupil teacher to the
society. It is said that teachers plays the important role as a agent of social change. So
he can change the society through the training of pupil teacher to give a product as an
able person which is the requirement of the Nation.
6.1.3 Enumerate the top management’s commitment, leadership role and involvement
for effective and efficient transaction of teaching and learning processes
(functioning and composition of various committees and board of management,
BOG, etc.)
For the effective and perspective approach for teaching and learning
leadership role is played with involvement of the faculties and head of the institution
in cooperation with management. Proper guidance and motivation is provided by the
management committee and completely exercises general superintendence and control
over the effective and efficient transaction of the teaching learning process.
Firstly governing body formed then local management committee on
institutional level the function and motivation on various committee. Minimum four
meetings of the LMC are held at every year. Follow-up of the working of the
institution is taken in the meeting of the year ending and for new session at the
beginning of the meeting of LMC.
How does the management and head of the institution ensure that responsibilities are
defined and communicated to the staff of the institution?
The management and principal meet together and discussed on task related to
the institute development and academic activities after this the Head of Institution
inform the responsibilities given to the staff in general staff meeting.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
6.1.5 How does the management/head of the institution ensure that valid information
(from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the management to
review the activities of the institution?
With daily observation in the working of the institution by the head and
feedback receive from the other sources the management to review the activities of
the institution.
6.1.6 How does the institution identify and address the barriers (if any) in achieving
the vision/mission and goals?
If any barriers in achieving the vision/mission and goals firstly identified and
discussed among the staff, total efforts have been given to solve that barriers.
6.1.7 How does the management encourage and support involvement of the staff for
improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional processes?
Principal plays a leadership role for the governance and management of the
institution. She gave opportunity to attained workshop, seminar, orientation and other
programmes for improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional
process. Institution has given best performance award to staff for motivation time to
6.1.8 Describe the leadership role of the head of the institution in governance and
management of the curriculum, administration, allocation and utilization of
resources for the preparation of students.
Being the head of the College the principal directs the affairs of the College to
exercise general supervision and control over the regular and the maintenance of
standard of education, gives advice to faculty on all academic matters in general. The
head of the college has an interactive participation with the faculty and provide the
resources of subject need.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Organizational Arrangements :
6.2.1 List the different committees constituted by the institution for management of
different institutional activities? Give details of the meetings held and the
decisions made, regarding academic management, finance, infrastructure,
faculty, research, extension and linkages and examinations during the last year.
Different committees are formed at the beginning of the academic session. The
committees are :
College council committee.
Examination committee
Internal Evaluation committee
Library committee
Attendance & Discipline committee
Time table committee
Magazine committee
Language literature club
Social science club
Games & sports committee
Cultural activity committee
Alumni association
Placement cell
Environmental committee
Library committee
Research committee
xviii) Staff Academy
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
6.2.2 Give the organizational structure and the details of the academic and
administrative bodies of the institution.
Organization structure is as follows.
Governing Body
Local Management Committee
Academic Administration
6.2.3 To what extent is the administration decentralized? Give the structure and
details of its functioning.
Faculty incharge appointed to different committee to administer the different
programmes and principal as a head. Faculties are incharge to the committee who
further appoints members from the students for the working of the committee.
Monthly meeting of the committees are held. All decision taken by each committee
meeting after open discussion. Follow-up is always taken and suggested changes for
better attainment.
6.2.4 How does the institution collaborate with other sections/departments and school
personnel to improve and plan the quality of educational provisions?
The institution is affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University,
Amravati. The University provides guideline time to time.
Practice teaching schools are providing guidance related to the academic problem.
Collaborated efforts of all the faculties of the B.Ed. in all types of activities
cater to improve the quality of its educational provisions.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
6.2.5 Does the institution use the various data and information obtained from the
feedback in decision-making and performance improvement? If yes, give details.
The information and data obtained through questionnaire is analyzed in
accordance with the aims and objectives of the institution. if any shortcomings are
found they are discussed with authorities to overcome.
6.2.6 What are the institution’s initiatives in promoting co-operation, sharing of
knowledge, innovations and empowerment of the faculty? (Skill sharing across
departments’ creating/providing conducive environment).
All the experiences of the faculties regarding skill sharing across department
through workshop, seminar, orientation and conferences. It is shared in the meetings
of staff and peer group.
Strategy Development and Deployment :
6.3.1 Has the institution an MIS in place, to select, collect align and integrate data and
information on academic and administrative aspects of the institution?
College has MIS in place, to select, align and integrate data and information
on the academic and administrative aspects of the college on our own website.
6.3.2 How does the institution allocate resources (human and financial) for
accomplishment and sustaining the changes resulting from the action plans?
The college allocates the duties to the staff by constituting the different bodies
for accomplishment and sustaining the changes resulting from the action plans.
6.3.3 How are the resources needed (human and financial) to support the
implementation of the mission and goals, planned and obtained?
The college has sufficient human resources to support the implementation of
the mission and goals.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
6.3.4 Describe the procedure of developing academic plan. How are the practice
teaching schoolteachers, faculty and administrators involved in the planning
The perspective Institutional plan is prepared by the collaboration of the
principal, management, teaching & the non-teaching staff. All types of plans and
activities are conducted with the involvement of faculty, students and the
administrators. For the development of academic plans the meeting with H.M. of
practice teaching schools are arranged with faculty and the administrators to achieve
the objectives of the institution.
6.3.5 How are the objectives communicated and deployed at all levels to assure
individual employee’s contribution for institutional development?
The main objective of the College, to impart value-based education. In order
to ensure Institutional development, different duties are assigned to respective staff,
which they are supposed to fulfill for the betterment of the College.
6.3.6 How and with what frequency are the vision, mission and implementation plans
monitored, evaluated and revised?
The vision/mission and implementation plan monitored and evaluated by
feedback come from students staff, society and other staff holders from time to time
by follow the questionnaire and oral suggestion. The changes occur in vision and
mission have done time to time or the need of society.
6.3.7 How does the institution plan and deploy the new technology?
Since the academic flexibility is limited so the deployment of the new
technology in the course curriculum is limited.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Human Resource Management :
6.4.1 How do you identify the faculty development needs and career progression of the
For faculty development programme are being promoted by attending
refresher, orientation courses, seminar, workshop, short term courses sponsored by
UGC etc. The college has also conducted the guest lecturers from senior personnel of
the education for skill upgradation and training.
6.4.2 What are the mechanisms in place for performance assessment (teaching,
research, service) of faculty and staff? (Self–appraisal method, comprehensive
evaluations by students and peers). Does the institution use the evaluations to
improve teaching, research and service of the faculty and other staff?
Yes, our institution has the mechanism in place for performance assessment of
faculty by self appraisal method , comprehensive evaluations by students and peer
6.4.3 What are the welfare measures for the staff and faculty? (mention only those
which affect and improve staff well-being, satisfaction and motivation)
Our institution has only E.P.F. for all staff and faculty members for welfare,
and for motivation we give the certificate, memento for best performance faculty and
6.4.4 Has the institution conducted any staff development programme for skill upgradation and training of the teaching and non-teaching staff? If yes, give details.
Yes, the institution has conducted ICT programme with collaboration of Intel
and guest lecturers from senior personnel of the education for skill up-gradation and
training of the teaching and non-teaching staff.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
6.4.5 What are the strategies and implementation plans of the institution to recruit
and retain diverse faculty and other staff who have the desired qualifications,
knowledge and skills (Recruitment policy, salary structure, service conditions)
and how does the institution align these with the requirements of the statutory
and regulatory bodies (NCTE, UGC, University etc. )?
Our Institution follows the recruitment policy, salary structure, service
conditions, have been given by affiliating university, UGC, NCTE and Government of
Maharashtra time to time.
6.4.6 What are the criteria for employing part-time/Adhoc faculty? How are the parttime/Adhoc faculty different from the regular faculty? (E.g. salary structure,
workload, specialisations).
Part-time faculties are also has to filled up as per rules of S.G.B. Amravati
University regulations.
6.4.7 What are the policies, resources and practices of the institution that support and
ensure the professional development of the faculty? (E.g. budget allocation for
staff development, sponsoring for advanced study, research, participation in
seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. and supporting membership and active
involvement in local, state, national and international professional associations).
Our institution is run on self financed based, so there is no budget allocated for
staff development. But we provide the other facilities like internet, information
brouchers, other information are display on notice board and discuss in staff meeting.
Adjustment in teaching period are given. Our faculty members are also a member of
State, National and International professional membership. The payments of
membership fees for the same are personally born by the faculty.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
6.4.8 What are the physical facilities provided to faculty? (Well-maintained and
functional office, instructional and other space to carry out their work
All the required facilities are available in the premises. Staff rooms for the
faculties, Psycho lab, SUPW rooms, Music room, Computer Lab, Science Lab, well
equipped library and A.V. Theater.
6.4.9 What are the major mechanisms in place for faculty and other stakeholders to
seek information and/or make complaints?
A complete redressal cell is setup the body consist of:
Dr. Jyoti H. Pawade
Senior Prof.
Dr. Y. G. Singh
One ladies associate prof.
Dr. Pratibha Patil
Two other associate prof.
Dr. L. C. Padhen
Dr. Mushtaque Shah
6.4.10 Detail on the workload policies and practices that encourage faculty to be
engaged in a wide range of professional and administrative activities including
teaching, research, assessment, mentoring, working with schools and community
Proper time table has been made to divide the work load in such a manner that
every faculty has engaged in a wide range of professional and administrative activities
including teaching, research, assessment, mentoring, working with schools and
community engagement.
6.4.11 Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members?
If yes, give details.
Yes, by giving best performance awards for teaching & non-teaching staff also
granting them academic leaves for research works in case the staff requires.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Financial Management and Resource Mobilization :
6.5.1 Does the institution get financial support from the government? If yes, mention
the grants received in the last three years under different heads. If no, give
details of the source of revenue and income generated
No, the source of revenue come from tuition fees only. Which are approved by
Shikshan Shulk Samittee of Maharashtra Government. No other sources to generate
6.5.2 What is the quantum of resources mobilized through donations? Give
information for the last three years.
No donation are received by in the institution from the students or any other
6.5.3 Is the operational budget of the institution adequate to cover the day-to-day
expenses? If no, how is the deficit met?
No, the mother society of the institution fulfill the requirements of the fund
whenever so needed.
6.5.4 What are the budgetary resources to fulfill the missions and offer quality
programs? (Budget allocations over the past five years, depicted through income
expenditure statements, future planning, resources allocated during the current
year, and excess/deficit)
Only tuition is the budgetary resources to fulfill the missions and offer quality
6.5.5 Are the accounts audited regularly? If yes, give the details of internal and
external audit procedures and information on the outcome of last two audits.
(Major pending audit paras, objections raised and dropped).
Yes, institution has follows only internal audit system.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
6.5.6 Has the institution computerized its finance management systems? If yes, give
No, accounts are maintained manually.
Best practices in Governance and Leadership :
6.6.1 What are the significant best practices in governance and leadership carried out
by the institution ?
The administrative and academic functioning of the institution has been
decentralized by constituting different committees each lead by senior faculty. The
committee viz staff council, admission committee etc.
The meeting of these committees are conducted in the beginning of session for
plan for the whole session and getting the review, second meeting of each is convened
after Diwali vacation at the set of second session. After getting review of functioning
of each committee, follow up of remaining task is decided and the remaining work is
completed till the end of the session. The final report of the functioning of each
committee is discussed and submitted to the principal during the last meeting of the
session conducted before summer vacation.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Innovative Practices
7.1 Internal Quality Assurance System :
7.1.1 Has the institution established Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)? If yes,
give its year of establishment, composition and major activities undertaken.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is not established in our institution till this
date. But Quality enhancement of the College is basically assessed by the feedback given
by the students and the alumni there by inculcating necessary improvements where
needed. Redressed board looks into the problems of students redressed cell solves the
career oriented queries of the students, So all these functioning’s assure the quality of the
7.1.2 Describe the mechanism used by the institution to evaluate the achievement of
goals and objectives.
Design of the mechanism used by the institute to evaluate the assessment of goals and
objectives as follows :
guidance of the
preparation for
and  achieving
and objectives.
Follow up and
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
7.1.3 How does the institution ensure the quality of its academic programmers?
In order to ensure the inculcation of the best practices among the students, the College
has maintained a strict discipline at the campus and the students are required to follow the
rules and regulations assigned by the management / Principal of the College and strict
action is taken against those violating the norms. Academic programmes include
curricular and co-curricular activities. Foremost emphasis is given on Quality
enhancement of students by the College and in this direction proper assignments, midterm test, internal examination have been conducted by the college and also value based
programmes have been added in the working schedule of the College.
The day being with morning assembly which is followed by news and views and so to
provide a platform to the students for enhancing their communication skill and
personality development.
A tight teaching schedule and timely examinations ensure leaving no room for
complacency by students, maintaining discipline in the campus.
Quality enhancement is ensured by making a provision of internal marks on
attendance and discipline.
7.1.4 How does the institution ensure the quality of its administration and financial
management processes?
The administration of the institution is of monitoring nature viz. a) The principal provides guidance to the staff in their work,
b) The principal often gives feedback and encouragement for better performance,
c) Motivation is always given for innovative practices,
d) Meetings are often held so solve problems,
e) Follow-up is taken of the responsibilities allotted to the faculties,
In this way administrative process is carried out.
f) Financial management is another important aspect of the organization. Proper
planning and implementation leads to quality improvement.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
7.1.5 How does the institution identify and share good practices with various
constituents of the institution.
Teaching: Learning and work experience is the principle of working of this institution.
Good practices are ensured at all stages. Discussions are held to remove shortcomings
whenever an activity is organized. Good practices are shred and exchanged with other.
Various Subjects Boards: These Boards prepare handwritten magazines. Guidance is
often sought from the faculties to prepare write-ups.
Co- curricular Activities Boards: theory work is closely related with practical’s. These
Boards look after organizing different activates.
Advisory Committee: The committee case for bringing in new ideas. Sharing of ides is
done for improving professional performance.
Library Committee: Library Week is celebrated every year & discourse by eminent
persons on various topics.
7.2 Inclusive Practices :
7.2.1 How does the institution sensitize teacher to issue of inclusion and focus given to
these in the national polices and the school curriculum.
The College has been successful in developing a healthy work culture and traditions
by combining the core courses together with cultural and literary actives, helping in the
inculcation of civic responsibilities among students.
7.2.2 What is the provision in the academic plan for students to learn about inclusion
and exceptionalities as well as gender differences and their impact on learning.
There is provision for “Group work” in the academic plan for students to learn
about inclusion and exceptionalities as well as gender differences.
The Group work is arranged for:
Lesson demonstrations,
Handbook writing work,
Co-curricular activities,
Discussions sharing of experiences and emotion make students interact freely.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
7.2.3 Detail on various activates envisioned in the curriculum to create learning
environment that foster positive social engagement in learning and selfmotivation.
Seminar, debates, workshop, co-curricular and extra co-curricular activities
are engaged time to time to create learning environment in learning and selfmotivation.
The various activities include:
1. Academic,
2. Social,
3. Co-curricular,
4. Sports,
5. Value Education based,
6. Motivational,
The Academic activities include:
Weekly Assignment writing,
Subject wise seminars,
Preparing Handbook,
Preparing Annual,
Psychological Experiments,
Case Study,
The Social Activities include:
Participation in rallies, etc,
Participation in Govt. sponsored activities,
Co- curricular Activities include:
Evaluation workshop,
Demonstration lessons,
Audio-visual Aids workshop,
Special Day celebrations,
Work Experience workshop,
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
Psychological Experiments,
Practice Teaching,
Sports Activates include:
Sports week,
Participation in their college / university level sports event,
Value Based Activities include :
Weekly Lessons,
Various Cultural programmes,
7.2.4 How does the institution ensure that student teacher develop proficiency for
working with children from diverse back grounds and exceptionalities?
Practice Teaching programme and Internship are the occasions wherein the
students are exposed to children from diverse background and exceptionalities. The
internship programmes include the following teaching and co-curricular actives:
Teaching, Organising contests, Organising Social events, Sports, Cultural
programmes, etc. These opportunities make the students learn about the needs of the
children with exceptionality.
7.2.5 How does the institution address to the special needs of the physically challenged
and differently-abled students enrolled in the institution? They are helped by the
facility as well as the students.
They physically challenged and differently – abled students enrolled in the
institution are helped by the faculty as well as the students.
7.2.6 How does the institution handle and respond to gender sensitive issue ( activates
of women cell and other similar bodies dealing with gender sensitive issue)?
College has constituted a women cell to resolve the issue of the girl’s students.
But no such type activities ever takes place in the College the women staff / girl’s
students is never harassed.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
7.3 Stakeholder Relationships:
7.3.1 How does the institution ensure the access to the information on organizational
performance (Academic and Administrative) to the stakeholders?
All planning for the development of the College including implementation and
evaluation of the academic programmes is discussed in the meeting of the
management committee and the decision is taken by the management committee. The
College conducts various curricular and co-curricular and extracurricular activities
ICT related teaching to create an overall climate conducive to learning. Good
discipline, effective teaching, punctuality and sincerity of staff, good examination
results etc. results in stakeholder’s satisfaction. The College follows the action,
decisions, police, practices suggested by its management committee.
7.3.2 How does the institution share and use the information on success and failures of
various processes, satisfaction and dissatisfaction of students and stakeholders
for bringing qualitative improvement?
The main goal of the College is evolving a complete man by means of
achieving academic strength, moral and spiritual value and social responsibilities and
that is the way the College determines students satisfaction relative to academic
benchmark. Yes, this approach is updated in view of the current and future
educational needs and challenges. Increased teacher-taught interaction in and outside
the class in social service activates, one day camp, co-curricular activities helps to
attract and retain students leading to enhance students performance and to meet their
expectations of leading, imparting value-based education is emphasizes, stressing an
all round development of the individual. Special attention and care to personal
problems are duly provided to the staff by the management. Any type of complaint or
suggestion is definitely taken into consideration and used in the improvement of the
organization and for the better stake holder relationship and satisfaction.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola
7.3.3 What are the feedback mechanisms in vogue to collect, collate and data from
students, professional
community, Alumni
other stakeholders
programme quality improvement?
Questionnaire and oral feedback mechanism is used to collect data
Students Feedback Questionnaire.
Alumni Feedback Questionnaire.
Headmasters’ Feedback Questionnaire.
A meeting of the Headmaster of the Practicing School is held at the beginning of
the session. Discussions are held at planning is done accordingly.
Alumni Associational also provides feedback and suggestions for improvement.
In-charge personally contact with the alumni and gets feedback from them.
K.M. Asghar Husain College of Education, Akola